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<br /> .,,�, 1��`�;��; AG�f�lTrifi�l�L.7CF7�19 ' � --=
<br /> ' PAF.PAY � ANllACCNUA{.�Q:'1"�lk:F RAlo1Cl•:CI�ANl:i1�li��rn thnu!;h 1 Ju nui h�a•a tu iay mure�han Iha�aEpil;�r��•hcdulcJ m��nthly paynecut.l havo�hr�ipM .
<br /> ��
<br /> to prcn�y tho wl�olo amaunt owin}1!n yi,u in Qd�u1 auy Umo ur fn���h 6u1n U�lc i��tllno.If tho leud�ag Inetuullun thal hu'r�u�•�unt�act�umnutcx IAa Iluanr.c chntgc d:�ily, �
<br /> 1 kn��w my(la�nca chargo�vlll���I b�ill I�a�sukktliw��hnt IhP n��iuiiiit+�lu��vti�1�hihc�awct�,a'bl��ly f r ihc�l inulirr t'hnr�Io�li�i�te]ot 1 h►•„ient+�en 1 ilic'11�to1 Sa�tu Ikfcc nio �
<br /> churgo�vill t�i�llcctcd ln my Iln i p
<br />_. . c,lhuntcy ba+ed�n Iho n�9umptlnn ihi�l y•�������1���Ih�It nJiu��ii uiuiion d„ew rcui cumpi«ih���rt:i�uc hnr��{r�lihl,,a°ii tf i�pw�pa���ho«hnic�i°uani.'yuu wlli Nfuiut �
<br /> nnthin&co�Cund iP 1 au chnrged on n�}.a�.y bu I If ) {I p y �.
<br /> . .. : ro me Il�c�meemcd�nlon�fof nr i on hti��Y,ncnt and n i�hn iAc acinnl ilite�aixl{nKUmtv�f t11ecjnrpay�iicniK tli;i�l paj toC}�,u�,l knmv Ilmi u rcfund uti la i�hnn�51 Utl � . ._ . _ .
<br /> srNntukvl detes asKl w�uwnt Y p
<br /> ----._.-� wttl aai bc nusde. 1 uiuy h�l�inln�(�y pnpay thd nmou�u I wve yuu.In PuU or In p+�h,ut+inr Nme.tf 1 m:�kc n�TVdN1�{*ayii�rni,l�uu�t cauttnus to n►sko my�euola�
<br /> - - f .
<br /> - � paymcnt9 untfl I hnvo paid ml mnounie m�c�i. ---—••--- - -
<br /> . iIYINt�F'i?AEdT fdE9�'ii,c ABCll1Tt�":AR�::�"��:1'1��:(e�)S�E.!�'Fl!l�REBY[}1SCLAIM3 Q1L6 WAFiAqidTl��,4'XF�F1kJa�;D�3�t Ii41FL1�G, j . _
<br /> nF MERGtIANTAFJI1.iTV AN�FI9'NE;O�FOFt A F'AF1TiClIL.�AR F�UF1P08�ON A4.1.(lt)OD9 ANa BEFtYic.f:;�U�i�ESS S�Li,f�R ; _ ._.
<br /> FUFtNi&H�8 OUli�R WI'f tl A�E�'ApdT�WF1ITT�N�.IQU'I'E�1 WARF1ANl'Y OR 9�:�1Vt�;.�CBNTWACY 1�1MDF:�Y 8�1.I,�i�O�tY8 ,
<br /> O'WN BEF'IAlF lD)I hnvo read,in dctnll,thc scpamta"LIMITkD WAHIiANTV"�vMch+�ec�,ni`�aulcs thle runta�ct.lt expl�dns thv ruod111uus und cinum�uincc�in : . ,
<br /> wliich tflu manufnctured 1+axlurls will bc rcp�Ired or n�placeJ.1�okc ni�dco uf thc Ilmi�ntionv un�hc�vum�nl}•,mid 1p;uticulnrly rccu�1nlrn t�at�my hnF�llcd wonunly i. .
