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<br />•`.•`�`---�� w-� rg{►lis.�b!^ law ms�y ��4clf� f�r rcL�ytat.ntcnt) h�fnra snla uf Ih�� F'�ti�petly pursunni t�► �my �►wc:�•af sidc cun�i�in+:�a in�his @'_ - -
<br /> �'� -� :�ecurity Ors�r��iucm;ur ln1 entry af alud�;tllCtll CI1f�oIC�11�tI1V.y SCCpI'IiV IurirUliiLilL 'T��c�s�ci��uiltt��t���r th�t Hc�sru�rrr ta) �„x, -
<br /> ��*� '�_� pays I.endc�t nll rums whic:h tiir.n a�aul�i iw �tua �m�tcr thi5 kceurlty InYt�umrri� nn�1 tlti�� N���u ax If no ucccicra�iuu h�td } l
<br /> _�..._� occarn:d;�h�����e:+n�►y acr���i�uFnny other c��cnants nr u�;reeineniti;(rl�tayx uU ex�xnses�ncumtl in enti+rrinu thf�Srdurlly �•� i -f_
<br /> _ ,� tnstrtm�ent. i►tel�n4lr�g,hu1 :••ot Ilt�iitct!t��.reasanAbte nnemcy�fcrv; m�d(d1 tnkes x��ch t�.etlun as l.eudcr mny r4nrimntesy �. � .�. = -
<br /> ,�„ � t^�yu{�e t�+n��ure tlu►t�Ne 1(en uf this S��;urity lnstnm�rnt,Lrn�crs�i�hts�In ihe 1*�upcny an�A�„��u�v�r�ub1iZ:��U�ti��to pay che �_ _
<br /> swny ss:cur�d by thly Sccurity Instrumsnt �hull rmitU�uu uncNnn�tcu. Upun nh��uucmem Gy i�u��u�v��, iiii� ;e:.iirtp �— _ � -
<br /> — °: `� Inslniment nnd the oAli�i�dony securcd hercby shuti raunin i��iiy cfi'ectivc u�►i'ne�aece{��r�;tins�haet�r..•cuned. !lc,+vo«r,this ��_- - -- _
<br /> f� �� � �,
<br />"'�"'�'"`� � right to sebistnt�Fl�all nnt upplv in�hc rusr.af ucccicrntiuu und�e pnrugrc�p h 1 7. �,_- -- - -
<br /> ,� �.. ° 19. 5ele ut Ncdc; Change ot i.uan S��YIcc1: Thc Nuw ur u paruaf inc�rcxi in tfir N��te (ta�;cthrr�eith th14�cerity
<br /> � , Instn►ntcn t l ma►y 6 r s o l d o n c o r m u r c t i m c s�v i t h a�H p�i o r n o t i r c t u l i.�r r o w o r. A e i i l c n�i�y re,ult �n n chnnyc in tlio rntlty
<br />----°°:'� �'r;�. (t;nown as u�e"Laun Scrvicer"1 th�t rolleGts monihl�paymcntx duc und�r thv Nutc nn�t this�c�:urily Ins�rum�nt. 'I'hcre n isn ;
<br /> - �;�� � miiy fw ona or more chc►nBes of�he l.oan Scrvicer ui�reliu�:d to i�snle nF ttte Nnte. If th�:rc is n cham��r ut thr L�r,�n Servir��r, :- _
<br />��� '; •��t� Elorca�vcr will bc givun wrutcn n�tica uf thc chnnlla In urr.anlancc wilh paa��ruph 14 aliuvc nnd n�pliruNlc I;nv. 1'hr n��tica .. �
<br /> .:-�-.-°:�}=`: will sinte thd�n;�mr,nnd address of the ncw l.oan Scrvircr und tha ndJress to which p:iymcnt.r•xh��uld t,a madc. 1'hc noticc will
<br />_ ;a=-�-4'. . : .--.�
<br /> � ulsa contain tuty othe�in.farnutton tcqtd�cd by i�pplicnblo Icnv. ���•-,�
<br />-�'�,��'��--.": 20. HQaAY'�VL'I9 SlID9QClRLX'S. parrowcr shnll nut ca►usr.or pennit thu prescncc,uso,disposal,stara�,c,��r rctca�e ot'�iny -:,�-.. - , ._
<br /> l
<br /> ��?��.;f� � ' Nnvurdous Substuncas on ar in thc 1 ro crt . [3orr�wor Rhali n�►t do, nor nlbw anyonc elsc tu do,iu� thing :dfcctin; thc
<br /> - . ,.i, ,,,i, r. . � ,• ,.. .
