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<br /> ,, Y `."< � �rc�t.ii'sTHlitt 1V1`I'li u0 U�c impr��vcm�ntv nu�v un c��r.Ntrr crcctr�i ou il�c prrperty,c�nd uU cuscn�enl�,uppu�icr�uurrv, ��.- � �
<br /> � ��� �
<br /> z,,,�,,,,; � iued Pixturc•y nu�v ur I�crcat'tcr u�;�n�►F tlic pruprny. All Rpincemcnts �m�l addlliuns�hnU alsu hr cuvcr�A hy this 5ccurily 5= y� T --
<br /> �-� �_-- IpsltuntCt�l. All ol�thc ii�f►`�,tting(s ref�ned W hl this Sv�u�ily Iustrwu��N nti Ih�"1'rup�rty," � '' � -
<br /> _- n- , �
<br /> - _ -� isiii�KU1'VFtt C�Y6i�AiJ'i;S�i�,,t t3c►���Frcr i.r• lativftdly::tlscd uf tttc cHi+te It��n�hy r��nv�`y�•�t :�ml hns thr ri►;lu tu�:runi � .��- _
<br /> ��_ -
<br /> -
<br /> __.� ►;.._ _,
<br /> ' aii�l�ut�vcY the 1�ap�rip and that thc t'ruperty is uncnc�mbrrcd,rKCCp1 Coe��n�ruini�r,�nces of mrrrd. Ss�t`�►�ae�wKrrants and _ _ _ -
<br /> — i't�t�{t�c ciit r;ci'R:•te+i�T i�'Sit��S:s!!�'�S •t:••� .•141:4:�11 i�a'1c11:.I�td d::�A.tll�.iUt1�i.:I I3 w'ISi�Ii�liiTihii�S�•:•"•t�{'t°L't�'t�. �
<br /> _ ..� � �' �� °_
<br /> - - TNIS SF.CURITY INS7'ttltM[�N�rnnthincs uaifnRn covcnimis IUi� itNiiUi}ii{ u�c anc! flnil•UIIIItIFttl CL�Yttli!iil5 wid� _ ` ` ��_:_-
<br /> . - -_-`-`- Untitcd v;�rii�tinns t�y Juri;;dicdi�u tu runs�l�utc�n uniti►rm security in�ttumm�t�ov�dn�;n:al p�Y�p.�iy, -:---- - - :- . -
<br /> `-',. - UNtt�OR[�!C.(IYGNANTS. B4,nrwer+u�d l.andcr c��vcnnnt nnd uEtn:c i�x 1'olluws: -
<br /> � l. I'Aymet�t oP 1'rinclNnl nn�llnteresl;Prepuyment und l.ntc Chnrge,r•, IHurruwcr shall prumptiv pay whcn�iuc tho � ,�.
<br /> _ _- princlp+►I of und int�rest on the debt evidenccd hy Ihc Nute+md nny prcpayntent�md li�te ch:vE;cs dur undcr ihc Nute. , ^
<br /> = = - " . � 2. Funds Por 71�xcv nncl lnsuruncc. Su�jcct tci uppUcublc luw or to:�wriu�t�wnivcr by Lcndcr,Hun�o�vcr rhalt pay to
<br /> .�.
<br /> , Lrndcr un thc di�y monthiy paymcnts nrc�lu�undrr thc Nnt��,until thc Nutc is paid in 1'ull,n tium l'Fundw'1 1'or: lu)ycarly
<br /> .. ° —i taxcs sn,l���.�e.monic whii•n n.,�y ntl��in prinrity nvcr�his Secnrilv hnUUmcut i►s u lic��un thc Nron:rty: (b)ycarly le�a�tirh�dd �-n:.- . •..-_. r.. -•:.
<br />- paymcnts ur heaund rents an thc i'r��porty, if nny: lc) ycarly huiurd ��r pruperty imur+mc. premiums: (d1 yet�rly tlund •
<br />- '�� ' ` insurnncc prcmiums. If uny; lc) ycnrly muetFu�a� fnsurancv prcmium�, it' ;my; and l� uny +um� puyiibic by Hottnwcr tu
<br />';'�� � Lcndcr,in a�ca�rdnncc witli the pruviybn.r• ai piu,t�cra�h 8, in licu uf�hc paymem nt'murt�,a�,�c in�uamce premiums. fhesc
<br />`*:3-,.
