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<br /> rt±��� TO(iC:Tili:lt\VI'fN+d) Q�c Improvcmrnts nu�v un c�ie��d�t�r r►rrt�d on�hc pr���k�ly,m�d nll�a��:mn�ttn, �ipp�ut�It+uti,c��. � ;.= �,: �
<br /> _..,�.�.,��. nnd fixlaic�no�v in�hcr�uQec a p:�n n1'�I�r prup�rcy, All �rpinrcmen�v nn�l addiliuna ahnA al�r h�����vm�•:d F.+v tltin 5e�:��dtN �:• Y. � ..,. _
<br /> `�� � In�trument, Ali uP�tru ti�mgoing iw mlcrred to in thi�5��urity Iiisunmr�U av�N��'.I�iv�h,itv." ' �-. .a-
<br /> �
<br /> ��- :� �ltllt!lt1Wt?13 LY?V�NFINT�Ihut H��runver iy Iti��il�lly 4cl+cd�zl'Ih��«�atu h�;tvh)r �a�tv���•�.d nnd h�►ti Ihu ri5alq t�►(t.raut � r;% , �`� ,
<br /> -� kl:mr��rr�v��j�u�N�.m�f! � r.
<br /> ' u�ui��+wwav thas E�roncrtv and thut il��1'�«!?��iy ly u�tci���m�hcmd,c�ccrpt fur enc11111IYTiiflf:ti5 qI Il'Cil(�
<br /> .... . ._ . • , `_- r'-
<br /> `• �c � will dcfind�:cnrrnlly Ihc 1i11c lu 1hu Pr���x��1y u�idn��ull rluimv nn�i dr�unud�.,ulr��•.t I���tsi;���tt;a�mhr.rm,c;s rf t�:c��r�4 1„ :__
<br /> -- ---- - -- '1'HIS S�Ctflil'I'Y INti'11tUM(?NT r�mthln�ti unifu�yn cuvcnnnt,r tu� niuinn:�i u�e 117iI liiill-liiill�?ris� rc��eti��tttttts �+•ltft �_ : . . _ - - ._
<br /> -_ '. Ilmilcd v�irii�tl��»y hy jurisdlct��m lu�unyAtute u unifunn yccurity imu�oncnt cw•rtin�;r���l pn��mrtv,
<br /> _ _� UNIFi)IdM COVl3NAN'1'�. li��mnvcr imd l.rndercavcniint nnd a�ercc a�ii►Ilmi�w: — .
<br /> -� � 1. Payment uf Prfncipnl und lutereht:1'�epuyment�md I.nt4 l'��org��v. F9arn,•��cr�hnll pnrmpt�y p:tp whon diau th�� „
<br /> - _ pri��cVpid of unrJl inlcrcht un It�c deM cvidenccd by t�ic Natc�tnd uny pn�puymrnl unc)iata clmrh�ati�tuu un�lti r ih��Natu, -- •-- .
<br /> - ' �. l�aodw fur'Il�x�w ti�id In!+urnuca S�ab)cct iu+ippQri►hlc luw ur tu a wriqnn wui���r►.v 1..4ndar,li��rr�rwra•�hull pay tu
<br /> ;, .. LendGr un thc dny monthly puyu�cnty a►rr dur undcr tl���N��t��, unlil Ii�a Niqo in pati�l in 1'ull, n tium f"Ilmd��'1 f�rr: lu)�;���irhY - - -- --
<br /> - � tuxc�und u�u..iiw�ti,w0�i�h ma}'att^.!n prlu-9tt,••":r�hi� Ci��nriiy Iuan�m���u n,;� N�in�m�hu Iha�i�r�y;tl+p;:��ur�y la1t�::lm1.l : ; _ ,..
<br />_- . {mymcnts or ground rcnt� un Ihc I'raperty� il any; tcl y�urly h;�ri►rd u� pir►���,riv lnr,ut�isti�? pntini�qnh; (�h! ye;�r�y llquq � .�� f ,. .
<br /> �nsurancc premiums, if uny: lel ycu�ly m��r�F+igc InzurnnG� p�t�mium� il' �u���; nad st'1 vn�; wumh p►�p��h l�� l�y f��;�ir�e�����r to
<br /> -- �� • Lcndcr,(n accorAiusrc wiU�the pruvi�lons of pnri�gri►ph!i,in licu��f Fhu p;��+l�•nt��1'rt�orl�u�i�� in►;�!r�mc�'pnslniumn. •1.7�is�:
<br /> - itcros urc c�licd"�,cra�v Itcros.' Lrndcr muy.�U uny timc,c��llcct und hal�t F1md�in ni� inna�mt nut�u�T>.cc►�tt Ihu ia�tr,imnrn
<br /> - � nmrnmt n Icndcr t'or i� fedci•aily rclatcd murtgagr luun n�uy re��uirc ii�r Qurtu�vcr�rs�rm+�+ atx��nint ;mdut t�tu tudaa�l kci�i ,.
