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<br /> � � �' cundcninuU��n uruther takiii��u!'mi}�pnn ul lht Ih�upr�ty,ur fur�:ui��•�;l�:w�:u in liau u1�cuid�mnml�►n,iui liri�hy��•ri�:nr�l�ind " µ`y��r �
<br /> ,� -�"'�'..'"., ,hull hr i�nl�l t.�L�=�tdcr. -_ -__ -
<br /> �'• � , t." � � �•i � Ih �nr,'�'�I� �hqll bc nppU�:tl lt� Ifiq �unti� �crui��d hy �inti Scr►nq}' ����..
<br /> �-�=" _� ,• I�t tltc r��enl ut'u lutul U�AIu�, ol' �h� (��!„�Y. �»ui.l�� !l��r�vl���^r. (n thr,r+wol at'; R�:itllul tubit��ul�lu 14up��ty� lu ' '1� .
<br /> h�rt�um�nt.��•!ir-IhLr ai•not �hrn tiu^.;��! !��my : :
<br /> ' ,,.,,,,,, -.� �vf dch il�r i'uir nwrk��t viiluc af thc Rn��r�iy i�i►ntt�tli�+IrIV It:ll�!!'4 I�A:IJI.Il1E;f1 l'i�u;d<<,nr�,r�:;itiq'Ilaul�Nc;u��aunt ut the �un►ti ._ ` --
<br /> = _....___ ..utttrti L+y tlt�•���ou�u,y i�i�tn�ment imntrdi�uci�• IKCt»c Il�ri iqn1111i� utttr.r;•tic�rmn•c�t t�rts��.c�r�,,i•uh�,rwi�4 uu�cc iu�a�lliuy;. �• e --
<br /> R ; � -• the •.un�y ,ccured l►y II��t Seciu�i�y In,t�ument tih;dl lv+ ��cdu4:4•d by �h�� ,�nmunl ul It10 �+r,��;��e�ti5 tnuitipiir�i i�}• ti�rc i:;ii�•:�'s�i�: [.-- - - _
<br /> - - - Fra�rllan: lal 1l�c tulul nmount oi'Ihr.�m�.•returd imn�ediut�:lv bufa�r Ihu I���,ury�,�lividi:ti}�;r fhl ti��f'ai� ��i,�rkrt c;slac ul'tlet �-- -
<br /> - ___- 1'����x:r�p imntcdlutrly bcfin•c Ih�� ItiKlnz`. Any haknut' •hqll Iw �,uid U� 13���t�����'•e. In lh�i �;�'cnt nl u pnitinl �nGiii��ul'Ih�� -
<br /> _ �� � ~' i,r��pcNy in��•Glcli lh� f�dr tti��rh.t v.dtt� uF tlt� !ru{n'rty fnun�'dii�Ic�I1 (ulI11fC lllq la6inf� i� Ir,.�ihaa Ihr uii►�+unl ul th�� �tmn �'_J,_.,�. ,� ., .. '
<br /> _�`,.` ,et'u�rd intnt��UtUcly hcfuro Ih�� It�kinE. �ml�.ti 1lurru��•��r ituti l.enilcr ulh�!rwi�c :�gn:�: in ��ritlnt: u�' nnlry� +�Pl,licahl� h�w . -
<br /> -- _-_- ulhcr�vf,r pruvides,II1C pl'u�ecd��I1�111 h�iippNcd u►�Itu,u��i��vcun:�l I�y thi�,tirGUrity Icu,t�•umam a•hr�l��r�n•nu�die uu��,ure , , ; .
<br /> �•�.
<br /> �� •- ` th��n dua. . :
<br /> �
<br /> "s IP thr I'iapertv iti ah:uidunad hy 13orru��•cr.ur il.:dla�'ncNii:u b}I�.c�n�l�:r tu Rrr�����•��r Ihu1 ihr cnndcmiiar��I't�r.iu muhc - ' -- .
