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,f � _ <br /> � �eL.i� ' . . _ — . _._ . . <br /> � " _" ' <br /> . 18. 6arrower's Ripht to RelnelHe. II BonowM mNp oeMln oonauon�, 6o�mvw shu mxs m�riyK io iu'r�in(wa�mn ` _T __—"_-� <br /> - - -- d�aorthu W q my 6a pAor to N�w9e ot (�)0 d�yn(a�ueA oNa D�d sa�ppCabte 4w mq�aD�N for rotiaptam�nn htla�W� <br /> _-= of Ih�Aopwy punwnt to arry paxn ol eJ� aontW�a N IAU BeaAry NswmrnG a@) enUy ol�ptlynent mtor4np W� B�WAy <br /> ��?�`�+� InaWmML Tho��oonBtlon�v�Wt Omrowa: (q ptye Lender�avms whkh Ihen woub 6e due undN Ilda BawAy IneWmmt rnd Ih� . —___-- <br /> ���� NoN as q eo eaeNaslbn AW oenure� N) wma uq ddaW ol any otha oorenmt or nyeemomr. (o) WYa d e�enaae�arte0 h --±..<<•-.---- _ ..,___ . <br /> �_�.� mtadny thb BeouAy NaWmm1, Ndu�nq, bu1 no1 IMIaO ta re+eomDla �nomeya' feea; end (C) Yk�a auoh ictlon u Landx mq <br /> t a_:f,wr� ti�py rpuq to apur�ihq N�Wn ol ihlf 80wAb NnWmanM UndN�tlOMe N th�iropuly md BorrowaY obVgtVOn to pry N� ��:..� <br /> �� sume e�tured Gy tNa Bearriy NsWmenl tM0 oonlNu� unehmped. Upon rolneYtement Cy Borrowa, Nlf BeamAy In6Wmn1 rnA N� �- �-, � �� -: ,-: <br /> '' obAptlbnt��wwrOd h�nby tAd�MNN My�flaolHS a 9 no taNantlon NE oaurro0. HowNk, Nb dpht to ralm�b sh�not�pDb M <br /> ` R-� Ne asa ol�aoetuatlon undK pu�pnph 17. �'' 4?��Z �- r--i <br /> � r 18. Balo 04 Notat Chanpa o9 Loan Barvloar. The Note or � pW�l Inlaotl N the Nole po0olhM wllh ike Bewly .-, --, -- •.. <br /> 'r''�,�^� InaWmenp mry Ee eold aro o�mae tlmee wllhoul D���u lo Bortava. A tW msy nwtt H �eMnp�N th��nllly pmoxn a N� s`:d3 - <br /> � - 'Loan BeMeer')thal ooleob monlhy paymenb du�undN N� Note md Wf 8aemlly In�Wmenl. Tha�Wo m�y 6�one or mon ohenp�� lm Mq���� �'T �s,r <br /> ����`��t ehan eLN�nu wMt1fanq'��h 1/�Dma md WPka61e Itw. Tt10o 0'ECO ve�6�0 le he n me�e waro D 01�hBwn 19v7 LOM BtMI� �`�.ui�ft� � �� :,. <br />.:r t{h'./���I 0 • iT !"�)11 J�1��} �4\�lf r� <br /> ,�zy-�. end Ne addreaa lo wFdoh prymenk thould be mide. The noUU w0 dao oonWn ury other hlormetlon roqu4ed by�ppleable kw. a .�'fir"�. t'4ia,,;;•,;;� <br /> ` 20. Hazardou9 Subatancoa. earowa ehe! not eeuea or v� the prenenea use. 6spoal. aronge. or rdeaae w my `��;{. x � .��`t :: <br /> ':� ���`.5 �Harardoua Bu6slanee�on w In the Ropay. 8arowa ahal nol do,nor eCOw�nyane ebs to do. urythlnp�ReCUnp Na Propefly IMt b In �'rr `1" t i �. .. <br /> 7 �yh� f TE�� <br /> ��}T �v rloktlon ot ury EnvYOnmenW I�w. Tho preca0ing two tenlenu�ahall not�ppy to t�e proatnee,uee,a atonye w Ihe Properiy of emY �� i �y '_ <br /> %� t �qu�nWee ol FNWEOU� S�b6I�neH�hnl oro pMeqCy reoDpnlxeC to be epptoD�a�e to nomW realAmllel vaee ond lo mein�minee ol Ihe i- t1;� r��� �yy- •- <br /> � �< �ui _t <br /> -,.ef;.���i, � P�opO owa ahN qumP�Y pNe lenAa wARen notbe ol�ny hves�Wa6on,deim, OemendJewaull or olha edlon by any Bwemmenlel or �'��i�%;f„�`x��r"�`�._. <br /> - �a t,.�; regWtory�pen�y or ptMle party hrokinp the ProP�Y�d ury Huardws SLbatenee o�EnWOnmenW Ww o/whirAi Bortower hta aduN ?�,�..`3!Jit.�I.:_`_r_.