<br /> which nppllce ro tho gooJ�l�ars only nv Inm(tl��ihc cundliiyns�nd cfn��m�i1�tcc��ln whirh ihu Jgy c�,�f 1,tNi f il�e�l IlnlilAl'T�l�`N sl'n�.lyAT11d�}tt�crr�wlll tw aclu�na�hl �
<br /> If m�dot accompanlcs�hl..ontraci,It c �1 t
<br /> ' trkc nuU�r of U�c Ilmitnnuns.+,n tho wem�nty,nnd 1 panic�ulculy n�ogniru th:u uny f mp!(cd waznun��w i r►nppHrs�u t�c inst��lr!iun�ntitc�nly u�lun�i�v tMu wortunty or F , ;
<br /> ',
<br /> SIIV�CO CUIIlf1C�. n nauaars�+��o�� I'-���.;,` .
<br /> �IM31�Si lN�1RAlI!i��y SDIo o�o c+u:�.ui�� iniit6li a;sa?��s:,c� er gcer tn!„naa sh�ll On lbnirod to mv�IP,hts�nQ ramodlos und�t 9hu uxt�TUSS 10 y�et Uh117F� �.. ;;`��. • �
<br /> ,�:.�, WA+�1HTtt guu o,r3and to ma�;4;19 4im9!s,�gn SBis ConY�us9.�?y os.lus:��+�I;Srts anu inmodlas anrier ms��asronu+s�a110o ro fiou oi nil uii�e,a�y1u a�����JW3, ;
<br /> _+'�� ai fa�or 9n uaal��,w�eT9 Aermi�la8 ti��4Au,�CA�Id_S1Ah�(U�l. �,� ' .
<br />•.�'C�;ti,• �
<br /> Al!AIRYUFl16]UR�ti t�?Ni11111i PRUpUCTS AAE NOT GU�«tQ�9�';�fi,,R�I1ST Eat�D�?l59ilOfl, f��;�?JHE FORh11111UN OR FROSI.PAODUCTS IIRE NOT GUAAIINTE�EO RG�6#lat t.. �
<br /> ' ' CORROSION DUE�0 A�V,fASE ClIMA11G CQN01TIQflS. �
<br /> 10 YE4A LIYITED WAARII'Nn ANI!THE FOfl�&OIIIU p�OVJSlONS qE�aq0111A CfIflQF.!IS,ITIOM QO NO A�^PlY 1Q S101N0. � �
<br /> Farther, The P�ce:otter Corporatlan m�hes NO REPRESflITp11QN OA WAARAli1V OF ANy KINO OR NAtUB@ WHATSOEYEA, ENPAESS OR IMPLIEO, WlTH AESPECT TO ,
<br /> TNE ENEROY S�YIR�S I CQULO OR MAY ACHIEYE BY US£OF iHE PRODUC1fS1. I understand th�l ony enerly aarinja I m�y�chlera Is depeeAeol upon a mimEer o1 \
<br /> ' lactor�, Includlnj,Out not Ilrolled to,tA�trp�, puantltp tnd qu�llty ol Insut�tlon In my home, the particular�lie and strle ot mr Aome, the �roni ind lo�catlon � '
<br /> ccnsttuctlan ol my�oma,ny p�rticular Ilte otyle,l�e num�u o1 cp�nlnp In m�homa,propet monitorinl ot Ihermost�l selllnp, cllmatlo caedltl ' �
<br /> ol my�on�e, �nd eYen th�lyp�01 ena�y coesutn�0lor Aerllnt end alr condltloelnj puipose�. ��„� �o��r�� ;
<br /> • tiNlil'IAI.•l1HID�itt I:1H11�9�1 Anuw�ha1}��u have mr;���at�d my hnu�c ond it�u�knlnl�.�u IhiU y�����'an nrikr Ihc�a�xtuclti�u lit iuy p���ticulnr hmi,c noJ Ih;n�hc�tu��l.
