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<br /> NORWEST 9ANK NEf3F1ASKA, NATIONAL laSSOGIATION�does Q�'/n�and assions,sa�owne O/f OW�1S IOI9V@� �' ��
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<br /> said Deod af Trust particular/y desc�ibed,reference io which is herpby made far�reaier cerfainty. � ��.
<br /> TO HAVf AND TO H0�D tha sama,topeihor wi�h aN and singular�he privileges and appur[enances thereto be/onginr� . �
<br /> farover.AND FURTMER,tht�t sald Trusi OQed is,by these prasents to ba cansidered as/ul/y and absolute/y ro%asad, ; . ,
<br /> � ct�ncolled and/prvver dJschargad. I .•,;'�;�.
<br /> ' .IUNE �, 1g g 1 �'
<br /> :��`�" WITNESSmy hand ond seal this_. 1� day of ' f
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<br /> ' � TEST: NORWEST BANK N�BRASKA,lUa[lnnaf Associatian, Trusr�e � � �:
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<br /> Tha forapo/ng lnsrrument was acknowledged befar�me,a Naiary Public,on this 13 doy af..-----�— '
<br /> � JUN� �g 91 ay NANCY S, BL00^S, VICE PRESIDEt`2T
<br /> of NORWEST BAMK NEBRASKA, NA7'lQlVAL A5SOC1AIT101V, a� �6`ariana! Bankinp Assoceairon on behalf of sAid �
<br /> caiparaiian. ��1�,����
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