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<br />� � �~ *� 17,'i'r�u��vfcr uf Oi�e Ehv�pc��ly�r n 11cn�n�1�►1 Intcrc�t In llurnnvcr. IF idl ur+my pnrt uP�Gu 1'rnp�nv ur mq+ intorr.+a in(t _ +_ -
<br /> ` �T".� is nnld�►r trunsl'crred(�r if u h�ncliriul Intureti1 in Ili�rro�vcr is nuld ur tnmsfurr�:d nnd Hurr�iwcr iu n�►t n nnlutt�l perc:timf���Uh��ut .
<br /> - ' � Lcn�icr'y priue w�ittcn canbcnt, l.cndcr �nay, ul it�: o�tlan, �tiNuirc imm�:dlnic poymcnt i�i liill ul'nll w�uns �nu��xl Ny il►i:� E_. �`�`� i
<br /> .y�`` ' ti c c u�•i 1 y I n s t n�m n n t,N���vevcr.ihiv��ptlt►n sl�ull nut bc 4xci�:isc�1 hy l.undcr if e,r4r�i4� in pr�►ldhiU�hy li:d��r��l luw nti uf ttii�dntc • . � - �T-
<br /> *r-- �f ihia Sctu�tty InSir��mr��t. ` --
<br /> If l.enctcr ax�nises�hir��pti�m, Lcndcr�iiull�;ivc I2�►rruwcr noti��c M'ncccl�nitiun, 'ft►t�nusl�:���:��+dl �mwiitc�u{��rlusi ut'not _
<br /> ' ' lcsy thnn 30 dnyH trmtl lho dt►to Iho nulicu iti�cllvo�ul �u' malt::d�cithin �vhlr.h Eh�ira�er mu�t pe•y u� �u�nL �ccund by ltdy �- } '-
<br /> ,� - Sccur t ty i n s t rn m c n t.i i'H�►��r���vrr t�►iiti tn pa y thc�r:e:+ums prlur to tlu,��xpir:uion uf thi:;period, I.vndur inay invuke uny�mcdicv �; ._' _
<br /> '- � ,f permlu�Yl Gy thiy Sccurity Instnm�cnt wll huiu fu��hcr nuUcc ur�tt�nnmd un fiu�rawur. , - . _
<br /> - - !H. tturrmvcr'A !i[}�,ht la ltelnstute. IF R��rn►�vr.r m��etti ccrtnin cundhlan�;, liarruwcr shi��l huvc thu ri�ht tu hirv� _
<br /> cnforrement ot'Ihis Sccurity Instn�ment �lisc�mtinu�.�i ut nny Umc prfor ta tho curlicn•uf. (u) 5 da�yh U�r tiu�:h uthur prrl�Ht ua � ,
<br /> •�-- . � ttpnUaiblc lu�v nu►y spccii'y tor rcinst��tcmcnq hofi�re sidu uf thu 1'�Y►po��ty purnumU tu a�ny puw�r ut��ntp ccmtctimxl In this f
<br />° -- Sccurity Intit►�umcnt;or(b)cntry��f u jud�mvnt i+ntiirrinti Ihis Sccurfly In�Unmont. 'I'tiu�c cundiu�mr un: 1h�u Da�m����r: (n)pi+yy i .. _
<br /> -., l.cndcr nll �:ums wtdch thcn�voutd bo duc� undar this Sccurity InsuY�maiu and tha Motu ns if m�r�:in�I1hI+��S ti�ritv��ins�niment�
<br /> •-- .- � curv�,uny dcl'uult ��P nny nthcr cuvcnunls i�r ugr�:cmcnt��; (�) pays�►II uxpr.n.��� Inr.urrcd in ui f }1
<br /> �ncluding. but noi iiiniled tu, icu,an��bla attornc�s' fccs: and (�!? lukc��s���h nctlnn nv I undu� niny r�:a�m�jhly rcn�i�iru tt�aysurc ; - . _.. __: . .. .
<br /> that thc lien of this Sect►�ity InsUUment. I..under.ra•hcs in eho P��c�peny nnd Burru���cr's uhll�i��tiun tn�i+y tho �:ums secur4d by , _
<br />� .. � thi.r• Scru�it,y lnstnimcnt shnll ccmtinuo unchany�ti�. U��un n�nstutement hy I3ornn��cr. Ihi:� Sc:rurrty Instruntcnt und thc 's
<br /> • ,,,.������:� nbligi�tlims sccurcd hcn:by shilll (t:Ut:lill IUIIy C`fCl'{IYO:tv if nn.et�r;lui'+�Ui�n hi�d orcurr�:d, H!u�vuvcr, this ri�ht ta rc9nstuta shaU
<br /> ;�, =_ � •� not upply in�hc ca.0 of ac�rlerutiun undcr pi+ru�;raph 17.
