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::�:1 ._ , . . _ <br /> .. :_ . . , . _ <br />;._.e;ra. .• >�•:-�: _; <br /> _� . . - - . - __.._. _ _. <br /> ..:::. _ . . 93- �o�3�y <br /> _ -- tE,M[!�!�•PtovMbRa <br />—-� (i>BOmwirliotR�MsNd.ExlenUonoffhatlmalapaymoMOrmotldloavonotemortl[�IbnofUi��um�weurWbyB�U -_ <br /> OeedolTAa1pnnleAbylanderenany�uuaajorinlmereetOfBarrowareneltnotopaml�torete�a,in�nym�nnN,t�ellaDlltty <br />.. .." .J oltheodpimlBanowxirtl8ana�ehsue�soorelnlntaest.l.entlxe►�3unotberequlrOdt000mmeneeprooasGing�ag�Intt � _. . <br /> wohtu000qororreAroetoextenEtlmeforpaymentoro�orvrlaemoOMyamortlutlonofNeaum��eoureQOythl�0eedo1Trull <br /> by raeon o1 smrdemmd�mede Dy Ne orqmm Bonowar ane eorrowere eucce�aora m inleroet <br /> (D) UndW�Powx6 WlNOUt efleotlnp Ne Ilebillb ol any olher pemn IWDIe►or Ne p�yment ol emr obllp+8on heroln <br />.--_-., men9oned.andwlihaNnHOOUnpNelienorohn�OeoflhiaDeaAOiTruNUponarryDOrUOnolthaProperrynotthenaN9reloPotB <br /> (8�88{BdmlABWd�yf0/NB�UI1Bf110YM01611Unp81U0611e00011&Lb�kl�fllLy,tfOIIILR19tOWi1BlIIOWINONf10U00�f01lE�OEIy `-- - -- -- - ' <br /> perwnso11i0te,OqexlenONematurnyo�elteranynitheurmaolany�uo�obtipauona,(Imprentolherindulyenoa�, rNeew <br />�� o�raconvey,or onuea to ba raleeeed or reconvayad at eny Ilma at lentlel�oDdon eny peroel,poNOn or all of tlfe�roparly, <br /> -� (y teke or releate any oNer or eAEltlonel aeoudH�or erry obllgstlon hareln mantloned,or(vi)meke compoeillona or other <br />-__= arranpemanle wM da0loro In relaUOn Nerota <br /> -=� (o) RorWannos by Lendo Not�Walvsr.My 1or6earance by Lender In e:aroiatng any tlght or remady heraundor,or __ <br /> `�" oNanvlea etlorde0 by sDP�����e Inw,ehell not be a waNer ol o�preoluda the exerclae ol any auoh dpht or rBmedy.The = --��� <br />- �z,v%� proouramentoflnsuranceorlhepeymantofwxeaoro�herilanaorohuge�byLende�e�allnotbeawalverofLender'srlghtW �- -- -� - <br />-��� eecelerele Me maluAly Ot the IndBbledness aacureA by Nia Dead ol Trun <br /> � (� Bueesiww�nd Asdpn�Bound;Jolnt m0 Saaal Llabllity;CepOOn�.The covenanl�and epraemanle heraln con- <br />�,�`.'� teined eha0 bin0.enA Ne Nphle hereueder enall Inure to,the reapaeYVe euccauore end eeaipna ol Lendar anC Truetor.All s �+ �- <br /> � ;,� covenanta end eyreamenle ol Truerore�all be Jolnt end eeverel.The capllone and heaEinga olthe pere0�ep�e ollhie OeaA ol �t` � �� <br /> �, Truet ere fa aomenlenae ony end ara not to Da vaetl to imaryret or deHne tfie Drovialona hereol. --- <br /> f-� (e) RpuHllorH011nt.ThepaNasherebyrequeitNatecopyofanynoticeofdafaullhereunAerendacopyolenynotice Jxc � <br /> �'^'`• of eala hBreunder be melleA lo eech perty to thla�eeG ol Truat at the atldresa eet toM ebove in Na menner Droaodbetl by $ - <br /> f�,° apP���b ia kw.E xaep l br any o l her no l ice requ lr e C und er a p pliceW e iaw ro be ghren in enoNer mannor,an y noUeo provldad � � 'r� -- <br /> � �. . IorinNleDeedotTrua[ehellDe9ivon6ymai1ingsuchnofleebyeeNfledmellaACreaaedtotheolherpaNea,attheaddraeaeat y i� -��. <br /> rh�� foM flbova Arr/noUce D�ovided tor In ihle�oed ol huat ehall be ellectWe upon mellinp in Ne menner de6lgneted herela If ',��y ` - <br /> x��'`;-- TNeIOr IB more N0n One perl011,n08ce aent to the eddreee eet lotlh ebove BhNI be nollee b all eueh pereon0. �!i � �? ' <br /> rc k{ �q Insp�otlon.Lendor may make or cause to 6e metle reaeonable anuiea upon anA InepeGions ot 1he Proparry,proviEetl r�� )�c-. �- <br /> ,�}��;;i Nat LanGer ehell give Tmator notiee D��oi fo any eueh Inapec�on apecllying reaeonable cauee Iherelor relateA to Lend¢rs ,�� t � �i�,: <br /> � f.1 intere6t in NB ProPery u- . <br /> � ,�,.