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� , : _ __ <br /> r� ... � . . _ , <br /> , <br /> _ <br /> _ � no►a-Rwl� m�cii�in�SjwM+�iensrt iarti tfdw�u r�,.td ii.wt�i0e is5f i�ia�i;5�a.tvt-Q�-�c'�FSx i��Ca � - _ <br /> - {i6iiii R�ft�BNJw�fint Firbq�r»AN ol tafi�t�Y6rQ fran W»to fri�+.17 Ub.0.¢R01 at u�('f1E8PA•),un.'�9 dM'�e frq . <br /> - � ���ppili-/b{�d iund.l till��.!.MNK Mn0Yn4 I(f0.C�tdN liMy.�►ud u�,oo�a i�a-naa v��a���n�.n fmounr��v►ia a�a.s <br /> ' -� �ai+r rmbunt t�harmy�+•ue,rtwum m nmaa a.on u�.6�e�m cunm�mm Na rwonoa.aa,rs„ m e�.,ao+n+� <br /> -� ' NM�.EtSf91Y IJI�L flLffNNNM9 YI�4�Gd111G N'AA WP�CiDI01tW. .. `c - <br /> 1'A�FYndi tfiit W Arld N �n HtUluOoh wAot�dpotE�v�hsured EY�fa0eal�y�noy, hiwmmlatty,o��n�hY d�alu�9 Lidda.Y ---- — <br /> � tqnd.r p.�pCA�il h�tl4Map a M m7l iRdrN.Han�lan B+nk UMx sMe�pppt U�Fun4s lo pcy 0�Etttaw Itxni. lan6w mry m� <br /> r,hu��Bcnowr ta holAny�nd qpppYiO N�'NnOa mnuay m�ytln9 tns eaacw �000uni, a rafynp ifi�Ear:tiw itahl,tudit�Lxs+f7 <br /> pryo Bortowr htlrNt an N�Fund1�nd�pp1uQl�I�w pxmlt�Landa to mUw�ucA�envpr. Howrya,Lmdw may nquYS 8aroww to ---— <br /> � pq�onsf(m�cMip�la m hdrp�ndnl rN H�t�W rpoNnp aaHU w W by LenEa N oonnwtlon w11h Ihp Wm.uNH��ypk�bN Yw <br />.. -., p�oNGoi oNG'M3a Unes1 an a{�a:mtaU b medo or aRD���e LT+ requUe� hlttnt to 6a pe,W, lendn ehN not be requYM to qy E -. .-....,.-. .., .. <br />----- BortowN�ny Nixa!q�YNtpe on Ih�Nndl.Borcowx u�d l�nder m�y�pree N wiNMp hows�a,that htaeef eM1 b�pdd on N�iunM. f.--- .__. . <br /> LxiQer shY pM�to Bortowa,withcN chvp6�n�nnutl iecaunlNy ol Ne Fundx Mm+My aa��end deEltt to N�Fund��nd IM Puryo�� r::`-`,_..---... . <br /> - lor rAi1cA wdi dWR to IM funds rn�maQa Tlia Pond�ue pNd9h�e�dmtlon�l�eafl4r tor�o aume wwrad 6y Nla Bewdry In+wmm4 E:2�F-=--°.- <br /> = N N�iwds hNA ty L�ndu aoad th��maunte perm4ed lo be hetd by�ppVabb 4w. Lenda a�Y a000uM to Borrowa for N� �i:;�r��-=--. <br /> exeesn FunG M�oeord�na vMli th�requWmante of�ppla6ls 4w. tl tho unount ot Ne Funda hN0 by lmda et nny tMne b nol�uMCknl �-Y�� _ <br /> - M to pq N�E�txow Ilortu wh�n du0. Lcndi+mry w notly Bommra h mfWp,m0. h euoh mae BortawN eheA pey to tmdn ih�unount � -. . <br /> - n�elpary to m�k�up N�dMtle�q. Barowa aMA m�ka uD�s deEtlenay N no moro thm IweNe monlhy prymante. tl LandNe sW� - �� <br /> .r� deaNbn. ��� ���.r: <br /> � UDOn qymenl N AA ol a9 eums eaaxed by Wa 8acurlty NaVumen4 Lender aluo Dromply rofund to Qortowa nry Fundf hNd Ey �if uc �.s.