<br /> `����a�niy�Yni���,�n�a���y ulher huu�cs,.0 I knu���hal I e�mnol ian:cl ihl,c��ntracl nt uuy Umr nlicr ihc{H•rl�xl nl lunc�U�cn tu nio hy I��w m which tu:�in�cl.Altcr ihal
<br /> • Icgul�xdinl ot�Im�•.1 hn��w ihu�I hn��1hc ut�llpuuau tu p�y ynp in full 1hr nmuum nwed.
<br /> lV)MA1�iN(9iMC�M'ili�'1'lil�i F'INAi4l7ti CtlARt:lit����ih�r�du���I�tiiibc�iaRnrr clr�rgo�lmtcR�tl�v Ilyhe�?i�l Iu NO�Il IhC d I�C11h�1 I'�Ipn UIC�in11�11CIIn0l('cttifi�tu� !
<br /> vnu complcto Ihc fmltdl�diun uf Iho�uuclsan�l actv�cc+un u�o c r;y 1 P�Y
<br /> ThP nmaunt of fin�m«cl�urpc Untcrcs�!mN�be nx+ro�,r Ie�y ihan�hc nm�n�nl diycluxd Jcprndin����n�he nowumti 1 i yuu nnd my uroullnesti im m� Ui I ►•memh. �
<br /> Uil1.IG;ATI4h9 P1iaPAlNlM1G 7�t}Pit�11'lik'fV 1�?i1:IiANt;B ANW MY R[iAl.Fti7;\fh� 1.1 pn,nil,c tu kcrp nry hnu+o In gornl rcp;dr�md kccp it In+umd fnr nt
<br /> Ieast ROS'6 of IIF ropliucemcnl vqluo by Nuyln�n(im nnd axt{�ndsxl covemLC fn�umnco pallty."fhc Insuroore cumpapY musl hc nPprovcd hy}•ou,nnd thc pullcy must hm•o ;
<br /> n benefieir.ry elnu�c+�vhlch s,�ys thol)�nu nm tn he p:�Itl If ihem h e li,s�.The Intiumn�•e cump�ny mus�abree�ha�i�wlll nu�enncel my p�,llcy wlth��ul firnt tolllnp you.I
<br /> - -` -- ------ au�hart:�it��nsumnrQ z4:iiR��Y t+'°�y vou Jircctly fnr aiu�loss.lou rnn ch��nsc to uso rt�is msuwncc pnymem ta cithc�rcpuy nny nmounts l owo you nr tn rc.palr my ;
<br /> haucc.i hnva Iho optinn of pmvldlnn pni�cny Imun�mr thmaFh an cxisung poiicy o�thmvgh a pviicy i�dcF0fldC6i{y i�t:iln�!::ni3�nld f�,t k�Y mn.?.t u15n prnmiso ihu� L-- - - - __-,
<br /> 1 will not allnw anyanv cl�o ta phKti nny Ilcns�m my rual estate wlthi�ut your wnucn pennlesiun,i.I pmndsc to pay nll taxes.nhcc��mcnts und athct rhurges om my�:n) i
<br /> estnto when due.A.1 pmmiso to timcly mnko all p�ymcnta�m my prlur lanns secured by rny rcal estate. 1 nlyo promisa that 1 will nm catend,renew m chnngo priar lonns j
<br /> wit�atu your writlen pra ilfsiun,9•If 1 do�i�t Insuro mY hausc or IUIf11I my mhcr uhlfgations to my neal ev�ata.thon you.cnn d��it fnr me if you wanl(but}�ou An nal hnvc
<br /> __,_.. ' ._. . ._.. _........�.,..a., i+ m..na fnr m�.I uen:e to uav You bt�Ck on dumand pluh intcrc��:u�hc hlphc�t Ia�wtul rontmct nm uf fntcrcst.Umil 1�v�you buck, � • . —
<br />-- . _-�-�------ � tvl.��3an�.�1�i. ....�...«t.�..�`..�--�.... ... ... �6m unu�n n —
<br /> ' thcso amounts w�ll b:��d�i tn my ded���ynu wlilch fs eccured by roy rcal csu�u«na nnusc.i icn��v�nu�ii y�u uo.ida�,;.`.u�:i�«;a;�=•`�:..-».-.,-__. .^'-nv.,�n ;_ : ,,._- .
