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. ' � Jf_n -•,- �._ _ "_ i . _ � .F fl>' <br /> • <br /> ��__ . <br /> ._;__ .• - ..u_.. ._ »�_ - :- . .- r - . _ <br /> .._ _ .�_._ � ... 1 r�.__" _ �� _.. 1 <br /> . ° �i - ' . - •. _t:._ i .:r' - '.i - -' . --r.'.� _Cr � .. <br /> '- " r- _ - _':. f,.t. ._.: � � �� �����u � � s <br /> `•pp11 ble Isw m�y tptcity for rein5tatemem)befote 9de ol the gtopx+iy pprnuant to wet�o s e cont nsd In Nil%�. � ; <br /> S ryLuuumengortb)en�ry ofatudpmentcnfaro)ng�hle8edultyJ�awtnenc 7riose4pnditionsAn�hqt8o�owu ( <br /> f:. E11 tli�y widcn U� du0���`!lWS Set�ty in3lrvment pnd tAe Nak W!t�o aetctetaUai��'_` <br /> aCC i(D)euroaehY.p,�f�ullotanyqtAeecoygnani.TOregrecnc�nb;(o peyi�l}dipCpec�inwrtcdlnenlorefng�hl�8S�udty : , ,� - <br /> - i�litdimerL'inclUQip�;6a)ho�Lnl4�d to,�ePte ett4mey�'t�la,.�d(dy takel.such at�on u.F.ender may�SAwnqOig . <br /> _ rfyu)ce tq na�uro q��pta qen ofiNa�ecurlty Ing�ment,t.e(�Cerl d�hu m@e Pluperty end eouowcei�ob�igedon to p a y'�hq ` <br /> 4ume 1ecu�ed by Ai f�'�ecudty G tatroment eh !con Unuo u n c heng e d. Upon re lmretemEqt by Bcumwu, t M� g e f w ity <br /> sGpmepi Andthb 6DIIgalloni �ed hereD ehali rcmafn tpliy efkcNvo e�It ao peaisro�lon hed occurce0. HowoveR�f�. <br /> Ip G 6�u y <br /> r7gbt t6 rctoatate ahall not epplyln Wo case o(ecoeleroUon undcr paiogreph►7. <br /> . -IA ��ta.ot Note CAanSe of Loan Bervlm. Yha Noto or e pazdel inte(est in the Noro(wBaher wlth thta 8ewrl�y ' - <br /> ing�wnent)may be.w�d ono or more Uma wlNout prior noUco ro Borrower. A eate mey rault in a chenge In�ho entity <br /> (known ee ilro'Loon 8ervteN'y p�at cullau manQily paymentt due ui�ECr the Note end thb Seeudty ImWmem: 77iwe elco <br /> may 50 ono or more chengw of the Loan Servicer unrelatM tb a�ele otthe Note: It chera i�a change ot the Loan Servioer, <br /> Bo[mwu wUl ho given writtea noHce otthe chenge In acoordanaa w8hpu�aph IA ebove end�ppllcable law. '(Ue noNse <br /> will sute the neme and addttea of tho new I.oaa 3ervloer end Iho eddreas ta which paymeau spouid 6o mada. 7Le notice wiil <br /> elso contain eny other Intormatton mquired 6y appliwble law. <br /> 70. Razardow 6u6stancea. Bortoiver ahaU not caueo or permlt the prcaence,use.disposel,aoroge,or reteese of eny <br /> Hazerdow Substenoa on or in tha Propcny. Bortower eAull not do,nor dlow enyone etu to do,any�hing affeai�tha <br /> Pmpedy that ia ln violadon of eny Hnvironmrntei Gw. 7T�e pre,ading two antenxs ehall not apply to tAe prcsence,use�ot <br /> crorage on the Prope�ty otsmap quantltlef otHazerdous Substancea�he[are genervlly recogniuA ro be eppropdero to nortnel <br /> raldentlal usa�and�o maintenance of[ha Property. <br /> Hortowu sAatl promptly give I.endu wrinen notico of eny InvesNgeBon,clatm,demand,lawsutt or other action Dy any <br /> goveramentat or rcgularory egency or p�ir�te party(nvolving�he Property and any Hezardoua SuWtena or Hnvironmental <br /> Law ot whtch Bortower has ectuel knowledge. If IInrtower leame, or(s notllied by eny govemmental or 2guLrory __._.__,_,..._. <br /> autho�iry,that my nmovel or other rcmediidon of eny Hezerdou�Subatana�ffadng the Propnty ia nexuuy,Bwrower —� <br /> �dNl prompdy uke all neassery rcmWial xttona in accordance with Bnvironmental Law. _. <br /> Aa used in thla paragwph]0."Hezerdoua Substencea"erc�hose subs�enaa deflned es roxic or hazerdoua aubstenaa by 6;-r:;�;:- <br /> Hnvlronmental Law end tho follo�ving aubsunces: gasoline,keroxna,othu flemmable or roxic petrolam producb,roxic <br />