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��. _. .w ..... � . <br /> ��.� .. • � <br /> �.r:- _=-- <br /> .,.�. <br />- '�'il�"�..Fi Y _.____. . <br />-:.�'��:4::.(':�. �— <br /> K�{y�t ". ( p( . . <br /> ; / 1s F (11�1�Q <br /> � � `� UNIF��7 COVENANT&Borroxror end LenCer covanenl entl agrea ee followa: - — .. <br /> F r���', 1. PO m�nl o PdnGIy�f�pd� Int�rop.Borrower e�all promptly pey wtwn Uue ma pdnoi el ot entl mtere6l on me = � �� <br /> mGe6tedReeaevi�EnOECWNlNOIe,DtOpa entenuia�acnerpeaeeo�owdeammaNOta.enaNPprmapaiomnamtereaton -- <br /> y � E - enyFNU�OAtive�cEl�OCUtOCbyNOP�Trutl � - -- �� <br /> �+ - D, iundUuT�xe�nEIniurann.8ubIecttooGpncabielawortoewrinonwelverGylenda�,8orrowennanpny�oLSnder �_..���3„ =-_ <br /> ,ta'r'i ry p <br /> o IheAUymonN InWllmtp4of AnolDalan0lnleresterepey�DlEUndl�tl�ONOle.unlllNON0101!pel01nNA ssumQ�ereln �+ • <br /> � f`� -�, "�unAO'7 64ulI id oD0•1w01M O}MO y08Ay tOxes nnC es5lssmenU whlc�may etluln pAOrIN Ove/lhie DNb 01 Truit e�0 �,F , <br /> proundron(aonNOPOparry neny.quaonanvelnnol�eartypremlumineunmenurorhawrdlneurance,o�uaona•hvelMOf � -_ s ._ .-__ <br /> �i2�r�.-� yeaHy premlum InsL�lmentb�lor motlgaye inauranoe.II eny,all ea reeWnab�y enumetaa midairy and Irom ame a Wne by � _ _ <br /> ,�1�,y LenAar on Ne 0lNe of�Ot!lSmenPo enQMlls sn0 roeaonlde Ettlm6le�Nerlbl. ,,:. <br /> . i T�oFund16hE116Eh01AInEnlnetlNdonihedepollhor6eC0untsotw{tlCherelnsure0or9ueranleed,byeFEdEtalo�6tete <br /> i,/`9�. . egenoy(ineludin4�I.enGer il Lender la euch an InetllWOn).Lendar thetl eppty Ihe PonAe to nay enid texee,ee�eeamente, ��ti^� � y = <br /> � x,�; InaumneeD�emluineeMprounGren�.lenderma notcherBefa6oholdin entleDD� ��BNaiunOe,enelyaln WAeaount �` ?" il" � -_ <br /> n �l� E � wveAyinOanACOmpilingeNdeasarsmenleentl6�N unle�LenEerpe s�orrowarinCerestontheFunuaeno�ppIlcablolew �, .�n� - _ <br /> rmilaLendertomakaeuchaoharga8orrowarend�endarmeyayree�nwriM etNeNmeolexoeutbnolW�0ee0ofTruel ; ,tsri� <br /> rv --; �et intaraet on�he Fundf enall be peltl to Borrowe�,enG unleaa euc�agresm�nt ia made or eppAcalDe law r uirea auch �� ,` � z � <br /> „� v --' intoraattobepa10.LOndorehollnotberaqWretllopeyBOrrowerenymtareatoreerningaonNOiunda.LenAOro Igivalo : :-_ <br /> Bonowe�,wllhoutchar9o,anennu9laccountlngolt�eFuntlaehowin9 uaAllaenAda6ltelolhaFundeendNa uurposefa ,�,,,, <br /> j+ ?1y,} r, whichoachdebittoUeFUna�wasmaae.11ioFundeerepletlgedeaeddiGonaisecurlryforihasumasacuradbythbDeaOOf �{�4; - �_ <br /> � �n : iruet .���« - -,�,o <br /> � � - -. INheamauntoft�ahntlehelAbyLenAer.togelherwiththeNluremonWyine�allmemsolFundeeCpaayablepriortoNedua ' t _ _ <br /> '0i �'��%;p�; esseeame�nlBi.�InBU�ranc�a piemium�enA pg�ro nA rents ee t�ey lall due 6uch ee se ehe�ll be et BoRO ere optlon ellhaer �?'��.` -.