. . ..� . ' " \ . _ . ;� . . . -. _ .. \ - _
<br /> . +�� \ ' `,� � � ' 1 .. . .�• \.,l. 11 `,v+' � �V . .
<br /> ' - �.) .\ r .. . . . . ` . _
<br /> , . . "�: . . .. . � � . ,.. ., . � ' . `\1:.. . - _ --�--
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<br /> „ . y.
<br /> �^=�..�.�,__� � .. ._...... . . x,_----- ---- �.. - _=s=* -
<br /> . !�i Gr o���!F�F�'/ ,.. 'T,y:;;„a.
<br />` �� • , The Fund�att�Y bp he;d In an I�stitut'on the d�pnalto or accaunta ot�vh!�h�ro Incurcd rr qumm�la�ti by a faslesal ar etete a���y . , �
<br /> , ' (�nch�dtr►p l,�r+d�r H�endsr Is euch nn Ino;Etutlan), lantkr eh�H�pply th�ru�do ta pay Iti�eaua�v Ila�1a. lendc� mey not oharp:+ tor .
<br /> • •• ' h�id�np�nd 8pptying iho i'unde,enetyelnp tho Aceaunl er vcr;ty�lnp iha oscrrnv Itcros, uNa�o lend�r rayo Oorr�wo►lntereet an Iha Funde � . �- �„
<br /> ^ ' � �nd oQpNc�blo ta�v pertr�+te lendar tc�n�ko euch d cha��a.A charpa aeacoeed by lendr►tn connacl�a�w�tA BonnwM'e enterind Into Ihla
<br /> .:. " '° B�r11y I�ataims+U to pay tt�e cosl cl an Ind!�ndenl t�.�s t�oitlnp a�vlco o�dB nol be A aherpe(ar purpueoe al lh�prR�ediny ea�tRn�o. � . - ,
<br /> __ _ ._:: .._ k3oriower end ls��cias maty�'aa Ir��vri�4�thal Intcrast ohtsd bo pald on tha Funde. Un!i�e en e�reexnc�U l�mauo ar enpHC�btA 1#ev „
<br /> E. .°.-- - ---_.._._
<br /> _ -. .._ . -_ —1 nquiru inturae! to pe pelt�, I.endor ahan not bo rec}ukad to pay Dortowcr eny intrrcet or eam!nna on the FunBZ, �dnd:r uhst!Q�ve ta � ^�1 • - .
<br /> � QoROnrcr, �vlthoul ch�rpe,�n annual eccountinp ol tho FimOe ohowfnp a�ri�i�nn�!u�uHn to tt�a t'ur��a and th� �.�►.���:�W�'�+�
<br /> - -- �� ct�ft to the�unda wa9 madn. Tho Funct�aro ryE�v�ed ae ad�;�ians{6e:.0�1y tc;tha �ums s:a:ue�9p t�ln F.ecurtt�{��fn�r��. � � _
<br /> � • II iha nmaunl ot the Funda hetd by LendM,tapothar wlth the tuturo monthy paymente ol�unda pAyable ptlor to tho duv d�t�o ot � , , „ _
<br /> - • the eycrow Itema, ehsli uxceed tNo amount requtred to pry tho eacrow Itc+me whan du�,fhe oxca�o ahefl bd,al [larrowar'a op0an, e:ther � ,
<br /> ,. promnly ru-rnld to 9ottawer or cradited to Borrowor on monthy peymenle ot Funds. 11 tha ema�ml uf tho Funda held by lende�le not � ,
<br /> " auMclenf to pay tho nacraw Itoms whon duo, aorrawur ohati pny to 4anc�ar any emouM nnc000ary to mako up tho duticlency In ano or �
<br /> more p�ymonte n�roquhad by lendcr, �
<br /> � Upon paymrnt In full af ell�ums oacurud by thls 9acuilry Instniment, londer ahs0 prampty raf�md to Elotta►vnr eny F�md9 held by �
<br /> Lr.ndr•r. 11�indar n4►rrgrnnh t0 tho Propartv la aold or nequlrQd by landcr, Lencter ohaH eppty, no l9ter thnn Imm»�+toty pdor to Iho eala ��
<br /> ►
<br /> � of lha Prapnrry ar Ite ncqulsfllon by Lenda�, any funds hetc!by lend�x at the time ot nppllc�tlon ao e�craait eflainat tho aumr�aosurcd �
<br /> by ihla t�ecudry Inetn�mont, i
<br /> 9.P!'Pl.ICATION OF PAYMENT9. Unless Qpplicablo In�v pravldos othonviso, aIl pnymonta recAlved by Londor under psraflrapha 1 �
<br /> � and 2 ehail bo itppliod:Otat,to Ista ah�rqos duo undar iho Notu; sacond,to propdymCnl charpns duo undor Ilto Noto; third,to amounte i
<br /> paynblo under patapraph 2;touhh, to inta�st cFuo;and last, tn principal duo. �
<br /> A, CHARQEB; LI�N9. Horrower ahall pay atl texas, asoossmants, aharqaa, Mos and Impooltiana eltdbutAbla to Iho Propairy whlah i �
<br /> � mny Attaln priarlty ovar th19 800udty Inatn�ment, and la3ohold paymonta ar pround rents, II eny, BoROwar ehall pny thc+ao obligntlons in r
<br /> tho mRnncr providod In paragraph Z,or U not puld In that mannar,8oaowa ahaU pay 4hum on tlma dirncty ro thu paaon owrsd paym�nt. ' .
