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_F� j3._F ,� . . . ._ _ .Jf _ t. ..nt'� r+ : � :,� . ,�jt J Utssr�:�. <br /> C 1]'- - ....vvL._.�i_ - t .. . 1 - 1 la- �.�.isej _ <br /> = f, - `� ry 1 � ."` � :. ' .- �� R 2 . TA/� ..�� - f�.-_ . <br /> , t , `•: , { , ' •:` ' e" e � ea,�3l, T,,�o�A �,, t�fi�*," r � � iH/� ,��' {�: <br /> { ( .. i{ 21 � t789 ..! � +! <br /> � .. , <br /> .Iny��18A8$�NM�NtORF#ENTBRIpEFIHMIid�� �KR4Ptba161t...-.L�.,,r.-:dEYol,.�.-�-..--.ip` _ 1�rtdfo• , <br /> F!D�lI� nt4�n41ln�ti�4�+�idtoqmenaan uAAI!@Ont1��Monp�peoPQeedq}riupl,heralp4ltotf�t07eQt isUN, <br /> =. �reaoumyr neteumen�i ot.l.ry9 i6mtl QOte Q�v6n bp i�u Q0�6tpned•tieret�8fl2T iefolted'to BIF lho"8tlrrdWer.,su orwura;�s .: <br /> — ;`�ryrOwb�91�0eDtldn��t heret0�ltOr ref6ne0 to�e t�0"�ate",to HOM8F80EM�8AV�N08 ANDLpAN A8600�A11bN CF . <br /> rV}Np18tJiN(�tnatne�teertt:r�a8topot►�^tina:r�,citrat:msdatsortaar+arusptrtao�Y�����ln:"-��;� <br /> - - IIIt1Nt11►MN�dfOQYtaOlt: . . . . � � . <br /> " 2g�h W Loule� (irend Island NeDrag�g fiQ 0�9 = <br /> ryrooem aaareest <br /> --- . WITNE¢BETH; . - <br /> WNEit8A8,BQI�Owet 9ad LlnGet havB 9gr6ed l�at 9ny rB�W 9nd Droflte sUrlDuteble tO th0 D��6Brty eh0uld Conitltpt! <br /> �tldltl0n�16eoUdty t0 Me Lendei tOt t�e DRyment o}the Note•, • <br /> --- NOW,?HHABFOA6,Itlsagreedt�atthe8eourirymeWmenlshallEeamentledhorebyenddeemedtolnoludelnetollowinp , <br />----�---- . prorlelone: ' . <br />�—___=,r,�,� 1, AealanmentofROnteendLenEerRentalC011eatlonRiahte.6orrowerhBroGyBbeolutBtyenduncOndltl0neily9l8ign8e11 <br />��:��_.�;;�„� rentp, Isauea end proBte of the property to Bena(I¢lary. Lender s�all have t�e rlpht, Dower and authority dudnp the __. <br /> c.;��.,�`:Y;�,1 confinuance of the Bewrity Inatrument lo colleot the rente,leeuae and protite of t�e propeAy en0 ot eny pereonal DropeAy _ <br />_;.�;�y;pi looated lhereon with or wit�out taking poasaeelon of tha propeAy efteo�etl �oreby. LentleT,however,hereDy coneante to <br />-'!`�'�<�a Bortower'e oolleoUOn Bntl retentlon o}euoh rente,Iseuea end profite ea they aaorue end 6ecome payable,so lonp ee Bonowa� . <br /> =-`"��'-`°''� le-nof,et euoh tlme,Iri defauit with reepeot to paymem of nny InAebteOnesa aeoured haraby,or In the Derformence ot dny <br /> , `'��,�'_$�� epreement hereunde�. � - - <br /> ��fi�F�t� 4. 6onolntmant et Becelver. 0 any event of detauit In reapaot to the Becudty Inatrument ehall have oocurred en0 69 <br /> �"�b�� continuing, LenOer,as a matter ol r18M and without notice to Borrower or anyone olalming unCer Borrowar,antl wlthoN - <br /> y fr�Xx+s�� Jurflladlot On to elDPant ae oroelver of the of the Borrowar thereln,ehall have the rlg�t to epply to eny aourt havinp . <br />'_-'-=-r�:1�i� 9. Rlehf to Poeaeselon.In oaae of default In the paymen[of tha eeld prinoiDel Note or Intereat,or any Darl ther0o},e61t <br /> �-�`ti�;�' ° g�all metura,or In the oaee of fallure to kea0 ar peAOrm any of the cwenante or agreamente oontalne0ln the 88oudty InBtfu <br />',>t:�:l\,t€•. <br /> :.. <br /> -�,:;y�h;.s. ment,then the Lender, Ite auoceeaora w anelgne, ahall 6e anG le hereby authorized Bnd empowered to teks Imm •• <br /> f ��. ,� pOenEdElonOf1�9881dpremleeelhBr61nd6earlb9denOt06011aot1�e�entOth0r0trom,9nUt08DC�Ylhapf0080A0th0�E0ftOttN <br /> _ , ' payment of t�e Note. <br />. �^��f�3,�i� b poolloetlon of Rbnte,leeuea enA Protlte.All rente aolleoted by LenAar oi the recelver shall be epDlllA flr6t t0 piyiMOt �- <br /> Y x <br /> � °�i=,- of the ooa�e ol m�n�qement of tne property ana aoueouon oi rente,inoiudinp,but not timi�ed to,iocvirii e te65,pii�niGfnG'v�i . - <br />..,:b��.,!