<br /> • - • 19. Sulc oP �ic�ir,; 4'hi+si�c us I.�un ysrvt��r� Thu Note ur al partial in�urCS! in thu �tutu l�n�;othcr ��•ith thi� Sccurity
<br /> Instn�i��cnq mi�y bc aut�l�:nc vr nu>n.times with��ut priur nt�ticu tu B��m.��v�r A,salo muy result in u chan�o in thu endty (knu�w�
<br /> ', . ' ns thc "1.c�a�Scrviccr"1 titnt�i�tlurcti numthly p:+ymcnte�lua under th4 Nutc,u�d�hi�,Ss:eurhv hr.�irumcnt. Thcra ulsu muy bc unc .
<br /> �� ar marc chunEc�of thc Luan 5en•ic�r uorolutcJ to u snlu af tha�tutc. It thcrc is a�tiu���:c uS'Uic l.�n�n Scivircr, Borcuwcr will be . :. ;t_:.
<br /> �. ,��I • , given�vritten nati�:e i�P ihe chc+n�;a in ucaxd��nre with p�ungrup;� 1�3 above�nw a�.�ptica"+!r la�:v.The notlrc:will stute the nume unJ ;: ; . . =
<br /> address uf tho ncw l.oun Scrviccr and tha udd��ess tu �vhiah p:+y��wnix sh«►�Id bc m;n��.'t:ie+wQcc �vill ulsu c��uwin any athar .,�,,`,`.r,.,� ' �, ,,,_.
<br /> ' '" infnrnuitiun �cquired hy uppliciihlu lu���. •� � ;'"�"�'`
<br /> '` � Z0. Hp'LAI'dOUY �Qbti►QIICC9� B��rru�vcr �hrill nut cuu�,c or pctmi� thu pn:ar���, ur�, dis�x�u�l. st�.�rogc, ��r rcici�sc of any ��;;.����;,
<br /> Ha�.�rduus Subrumres on or (n tha Nrupeny, k�a•rowur shnll not du, noi• allu�v .�n��on� cl�;c t�� dr. anything ul'fccdng tha � �:t,::;:,-
<br /> � ;;�?'• Pn�potiy thut is in viuliUiun uf:in�+ t:nvi�rmm�:mul laiw. 7'hc ptsc�'�Ilnf� iu���sentcnccs s!t.ill nut apply to thc pre�ancc, usc, ue •,�,:�
<br /> .,,�.:�,�
<br /> ��'�l�ai;�ry;: storugc��n thc Prap�ny uf smnll yuautitius aF Huxurduua; SuU�camr:s thnt un�goncrully r�tiUgnizcd ta hc npprupriutc t�� nurmnl ,',_
<br /> ':;�h,.� residenliul uses i��d ta m�+intenam:uf th�� Pro�mny. , �-
<br /> . Dorrnucr shall prompNy givc l.endt+r writron nutico uf un�� invosti�}miun, cluim, dcmnml. luwsuit ar��Ihcr uctiun hy iiny •':�•-
<br /> . govemmentul or cegult�tur n�;cncy ar privut�pi�ny im�uluint�th4 Prupert��im�l any Ni�xurduus Substunce ur Fnvirc�nmcntul 'hw
<br /> .'. ^`,;J:�, af which Dorrrnvcr has:tctutl� knv�vl�xl�u. It'Bcm��m��r It:ams, or iti natiti��d h}� cmy �ovcrmnentul ur reNulntury uuthority�,
<br /> , . , i�r;S��bsqnn;��tffctitin a tho Pmpr�tv ih ncccssury, Horrcnvcr shull promptly tukc .,.�.:.
<br /> . , �••�,;:. any rcmo��.d or othcr r�m�riiutiun vf any Illnr.�rd�� !
<br /> � • '.;�'�t';: nll necessury rcmediid artionx in a�:,�rdiuiti�e�vith tim�inmmuntu! L:iw. :;`. . � ,
<br /> � __ _ q;; u::�v! !:� tl�i� naraari►}�3t��. "H'�t��i��clour•Suhatun►v:s" a�: ihusc suhrtunc�s dcfincit ax taxic ur hnr.urdous subataaccs b ` � � �`
<br /> LY y
<br /> ' e,_
<br /> Qnviranmcntul L,aw and thc 1bltu�L•iny suhsuur.w: guwlinc, (.crnscna, oti�cr 'tiummabte or foxi� €iairoietstn pr:x�ucs�, te�xic � ,
<br /> � posticides c�nd hcrbicides.��uiatilc s��h•snt�.. m�:cria!s contuining a�heslu+ur funn•atdchydc, imd reidivactive mutcrii►Iy.A+uticcl 1n , „ ,. ,,
<br /> thiy puragruph 2a, "En�•iru:�mrntul Ea�v" ►nr��!�� ��dcrul I:n��s and law� vf thc jurisdictfon�vhcre dtc Prt�pCrty iti locutcd thut , ';,.^�,
<br /> � -.. .........:.•..nn,.,m 1 arnt�u.tlnn. • i
<br /> __ ; , _ - �i„��«�r��s:n, ��,r�c,... ............._...�. ,.... .- -- --
<br /> E ..