- _.. <br /> , , promplty re eid to Borrowerar creONed to Bonowor on monttiy inetaumente ol Funda.if Na emount ot Ihe Funde�eld b9 � �ri`�. . <br /> , � LsndBtshalPnotbeeu111c1enitopaylaxeAensenamente,inaureneepramiumaandgroundrenteeaNeylellduaBOrtoweroheil �+ y; <br /> ,,_y_ --�, pe y to Lender any am0unt nlCBne9ry to meke up Ne deflclenCy wilhin 30 deyt ltom Ihe Aele noticB In meitetl by LenAer to 7!f»� _.__ <br /> --�r BovowerreQUesUngpeymantlheraoL [ ,';!� �c <br /> , �•� UponDaymentinlullofallavmssecuretlbythteDeedolTruslLenCerohellprompllyrelundloBorroweranyFunOaheldby @'$(,f�� �._. <br /> � -,'. Lender.l(uMarparegraphl6hereoltheProDarNiseoldorlhePrope�IVieotherwieeeequiretlbyLenCer,LenGerehellapply E � � , r <br /> , Y : nolfl�erlhenimmetlialatypdortotheealeoftheProperryorneae4uia+ttonbyLender.enUFundeheldbyLenAeratlhetlmeo� t � +r M_-_; <br /> � - aOD���elion e�a cretlitegeinst Ihe auma eecuretl by Ihis DeeO ol7ruat k »`�r-,•, � <br /> '+ 9.Appllalion cf PaynU016 Unieab epP���ble lewprmiAee olhafwise.ell paymente reeeived by LeMerunAerNe Nota P,�-!• " E <br /> ' �_ - � endperegrephalend2hereotehellbeeppliedbyLenAerlvetmpaymenlofemoumapayabletoLenOerCyBOnoworunCer titk-� r l� s �-- <br /> �,. p0repreph4hereof,NBntoinlereatpEyaDleonlheNOte.NenloNepnneipelOtNeNOle.endlhenlolntereatanUpnneipelon �'_+ � � <br /> .ri?Sr b,>-'°a.;.y <br />- '•'�' - 8�6 Chara�WntiBOnowersahellpe9e111exoa.asseumenbandothercherpeaflneeandimpoailionseNlbutebletothe ������:��;s%�;':;r� <br /> �-...�?,� Proparry w c�ma allaln e Gdori over le Deatl ot Trust end leasohold grounA rente.if an ,in the manner - '�`�"'�;�.'`.�:• '-�. <br /> ryl y 1y t� PeYmentaor Y � i:T� , r • r� <br /> -�-s provided under pereqreph 2 he�eoi or,tl not pfliE in euch menner,by Borrower meking CavmanL wnen due,Cirodty to the ����;k 4� "`-� °�. <br /> peyeet�ereol.8o�rowBrlhBllptOmpllyWmlahtoLBndete11n011C880�emounlBduBUn0erlhleperegraph,enAimheevent �?F }..�ti -_ <br /> BolfOwef ehell mekepg yment directly.BotroWet Bhell promptly furniah to LenABt receipW BWdenefng tuCh peyment0. �,��5'. C ta �t a.:w. <br /> B o rrownr e l w l l promp 0 y d i e e harpe any lien which haa ptlori ry over Ihie Deetl ol Truet ProviEed.Net 0ovower ehell not 6e „�„� t '�fi ` :__ ' <br /> - " reqWretltoOlschergaanyauehlleneolongea9ortowar6�alegreemwnnngtomepeymantolihaoMign6vneuc�eeitysuc� --- . <br /> IIBnInBm9nnefHCCBp�BDIebLende4oreheilingoo0leiNCOntest6uCh�Ienby.ordelentlenfo2ementolsuchlleMn,legel �-:�i� < �yjt ri�`�„�i <br />_ proceedings which opBreta lo prev0nt t�e bnlacement of Ne�9n ot loNeilure o11he Propery ot eny pert theteot �.�.�..-:.,_,,(1:,� <br /> 6. Haar0lnwnneeBOrrowenhflllkeeGlheimprovemenlenowexi611n8orhereallererecledont�ePropertyineured � - F.