�_ <br /> ,�� � Lendw. 16 unda puaQ+ph Pt, lmda eMl�opuYS a te0 Na Propxy.Lenda.Poor to Ne�oqulytlon or aN ol the Propary,slu��PDN •'F}'S ��' _ �� <br /> ury FunO��YO by Landv u N�LLn�ol�opW�PoOn or We�s s aedl�yWat the aum�eewred by th4 Becurlq InsWmant. - F ---- <br /> '�+ 8.Appll0�t1OR 01 P�yR1�11U. UNess�DPD��e kw provldq olhavASa�7 paymenp reeeNed by Lendw unda pew�oyh�7 md ��t�` .� <br /> y� � 2 aN1 b�sppNa MC to vy prpryment eharpu due under iha Nole; �eaan0. to emounte prye6le untla penqnph P,NYd to Mera:1 ---- <br /> dua Pourih,to prindpY NR�nE 4s4 to my I�te eharye�due unda ihe No�e. ^ r��v�+t''t-_-_ <br /> ;�=�y� A. Chug�t; Wtlf. Bortowa ehe0 pey�1 lexea, esaaamenle, ehar8e�• Mea end Mpoeitlom athibule6b to iho Propay whkh � �� F�»��-,�-� <br />-�•�'.'3] Nhln ApAry ovqthl�BewAy Netrumen4 an0 leesehold mu or aund rente.M m . Baravn she7 ihe�e oWg►tian N Ne •���:-,-�:�.-����-"- <br /> mtY D Wym i� Y WY ->���x-.;�, - <br /> .�:,}� nxnnm provlAed In pva�ph Y. a M not pdd N Wl menna. Barower shaG Dey Ihem on Wne d4euy w �he P� a+'�� F+Y�^m; i jf�lt��ii;+;;r:;: <br /> �.� BonDwd s�d promp7/fuMSh to LOnder N notlea� ot emounts to be pald unGd Nb peragnph. II Bortonx makoa ihese prym ,t .� „• _ <br /> �y�i d4eqlY�Bortower ah�➢WmWOY Nmtsh to Lender reeNpb eWdmdn9 Ne peymenb. �w,�v, -�`... '_•_ <br /> ?k ;1 Borrown tMl promp0/Aachupe e(ry len whleh lue P�b ova t�b BeaxRy InsWment unlese Bortower. (a)egreee N wA1N9 to N� � �� �'��w,�_ <br /> 'r � payment ot Ne oblp�tlm�earod by the 9m In e memx a000pLbk to lender. @) eontesW N pood lil�h tha len by.a delmdf�ga4iel ���;��;-.Yf��r+.:, <br /> y'� enlaoemanl ol No len N,UpU proeaertln4�which N the Lentla'�ophibn oPe�a�e to pevom the mloroement ol Ne ien:or(o)secwoa han r'�' '�f�}?`��'t' � <br /> -�•:� <br /> ,...,;� Ns holda o1 Ne Gm m��eemmt aetls4day ro Lmda avbormnat6p the�m to thia&wAy InsWmenL II Lenda dNe'mNa�Nst�nY 1,���?��`�_",����.,�� <br /> pvt oi U�PmYmY ia tubjiLi tu i iBn ciniu�rniy iilik ylin'n�'v�ii Pw-°v4�irf YIiiNR�i'1.1. LCIE.Y iS�"i 4`•'�BC�.O�C a�rol.�^R�SL�(y!n: <br /> t�+j� tne Gen. eortowa ehd xtlsy tM Cm or uke one or mao oi�he aWans set tonh ebove wnhN t0 day+ot ths ptmp ol notlea `f� �x�3z;• <br /> '��rIQ` <br /> ,�r' 8. Hazud or Proparty Inauronoe. Borrower aneu teeo u�e hnproremenU now aN�Wp a haea�a ereeteA on ths PropMy �1`� � e/�i1"-� <br />�=.