<br /> - - �-'-- 811 i1W11l11 UC SCIUC 11 l'Iilltll IOT Ut111111�;e�,l;ui��nvc� iaua 1��i.:a?.�.�ili�!t?�.,fl:i;I 1�Ill�in ill�Liy,�+fl�r th�iliui Ihc nall�c:1��IVCII, �, -
<br /> ;•-• . Lcndcr is iiu�hurizcd t��collrc� un�l upply Ihc prucccds,at 4ts opli�m,�:ilhur lo►:.h�uruti+m ur npuir�►f Ihr 1'��aperty ur t��Ihe -
<br /> -- . ,un►��rrure.d by this 5��curity Intiaumrnt,whrihcr ur nut Ihyn�luq, ,
<br /> ' Unlrs� l.cndcr und [3orra�vcr othrrwi,� �►tiiY�: in Writiqµ, nnv ;q��71i�;tsU�rl�"�' prurerd. 10 prinripi�l .I�ull nut �xwnd ur •
<br /> _-- . ; postp�,nc tltc�luc dutc ut'�he nunuhl}�p;rymen�x r�f�:rrvd to in��.ir;i�;���ph� � ��i�d.«u��I�;uigr Ih�Iltltuunl�d�su�h�t:tynlClllti, ,
<br />`_:�.� I1. Barro�ver Nut Releutied: I���nc�iu•uncc liy I.ender R1��t oi 16�11►�ur. Il\I411\IUII U� IIl1: iimc iur p;�>•mcnt ur ,
<br /> --- nludlli�tllitt�l tit�nnlufUzt�lio�t ul�thc �unts tiCCUr�tl hy lhi+5c�sirit}',tn�;tct�m�:nt�rantcd I,y I.cndrr tu unp �uccc,.�n'in intcrc.l .
<br /> uf llurra�vcr shnll n�,t upcn�tc tu rcl�n+c thc liuhility af thu uriglt�+�l fiarra����r ur Ilurru����:r� ,uccc,rur�in intcrcti�.I_cnQrr ,;r�_,,,--'
<br /> � " ,hidl not hc re<<uircd to aunmcncr. prarcedinEs u�i�in�l uny �ucr�:•ti��r In inture.t ur rcfusc �i��xtrnd tinu 1'��r paynu�m ur � . 4r:.
<br /> �, � ;�
<br />";�,�,� , ulhcrwitic mudlly;mir;tiuuiun��i thr sumr ticcurrd hy thi.Sccurity In.lra,r.rnt hy recixun i�f uny demiuid m;�dr I�y thr�,�i�:inul . ;,''_•.` -`;.
<br /> • Burrawcr ur H��rru���:r'.�uc�cstiurs in intcrvsl. Any tiubcair,incc hy L�nd�r iu r��rci�i�t�!any ri�:hl ur rcm�:dy �hul)nut bc u , , .,�.,
<br /> .r-�a wuive�nf ur prerlu��e:hc rxcrci.c uf any ri�!h��,r remedy. =
<br /> �+�`.: , 12. Succesa��rs t�nd �►ssi�ns liuundt.loint uod tic��crnl I.ir�biliY�;l'o-s;�;ncrs. Thc ravcnunh und a�rrcmcnty ul�his • ���
<br /> Se�urit� Insu•ument shidl bind und bcnclit�hc ,uccr"�,r. iin�l a"i,_n. rf Leud�r:�nd Honr�ver. ,uhj�cl ti�Iho pruvisiunti uf -°s-ty
<br /> .. •' pur,►griiph 17. Nri�•o�vrr� covemuttti und ii�r�ciucniti shull b:,�oint t�nd �r�•erul. r�ny ll��nr���r wliu rt+••i�;n, Ihi� Sccurily . . ,�;;
<br /> ,:��; ,, lnstrtunent h►n drr.itot cxccutc thc Ni�te: lul i.r ru•,ipnin►;thi.Sarurity Intiu�ument unly tr snurt�;n�c,cr;u�t nnd rum•r�•ihat . _-
<br /> . 8urrowcr�intcrc,t in thc I'rapc��ty undcr�hu tcrms ul'thi,Sccui•ity Intiu�umcni: 11�1 i,nut rcrxunnlly uhli�_atrd to puy thc,um. ?__ _._
<br /> sccur�d hy this Security In,t�ument:und lc)u�rres�hiu I.endrr and iuiv uthei linrri��eer nt.►y agrea tn r�trnJ.mudil'y,i'unc�.u• _ .:,;,, ,'�
<br /> � � ��r makc any accummudutiun� with rc�;urd 1�� Ihc �cnm of thiti S�curi�y Intitrunu�nt ur du Niur «�ithi�ut �lun Hurrowrr'� ' �
<br /> ��. . cnn,rnt. ;".''4'���.