<br /> nbmin any homeownur or linbiflty insumme. � �
<br /> � M�ICM'vAG�:l hctuby.Fmnt,fi:uguln,scll,convey and mun;agc ta you,ay hturtgu�cr,m> Ral estatc and h�m�c Incated iq my"AJdtt�sr'desigontcd on 1hc oth�r slde
<br /> • of thls contmct av secuntc fur all omvants duc ta yuu under i�is Inctnllmenl Suley Cantncet. r,y �
<br /> IDU�S!N SALE:If 1 scll.Ici�+c ur�;irc m}houec ro anyune befurc I ha��c ful1�paid all l m�e undcr ihi�.umr.i��.�ou can dcrlarc all Ihat I����e under this rumr.�ci �•ahlc ,
<br /> • i�1 uncc smd 1 ngrcc to imn�cdiutcly pa� y��u�hat anwun�• .
<br /> � D�FAULTs I wlll be in defu�dt under thix cantmct if:1.1 don't m�ike��paymeN��hen duc:or 3.1 hrvak anp pmmi�e I m�de ta you In this conttact:or J•5amething elsu
<br /> hnp�cn.r wMch causes yuu to bcllove in ga�t failh thm!dn�ut mtond to p��y y�+u uti pn�miud:o�d.1 doG•�uli on nny obUgu�iuns for whlch 1 nm usin�my hamc�g collateml; �
<br /> oT 5.Somethln8 heppcns to my huusc wh�ch thrcatcns pour dghts, if any,in it.
<br /> C04LECTION COa7'S:If 1 nm in default of thlti contnct nnd you domand I'ull piymcnt.I undctstiind thnl yau h�vc Ihc ri b�hi to furcclasc thc mortgage I hme�iven to
<br /> you and ta h�vo my housc aold to rcpay imy umounis 1 owc you.pefnrc my hnuse is+old,yc�u�vill do all tha�Ihc Inw rc q�uropineysa f'c�s nnd for�ot cr n:l cd ea��n e9 '
<br /> � ta ussist you In tho onforccmcm of yuui•nghts,lnduding the s�dc of my housc nr a Inw�id�,l agne tnp�y yuu fur roasonubl h P� � �
<br /> � such ns court eosts,titic sciu�chcs nnd moncy you uxpcndcd n�pmtcct my housa,if you nrc�Ilowcd to rnllcct such nmounts by luw. �
<br /> (YfHER RIGHTS�1'au can choosc not to enfarcc nny of thc righ�s undcr this rontrucl ns��(tcn as you w+mt withaut losing thcm.Or,yau can doliry nnfurcin�i�ny of thc �
<br /> � riyhlb wlll�aut losing:hcm.You cnn nlcn uzc nny dgMa nuw or In tho futuro givcn to you by�law.
<br /> DEI.AYBe 1 kna�v thm yau will usc ynur tx:s�ctturt+tn Instull thc prcxiucts I am purchaans on my huu5c,hu�i a�h.�und�rtand that in somc situntion�y��a may encm�nrer !
<br /> � delays�hnt nro cauud by strikes,wealher condlUnn�.dclnys you fi�ve in ohtnimng�u,ucnal�,or for o�her rcasons th+n nrc bcyond ynur contml.1 wiU not hold yau linblo 4
<br /> fur such dol�ys•
<br /> RF.QUFST FOR 6l�LL P,11'�tENT:lf 1 am In dClault under dti��'unlruel,yuu�an declu�r.dI thul I u«e under thi,rnnln�cl pa>:�hle:�t nnce.1 agn:c tn pa)yuu inlcrd�t {.
