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<br /> == .�� aar�Arc� �Y. �phr�gc�n ar�c� Jay V. Jc�hnnan r «i�� ���f� hu�t�and, �-'`'� _- =
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<br /> _ z MOR9'G�►GI�RS� joi,n�ly nnd oovotcAllly, x� conaicinr.•t�e ic�ri c�i Lria su� oP � �, _Wi� _
<br /> - - '���EN^1Y-�'TVC THOU5ANI� �c�L�,At�S iS25.000.oa3� ��r�tt•�t�� �,�' �ha!'an Kt�y , � _
<br /> < ^ . : Kontman, a ginglo �o�sort� hfARTGAGEE, tha foll.�tit,rirtf� �3�tt:+c�ibdd ro�l , . �„��=
<br /> v.� - ,-.� - --- - - -.
<br />-� � oot�to oituated in Hr��l Cown�y, NebraokAS ,
<br /> ��, , ..�; . _
<br /> -_-; �� •--�: ���, All oE LoC Seven (7) And t»he Wtaot E`iv� (�? l'a�car, o� Lot ��_
<br /> �' - `,. �i�gh� (pl, all in elack 5evon ( 7 � . O�iclltt,�l� Town aF .._._ ; _ _.�
<br /> __>'.-__.:_:._=- 6�7aod t:iv�r� Nebr�ek� , ��r� �urvoyUC,l, K�1c�x�ac1 nnd ;. ,. _._
<br /> .,__ ,._.... :-.- __ _ ._.� .....___.
<br /> .�:. ,,.. rQCOCded. - �
<br /> TT��" . �
<br />-._T ;h. 'i., .
<br /> �f� � 'Chia �iortgago ia �iven to aeaure tho payment of ehe pcinaipc�l oum
<br /> .� '� of $25,000.00, with interost at 9.508 per annum on th� unpaid ,_
<br /> • balan�:e oE princi�al , payable i.n monthly inotallments� in , .
<br /> �� � � taccordance tivith the tecm� of a �urchase �]oney Promisaory Note, �. „
<br /> �:Y �� '��` date Juno 1, �991, exeautod and delivared by Moxkgagorr� ko ;�
<br /> � " �i�;` , MortgAgoo, raguiring hlortgagars ta pay Ghe principal and inter�er c :i_;
<br />,._�i; • ,t,y,._ � by monkhly insr.Allmente in tho amount oE TW4 FIUNnRED SIXTY-ON� E � �_�
<br /> ��- DOLLARS 06/]00 ($261.06) por month commencing on July 1, 1991, �
<br /> �'' r.
<br /> and on the Eirst day oE each month th�reafter for 179 consecutive , , ;�.��
<br /> � months. . �=f-
<br /> ;,.:
<br /> � �� '!'ho Purchase Mon�y Promissory Note provides if Mortgagors EaAI �
<br /> -� -" � � for a �eriod pf more than aixty (G 0) days to pay any monthly ��-
<br /> � inscallment payment whea due, tho holdex of the Note is given the ,
<br /> „_t�. optian to declare xho Noc� immediately due anci payeble withaut �• j4 , � �;
<br /> � " notice or damand. � - �
<br /> �'�i`� ,. . t`-
<br /> .� ,: T`-'=- Tho �lortga�ore rosecvp t�e ri�i�t i� t�e �uxahass �3aney a:�es�iabn�y --- ------- , -_
<br /> � Note to pay any amount a¢ px'incipal e�re �ny monthly ingt�alamonx . c
<br /> ;� . ,.
<br /> " �ayment dato, stopping intere5t on eho amount �aid, iaa� �ho ;;,
<br /> __._ ,. _-L-_ -
<br /> psepaymeriE oi E,riii::ira2 :Q �� ha in arlrlit9nn to the monthlY '� � :�
<br /> �ns�allment due on the inatallmont payr��ene date and doa� not ` = 3
<br /> � . � . rolieve the Mortgagox•s from making consecutiva monthly ` 1
<br /> inatallment PAymonts on the dates that fol�ow. I �
<br />� " Moetgagora agree to pay a11 taxes and assessments upon Ghe real �
<br /> ��`�����:�. estato and all othar taxes� lavies and assesamEnts lovi�d upan � _
<br /> � •"``''" this Mortgage and the Note whiah thia Martgage is givon to �ecura
<br /> ,, ,, � befoLO payment ia delinguent. If Mortgagors fail to pay tha . ;;,
<br /> taxes A�ad asae�aments b�foro delinquent� Mortgagee may pay r he ��, ',;�;.:
<br /> � tAxea and assessmen�s or any other liana Mortgagora permit upan .,�G� . ' ��'•�
<br /> . , p ' ' , � �; cbn p�' � I '
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