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<br /> "°!`� lsauuss�nt�m,i►��Nc�t�are c��►i ta ba 6c��:rabfo. _ - - -
<br /> _ � w, 'PEiANUFIi�t OTi 7'Ht,IPR�ff'FRTY QR A►N�NEFICIAL lNTEIiEST IN B�SIRUWE:K �, �; �i�
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<br /> -'-�?*•t-'•' �° 17. '1�1�N�kr 08 UIO I�iYfjftYly QP N Bt�etkl�l I�A�rrat t�ktorrower.IP�11 or ony{�att ot the Property ar nn Intcrest tl�crelu Is sold��r trai�sPerrccl �ti��ui;-
<br /> y . .. _ '� -
<br /> �- ' (or if�6e�iafici�l lntcres¢In Bnrrow•cr Is Eold�r tcan+feered and Horrower is not n netural pMSOn)without Lendae's pttor wtitten conscnt. G R.t,, _
<br /> =,R� `` �.ertQer moy.Rt Lenc�:r'a optlon,dn:lare nit tha aum�secured Uy tht�Secwtty Inetniment to ba immcc�iutely duo and pAyAb:«. HowC�er,ttils ' ,
<br /> � aption styN n�t bo exerclse�i ty l.,endcr It exc�cise id not uutharized by Fe�leral Inw.Lender moy wufve tho e�ercise�f thi.v opilan if:(o)Barcawer � . � � s�
<br /> - ��li ��.�
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<br /> - - '" trqn�fcrec;wd(b)Lender�ce�onsbly detcrmiaes thut l.ender'e security will not hc impaitcd by thc laan assumption anrl that tho rlek of thc � �.•._r:.-
<br /> brach of any cavenanc o�agreement in thie Security Instrument is scecpteble to 4ender. �.• ��t �
<br /> �� f To the extent permtticd by eDplicnblo tnw,l.cndcr mny chnrgo t�reasant�btc Pce n�n condition to Lender'e consent to t�a ioan nesumAilon. ' ;` ��____ _
<br /> ��a!�� ' , �
<br /> _�' �'"° l.snder msy also regufra th¢tcAnaferco to tecp nll lhe promis�s nnd ngrcements mude in the Note and in this Security Instru;cr:nt. „ ; � ______
<br /> �,- ,=ti , � "If i,ender eaercis�such optton to acceierute.I,ender aholl mntl8nn�wcr notice af ucceteradon in necordance wE'.��u'aBreph L4 hereoi. (°�4 _
<br /> '� ''�'� ` Such rtotica ahal!pravide t�►xdod ot aot les.g than 30 duys f�•am the ctate the notica is mailcd udthln which kTarrawcr may pqti thn sums dtclnrrd _
<br /> M t {_� • \ ..�_ ___
<br /> �e��. duo.IP dorruwcr f�it�to(�ny such sunxv pdar to tt�c capication aF cuch perlcxl.I.cnacr moy,w tt haut P�u t i tar no t lcc ar dem n n d o n B o r m w c r. w _
<br /> ;'.°�i.�,:"• (nr�oke eay rotucrlles�Aetmltterl6y thi�Sacurity�nstrumenl." � `�•_„'��.t''.:�;:---
<br /> �'' � • "Notwithstsnding H cala ar a�nsfcr,llonawcr will cmuinuc to be oblignted under the Noto and this Secud�y Instrnmca+t unless Len�r has , �`;• ��-
<br /> .' r�leased IInrrawer in writii�q." � � _ =��
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<br /> �i�t �, ; thalt the int�:�t ar other lotu�chn�ges callected or to be collected In cannectlon with the loan excced permitted llmits,t�e�r.p)nny iucti Roan ; >3;'-�� _
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<br /> "' whith exect+�'.ed�xr�n+�tec�i.�n;f9�vii��c reiundc�i fio aorrvwce.i.citi�ici'n��y�it-v.�.'�i:,sita.'c:,tht�ss!'sssx;�;r�uci�t��s�l�►1 oWed u��r cIl: __ �...
<br /> ,: � ',f Noio or by r.�n�i.�,4 a�!rc�.�t�n:Ur��nt to Nv.rrawcr,lf n rcfund rcducce princlpal,the�cductlon will be trcntccl as o parUn!prepayment ur..d:r thc r � �,-T ,.
<br />_ + ,�,��', Noio. � . t� #.�.
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