<br /> P�rope�ty thxt is in violation uf a��y�invir nnlcntal l,��v. 'i'ha preceding twu sentenccs shall aot npply tu he pmsencc,usc.or
<br /> - �• ��"�' storu�c on thc Pro�rty oF small qunntidcs af Hua.iirdou9 Sut�st�nwes ihau nrc gcncmlly recobnlrcit t��bc i+ppeopriato tu nurmi►1 , .F_ � �Y
<br /> � ��� residential uses nnd t�mai�atenancc of the I'copeny. -
<br /> ---` ` ` 8anawcr sh:d!promptly�Ivc Lcndcr writtcn nnticc�nf nny inveslig.ui�m,cluim,demand,lawsuU�u uthc�uctlun hy uny � �____
<br />-_�= , -'`�� .� � gavarnmental ar cegulutury agency ur privnte puny invol�inD th�; F'ropeny+�nd nny Hur.t►rdous Subxtnnce or�nvirnnroen�nl ,+�r;�,._
<br /> � s,�_,:`, , �.aw ol' whirh ��o�o�vcr has actuul hnowledgc. IP Barco�v�r lcums, or Is nutificct by uny govcrnmcntnl or re�;ulatnry � �;
<br /> -" , n., auth,�,'+t}�,that:�n,r�rs+u�vnt c�c ather remecUation of i�ny H�unMous Substnnee i+ffecUn�the Prupeny is neeessory.Bnrrawer ', _r�_
<br /> --- �Y ��� sha79 prompt���ttific 21!�eczssar}�mcdinl actions in accurdancc with Enviranmcntnl l.a�v. --
<br /> = ° As used in rthis partts,r�ph�i�,"Fliuuntcu+s Subst�nces"ure�hase substanccs defincd os toxic or hnzardous�u.t��;.etces by
<br /> -f� Environmental L.i��v and thc lollo�ving subst�^.ttccs: gnxolinu, karoscne,nthcr lli+mmnblo or toxic pctrolcum pt�:;•:.r'•s,toxic , _
<br />":.`..��:.,;;'. �� '�'� pesticides and herbicides, ��olntile salvems, mi�terialx cont�ining nsheswv or formnldehyde,iind rndiuu�:tive►��z�'.����a1+, As _
<br /> :,;r:,�a:a, . :
<br /> ��-:�•�•• + . uscd in this arn ro h 20,"En��iranmcnlnl Lu�d'mcanx fcdcrul luws�►nd Inws uf Ihc jurizdtcqon�vhcrc tho I'rupert�•�s luccitcd
<br /> `''';'':,`;i�;.. .: p S P =
<br /> .�u5k��,`\,:. , that reliue to hcnith,safety orenvironmentnl pratcction. —
<br /> r ;;,�.,„.. ; •� ''` N�N-UNIFORM('OV&NAN'TS. Bonowcr und I.endcr funhcr cavennnt and n�;rco u�follows:
<br /> - 21. Accelerution; Remedies. Lender shall give �utice to Borrower p�tar to i�eceleration folluwluy Borrotiver's �. _
<br /> y� breuch of n�y covenant ur nsrcement In this Securlty lostrttmcnt (but nc�t prlar to ucceferntion under pA�ag�Aph 19 _
<br /> '�`����„��.``� ' unles.v appfiriible li��v pcavtdes ather�vlse). The nutict�who11 specif'y: (a�l the defuutt;(bl the actlon�equirc�cl tu cure the s �,
<br /> -����`'��'•�� • def�ult;(c)a dute,not less than 30 diiys fl�om the dat�Ihe notice is piven lu Hura�ticer,by whlch Ihe defi�ull must 6e �
<br /> �'t"'��' ' � i���tq A��d)thni i'nllura to cure the dePuult an or hefora the date specified In tl�e�odce m�ey rrsult In ncceterutlan of
<br /> ._ , • -. .- _ ., __ -
<br /> the Fumv securcd by this Securtty Instrument nnd ss►te oP the Property. TRe noti�e snaii iurincr iniu�m ����s::e:uF ----
<br /> ;;� - :,;: the ri�hl ia roinstute nftcr nccelcrnttun and Ihc ri�til to brin�fl co�,�t��ctlun tu nc�5crt Ihe nu►�-�xLc�on�e ns i�defuvlt or
<br /> .- '• • an other defensa of Itorrower tu ucceiervtiore end snle. 1P the deBau�t!s not cured un ur Q+:�'um rthe dute sprcffied In '. '?