�+�,i�- <br /> agoinaHOSabyflre.he=eidnlncluGadwll�intt�eterm"aztendeAeovora e".enAeuchmher�e=erdsaaLendermeyrepuire - -!y�;, 5 � ��b}�;; <br /> antlinauchemounUanAtorauchperiodsas�andermay require:provi�ded.mat�en0ern�ennotrBquirethettheemounto� ��ytF: <br /> such COVBlB9e exCBOtl IhB�Bmount of COVerege rBQUirBtl f0 pBy Ihe 8uma 89cuf8d by t11Ia DBBd ol TNS[ - i� r7 <br />- � ThleinawancecarrlerprovitlingNemsurenceehallbeehosenDyBOrroworaub�oettoepprovelbyLentler,providetl.that • rSR��.: <br /> auchepprOralshellnotEeunreeeonebtywlthheld.AllD�emmmsonmeurencepolicieeehellbe�aiElnfhemennerproviOeA 4 - - h�. ° <br /> underperegr0ph2hereolOr,ifnotpelAlnsuchmnnner.by8ortowermekingpeymentwhandua.di�ectlyloNainiurence F• ��. !'- <br /> CBff18L 4 " � ���. <br /> . . AlllnavrentepolicieaendrenewatalhereotahellbembrmecceptebletoLenderen0eheltincludeealandatAmorlgago „z}�. <br /> � clauaeinfavorofundinformecceD�bletoLender.LOntlero�allhevelhenghttoholtllhepolicieeanArenewalathOrBO(en0 f� =�� _, ,,y�,. <br /> � Borrowere�allprompOylumishtoLenAerellreneweinot¢eaenOanreeeipteofpeiOpremmme.InNeevento�losaBOrrower . <br /> - ahellgive0�ampmodeetot�einauraneeeerrieranaLenEecLenGermaymekeproolotlossdnotmetleDrompltyby8orrowee • <br /> - ' UnlesaLentlerantl8orrowerotherwiaeaqreemwn�ng.inaurancon�oceed6f�e11beBDP����a�e6loretionorre0eirollhe • <br /> -�: Propertytlemeged,provldeOSUCOreetorafionorrepairfaeeonomiceliyfeasib�eanameaeeuntvotUiaOeeaotTruaneno� . _ _ _ <br /> Ihereby impeired.If 6uCh realOreUO�or repeir ie nol BCOnomiCelly leeeible or d Ihe secunry ol thia DeeO ol TNat would be . <br /> . impeired Ihe Inaurenee praeeds el�ell be epD��eC�o IOe suma neeurod by ih�!Deed O�TruSt wdh Ihe BXCBSA��eny,peid 10 • <br /> Borrower.ll l�e Property ia ebenCOnetl b Borrower.or d Borrower fads lo respon0 to LerAer wilnin 30 0ays Irom tlie Oate � . <br /> - noliee in mmleA Cy Lendef�0 BOfrOwOr�Xot�he msurance cemer ol�era to setue e c�e�m br mwrance Denelrts.�enAer�a . <br /> • aut�orizetl lo colleetanC epD�Y�he msuranco prOCeetls et Lender's opuon eilher ro rosbrauon or rUpe��ol lhe Property or lo <br /> Ine euma newt80 Dy th�e De6C ol T�unt ' <br /> � UnteasLenAerantl8orroweroNerwiaeagreeinwnung.anyauchapphcalwnolproceedsbpnnapalshennoteatenAOr . <br />- poelpone t�e due Aate 01 ihu monll�ly msiellmenls relBrreC to m peragrephs 7 an0 2 hereol or Cnenge Ine emount ot suc� , <br /> � matelimenb.11 under peragraph 18 nereoflhe ProOenY�s acGmretl by lenAeG all ngN,Inle and mlereat ol Borrowenn anA to <br /> anyineurence policiof antl inandlolhe D��eoOSNereot resWUng from aemage m111B ProPerry Onor IOU898�00�aCquiII���On <br /> s�911 paEf to LenEer to t�e extenl ol Ihe suma seCUretl Dy Ihi!DeeC ol Truat�mmW�elely pnor lo sucn aele or ecQU�a�hon <br /> 8. PretenatlonendMalntenancoolPropeNy;Loa�ehold�:ConAominiumt:PlannaCUnitOevelo menh.BOrrowerahail <br /> kBBD Ne PrOperry m good rp0eir an0 s�all