- <br /> , i �---- ImovAadya N Bortowr levns, v b no11Md by ury poremmmtal or �eyuNlory eulhorRy, that eny rommal or olha remed�tlon ot mry - ' rrII��{{ -�---- - <br />.,i yN ip' � Hezetdous 8u6tWee�BadNp the Dropeny b naeesaery, Bonawar eheL D��P�N leke e0 neeeasery remedW aetlon� N eaaGnu wllh i�+ej�}��`�ai;r Jr��_�:� <br /> � �� ' 3��. Envlronmentallsw. s °" '��F'�" : <br /> ;- s€4�� N uaed N ihU pvaymph 20. •Hemrdou� 8ubsleneea' are ihose aubatenees deMed ae Iodo or heurdous substancas by rr"�� �,�i^"� . <br /> � �P..� ! <br /> ,'�n��� � herbicldBa�rolaNe oNm�0.'metwleb sconWnNy.ebea�lo's or�lom�eldehyEe. �nd ndloa��mafa1ANe. mAe o aed'h Ihb Para9mPh ZO �s�!�7�x��y�����__'. <br /> `��r�y ei'r�,� 'EmironmenW law' meme tederel kwe enA kwa ol tho JuAShcctlon whae iha PropeM W �oealed ihet relale lo hoellh, eefery or :}��, i� r :a��,: <br /> � x -" env4onmantY MoteWon. �� Y�' tis r i�i8� <br /> v�jrt� t;" NON•UNIFORM COYENANTB. 8orrowa end Lender IuMer covenant end�gree es IoEOwa: ` �k r�� d5;�-:-. <br /> 7� £�ln 5� 21. Aooata�otlon; Remedtee. Lender ahell gtve notice to Borrower prior to eooeleretion toilowlnp _ r7* ` �' .�':. <br /> '�`ti""^• BorrowarY bro�oh_ot any aovenant or agreement in th�a Seouriry Inatrumant (but not prior to aooeteratlon � �,�:'•:��'y}ys;;_; <br /> > r <br /> � e .- Lt�.' .� � <br /> . - undsr p:r�raph 1? nnte� sppllcable I:W proeldes oihsrwlee). Th? not!o? sholl epeniy: (a) tha dafault >�r . _._ . <br /> +};�i_.,: (b) tha aotion �aqulrad to oura the defauli; (o) a date, not lesa then 90 deye trom tha date tha notloa U - `��.� �.���`,�� <br /> ,��i� '�t given to Borrowar, by whlch tho de}ault muet b� oured; ond (d) thet failure to oure the detault on or ,__, , ti1`1;s`-��,, , <br /> � �-,. before th� data eps¢Itied In the noHoe may reauit In eccoleretlon of tha euma eeourod by thla Seouriry Y y is q�s- <br /> �--It; Inat�umeM�nd eala of tha Propertp. The notloe shell furthor Iniorm Bmrower of the right to relnatate aftar > - <br /> -_� { f ' aooelarotion end the right to bdng e ooud ectlon to asaort tho nomexletence of e defauit or any other �'`, t ?�*,�l� °_, <br /> � t -c° detensa of Borrovrer to aooeleretlon end eale. If the dotault Is not aured on or before the deta apeotfled �-'- �f ` - y�i :� <br /> �-�"�g��.;; in the notiae, Lendar at It� optton may requlre lmmadiete paymant In full of all euma eecured by thla �''-, -. y - � � <br /> r���� : Seourtty Inehument without furthar demand end may fnvoka tha power of eale and eny other remediea , , r, �� '� <br /> f` perml@ed by appltoable law. Lander ehall be entitled to oollact all expensea Inouned In pursuing tha � ,rf __ <br /> � � - ., remediea prov�dad in thte paragreph 21, Including, but not Ilmitod to, reasonabla attomeye' feea end coete .T.;- -. <br /> - ,•�: of title evidence. !°>�� <br /> - If the power ot eale Is Invoked, Truatoe ehell �ecord e notice of dofeult In oach county In whicb any �' - �":- <br /> J �'-�, part of the P�operty ia looated and shall meil coplea of such noNce In the menner p�eacribed by appltoablo � - r � ,-} t- <br /> - law to Borrowar and to the other persone presoribed by eppllaeble law. After the Nme required by �_ <br /> �- � applioable law, Trustee ahall gtva pubtic notice of sele to tha p¢reona and in the manner preecribed by � t% - <br /> ' + -_ :s epplioable law. Trustea, without demand on Borrowar, shall eail tha Proparty at publlc aucNon to tha F . ';�- �-.,-,'�' <br /> ,��r�,`�, .