<br /> � � 1J. L�►un Chnr�;es, If tl�c Ic�an securrJ hy thi� ticcw•i��• Intitrumrnt i+ •uhj�rt t„ u l�nv ���hich ��t, maximum lu;�n ,. ;;;�.,
<br /> . ...
<br /> ..
<br /> . i.• . ' • �
<br /> ., , cht+rgc�,and that luw is 1'inully intcrprered ti��that thc intcre�t ur athcr loio�ch:+rgeti cuUoctcd ur t��h��ol.�.l�d ut cunnc�tu n , ,
<br /> , ;� -
<br /> _ ��iiii ih2 It�dii iXCC�tI ths:(`:•rteti!!tid !4lttlt4,Ilee��� �:,�wtv,uch Iran�hut'a.��hall tk reduccd by Ih� tm�uu,::nere��;�r�•to irduc� :
<br />-- ; thc charEc w thc permiucd Nrnit:and Ihl any sums ulrcndy rrlhctcd Cri,m Hrrr��wur which cxc����c�i�+.mu�ir.�iimiiti.viii i�r - - ,�5
<br /> rof'unde�l to Ni�n•owcr. l.undcr ntny�i,�,�„�<<,��,���4�i�+,���i���„��"� ��au�����.�j,�rr��,��ral u��•rd intdrr Ilw N��t�rr ly�roaking a , .
<br />. ' dire�t payment ui H��rco��•rr. lf u r�tund rrducu�principul.�hr►��luclion wil) Ik trca�cd a•:e��jrtial pnpaymr»����itlu,ut uny �,.
<br /> __ �_
<br /> _ _- u i�ntcnt�nnrFc uniicr dia ivui�. - - _
<br /> .. .�.. � - . p•�P:,�
<br /> 14. NuUcc.r'. Any n��lirc tn Harru�eur pruvii���� for in Il�iti S�aurity Intill'utncnt �hal! hc ::i�cn b)• ��ilivetin�;it ar by C t:
<br /> � • muilin��il by firtit clu�x mi�i)unlati.applicnhlu I�i���rc��uirr�u,�ul'anuthcr tnclhud."I'lir nuti�:r,h:+ll hc dimcxcd�o�h�I'r��perty , :-.
<br /> • Adclrcyti ur uny othrr uddr��� Hurruwrr dc�ipnaw�hy nulirc lu l.endcr. �1ny nulirc tu Lrn.1�r shall hc tii�rn hy lii:.l clu�� ;
<br /> , . ntuil tn Lcn�krl uddreti,,UUcd h��14'll/UI'illl�'11II141�i1llllfl'ti\I.l'111I1'1'lIl'11�,IlUII'S Il��n�qicu tu I;�a�m�►�r. :1�i�nrticc pravidcd far .
<br /> _.� � ,;�'.�, in thir Sccurity In+trumrnt �hull hr drenwd tu harc h�•►n gi�•rn tu Hurru��ur ur l.cnihr ��hca� gi�en a. pru�•i�ted in Ihis , '
<br /> �" purugra�ph.