nOt Comm�t wa3te or Dermrt imDa��ment ol GelenorehOn oPl�e Praperty enE s0811 <br /> eompi wMOeprov�9onaolenyleasedihisDeBGO1Tm5h5oneleaSeholO.I11h9DOetloITNaUSOnaunRmeton0om�mum <br /> ot 6 0�enne0 umt GevBiOPmunt. BOrrowe�s�all peAorm aii 01 Borrower's obligalwne under Ihe deUaratio�or corenenls <br /> crealing or qoveminp fhe contlommmm or O�anne0 umt Ceve�opment�he by�iewa ana reguletmns ol me conGOmmium or <br /> plennetl unilEevelopment,and wnsfituent tlocumnNS.ila co�tlommmm or O�ennetl unn tlevelopmeM nOer is e:culetl by <br /> Borrower antl retortlBC togeNer wiln iNa Deetl o�Tms1.lne covenenls an0 a reemanis O�such nCer aM1e110e incOrpOreletl <br /> mlo end shell ementl end su00�eme�t tne covenents en0 egreemems of Ihis�eeo oi imst ee d me naer wem a pen nereot_ <br /> � 7. ProtaNlon ol lenCOr'�Sxuriry.i�Borrower le�ls io DeAOrm the corenents a�C agreemenle conte�netl m fhis DeeO ol <br /> Tmsl,or d eny echon or pro[eetlmg�s commanceC wilh malenaity nllaUS LenAer'e mlerest m Ino ProDeM��^��utlmg b�l not <br /> 6mf1eU lo.eminenttlomam.insolvency.cotle enlorcemem.o�avangementso�o�ocnetlmgs inroiring e DankmptorEecetlenl, <br /> Ih80 LBnCBf�t LBndBf S OD�On.UpOn nObCe lo BOtrowpr_maymakB Suth aVV08rente5At56UrsE SU[h Sum98nt118kB SuCh <br /> � adlon05�anec8a8erytoproleclLenOer'smlerest.mcu�am9.DUlnothm�le0to_C�sDUrsemenldt8esonxD�eallomey918eae�E <br /> ' entry uponNePropeM�omekere0ens11LenAe�reumredmongage��suranceasacontl�ho�olmakmqlneloansecuretlby <br /> Ih0 DBBd 0�Tm9L BOrtOwe�5hei1 pay Ihe p�CmmmS t¢aw�M b mamtem Suc�msu�0nte m a��¢cl unlil suth Lm0 As Ihe <br /> rEquRBmenitOt5uCtlmSUr2nt¢tErminet25��aCCOtOanCewilh6orrower3anJLC�tleiswnt�eneg�eemento�apphcaiDeiaw <br /> BofIOA'Bf 6t1811 pay Ihe em0u��O�e��mOtigege mSUrOnCe�erm�um5 m Ihe manner p�ov�tled untler perag�apn 2 nereot <br /> Any emounts OrsDUrEed Dy LenOer pursunm �o Ihrs 0�2g�Bplt 7 wilh m�C�e31 thQ�BUq Shell pQCOTC 000�I�Onal <br /> mAebledness oi Borwwer securea by Ih�s Deea ol ti us�U�Pess Borrower e�tl Le�+tle�agreeto o1ne��e�ms ol payme�t.sucn <br /> e e....,��..wn.. nm.n n�Aa wM Al�[1[M1AII OCJf�IIIEfC3I1fOf11II1C <br /> daleolCi6buraementatthe�e�eDeYablelrom��mebumeonouistonding pnnC�Oelun�C�1�ENO1CUnie55PeymnnlO�mtErE51 <br /> at auch rale wOUTA be conkary to e00���eDie iew.m wmc�evem such amoums s�an Dear m�eres�at tne hignest�ate <br /> pCfmi54ibl8un4BfBOD��=a�iB�eW NothingCOnlametl�nl��sD��agraph75hal1tCpmreLentletlO��N�anyeaDen5e0�l3keBny <br /> atUOn hereuntler <br /> B. In3pQC11oR Lentler may meke o�cause to�e m.lde�easonable enlnes upon dna mspeclwns o����e Pmoe�ry.prov�0e0 <br /> Itl9t LBntlBrShail grv0 BOrrOwQr no��ce puo�to any suc h msprc0a�specnymq�MSnnAD�e cause I�e�elmr�wlalp.E lo LCntler s <br /> , mteresl m Ihe Properry <br /> ' � s1c�:�o� -£6 <br /> � <br /> i ( <br />