<br />�a«,�; . itetns um culled"kixcrow Itents,' Lender nu►y,iu e>eiy�imc.roUcct und h��id runds in ua umuual nut to�:xcced thr mi�ximum
<br /> LL:a;�,:;� nmount u Icndcr f�r i� tedcrnlly rclmed murtgut,c I��.v�i may rc��ofrw t'ar Hvrrowrrti c�crmv ;iccuunt uridcr ttic fedcrid ltcid . _'
<br /> F„� � Estntc Sctticmcnt i'ruccdures Act t�f 197�1 u+m}�c�xt��tl i'n,nt�iitic w�fmc.1�U.S,G.#2b01 r�s�-y.l"Rk3SPA"),unlcyy t►nothcr ;..:,,
<br /> .�,,, ..
<br /> `�� � �� ' li�w that npplirs tu tlie F•1►ndy�ets n Icsxcr i�nu�u�:t. !F'sc�.Lcndcr nu►y,ut n�ey timc,coltcrt.�nd huld Fund�in un nnx�unt nut ta ��
<br /> � ^• ` excced the Irsscr umaunt. Lender may esdnaa.tc the am�tunt oi' F•1�nd� due on Ihe basis ui' current d�ta and rens�iauble "`Q:
<br /> t wv>
<br /> �� ' esNnu►tcs of cxpcndiuuc5 of futuro�scrow Itcros or rnhcr�vi.c eu uccordync�����ith upplirabl�Imv. � _-
<br /> ' .• 7Y�o Fl�nds sh,dl bc hcld in �m insUurtion whosc: dcpc••itc ;i�e inswrei hy i� icct:rai agcncy. instcu�nentulity, or cn�ity S .=°_;�';:=
<br />,.� `
<br /> .t. (including l.endcr,iF Lcndcr is such nn institutio��)or in uny 1��'rsal Homr 4��im Rnnk. Lend�r sh�tll i�pply the Fimds ta pay
<br /> ;;'.' � • ihc Escrow Itcnts. l.cndc.�muy nat char�;c Ba�rowcr for hot�4nn�,and;t��pl�•ing �hc Fund+. .+nnuc�lty un;dyring thc cscrow , ' "�.
<br /> ,ti,.;: uccotml, nr verifyi��g the �srruw Items, imless l.ender pays Brrrua•cr iut�rest ui� the ilmds �ind upplici�ble fa�w pern�its ' , • ��
<br /> •'- l.endcr to mukc such ii churgc. Hawcvcr, l.cn�icr muy rw�µ�irc Burr����cr t��puy u��nc-timc chiirgc f'or an indcpcndcnt rcal . �.�
<br /> �}t..,,_ . ,;�•;,1;.`,�,;�, ; ' estato tax reportin�;servlce uticd by Lender in conncrlion With thiti I�mn,unloss i�pplicable luw provides��therwise. Unicss un � �
<br /> , •._ t , , agrecment is madc or iipplicable law requircs intcrr.st ta be paid,l.ender sliull nu�Uc Ryuired ti�piry l���rrowcr any interest or
<br /> � • �,:~;, earningy on the F•l�nds. Aurr�����cr and l.ender may iigrec in w�iting,huwevcr,thnt intem�i shnll he paid un the Funds, �cnder ; ,,.�"-
<br /> � ' shall give to Hi�ttower,witho�+t charge.�m i�mi►rol uccountiug af the Funds,sho�vin�:credits und dcbit.r• to the I�unds:uid the � �'�`;;�;;,.., •;';^����-
<br /> , putpase far which each det�it ta the Fltnds a;�s made. 1'hc 1•lintls ure pledged us uddilional securily for all,ums secured hy '.;;;t.;7�:.t ..,:;;;1t`.
<br /> ' • Ihis Security Inst�umcni. `��';,"'.,;`}. . `��'��.''
<br /> �, — If the Funds I�eld hy Lrnder rxcce�� thc aui��unts prntrilted to bc held hy tip��lirahlv luw. I..cndcr �hnU ucc��unt to � ��•�'•� . • `�'
<br /> . - Hosss�+Yer 4'or�e eKtis} Illt��•��?;��i•t»•ci.ln4r\vilh It1C R�lllll�tllClll5 O��11�7[�UCablc la�v. !f the amaunt aF the FUnds hcld by _ � �,� '�,,:.,
<br /> Lendrr at iu�y tin�c is not .r•ul'firient tc�pa�•thc F,crr�s Itc►�is ���1en dt�c,l.endcr may �u nosify Hatrow�r in�vriting,and, in ,;�..• .;.�
<br />.' � such casc H��rcowcr shull puy to L��nder �hc.am�u�m ��r.rssan' to mril�c up ehe d�firirnr}'. Harruwrr shall mi►kc up thc �� .