<br /> 15. l:uvcrninp I.tl�r•: tic�•crabiUt�•. 'fhi• tircuri�y Iit,Irununl ,hidl hc �:�+vcrnrd hy f�dcral la�� a�id t1e la�• ol' thr
<br /> �: • }urlsdiction in which tho Nrnpc�ty i,luca�cd. ln thc rv�n1 IhtU any pn�vi�inn ur�luus�nf Ihi�5r�uri��• ln,trtnttc�tt��r thc Nute �
<br /> • cunfNcl�witli iipplicahlu la���,�uch ci�N'lict shull nu�.il'I�r�nthcr pr�,vitil��ati ul'thi�ticcw•ity Intiti•umcnt rr th�tiate��hi�h cun , �;;��,
<br /> � ' hc �iren �i't'�ct ��•ithaul Ihc cimtlicting pruvi�iun. "li�Q�is�nd ihc pruvi.iun+��t'thi� ticrurily� Intitr�mm�u ;+n�9 thr�.nc arc
<br /> • der�amd tu hc.r�•rri�blc.
<br /> • lf�. Hurrowcrw�:npy. ts�n�ro«•rr�hnll hc Eivcn uiic rrnti�rmed cvpy al'thc Vutr:uu1,�i�hi.tirruritr Imhzutirnt. .
<br />• • ly. 'llriui.r•Per uP thc Propertv or u licnciicli�l lnterc+t ln liurru��•c�: II';dl ur+iny p;u�t ri thc Pro�r��t}•��r.my intcre�t in
<br />' it is ,old��r Uan�fcrred lur il'ii hcnciicial int�re,t in Narru��•rr i, ��,I�1 ur�ran,f�rrad .mtl H��n•�����c i�ni�t u na�ur+d ��cr+unl
<br />;; � � � �vilhout I.cndcri prior�w�iucn cim.cnt. Le��dur may. ai it,upii�,n. rr��uirr imiu«liiilr pa��meni isi!'�dl rf all,umti ,crurcd hy i ,.
<br />. thi�Securi�y In�trumen�. Huwe��e��,lhin�iptic,n shull nul he cxerriud hy I.endrr i1�x�rrisc i+�rrlr.l�iteJ hy i'cdorul luw•;n�,1'
<br /> :'''�;':' Ihc dntc of Ihi,Securitv In+trument.
<br /> �.,r.;:;,.? •
<br />- „ • � � It'Lendcr exrrci,«thiti apiiun,I_onder�hall giv�Hurrt���cr�lutiu���I�acc�lr�'��Iia�L TOie noFire�it:i11 prewidc ii periud ul .
<br /> n��l Icss�hun�0 duy�fn,m�hc du�c thc n���icr i.d�liv�rc�f ur nuiil�d��•iihin o•hich Hurr�,���r nni.E�.�� :�ll,um�.crured b�•thi,
<br /> � ' Sccurity In�trwnunt, li' Hnrnnvcr fiiil� In pay thv�r tiinn� priur u� tho r�F�;ratiun ut�Ihiti peri�xl. l.riaS;�� niuy� ineukc any l
<br /> rumcdiu�permittcd by Ihis Sccurily Intiu•untcm��•ithi�u�funhcr nu�icr ur d�nr.:t�d un Rurru��rr. �
<br /> , ,,' � 1H. N��Pro��•e�''s Ki};ht /u Rclntilt�te. If Nurru�vrr nire�� rrilain run�li�inn+, tiorru�vrr �hal) hii�•r �h� right to ha�•e i
<br /> ' cnPrrccmont uf this Sll'UPII�' IIlSUU111411)lIl\lUlllll�l�l'lI:u am uui,priur tu ilu earlirr��f: i.0 ti .lu�•y I��r�u�11 uthrr�nrEnd a, �
<br /> '`•, i'�' ;
<br /> , , tiwpl�•1•.mnl�• Fnm�lc\Incd�rcddlc 11uc 1 VIPUKV I\ti"IRl'\tt:\'I'• 1'mt.,�m("�nrn:mt. u vo �puer.���l nla�er�i
<br /> . . ._.. � _ . ,
<br /> _ �.
<br /> ,
<br /> '
<br /> ' i .
<br /> - . l
<br /> _.�1 , - —_�v.
<br />