<br /> an thnt omount a�i�hc mavimum camructu,d rutc ullu��•r�l hp law unul�hc;iuwunt I ro��c yau i,paid. I nl,n Ana�c Ihat y�,u can Pnmrin+c Ihc mon�a;;c I h:�vc g�vun ro yi�u. .
<br /> ARfliTRATiQN�If 1 huvc a disputc or claim with�ou conccming thc qunmity,yunlity or Fxrformancc uf ihc pmducts.I under�tand Ihn�m)•di�putc.may bc submiucd �
<br /> ta and setUed acconiing tn the mediatian,lrbitr,niun proFnm Ihm muy haw devoloped m my�communliy.I idso knrnv thut nn}�decision maJe by an urbUndoqsl would be ,.,
<br /> enta�d In tAe coun hnving Jurfcdiction m•cr me and you.
<br /> SAWAGC VALUE:1 know that thc windaws,woc�iwork,siding,htick and rnhcr mat��ialr tha�ha�•c t��i+c removcd M'you fi�r thls instnUaUon havc NO salvagc�•alue. ,
<br /> ' When you romovc thcm,you c;m havc thom for whatevar pumosc y��u wiim.
<br /> SPGCIA4 SITUATIONS�Due tu Ihe uniyucncs�nf tiume of thc pnxiuc�.that y�ni�cll.1 undetstand Ihai in.{xrrd siwatiuns your Netilunal Officc may ha��c to rcvir��•
<br /> and uccept thts comr.ut.1 also undcntand thal lhi�salc cxcumd In my humc and th:d yuu and I roay nut hal•c had:dl�hc�omrt Infnrnr.mun im{x�nnnt to this tntnsuetion
<br /> at otu fingenips;1 grve you my consenl to cortect any abvious ermre thal mny hnve occumd when Ihe blanks 1n Ihls contruc�wera completed.
<br /> 1NVALID PROVfSIONS�IP any pmvisian of this euntmct vinliuev�he li�w�mci iti unenfn�ceable.thc rest af the cootmct will t�e vnUd.If nny pan of�his contmcl rcquin:s
<br /> pnymen�of maro intcrcst thun the Inw permi�s,thcn ynu wlll imly havc thc righl to coUcct frnm mc the amaum uf intemsi whlch thc Inw nllows you to collect,
<br /> COAfPLET�NGS.9 OF THIti CpN7'RAC71 Thi�comnrct can only bc chongcd if both you�md I ubrcc in wdtins.
<br /> NOTIGE
<br /> INSURANCE CANCGLI.ATIqNa If I hnvo rcqucstcd Insur.mcc in thls purchusc,1 may canccl suCf1 requcst for insur.mco fur any rcusnn wiihin fiftccn(15)�y�from
<br /> the dato of this cunmct by naUfylng yau u�tht holdcr c�f thls coivaui in wridng.1 know tha�thc cimccllatlnn��f my crncmgc will hc nmmgcd with thc insumnso curttcrlsl
<br /> and o full rcfund of my prcmium(�l togcther with npplici�hlc financc chargc will hc rrcdilcd ln Ihl.conuoct.
<br /> PLEASE NO'I'�:If 1 hnvc rcqu�cstcd insuruncc in thls purcha�c,l will rccci�c within thirly 1?plJayy accNficatcof imuainrc moR fully Jcscribing thc in�ur,mcc coven�gc.
<br /> 1 know th�t if therc is any cuntl�ct in thc covungc ur thc languagc of Ihc ccrtific:ttc��f intiuu+ncr and thc tallmvinF Nu�icc i+t F'rn{+oticJ In.urancc Itia1 I um covcrcd only to
<br /> IhC exlent t.tnted in the following Nnuce nf Propo�ed In�urnnce. I id�u kn���r Ihat I have m,urunrr cu�'emge�mly d I hcrvc heen cha�geJ fi�r it.
