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_ <br /> . . -_ -- - ---- _ <br /> AttKNOWLHDQEMENT OF DEeD OP TRUBT 93° �'���� <br /> iRU6f0EtRl�ADTH�@�FQHQ810NIN(k . �___ _ <br /> Tru oYynoepu�I efph��iNe ocumeate�et11wIo�lu0ou11oexocNeleeUeeAkoifsTrutt�nQMl�moRp�,7�oqn„gO�b�IN�poW,a �- <br /> opy�j�d h�t��w�ryh� � 4�hup�p p�mi i A eub u i^Ono Oml bNa Aie ioknor IedCam nt wso i�u�0 AY ` -- <br /> TYat� oro Me exeowon ot m�peeo ot rrun <br /> RD epa m��o� — , -- „ <br /> V <br /> mlWr <br /> —— <br /> DEED OF TflU8T HIfTH FUTURE ADVAtdCH6 r:--,:.--,__-:� <br /> THIB DEEO OP TRUBT,la made ee of Ne 11 tlay ol MAY ,78 93 by and emonp �.•e___ <br /> r.:r:._:><-�_�__—. <br /> Nairuetor, FUA PARTNBR88IP , Z,6= <br /> NB 68801 <br /> wnoea malllny addroea la g22 8 OUNBARREL ROAD 6RAND ISLAND marein'Trualor;wnaNar ona or more� � };� �--- <br />- FIYB POINTS HpNK �'Sf;''"� <br /> Ne lYvated � --" -_. <br /> whoae malling aatlrees la P 0 BOX 1507 QAAND IBLAND N2 68802-1507 m y,end ��L`'+' - . <br /> ereln"Truelae j .�,� � <br /> .�.4�k <br /> theBenaticlary. FIVE POINTS BANK , a� �� -�_ <br /> P 0 DOX 1507 GRAND ISLAND NB 68802-1507 -.-� t�z-1�- � - <br /> wh08amellln BAdreaele (hBrein"Lende�ry. :,rt��'�'.�:mt,7Y:��=. <br /> 9 �:•T:%iF,•;Z��`.; — <br /> : !;: <br /> fOR VALUABLE CON9IDEMTION,InUuAing Lendere exlenelon ol creOlt IAendtleA�ereln to '"q'�tE,;:��,'¢:'���2;t;�4-„ <br /> anw GSRTl1RA9HTP (hefBln"BOffOWel".W�8N81 On0 Of f�0�e)00tl IhB W6t IIOtB��GBetBO, V rh%i"�'k�'; -� <br /> ri•.5,..., . <br /> Ne reeelpt ol which Is he�eby ecknowle0qed,huaror hereby irrevocebly grenU,Venalere.conveye end aeeigna to huatee,IN g�;:,<s,i;•,ti�,:�=�;:�---, <br /> TRUBLWITHPOWEROfBALE.lorlhebene0tantleecuri olLender,unCerandnubjectWthetettneendeonEllionaherelnallarset •���x�'���y �-_�- <br /> H h::l 5:i;r+ �:(..m <br /> tonh,�he reai p.operty.descdbed ae lollowa:'S�•S};,�:_-.�a- <br /> LOT EICiHT (6) JAFISON SUBDIVI9ION TO THB CITY OF GRAND I3LAND� ��{'�s++r`�>a -�:� <br /> HALL COUNTY� NBBRASKA. r:�}N;�„y ����r `� <br /> f�,_��';�2�t `r4s�.� <br /> topelher wilh all buildinye,lmprovamenle,llzlurea.elreele,elleye,peaeageways.easemeMa tlghte,prfWtepes and appurte- �(c�tt i�,+,ici ���uk <br />- nane6a loCalod Nareon or in anywiae perl8lning inerelo.enE ihe ren18.I88uea and prolfte,reverNOne en0 remelndere Nereol,arM ,�sk;;�;'i`�'yS�:�;��;.; <br />° ouch pereonei Droperry ihat le 9�lached lo Ihe Improvemanl6 so ae ro conetlwte n 11xWre,includin9•but not ilmlled iq�eating enA :....•.%9;�'.CP"�?c�+ <br />= co011np64uipmen;endtopelherwilhlhehomealeadormedtelintereaU.11eny,whichintereateareherebyreleased9ntlwaiv9d;ell '•''�i,�'!,!;;i�L�;;;?