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.�_. <br /> _ ' ;-_j-:��� <br /> ____...._... . . . � -. . . . : <br /> • . <br /> � -,. . . . . t . . . .• . ��. .1:". :r <br /> �. -.� �_" " . _ . T4►a��CdS+i3����i.-�qri�is���?�3t���i'GLS . _. __.� r .'__. .. <br /> 8780g , , . _ <br /> ,_:' . '. <br /> � .�ryis�w►+�o uNmoEV�.oaA�Nr n�n u maa wo�e,,,,_,a.y ar td�.,.r 9b�,r <br /> And N Nxrpo�tw kiso Ma�nM a arM+w to em«,�uppxmml ms fea�y�q�,ditp ot TNit a Bwvuly Ox4 ah�'• .:. .:" — <br /> - . •er�uay��I�ntW��mMt� 01 U11 HuM 0►Iti pivm by UN un�lpt�d M� 'Baiare'! to aewro BarowlrY Nol�.to �'Q <br /> OH�B�BY�'dSi�'d�.8.it6P4iltN��J,�YIt�Q9 @N}!!BnnnBS fk eomer�e�oni C� <br /> - phe•L�nd�ot N�aunt QaG�nd ooreMp Ne Prnpsry dasalb001n Ihr • '�-:;�,.� . � . <br /> E:Vfl�r kSeSNT�Y1!Gsd kG.'!e7 tL' � °._. . <br /> '�°"A GOF'0 QRA}7D 18La�D NEBRA8K4 eeB09 ___ <br /> —[OF�i�6 �u <br /> The Ropab NUude�,but b not MMd t0.�puoel ol WE 4nprov�d wM� Are&ip�topetha vAV�ot�a�uel�pucde�nd� ___—. <br /> ewYN oo�on wt�m0 aNtl��.��anabed ti�g OaVHNAPiTB OOND{TION8 AP1D BW�.AYJB OF ^ � <br /> � ww�.a... .9.� .._a� unuvnwoeo acneY�� W _ <br /> F'= <br /> M�'Urcluatbn'l.ih�Roqty b�YN ot�pMnnM untl EerdoPmenl Imown�s - -_- <br /> MO 'PUD'). Th�ROpxd WO NdUA00 BortOwa's 4�tOrHi N N�Aomeownerl�60oo4tlon a eQUNWlnt bntly o�MNO Ot -- <br />� m�n�pMp�h� ppmmpo uK��nd kr�tlea ol Ihe PUD Qhe 'Ownae AaooNtlon')�nd Iha uae�.DenefiU�nd proaeedf ot :a��`��___ <br />- Bortowab NtxuR � �,r.''° <br /> :�.:.�,._: <br />, PUD CQVENANTB• In addtlon to the eovmenb md a�eemenW meda N the BeouAly InaVUmen4 Bo�rowa cnd . A;�;,- <br />� LYIdN�WIhN OOPNIiIIt NC�Q�lO N IOEOWD: -.J.;:`,:''�_� <br />- A. PUD OBLI(iNTI0N8. eonower ehaE perlorm u o� earavers ohop�uone undn tho Wl�b OontNuent ��r?;s;-: <br />' Doaxnmte. The 'QanaUlwnt Doaummts• ue thr. m Dedeiatlon: W Wofa� ol NwNOratlon. w�1 h�trument or �nY r:.i. . <br />= oqulnlant dooument rrhleh aatea tho Ownen 0.ti�odatlon;�nd(�a�ry by�evw or olha rvla�a ropuYUau ol the Ovmere �_, ��i��.. <br />= AasocLtlon. Bonowx shd promply Pry� wAen dus. �E duos mC iaaeaamente Impoaed Dunuent to the ConsNUent �+rny.�z. �- <br />- Doamenu. �^-.. . �. <br /> �.:s..,.,- <br />_ �a..HA7ARD,�NbWUikRN Po�InauMp9the PrWaH wl�kh b eatlafa��lenda md w�MO�h DrovlPdes insuruiea �sak;;:��?-��. <br />_ .��._. <br />- oorOnya N th0 un0unt0, tw 1he peAOAA enA apeHSt ihe heterd9 lenOer requ48t, hdudhp ke and hexerde hdudod �?�%��;;,4,., <br />- wn�N the tmn'admded oovenpe'�ihen: »:••�,.:' <br />_ �..r,;.,.:.:- <br />�= p) Lenda wWas the prorblon in UnMOrm Covenant 2 br the monthN pnyment to Lender o1 the Yeary peMum -,�.a��,,r:;'_� <br />- NsWmenb for heiud Neurenae on the ProPerlY•md �i;,�:n��-;�.. <br />- W Bortowal�obYyatlm under UnMOfm Covenent 6 ta maNteN huard Ineuranee ewerege m the Prapeny la deemed �t}";y�T,;--. <br />= e�tleeed to the mEent Ihflt ihe tequ4td eoverage It Prorided 6y Na Ovmero AssodaUon Dolloy. �}y�:�-:-:�• <br />-_ Bortowe�dwl pNe lendu prompl noUCa of arry lapae h requ4ed htrard Nwrenea covereye provldeA by the metter a 1�Ritt:�.;_ � <br />.' blenkel Dobi'• � -�� <br />-- In N� avml ol � msu0vuon oi huard msumnce proceade in ku oi rataa6on or repa fcHuwny a tv:a F; tha "�t�y,:-.. <br />= Ro BrtY. or to Cdnmon meie mtl 1ae0Nea ol ihe PUD,ety Woeeoda peyabla to Barower ere her �esl ed end ehel �r �-���- <br /> _ p °bP 9� 1{i'y;%'i:: <br />= be p�ld to LenMr. Lmdat ahY apPy��e proeeatls to ths tuma eecured by the SeaMy Nswment, x11h eny ezeess peld <�,r;:__, <br />�= lo Borrowa. ii i!:iq;.: <br />= C. PUBLIC LIABII.ITV IN8URANCE. Bortower aha[take auch aWOnn o msy M reaaonede to hsw�met � rr..,�i� <br />._ Ihe Ownq!Ai6odatlon mWIWD s pubYO l�bPly Namanee poYry aooepNbla h lorm.unount Nd exlmt ot eorae90 to ,'Jl,;,��,,:•: <br />�- Lmdx. 4.•<::._.: <br />= D. CONDEMNATION. The proeeeda ol any award or deim 1or damagea. direct or eonaequentlal, pnpble to �'.�,:.'�:;- <br />- Bortowe�In eonneGlon vrllh ury oondamnellon or olhe�Wdng oi N or�ny pul ol the Propery a tha eommon areae �nd •• ��';--� <br /> -i;;-.:-�`-. <br />= qcdUaa of ths PW, or lor my oomeYence N Ynu ol eondenuwWn,ee hereby eedpnad end aha0 be peld to Laider. ei.,��;,__- <br />-- 9uoh prooeeda eMl be�ppled bY�uider to Ne suma eewmd by the Saa+Ary Newmmt e�D��ded N UnNOm�Corenent ,;;.{,:;,,�_. <br />_ �o. :�.:s;�, <br />' E. LENDER'8 pRIOR CONSENL Bonower nhao no1. arapt onx noYw to Lendn end wXn Lendere ptlor .;t,.,,��;,` <br /> wAiten wnsen4 dlhx pnUbn w eubdHide No Woperty w anaenl to: -. <br />= m Ihs abuWOnmant orterminetlon ol Ihe PUD. ezoaDt fa ebendanmant a temilrelion requYed by len N the ase ol ��'.�f';t�__. <br /> � 6ubatuNd desW Wm by Me o�other eaeudry a in the ase ol�taldnp by eonEemn�ibn or miMmt daneN: ::�:�- <br />`� (� �ny �mendmenl lo my prmMlon ol Ihe 'COnsIlWen1 Doeummte' M 1he prorislon ia ior th� �msa benolM1 ol •� � `� <br /> � Lendx '` .. <br /> ; (IY) icnNnalbn ol proleubnel maneqement end easumptlon ol sellmenagement ol the Ownm Aaaodatlon:or .�..r c� " <br />:-� (h� eny�otlon whloh ww�d h�re iha e11ed ol rendxNp t�s puWe 0eD01y Nsvnnce covenqe m�lmainetl by �ha t,�:, __�_- <br /> �'a <br /> Ormen Aseodatlon uneeceD�ble ro LmOtt. F �-.�":;.:. <br /> F. RBMEDIEB. ��Bortw'+or d00o nol pay PUD Auea end esnesamenU whm dua,thm Lender mey pey them.My [�;�-::_;_-:; <br /> amounts Gebuned by Londa unEer 1hb pereqreph F M�Y beeome e00111ona1 tlebt ol Bortowtt seareC by the BewrLLy i_�;,���.-- <br /> In�YUment Unleea Bovmver e�d Lmder ayea to other tc+ma ol paymcnt.thea�mounW nheY bear Interoat from Ne dete ����,�;;; <br />�`�? ol daWraemenl al tha Note nto end nheA ba payeble, wXh NlaeeL upon noYCe kom Lmder to Bonower requeatlng ��;i.�... <br />':1 p0ymmt. - <br /> � BY SIONINQ BELOW. Bonower euepte anG eyree�to Ihe Imna and D��sions wnWned in ID0 PUD Aider. The <br /> ' unAersgned bonowa(nl edmowiedge:s) recdpt ol�eopy o1 ih4 Nai m�. ,�_--, • <br /> ' �.�. '� '`. .�._ <br />�-__� �jf� v�•• �SEAL) {: _ . <br /> ( <br />,; �� � <br /> I <br />.:i amwe� �SEAL) • <br />-� � <br /> 9 <br />. : <br />- - ��� <br /> �Oxl� <br />.� \w�l� <br /> - �OFl� <br />•.1 <br /> MULTlTAIE PUD pDEN•3MG�qrety•FMMA/FHIMC UMfMM iNSTPU��EHf Fam Jt'A 990 <br /> F1WY.1lAO q/➢71 <br /> ..1 <br />�,� 516l7 ' � <br /> � <br />