<br /> ' deficicncy in nu mor�thnn twelvr�nnnthly pa�•mrnts,at l.ender�si�le discr�tiun. - �
<br /> r*�, - ' Zipun puymcni iu i�uii vi ai{i ,iiiii; .c::i;ic::y::i:S:::M::t;' :.^,::tt'�2:2.::!,�.i!���nr ch_�{I ��mmntly rdfund to EiOttOwCP iUIY -
<br /> . Funds hcld by I,cndcr. If',uncicr pariigraph ZI. Lcndcr�hali scyuiro ur�4U thc Propern. R.c�dor.prinr to the iicquirition ur t � --�
<br /> ,. � salc ut'ihc Prapcny, �hull apply �u�y 1�unds hcld by I.codor at �hc timc uf ucquisition rr salc ��ti a cr4dit ugc+intit thc sums
<br /> secured by ihls Securiry Instrument, ' ., �
<br /> � 3. Applicatiun uf Nuyments. Unlu�+ :ipplirahlc I:av pnrviJcs uthcrwlsc, aU puymcnt� reccived hy I.�ndcr undcr
<br /> .� parugrt�ph.r• 1 iind« sht►II hc applicd:prst,to any prcpaymrnt rhur�cti duc undor thc Notc: �econd,iu�Snu�uats payublc undcr
<br /> , pi�rngrnph 2;third,to intcrest duc:f�►urth,tu prituipal duc:and lutit,to uny Icuc churgc`duc undcr thc Notc. `� ,
<br /> � 4. 4ha��cs; Idcn9. f�orrmvcr +hall pay ;+U taxcs, astics.r•mcnts, chargcs, tines ;�nd imposi�ii�ns i�uributublv to thc ,
<br /> . :�:�,� • Property whlch muy uttuin pri��rity iwcr this Security lnstrwnrnt,and Iratichuld paym�nt�or l;roui�d�ants, if any. Sorrowcr .
<br /> ,.�''��' sha►11 pay�heva abligutians in the manner pruvidcd in paragraph 2.or il'nut paid in that manncr.H�mower�hull puy them on
<br /> „� �� �" ° time directly to Ihc persun owed pi►ymem. Norr�wer�hidl prumptly furniJ�tu Lcndcr all n�uicez af umounts to he pnid undcr
<br /> . ,�'��;��;�;�' thi��rugriiph. !f Parn�wcr mukrs these pi�yments dircrth•, Bo�rowrr�hc�ll Fro�ptl} t'urnish ta l.cnder rcceipt�evidancing
<br /> � ,�t.:,,....... :h:pN�mcnt::.
<br /> � Horrower shi�ll prampQy di.ehurge uny lien which�►as Fri�uity ovrr tbi.Securiiy ln�tniment unless Barrower:ls�)ugrces
<br /> , in u•riting to thc paymcnt of'�hr��t+liantiun scc:u�cd hy th�ii�n in it ma�nncr accepti�blc ta Lendcr,(b)contctits in gt�od fuith thc
<br /> laen by,or dcfcnds iigidnst ent��rremcnt ot'thc lien in,Icgal proccedings which in thr Lcnder ti upinion operatc to prcvcnt thc
<br /> enfoscement af'the lien;or(c)secures itom thc holder ui the licn un i�greement�aUsl'actory t��I.ender suba�dinuting ihe lien
<br /> ' t�r,Ais Security Instrument. lf�eniler detrmiinez thul i�ny pan ot'thc F'roperty is subject t��o� licn which muy utlain priority �
<br /> � � aeec c!his Security I�strumont.Lrnder may¢ive Aorrmver u notice idendPying the lien. Borsower shall saiisi'y thr Nen c�r tuke
<br /> one or mara of thc acdons set frnh atwvc within 10 duyti of thr�iving uf noticc. •
<br /> ' S, Hninrd ar Property Inyurunce. Borrowcr shat!kecp the impravrmentr no��•exi,ting or hereafter ercctecl on the
<br /> Propeny insured against loss by tirc,huzurds includcd within thc�crm "cxten�lcd covcr:jec"+md uny cnhcr hnzurds,inrluding I
<br /> . floads iir Qoading, far which Lendcr rcyuires insurancc. This insuruncc shaU hc muin�aincd in thc am��untr and f'or thc �
<br /> �
<br /> I
<br /> . � , ' Fnrm 302li 9r40 �pu,tr 2,y n pu�rci
<br /> �`
<br /> ; ? '
<br /> - ----- -- , .
<br /> --- ----- - � . .. .
<br /> f
<br /> �
<br /> �
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