� (g) R�eanv�y�nu.UponpeymentofalleumasaeuretlbythiaDeedolTruatlenderahallrequealhuataetoreconvayNe *�usr`� :i ': <br /> �-j.;�; PropertyentlshellsurrenderNleDaedotTroetandnllnoteaevideneinglndebte0neseeocuredbythiaDeedotTrustloTruMee. �,� n�-z _ <br /> „l.ys� huetee ehNl reconvey Na Property wll�out werranty end without eharge to the paraon or pereone legaly entltled Nereta 'Ay" -��. -. <br /> . �+ huelo�ehail peyall coW of recoMetlon,i(any. s 'S�+ �fi-. , <br /> �.Jti yty}i$, .: <br /> r' (h) Panon�l Prop�Ay;81CUdty AgrOemeM.Ae eddltlonel eecutlty lot the peyment 01 NB Nole.Truelof herBby Oren16 ,�t�, t .`��= <br /> LenderuntlerlheNebraskaUnNOrmCommerel8lCOdeeieeuriryinte�estlnellflzlurea.eQUipmentendoNerpereonelproperty ,, � 6 .1 <br /> i' Y'a'a�inCATJf'vGEGO�iiihih'vf62t8bt2feGttmFfGj6R.bWtGW:.^.dN�.::^,:r=•^.��.hernL`etlGCl9redOtdeemed146eeM�tM �� ' - <br /> N[r NB reel8slete eeeure0 hereby.Thie InatrumBnt nhell be construod ee e SeCUriq Agreement undet eeiE Code,end ihe Lendar �f��`��� '__ <br /> r,,_,!� enAeccord'edNeLenderpure�enttoUlaDeeOrofhue�L'povdedtheClL�8n0eesdiBhle�antl eme0iesun0erlhieperegaphehell i s�`1 's;! ��� <br />;_s;i��.,� be cumulative xWl�,en01n no wey e limita�lon on.Lender�dphU entl reme0lee unCer eny ol�er security egreement eigned by � 4�:'�•<<i^-� <br /> -: BOrrOwer orTluaW�. t� � i3 �s�`'�: <br /> z' @ Llsn�en0 EnCUmbfeneeb Truab(hereby warrenle entl represonU thet Nere ie no E810VIt unAet�he O�oHa�one 01 eny � 53 e;�' - <br /> ir T°� motlpege,EeeO 01 trua!�e8a�0�'bdrcheSe eonVect Oextlbing elt or eny pert ollhe Properry•or Other conlrect,In6Wment or - �� <br />--��Y,yt'�� egreement wnalitutkfg e Ilen ot encumbrenee egeinst all or eny pert of 1he PmDerry(colleclNely."Llens'�,exlsOny ee ol t�e i't�;.��-.�>�� <br />-�:,5,:�-� Oate of Nit D ��r ''�,�x... <br /> ee�of Trvat,flnd that any end ell exialing Liens remein unmoAillotl except ea Eleclosetl to Lender In huelors '�(%�.':..-., <br /> ;e�% wdlten disoloeure ol llona and eneumbtances proWAed tor herela Truelor a�all fimely peAOrm all ot Truator'e obllgetlon& _i;.';+..`:'7€-. <br /> �%:j;�'_ Cov9nfln18.reprasenlatlansenOwarrantleaunOerenyandellexlaitlngenAlWUreLlenashellpromptlylorwartltoLendereo0�es ':��i(iy,�p?,t;.' <br />_:.:_.�F}t� ot ell noticee ol dOtautt sent In connoelion wIN any and all existlng orluNre Liena,enA shall not wilhout Lendare D�ot wriften �.T�_:�*�>,y,,.:: <br /> - eonsent in eny mennor motliy ine o�o'ASiona ot or auow eny future etivancoa unGer eny exlanng or hnure Liene. z4 .�• <br /> e-iA � i-;-;.: <br /> „t�;r. �) Applloetlon o1 P�YmBnu.Unleaa othervriee reputretl by lew,aume paid to LenOarhereunAer.inUutling wiNOU[IlmitBllon } { <br />��'��`,� peymenb ol ptlnUpel en0 interea4 ineurenee proceetla.eondemnatlon D�aceeCS antl renle end profils,ahall be epp0ed by S�! `?��r�:.:'"'� <br /> _ ;j,`-,� Lendertotheamounbtluean0owinglromTmstorend8orrowerinsuchorderaaLenAeNnitseolediacrgflonEeemaCesirabie. ����^�•j'�-.`-•:;`�-_� <br /> --. . (k) BoverablWy.II eny prmislon ol thia Deetl ol hust conllicls with eppliceOle law or la Ceclered InvaliC o�othemiee r -. _ �,L.?.i <br /> unenbrceaDle,euch confliet or invalitlily shell not allecl the oNer Drovieans ol Ws OeeC ol Truat or the Note wMe�can be y t _;3t��. <br /> z !�? gWenefledwllhoutNOeonllictlngproMelon,anAtothlsenOtheprovlslonsofthUDeetlolTruatendiheNOteflredeeleretltoba + 1 .- ;:. <br /> s�. � teverflble. t ' 3. �-� <br /> �'� @ Tarme.The te�ms"Tmalor antl"Borrower'ahail include boU tinpular antl pWrel.end when the Tmalor antl Borrower ' _, <br /> e(B�h0 891118 pef6011(Dj,ih0881BIrt1!e!1168tl If1 UI(8 DeBO 01 TN6t Bh011 DB intBfCt1E0A08b1B. �S y,_ <br /> �'�� (m) Qoreming Lew.Thia DeeA ol Tmat ahell be govemeA by Il�e lawe of Ne Stete ol Nebraake. l a � 'r!<r <br /> - n�} Trualor h88 8xttute0lhie Deetl ol Trust en ot the Eele wntlen ebov j pf > �.- i <br /> t':'1 /•1� I/ / ,:.L4/�.\i-�v�r f�i�:i.. <br /> � + ' � <br /> .M;jRDR ' NERSHIPTr r rl, ��`:,.. <br /> �: (�,�b�—�"� � . ! 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