�": Naurad ap�Wl bs� by ha herarde InUuded wAhN Ihe tertn •ealended oovera9e' end my oNer herarde. NduAny 1bod�or Iloodnp. la `�/;,r_:-;;b;�;�; <br /> �i� whiCh LendM taqu480 Naixu�ee. TNe NwRnee sMG be meN�aNed N Ihe unounte end for tha pe�bda Net Lmda reQUYet. Ths htuMa � �.t+,� ��•,,"�� <br /> ' � 4 r,.t.. <br /> .-:ryY,: prtla provlmnp �he N�wuue ehe7 bo ehosen by Barowu aubleet fo Lendete epprovel whidi ehai not be unreuone6y wXh�eld. tl `,....,..{+;!�,r';•::__. <br /> -;?-?,c Bortower fW to meNltN oorefege dnamed �bove. Landd may,el Lendefe opllon. obWn oovttep� to prola% Lenda'e dghU N N� :a':_���!r�:,.;'����: . <br /> _"i;; Propeily In�OtoManCe wNh peraqnPh 7. tr i *j ' p-,,:_.. <br /> - l Atl hwMU po0doa end ronewal+e�N be eoocplable b Lenda md Mel Indude e�Wnderd mortqape Wu�a Lmda ehW have N� f i x��s�„�,, <br /> s.+� dght to hold Ns poCdee�nA renevrda. H Lmdor requBea, Barowa theo prompU�gMe to lentler�Y reeNpts ol pYd DreMume and renewd �� +r �p�.�':� '_.. <br /> j4`� notleee. In 0�event ol losf, Barowor nheG pNa prompl nolka to tM Nwranee wiler and lmda. Lcnd�r maY m�ke qool of bs�B not ti 1 T r( -. <br /> mede GronW�N q'Bortowa. �,� �"' 4�-..�t�` <br /> ° Unkee Lende/and Bortower otAenNse egree In rnNnq. Neurana OroeaaW s�el be appled to rostoroYon a repeY ot tha Propeny - � � ._ <br />-,.-;%.� dtnuged, H the restonYOn a repe4 b eeonomlWy leesrole end Landere eew'Ry 4 not lesaeneo. N tho re+loraUon a raprt Is no1 � s�} , `'.� � y.� <br /> , < � � <br /> !< 000nomkaDy feasmle or lmdefe eeeurly would 6e lossened,tha Nswanea proueM shall 6e epp4ed to Ihe sume�earetl by this BewMy ' � t1 ?� -: <br /> InsWmmt wheNa a not Nm due,wllh a�ry euew�paW to Barowa. 11 Bortowe�bandone Na Properry, a doea no[�nswe�w71hN�0 ``t is � F'<� �. <br /> _-� dLy� a nOtlCO from Lend6r Ilut lh0 N6V,anCe Certln hae oXtled lo NIYe e W4n.lhen lender mey Co7eU Ne InsunnCe proteodl. Lenda �� }����'� <br /> _� dJl..�_�'. <br /> may uae the D�a�ed�b�MW a�eatore Ne Proparly or to pey sum� aowretl by Ihis Sewdry Instrummt wheNer or nol tl�m due. Th� �y ay�P <br /> K�� �Y P��begN when the notlea b yken. :` J� ' . <br /> UNeas lentla end Bmower othaiMae eyea In wAWg.eny epp5c+tlon ol proeee0�to pdndpal ehcE nol mAend or postpon�1he du� � �5i � <br /> dale ol Ne ma�Nly prymenb roterted ro N yua{y¢phs t anA 2 a Uun90 Ne emounl ol the paymenb. It undt+peraqmph 21 th�Propary �` t �� ' <br /> t <br /> I��equtreA by Lmder.Barowere Ayht lo a'ry Nsuronu po�dea�nA proweda rcsuNnq ham damege ro tha PropMy prlor fo t�e uqulelUon '" ��� -- <br /> - ��;� �ha1 peu to Leneu to tN a2ent ol the sum�sewred ey�tus 8ewriry mswmem ImmeNatey pdor to tne eequislYon. _ <br /> - B. Occupanoy, Prosorvatlon, Metntonence end Protectlon of tho PropoRy; Borrowor's loan _ . <br /> �;:� AppltOat1011; L9880h01d8.Bortown�h�0 acwpy, eatnb9sh, enE uao!he Propeiy ee Bortarer'e qindpel ralAenoa wXhln �lay day+ f <br /> �. �IIer the ezecuUOn ol thb Securlry InaWmrnl antl she0 aominue to aapy tl�e ProD�Y�� Bortowere prindpel residmu lor el leant on� l� <br /> yeat aller tha dele ol aa0ency,unleae Lender othmvise �yrCe� N wtllNp. which tonsmt shU not 6� unreasmebly wMheld. a unlBf � <br />:.<... ., . <br /> �.,��� eaenualNp dramatoncw mdst which are beyond Bartowora conVOl. Bonower ahe7 not dentroy.tlameqe or Mptlr lhe Propwry.�7ow N� � ��% - <br /> 7roD�Y to CYie�aate.w cammtl we6te on Ne NopeM. �owu aM1 ba N tlelaW M eery fodeXuro�WOn or prxeeQmy.whoiher dv0 w 4: <br />_ cNNnel,I! beyun lhal h LmAOr f qootl IaM pdpnenl wu10 rcsuX N iw(etture ol the PropMy or olhercMa mate(1�%impet the Ilm aealeE [..," . <br />- - by thle Seamlly InaWmenl or Lendere sewiily Nkres�- Donower nuy wro suc� e aelaull en0 reNaub. aa O���d in W�9�*G� �B• M . <br /> '""- ce��Ny Iha �WOn a praeaAlny to be QiuNSSetl wAh e ruMg tML N Lmders qooe lanh aete�mNaOOn. Wedudes IwlNturc ot the <br /> :;y j BoROw¢r! IAMesI M Ihe Property a olher metMlal Implkmeni ol IN Oen pwltd by I�b Sew�Ry InaWmenl or LmOer'e seruAy hteresL <br /> Bortower shel elso be N delaull d Bortowe.Owiny t�e loan eOGOCetlon procese.yere melMaly lalsa a mecwrate Inlormalion or autemenU <br /> -- to lendd (ot h0e0 to prwi6e LenEa wllh arry metMa�Inlametlon) n connecuon wnn me ioan erwrncea oy[ne ivo�e, nduony,uui nof � � <br /> ::�:.1 NMetl to. rcpefonuliotn Cone6mhp Bortowein oaupNty ol Ihe Noperty u e qNdpal resiamce. n tnla Searity InsWmenl b on a , . <br /> Iasehoid. Barowp Md ca+r�pty wllh e1 Ihe plorisions of Ne lease. 11 Bortarx�cQu@es lee Wa to the RopMy. IDe Icqsehold�nA N� <br /> '"` lee Ytle eha7 not mttge unka�the lm0er eyeee to Ihe merptt N w�Nnq. <br /> c•�r>ti <br />:_� <br /> ..t_ <br />.'?`y�;--' V�N 2 0�S ca�n ri[J 9/➢D <br />:':t;.11 F�ot0.lMa(�9)) �^ . . <br /> :"l��f; � � � <br /> . �/� � <br /> : <br /> ; : etsef ' <br />