<br /> ;�,
<br /> ___ -�y---�_ •__�_ • • r,�,.;:^.. , s� . �.
<br /> ��_ `��- nae avanti���r��wci'i�.�.S 'i:!!°.°S� L`�!n��„�„q.��w��.n��vm��t tn Q1�CC e�S all sum�:secured by f,Tifc Security Inst�ument _
<br /> �+�• w�thout fY�rther demanci nn�d muy luvuke 1he poa�er +�f stile und a�,*'�E��es re�c��a�s permttted by uppitenbte �aw [.:: - _
<br /> titi �� , Lender sh�ll be eniltic�! ¢o auzllect aU exNenses (�cur�cd In pursula��tl�e a�emrc9ie. provided in Ihis pArp�raph Zl.
<br /> ,,x���S�.��;?_ �� l'+ ;t; (ncludl�q,but not lim�ted 4a,res�sunuble i�ita�neys'Pee�nnd corty oY Ba��4�+�ideace.
<br /> � �'��^'•• ' ���''����• 'll�ustee shall record���otim a�6a�ePauH in euch cannty in rvhich any pnrt uP thr
<br /> ,;,.:.:,�.• �,.,,r;,�; IP Ihe pn�r•sr ut snlr i,r•im�akc�l, �
<br /> `�`; !,,;t.� �,,,:1�;: ,-
<br /> • ; ,, ,�. Prape�ty is(ars��tv!s�rod ahnll mnil coptes�►P such notica in lhe mun�er pnr.r•cribed by uppUcu6te I�w to Horrc�«�er and to
<br /> `� ��`'��'� '' , the other pe�snns�re�cr3me�1 by i�pplicnble imv. A�ter Ihe timd reyuired hy applic�rble luw�7lruslee sholl give public � �
<br /> ,i�� '�" � ' notice of snle to Ihe persa�ns t�nd In the mi�nner pr�.'scra�ecl by npplicnble i:�w. 'Ora���:�•,without demand on I�c�rr��wer� , � : .
<br /> ��,:,;,.• �` �. � ;
<br /> shull sell lhe 6'a�u}+erty a�t�ubUc uuction tn the highesd R►ucGde�nt the time i�nd plu1��c�d unde�the termv des3;�nuted in .,,.,y.:
<br /> ,s� �. � the noUco uf s�9r in u�e ar mure pi�rcel9 i�nd in fmy ur�lrr 7Yuytee delermines. '1Y�u:Y���on�'c�a�s�qi�ne snle af aq or imy ��i`;:.'�• `�.;,,,`.:�,::
<br /> P+� _ • ' pArcel of th2 Property dy puhUc i+nnuuncement at the iime imd pluce oP i+ny�previously�r?�e�ute�d sule. Lender ar(ts � � ;�
<br /> �� designee mAy purchase the 1'roperty nt nny ynle. • ��� �`�
<br />_.`�,....... `.. _. !��:'. Ilron rcc�ipl aP�uyment of the prlce bid,'t�usti�e shull deU��er to Ihe purchnser'iYust�c's e'.eed ca�se�eyin� the i
<br /> :�;:':
<br />-�`.'` �' � �'ra�perty. The recital�ln Ihe Trvstee'y dced shidl be�r1mn facie evtdenct oi�hr ea ueos ot li�a s::�t.m:nis.���«thereln.
<br /> ,,�:. 71�ustee ahul)npply the pracseds of the sule In the fo1�i»ti•3n�Ea•der: In)to nll cu,t.a»�9 expense9 uP exercisi��RQ�e pu�ver � .
<br /> ...� " �rr`, . , .
<br /> �"' , �`r � . ,�;;.;;`:
<br /> ..;�.. ;.,.a:;;.;,
<br /> �4 • � '�o.�:
<br /> .,::,i ;
<br /> ,� ,. �'�.
<br /> ., `
<br /> ,,;�`;' ' FormJll2A 9190 ip�te�.c��fnp��tir,l � ,
<br /> i,, j " .
<br />. :o:.�� i - .
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