��i <br /> of whleh,Including replaeememe and etltlitlons thereto,la hereby declereA to be e pert o11he reel es�ero eeeured by Ne llen ol thla r�;�?i"�:.;��q;'-�i��!t� <br /> Deetl of Trust and ell of the tor oin boln relerretl to herein as Na'Pro e ' �•,�f'•'%rf!c�`�4''�if-� <br /> e9 8 8 P ��� �,� ��;;�.::,.SS�:;Q.S.� <br />� TNa De9A ot Truet ehall nacure(e)the payment ol lhe princ�pal eum and interes[erideneeA by e promleaory nole or creCil �`..�"�r�,�.j:f!��,a{5 F�'''._ <br />- f.:j,,,;.pf.;:'ri':2:. <br />:- epreement Oa�ed MAY 11. 1993 ,�aving a maWrity da�e oi NOVBMBER 11� 1993 , � '-� � � '- �;��• <br /> "` f�xS --::: '-�. <br /> In the otl inal Nncl el amounl of S 1���n�.�n ,en0 any end all mOG111pelione.exlensione entl renewela �2 ,`�'��,y xs��""'�"1�+--� <br />- 9 P P ��::.-:::��t•)tf;'�i:"': <br />.: t�are0f or thereto enA eny anA all tulure edvanee�antl reedvnnces to Borrower(or eny ol lhem il more lnan one)hereunder � � � _ _ ._ <br /> pureuent to one or more promieaory nolea or credit agreemenla(herein celie0"Nole'):(b)t�e peymeM ot ollier sume etivanced by ;--y p "; <br />' LendettoprolectNeaewNryotlheNOle:(e)Ihepedormaneeolallcovenanlaende8�eemenleolTmslor5etloMherei�:and(d)all r 'F`a d �3"?i�� ��-.. <br />'- preaent entl future indebtedneea anC oWi8a11ona ol Borrower(or any ol them il mo�e t�en one)to Lender whether Cireel inEireet �_r,.-. f,,,.. <br />° ebaolute or contingent end whellier edaing by nole,guaranry.overAraft or omerwise.The No�e.Inis Deed of Truat end eiry entl ell l . "sr �i��f� <br />= OlherAOCVenlethateeeurel�eNOleoroNe�vdeeexecutedinconnecGOntherewllh.mclu0ingwn�ouUimita�longuarenleee,securiry +i." f �K f�, ��� <br />- egreemenle end essi9nmente ot leaaea antl renU,a�en be relerred lo herein aa me"LOan Inalrumenle". �,i,�,,,L.,��R{{��^�;`;; <br />€ Truatot eovenema end agrees with Lender ea�ollowa: ^� �) }- 7"`� �=.� <br />- 1. Paymont o1 Indobladnoat.All indeOledneas aecuretl hereby snell be paia when due. < <�.-i;�,-: <br />- 2. TItlO.Truelor 19 Ihe owner of the ProDerty.hae the right anA aulhoriry b convey I�e Property en0 warranW ihel lhe Ilen - - ' <br />= crealed hereby 16 a liret and prior lien on the ProOerty.except lor liens and encumDrancea sel lonn Dy Tmelor in wri0ng entl , <br />� AellvuredtoLOnderbolomoxocutionolNisDeeCOl7met.enAtheexeeu6onenAdeliveryo12h�5DeatlolTmetAOesoo�violatea�y !� , . <br />.- conlmq or oNer obligation to which Troslor ia sub�ect <br />._ 3. Taxo� pey belore Aelinquency an texes.aDeaai aasesaments entl en mher cnarges a9einet Ine Properry �5 : <br /> now or herea8er IeMed. <br /> d. In�uranee.To keep the Property inauretl ageinat aamage by hre.