<br /> Bortower ahaY promply nimish to the Lander all naticas ot amounte to be pald undor thla paraqreph. If 9orrowcr n�.kva tho.so payn;ento !
<br /> dlrc�tly, Bortowor ehsH promp�y tuml9h to 4ender rvcH.pto rnidoncing the psymento. � ,
<br /> BoRO�va nhAll pramply d;saharpa any Ilen wh!cA hAS priarity ovcx thls�curtry Instrumont unless Bortowcr, (s) a{�rooa In wdtinfl to
<br /> tho paymant af tho obllgotlon aocurod by tha Ucn In o manner acevpta6lo ta 4endur, (b) contostu In good falth thu Ilen by, or dotends
<br /> �palnet enforcemenl ot tl�o Ilet�In, la�}�1 W�ococtdinga whlch In the l.onder'a opinlan oAernt�to pravcnt tha enlorcomont oi tho Ilen or
<br /> tort�iture o1 any paA o1 tha Proparty; or(a)seCUraa trom tho holda ol tho Ilen en epreement antislactary to Londer subordinating tho Ilen ;
<br /> to thls 8ecudly In�tiument. 11 londor detemilno� thai any part o11ho Property fa nubJect to a Ilon whlch may ettaln priodty ovor this � ,
<br /> I 3acurity InatnimenL Londa rtu►y�Ne BORQWFlf d nOtICB Id0i1ti1ylflg 1h0 11011. BpROWOt 9h81!89i181y the Ilen or teka ono or mora o1 tha ;
<br /> •• sctlonn sot IoAh ebova w(thln 10 dayo q1 tho pNing o}nodco. ,
<br /> S, NAZARQ IM1V^URANGE. Bortowes ahell koen tha Improvoments now oxispng ot Acreatter erocted on tho Proporty Inaurad eg�inst
<br /> tose by Iiro, htuerds� Inctudod within tho tem► "axtandad covorafle" and any other Aazards for whlch Londot roqutres Inaur�nce,Tt�is
<br /> ' inauranco ehaU bo ma�ntalned In tha amaunto nnd for thc�periods that Lendar requiros. The Insumnco caRlor providlnp tho insu►�ne�st�ull '
<br /> — ----------
<br /> _- _ --_. - ----
<br /> bo ahaaan by Sortower subjcct to l.endar's approvAi wh►ch 3hall no1 bo unreasonaby wl:hhe�d.
<br /> NI Insuranco pc5clea c�nd renewals ahaU bo accc�te�bfe lo tho londer and shall irte�ude e stnndard mortgage o'�uav. lender ahull
<br /> havo the r1pM to hold tho pollc;as snd renmvala. N Lend:r roqulros, Borrowor ehall�rcur,fitry give to lender all rec:vpis o1 pal�i premluma '
<br />_------ - ... ... --•'--- ..' -•"' •''_' o� ......� n..�..e . • I • 0 1 c ronnn norrin and Ipndar londpf tM IY18k8 �00� � -
<br /> — anci ranowai auttcao. iii ina oro��i�,�.,v�,,,..r...n oh6�.y..�p.�x,¢.r.�!»�t�:h..��'.....__�...--• -----��--_ --.-- Y Q . .. .
<br /> of loso II not mudo pmmpty by eoRO�ver.
<br /> Unlose 4pndM and Borrower othemiso aqroo In wdtlnp, Insuranco procoeds ah9U bo npplled to ros2oratlon or ropAlr a1 tho Property
<br /> dsmaged, It tha reatorptlon or repuir le aconamic�lly taasible and Landar's socudry Is not losaened. H tho rastoretlon or ropafr Is not
<br /> economlcaly toasible or Londar'a socudry woutd bo los3enad, lho Inaurnnce proceeds eh�U be appllud to the euma aor.ured by thls
<br /> Sec�idty Inutrumenl,whothar or no1 then dua,with any oxcese paid to Borrower. II DoROwer obandana tho Property, or doaa not enswor
<br /> within 90 daya a notlae tram Lender thal the Ineumnco r.�+Mor hos Q�tered to aettto o clnlm, thdn Lendor mey calloct iho Insuranco
<br /> prooceds. Lende.r may use tho proneeds to ropcl►or roatoro tho Properry ar to pay sums socured by ihls 8ncurity Inatrument,wheiher or
<br /> • nat then duo.Tho:i0-dAy podod will bagln when tho notica Is givan,
<br /> Unlesa Landar and Borrowor othenvise agrav In wriSis�9,any applicatlon oi proceeds to p�inclpal ahaU nat exten0 or poatpvne the
<br /> due dt►te o1 lhe monthly Raymente retoRad to in pnmpr�ph 1 and 2 or chanpo iha cunounl ot tho paymenta. li cnt9Er paraflrRph 19 tAe
<br /> PiropoAy Is sequlrad by 4ander,Borrower's d�ht to any In9urnnco pollcles and procoeds rasufling lrom damage to 1he Property priar to 1ho ; , ,
<br /> scqulsltipn ehAN paos to landar to tha oxtent o1 Iha sums sewred by thia Sewr(ry Inatrument Immed�.�tey pdor to the acqulalilo�.