�. higheat bldder at the tlme end plece end undar the terma deaignated In the notice of aele In ono or more �• ' ��t . :n•._ <br /> � �� � ii-:� parcota end In any ordar Trustae datarminee. Tmataa mey poatpone sale of all or any parcel o} tho E _ �1 _,,.,._ <br />.:.,.F•�i;.•�" Proporty by pubilo ennouncamont et tha time and place of eny prevtously achedulod sale. Landar or Ite 4 _ §_;;,-.� - <br /> _ _ �'"� deaignee mey purohase the Proporty at any sala. ' � . . , <br />� Upon rooelpt of payment of the prico bld, Truetae nhall delivor to the purchaser Truatao's deed `, � <br /> ��;:�y��-����` conveying the Proporty. Tho recitels In tho Truatoe's daed ehall ba prime tacle evidenco of the truth of <br /> '-��. tho stetamante meda lharoin. Trustaa shall apply tha procoada of tha ealo In the following order: (e) to sll <br /> ooate end expensae of axerclsing the powar of sele, and tho sale, Including tho peyment of tho Trustao'e <br /> � _ teoe eotually Inouned, not to excoed 3.00 Yo of the princlpai emount of the note et the lime of the - <br />.- � decleration of defeult, and raesoneble ettorney's fees ae permltted by law; (b) to all sum� soCUred by this <br /> '� Sacurity Inatrument; end (c) sny axcass to the pereon or porsona legally enHtled to it. . <br /> � 22. Roconveyence. upon neymmi oi eu sums eewred by 1h6 �ecudty InsWmenl. Lender the0 reWeat Tmstee to reeonrey t�e <br /> . Propeny and ehell surtenAn thia Seatlty Inswment end ell notes eriEmUnp debt secured by Ihta Stturiry InsWment to T'uslee. T(ustee <br /> � eheE reeonry Ihe RopMy w11hoN wumnty end withoul charqe lo Ihe person or persona leqe0y entille0 10 d. Such pernon or persone she0 <br /> ... pey!ny fOtadlllOn C06IS. <br /> - 23. Subatitute Tru8t6B. Lend�. a� ns opGOn, may Imm time �o iino remme Tmstee enA eppoint e suaessor ws�ee to eny <br />� � - � TM�eo�ppolnldC haounder by�n InaWment racotdeE in tha counry in nAkh IMn 3¢w�lry Insbvmenl B reoordeE. 1Yphoui conva/nnte ol <br /> f�e Nope�ty suaeaaor Wftoe nhaA aueceed to el�tho�nle.Dowu entl tluties confened upon True�ee hnein en0 Ey�ppYCaDle lew. _ <br />- - �n. nequoai ior rioiieun. ommwor mquwia inei wv�vi i�e�vw"v3 v�.md���a.-...6a.a..a ea.-...a .,:,..—.......:......�.��.�.. <br /> la Ne PmpMy AEOrefs. <br />- 25. Ridera to thla Socurity InstrumenL n one or more dden are ezewte0 Gy BoROwu end reeo�ded toye�hn wi�h �h0 <br /> :�.:r�<�; gew�ly InsWment, N� wvmanb and egreemmis of ea<h nuch Nder aMl be Ncorpom�etl imo anA sheG emmd anA supd��� �he <br />- - �ovenanla end ayroemmu ol thb 3eadty Inswment as tl the rider(s)wera e pon ol thb Sewriry Inawmml. <br /> :`.:i^. . <br /> - 'i-�' P�9e�a�5 or.�p}p 990 <br />. T,•�'f`t� %U!Y-lM0 N/0]) <br /> �^)il':�'e " _. <br /> },y�- : _ �� � i <br /> '•�i St6Ef , I _ _ . <br /> � <br />