<br /> - Gstatc SaUcmcnt Pr�,crdures Act ol� 1�174.is umcnd�d fnun limc t��Untc. 1�U.S,(,'. N�Gil.�rt�c�+�1"Ft�:,'it�A,.l,unlan•:uioihc�
<br /> ' Inw�hut appUcs to thc flmds ticis i�Icss�r i�muunt. If.u,Lcndcr nury.nt any iimc,calln:�nm1 huld Pundr.in im nrriuunt nnt tu . -
<br />- � � cxcced thc Icsscr umount, Q.cndcr mny c�timutc ihc nmount ul' hlmds duc ��n �ha hiui� of c�ur.ut.�l�u;� and itasimable . �
<br />`�� �•�• c�timutes of ex�xnditurex��I'future E.rm��Itcm���r othcrwisr in nccurdauua�vith uppllaal�ln t�a��. .
<br /> -_ . . Tiic f•lmds shnll hc hcld in mi in+titution �vhasc dcp��sitr ura insurc:d hJ� a t'cdcral.���+it►.��, �nntn+munuility, or entlty , •_�_
<br />�;; (including 1_ender,if'Lcnder is such an ins�ItuU�►o1�,r in a�ny Federul i•tom�:Lalin H:�nk, Lender shnll�ipply tho(l�nds tu p��Y , _=��
<br />'`:';:' � thc Escraw Itcros. I.endcr niny n��t chi►rgc Barrowcr fur huldin� und applyin� ih��f•lmdti.nnnui�lly unnlyilnt; �hr c.crow '
<br />• arcoun�,or vcriiyin� thc F3ticrnw Itcros, unlcsz l.cnilur pay, Borrawcr iiucrc�t wi �hu (�und� nnd upplicuhlo I���v pern�ity '�K..
<br /> • Lcncicr Ii�m�ike tiuch n chi�r±;e. Howevrr,l.cnd��muy rcyuiro Banuwer t�►piry u unc-dmc chiir�e ii�r an independe�t re:�l �..�
<br /> � � cstauc tax rrpaning scrvicc uticd hy l.cndcr in connactiun wUh Ihis loun,imlcx.r•i�pplicuhlc li►w providus uthcrwi�a Unl�s�un . _
<br /> • ngrcemcnt ir mude ur i�ppUcublc luw rcyuircs intcrc�l to hc paid,l.endcr�hidl nrn Ix�rcquircd ia pay Hurcawrr nny intcrest ur 3
<br /> cumin�;a un�hc Flu�d�. 17orrowcr and l.rndcr muy agece in wriNng,howcvrr,tl�at intcrest shtill ho p.►id un ihc Fundti, l,cmlcr ,�.
<br /> ' shall givc ta 8orrawcr,with�ut chivgc,un+innu.�l accounting i�f�hc Fund�.sho�ving crcdit�;in�l dchity tu thu Ftmdr und Iho .'�..:
<br /> purpose for which cuch dehit ta Ihe Flmds wus m.�da Thc;Funds iue pled�ed iis udcli�ioni�l serurity for iill �ums�ecured by ,a_
<br /> Ihis Security h�strumcnt.
<br /> ' . It'the FZ�nds held hy Lender excecd thc c�mounts permitted tu be hcld by appUcnblu luw, Lenaur �•hnll uccount ta , ��
<br /> ; 8arr�wer iDi i�iC vXCv�?� �tiiiLl,t' iR:sct:is�l�nc� ++�':tli the r��t{tir�r!!rn!�ut':�Plicabla law. IP thr:►muunt of thu Ilu�ds huld hy ' '-
<br /> . l..ondG�nt any time iti m�1 sufficirnl to piiy�hc l.�crow Items when due.Lrnder mi�y�u notify Ho�rowcr ln wciting,und. �ii ., � �. ;
<br /> such ciise H�rruwcr .hall �:�y tc� Lender �he am��unt necessi�ry to make up thc �lrfiricncy. Hona�vur�hidl muku up thu ,�•;:,: . :
<br />-' dc!'icicncy in na morc�hi�n n��clvc nu,nlhl�payuu nis.at Lundor\���Ic discrctiun. ��`; „
<br /> _ UpOn�ctylUCllt ill fulj o1.�ii sumx tiCCUn:tt i�}•ii�ia;acCiiiiij liiy::.;i:i:.:;.:.:::::�::w�u rrn,r�rtly rn('ntt�l tn Rortower ut1Y — - ___ '
<br /> - . Funds held Uy I.ender. If,undcr parugraph�1,Lcn�cr tihatf acquirr ��r scll thc 1�'u}krty,Lendar,prior ta tho acqui:{ition e�r i � ... 3
<br /> ' salc of ihc Prc�pcny, shull upply uny f�undn c�ld b�• L.cndor a� the tim�uf ar��ui�idnn or sul� �� n crcdit aguinst thc sums
<br /> �� ' ' sccured by this Security Inst�ument. s
<br />,;,, . �. Applieatiun uf Ps�yments. llnlu,s +iE�plic:�b!v law pr����i�ie+ uthcnci�r, all paymentti received by Lendar uuder • . '
<br /> paragraphs 1 und«�ht►II hc i�pplied: iirst.�o��ny prcp,0•»�cnt ch.tep;ea duc u�ld�t Ihe Nolc;ticcand,tu nmuunts paya►Me undur
<br /> parngraph�:third,to intcrctit duc;li�u�ih,ta rrincip��l dua:and lax;,t:�any Intc�hi�r�e�duo undcr ihc Nmc:.