<br /> ". � 6, P'RE3ERVATION ANp MAINTENANCE OF PROPF.RTY; LEASEHp409, BoROwer ehell nol deatroy, dom�flo or substentialty chanpo
<br /> . � I tha WopeAy,allow tho F'raperty ta detorlorato or commit wasto. N thls Sacudty Inatrumenl Is on a leasehold, Qorrower shall compy wtth
<br /> tha provlsbna of the leasa and I} Dortawer acqulros 10o tltiv to the Property,Ihe ioflsohald and 1ea titlo shaA nc+t merflo unloso th�Lender
<br /> agrees to tho merfler In wdting.
<br /> � 7. PROI'EQTION OF LENDEN'9 RIQHT9 IND TH� PRAPERTY; MQRTQAGE INSUFIANGE, I�BoROwor Ialls to perlortn lhp covenants
<br />• , and apraements aantalnad In thls 8ecudty Instn�mont, ar tharo Is o Ie�i!proceeding that may alqnllicantly elfact iho Lender's right in tho
<br /> Prope�Ay (auoh pa a proeoodinfl In bankruptcy, prabate, tor con�iemnatlon or to ento�co Ittwa ot rapulAtlona),then lender may do and pny
<br /> tor whatovor lo nacessary to protoct tha value a1 ihe Prapsrty flnd Lander'e �Ights in tho Prpperty. 4ondar's actio��s muy Inciude paying
<br /> , any ctums aecurad by a i�en which hos prloriry aver this Security Instrument, app��rinfl I�court, paying reasonablF attomoysYeos and
<br /> enterk�g on the Pioper9y to make repairs.Alihouqh lender may take oction under paragraph 7, londer doos not havo to do so.
<br /> i My emounte disbu�sed by Lonc1�aa�der parnprflph 7 ahsll bacome additlonal debl 0)Bortowes securod by ihis Security Instn�mant.
<br /> � Unloso Bortower and Lender�gree to o9P�er tarma o1 paymont, these amounts ohall beAr Intorost frvm dalo 01 disbursomont o!thc Noto
<br /> rnt�and ehall he psyable.�pon notice hom 6endor to Bonower raquesting pAymenl.
<br /> ' ii Londe►required rnart�ape insurance us a cdndiiibn of ri�aklnq iha taan ac�.;+r�hy iha Setusity Instrurr.�,^.i, Ba:o�cr�h�!!Fay th_
<br /> � promiums requUed to malnteln tho Inauranco In oNect until such time as the requirement tor the Inauranca terminates in accordanco wlth
<br /> BoROwer's and Lendar's wdtten ngreement or applicabla law.
<br />, B. IN9PEGTIUN, Londer or fle agent rnay make reasonable entries upon And inapocllons ot tha PropoAy. Lendor shall flivo 6ortower
<br /> notice el the time of or p�ior to nn Inspectlon speciying reasanable cAUae far iho Inspectlon.
<br /> 0. CON�EMNATtON. 7he proceeds o1 nny award or clalm far damages, direcl or consaquentlel, In connoctlon with uny
<br /> c�ndomnotlon or other tnking af nny port o1 Iho PropeRy, or for convoyanco in lieu ol condomnation. ere hereby essiQned nnd shall be
<br /> patd ta 4ondor.
<br />' In lho evont ot a tolul laking ot Iho Property, Iho proceoda ah�ll ho app�ad to tho sums socured by thls 9ocurity InslrumenL
<br /> whother or not than duo, wflh any oxcose pald ta Borrower. In iho ovent o1 a pnAlal takinp o1 tho Property, unlasa Borrowor and Lender
<br /> othorwlso eflroa In w�itinfl, tha aums securod by ihlo Securiry Instrument ahall bo reducod by tha amount ot tho procoods muluphod by
<br />, the lpllow�+�p fraction: (o)tha total amounl ol sums secured Immadiptely bo}oro tho taking, dividad by (bti tho falr marlcet value o1 tha
<br /> Property Immodletoy 6etoro tha taklnfl. My halanco ehall be pald to 8onowar.
<br />: II the Property 13 abondon�d by 8onower,or II, a(ter notico by Lender to 8orrower that the condemnor offore to mnko an awc�rd or
<br /> F1029.LM(7?/JO1
<br /> Pafla 2 0l 4
<br /> 1
<br />