�e¢arCS mctuCeO wrthin the term"exWndeA corerage",antl � <br />� 6VC�Othe��eiBrOt es LBnEer mey requrt4 m amounle end wM compemes ettepleble to Len08r,nemmg Lentler 88 e�BdO�liOne� � <br />-= nameA ineuretl.wl�h loee peyebla�o the LenCer 10 C86B O��055 u008�SUC�pOhCi85.1�8 L8�tl0��5 dulhOnZBd 108tlry64 G0119tt 8Od <br /> compromiae.allcleimsthereunderenCS�allhavelheopuonolepplyingallorDanollheinsura�ce0�oceeES(OmanyinOebleOness . <br /> - EBNrBdt1B�8Dyen0ineuchorde�86Le�Uermaydeterminr.(n)tolheTruSfortobeuseAforlherepairorrealo�etionollhePrppetly <br /> or(tilJ tot eny olher DurpoEe or Ob�otl sa�sleClory IC Lentle�wMOUI eXec�ng l�e he�ol 1h�9 Deed oi Ttust lor�he�uli amounl secured <br />. �Broby bebre euc�DflYment ever loOk O�eCe-Any apphcelion ol proteetla to mUebtednes5 9hei1 not eYtend or po51pon8 the tlue <br />- dale ol flny peyme�ls untler 1he Note.or cure enr Oelault Uereuntler or hereuntle�. <br />,_ 5. EiCfOw.UpOn wtitlen�G..–•anC G�LBnCar.Trua:ar Sheil p:.p 10 Lun08r,in Suc�menne•a.L^.^.tler c^.ay de5:gnale.Sulhtien! <br />,> BumS io Bn8D10 LBnCOr t0 p8y ea Iney DecomO Cue one or more ot IDa iollowmg p7 e��texel.aesasamems end o�uar cnarqea againsi <br />.= the ProDery.(II)tha pramiume on Ihe pwperty insurance�epwre0 hereantler.antl(iii)Ue premiume on a�y mongege��auranee <br /> repuirod by Lender. <br />-= 8. Malntonanco, Ropaln end Compli�neg wllh Lewa.Tmalor ehen keep tne Property in qooa con0iuon an0 repa�r,ahal� <br />= promptly repeir, or replaee 9ny improrement which mey be Oama9e0 or EeatroyeA: Ehall nol commrt or permit any wasle or <br />' tlBletlorailon of itle Properiy:a�all not remove.Gemo��ch or suDSt2nlla�ry a�le�a�ty of ine fmprorementa on t�e Proporty[shell nW <br /> eommit,6uNO�or permlt any act�o De tlone�n or upon ine Property m violauon ol any law,ortlinence.or reguiafiom,and snell pay antl <br />° promptly Eiec�erge at Trualor'a coet end eapense ell liens,eneumbra�cas anA c�argea leviotl.imposed or asseued ageinet t�e <br />-= Properly or eny pan Ihereol. <br /> 7. Eminonl Uomaln.LenOer le hereby aaaigned ell eompensation,awar0f,aem9ge!end other Oeyments or reliel(hereinafler <br />- 'PrOCeBOa'7lnconneCllonwMhcondemnetlonoroNertekingolNePropertyorpanNOreot,orlorconveyenCeinlieuolcontlemna• <br /> ' lloa LenEer ahall be entlltetl ai ite optlon to eommence.aDDeer in antl prosecule���te own name any ection or proeeetlinga.en0 <br /> bhell aleo be enU11Bd to meke any compromise or settlement in Co�nBt6on wiU auch teking or AemOge.ln t�e evBnt eny porlion ol <br /> F x8CNAlMauiaMwnGMnn�OM � � � .ff �.. : <br />'- O1rypMxwl��Nqtr rwTrv�l�mi��vq�IUte[.n.or�IwMnNW�N <br />.• ._ __ ���_� __ <br />