<br /> 1 takc noticc Ihnt cithcr Credi�L�k or CrcdU Acridcm and Hc�hh Intiuroncr.��r bah,Hill hc apphr.iblc to thn In,taUm�ni ti:dc.C'ontrucl un thc rc�enc•�dc only if
<br /> I hnve choson it b}�signing the rcqucs�for such insunmcc.'Phis in,urancc w�ll nnly co�cr thr p.n�m�i4nmg ihr rcyuc,i nt thc rm1 fnr cach typ�nf m+urunrc�h>>«n
<br /> Subjcel to ucceptance by the insumnce cnmpany.�he inrurance«dl be effe�ti�.a.ni mda}and���If cununue onlv tor�he numneP nl nionths afier Ihe eifeclrvr date rqu•+�
<br /> m thc number of monthly paymems. 1 undcrticmd Ihal this patticular in�uranc�roa�nol providr:o�cr.�gc far m. 1.+��1c« p.�ymcros.and Iha1 durmF that period nf wn�1
<br /> will nol hnvc Fmy insumncc covcr.+ge.All bcncfit,and pr�wccds„f thc mvuran�cµil he paid to y ou or tn,Pm.mci.d mvutution it it purcha.es thr]n�tallmcn�Salc�Cunttact
<br /> ro ihe extenl of its intems�ti and.u�y A:dance w�ll bc pay c�Mc to mc.'The imu:d.inu�uni nf CrcJp I.ife In+uxaixe i��hc.�moum rcqwred t��repa} ihe Ta��l of P.�}mcm�:
<br /> thercnfter,the insunmce decrc:�tirs by the amount of ec+ch munthly paymenl un a achcdulcd?0 J.�y h:icn.If 1:nn�om:h��hhea�ed on�hr lmtalbnent Sate.Comta:ti w ith
<br /> a CaAuyer,and we hace both signed the request for CrcdU Life Intiurance.death bencfitti H�ill br puyablu i,uly wnh n,per�t��tfir lir.t one uf u,tu dic.tiub�c.nn e.rclu;ion..
<br /> climinnt(ons or waiting period statcd in thc rosurance policy�r rcnificatc.CreJ��.�cridcm and H�.dth Intiuranc��.Inr ihc hcnefi�amount ul'1,10ih u(r��h ntonth',p.�y mcni
<br /> fnt etich duy ihal I um tutally dicablcd duc to:m injury ur tiirkncsc whilc 1 ouc.my paYmcnt to�uu:h��wcvcr,l undcrstw�d th:u I ha�r�u bc prcvcntcd fmm workin b�dut
<br /> tu�uch totul di5ub�luy f��mon:than fourtecn(141 cuncecudve days hefor¢the inyur,mce bene it ic�+:ild hrek to the fini day ut w to�:d dl�nhihiy. 1 ulso know thijt I
<br /> cnnnol nbtxln any Insuruncc trom you It 1 nm ovcr 6S ycare ot agc tuduy,und 1 ulso know thAl tlie lesurancc co�rriitic provl�cd to me mu�•cunudn a muximum
<br /> umount of co��eeoge whlch wlll not puy In some a�ses,the enUro iunuunt thut 1 owe ynu.Due lu ihe•n►:wlmum amount�+I ro�•cr.itc�iatcd in ihr�u,urunrc{��liry.I
<br /> know Ihu�any unpaid umoun�in excess uf the uuurunce cove����e will sUll hirve to be paid.lf the Inatnllmeni Sule�Cuntruct i�piep.nd in full pnnr ro Ihr L�+�paynuni
<br /> • lu�lly Jcsif�Itltl�'nll yiI114UfI Il C`C01'C(BE;C. f'IIICCI114U(A Il'C I6 Ilt�l�l!ti(11BlItI�)'II1CrI0ti11f�1Cl•hl'OItl�I70y,�1,��i I+ncc�,e;I�rrltmd uf Ihc ui ur.mrc�+rcmnim�ti`I�hava���a�d����r� 1
<br /> � _ __ _-
<br />