<br /> • ��`.���;:;•. 4. CP�i��gesi Lleos. Ilormwcr st.;ill pay aU taxcs, iis}e�.mem.. chnrge�, t'inc� and impusitions iutributiihl� to �tu ( ,' ,::, .
<br /> ,�;���: Propeny which muy ultain prlariry iwcr cfii. Seru�ity lnslrumen�,and kaschol�l pn�•nwn�s c+r gr�ni�d rents,it'any. Bon�o��4r [
<br /> �,5--.''-,;n.'`:, .
<br /> • � shull pay these obligiuions in thc mannrr provided i�a paragraph:,ar if m�l paiJ in that mnnner,Rorrower xh,dl pay ihem un � , . „ '�,,�;,,}•
<br /> ; �.,,•:.��.r< <
<br /> ' • time dlrectly to the person u�ved paynient. �itxra��cr xh;�ll prampdy furniyh tu l.ender all noUces of untountti ta h�paid under , .
<br /> - - . �hiti parageaph. If Beirrrnver mukcs U�r.e paament.ilircrtly. A��rn�wcr�hull prumpily t'umi.h tu Lunder mceipts evi�eucing i'.1:, :,�, '
<br /> . thc puym�uts. ' ;;��Y;'
<br /> _ E �,.,;.
<br /> " 8orrower shnll promptly dischargc an?• lien whirh har priorily ovcr this Security In�trum.nt ur�lesti Ilc+rco�ver.�:i)agvez� I ..:��,,,<<;•
<br /> � in wriUng w the payment��f the obliginion sccured hy Ihe Iicn in a munncr accepti�blc w Lcndcr:(h)cantesls in�,���t'u�ah t?�r E ��:�.:•<<�
<br /> ;;,.;,.;:
<br /> Uen by,ar defends nguinst enf��rcement nf�hc licn in,Iegal procredings whi�:h in thc Lcnderl upiniun uperate tu prev�nt t'�e � ;�«,a-�
<br /> ' enfarcement of the lien;ot(cl secures from Ihe holder i�i the licn an a�rccmcnt satisfartory i�� Lender suhardina3ing the l:�n .
<br /> ta Ih1s Security Instrumcm. II'l.cndcr drtcm�incy ihat any part M'thc F'raperty is �uhjcc�tu n licn whlch na1}•at�ain printi�:� � ;
<br /> ,� ovcr Ihis Security lnstrumcnt,l.epdcr r:zay givc Horrcnvcr u n��ticc ict;mii'ying thc licn. I�orro«'c�•shall satitify the licn or ts;�c
<br /> :'::;:. ane or mc�n of�hc acticros set fonh aba,e within 10 days af the gi�.in�:��f notice. • . .
<br /> . � ,,�,s: S, Naiu�d or Property lnsur��ce. Burrawcr shuU kccp Ihc impr��vetnen�s now cxiacis��c�n c�renftcr erected an t5tio �
<br /> �" P�aperly insured i16'111I15I Il1SS hy fll'C.h�►•r.ards included within Ihe term"extended coverngc"and uny olher hazat'ds,including I � .
<br /> . floods ar fla�ding. far which Lrnd�r rcquireti imurancc. Thiti insuruncc ,tsall t+r m.iint.+inrd in ihc .imounts imd f�tt tT�c
<br /> ,:;�; i
<br /> ��� � Fi�rm 5028 9I90 �p��qi•'nj n�x�xi��l � • � .
<br /> .. ��,�1
<br /> i
<br />--__—_-=- --_- � •
<br /> . 1
<br /> , �
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<br /> � �
<br /> � , � �:
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<br />