<br /> � NUN•UNIFORM CiiV�iv:1;U:5, n«rra�vcr and Lender fe��ther cuvenunt�ind u�rcc x�fat.�ws: . x•_
<br /> ,ti, �
<br /> 21. AcccicraUon; dtc��e+9i��. Q•ender shnll�;Ive nodce t�� lflnrrower prlor to accelara:i+»�Pollawin�B��rmwer's beench • �,
<br /> af uny cavenunt or .L�;rc�rme�t in Ihlti Sc�curJtN inatrument (but n��t p�lor lo ac�rleri�U��n unde� pnraprc►ph 17 unle�.r :
<br /> . . appltcublc la�v pru��fid:�oYL�er�vizc).Thu n��tltw+hnll tipitilPy: ln)Ihu dePault: lb)the n�Uon rcquircd to care the dei'atdt: '` _
<br /> (c)u dnte, not Ie�.c ti��n 30 ciays frnm the dutu the notice iti �;iven to 13urrower. hy w>>Ich thu deP:�ult must be cured;+►nd �
<br /> (d) thut fuilure to curc the defuult on a� hcfore thu di�tu sp�rlf7ed in the n��tice muy rc�ult in accclerudon oP thc sums �
<br /> ;; ,.�,,�'�;•.", Fecurecl by thly S��curity Instrumc�it �nd +t►lu of tliu P�vpe�•tv. '1'he notice yhull il�rthea infbrm liarrower af the ri�;ht ta .;,:.":,, ..
<br /> •��:'"'' retnsh�te ni'te� ucccicrntlan i�nd tho right to brin�; u c��uiK ucUi�n tn u4ticrt thu not�-aaE�tencc nf u defauU or uny other � :;:�,. :.
<br /> �, defense af 8orruwer tu nccelen�tiun und salu. IP tha duPuult Is �not curcd un ur bcf'�rc Ihe dntc h�lf'ied in thK nuttce,
<br /> � l.cnder, ut Ity��ptlan, mny requirc immedit�te piiymunt In full uP ull s►unx !:�rur��d hy thfs SecurUy Instrument �vilhuut i �,
<br /> � � .. fbrther dcmnnd and may inv��kc thu puwer oP u�lu und uny other rcmcdicv pcnnttted by ttpplicublo It►w. I�cndcr rht�ll t�o ,,,.�:.
<br /> � ��'��`'�°�. enthled to cullcct ull expens�w Incurrcd In punuinp thu remedie.r• pr�wldcd In thiti parrs�raph 21,Includlnu�but nat limltcd I
<br /> ;`�;',�' ta,rcasanuble attorney�'P��.v und casts��f dtic cvidence. ,.
<br /> lf Ihe powcr�►f snlc iy invoked. Trustce shall rccard u nuticc of defuult ii�eu�P+aounty In whtch i�ny puM of thu
<br /> Prapej•ty Is lacutcd und hhull mall cuples uP wuch notice 1n tho munner pr�ycrlhed b� appllcaUle lutiv to Borrower uncl to
<br /> ' Ihe athcr per.+anc prescribcd hy uppllcuble li�w. Af'ter the tlme rcquircd by uppllcahlc Is��v�'frustec shull�!Ive public natice
<br /> aP�snlc ta thc p�:nony nnd in lhc nu�nncr pr�wcrihcd hy uppUcuhle law.T��tce. w11hout demund on Hurm�vcr. shall scll �
<br /> the PrapeMy nt puhUe auctlon t�►thu hl�hest hidder i�t lhe limu i�nd plucc t���aco��]i�r�he termy d��sipnitled In Ihe notice oY �
<br /> �snla In one or mare pnrcely und in any order Tru+tec determincs, 'I'rutit�w ea�t�. �.�l�n�sul�oP all or uny pnrccl of the �
<br /> r prnperty by publle unnnunccmcnt at Ihe dmu i+nd pluce of uny previoutily sch��d�ar��ale, lAnder ar its de�i�nee muy !
<br />, purchusc tho Pruperty ut uny si�lu. 1
<br />- ; .
<br /> � .
<br /> ' Fotm 3028 9180 ! • ,
<br /> � � R�n tio�ti .
<br /> � .
<br />. 1I
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