��,>=i reoelvefe Oontle end reesoneble ettome�+s feee,anE than to tna eume aeaured by tha Beourlty Inatrument.L�ndn and t�� <br />-:.;::_,�;�;�;,,,�5; rooelrer a�tll be Ileblo to eocount only for t�osa renfe eotuelly reeaived. . <br /> , �__i„ 6, ConetruoflonotProvlalone.EaahottheprovleloneoonteinetllnlhleASelqnmantofRentaRlCerendthe6lOUrilylnitrw <br /> h���,�� ment n�nll,uMeae mne�wiae epeoinoany reQuuea, be aonatrued In eocordenoe wlth Nabraeke law,end In tho evOnl tny <br /> y-� � p�ovlelon hereln or tharaln contalnaA shall be tlatorminod by e court of competenl Juristllotlon to be unentora89ble,tne eime , <br />'=��1;:�����;;,�_ shall be oormtrued ae though euch unentorceable provlelon were not a part hareof or thoreof. � <br />';._.i�v:;�',?;�• @ Efteot of RIEer.Ezcept ee eDaciflofllly mo0111atl by or inconalslent with thle AaelgnmeM of Rante Rider or by any Ot�lr'-� " <br />�,�;rr,�:.:;�jft' epD��aeble ritlar,flll of the terma and provlsiona conteinatl In tha Seeurity Inetmmant ahell contlnue In tull fotCe and eHeot. : <br />--._,•,>,..,.;� . <br /> °-S.y"'"'';R�s. <br /> '�-�,t=?.+`=;• IN WITNE88 WHEREOF,Borrowar hae exewteA this Aeaiqnment of Hente Rider on the Aata flret nOted ebove. <br /> - --.:-t:irn:, . <br /> :4.� = / <br /> i �({L � � /.JPa/r'• .. <br /> P- <br /> ,1"1Ft�'�'. 1 Of(OWBf w : <br /> F t ii}' �'�. $C�IVi g@ ` �`. <br /> C ti!Z � <br /> F": <br /> �-�E£.`F's,i(;,'t � orrower _' <br />_._;_.s.,-;�.�.,,.., Patrida FI. SchxfEger .,.'. <br /> `�t ';- BTATEOF NEBHASKAI ��� <br /> 5r y� -� <br />-:.�ht�J{. (68: <br />���"`��"'"'�� COUNNOFHALI ) <br /> r er � <br /> M 1 <br /> y.;,yi-','; On tMa Zlet Cay of MeY .19 93 .Detore me.ihe unAerslg ned,a Notery PuDlir,duly wmmiaeloned enA "_ <br /> �`�-I•:�; Terry M. Schs±le ar end !'atricia M. Schwie ex 1 - <br /> �;_���{.,���� qualifled for ae10 county,peraonally ceme & $- ,�� <br /> _ (huaband and ri£e) ,to bo tho ICOntleal peBOn(9)whose name(e)18late eubBCdbBd - <br /> r'���� �� co tne ioreeomo i�aimmem,ena ne�anenney acknowiedge me exeemion mereot co oe niemenrneir vommary ac�ana aeeo. <br /> '3��"3�a <br /> ;- , Grand Island, Nebraske r" <br />— -°�«: Wllne6e my hanA etM Notetlel Seal at . <br /> r,r�f�*'a in eaia aa�e e+oresaia. <br /> � ' ,: /j�/ ., <br /> t,; ;r,.-, iffA4lLU1'dbIlNYrill l,-Gtn.4� a: - .E.a.a.l��..l_ <br /> -:�;;�A.�•�r�' ���'� Note7PUblle <br /> . ' "'-��1 QRa 0664t�1990 <br /> "�.=_�`' �c.c ay i9 � 4 <br /> -:.�-�E My Cqmmlaelon axpirea: — <br /> - ;-Zi;_.�.> . <br /> "•��-��;.� x.woonxn <br /> __ :�� <br /> _::.�.i„P�'-� �' <br /> .'ar <br /> ..�= <br /> �_��j�3ti�.,� . <br /> _ '�J....nt . <br /> '.:Tf <br /> ^f'''?,q:.;: <br /> �t'�t <br /> r�j��,s�, - <br />�.ylvArr� <br /> �i�j::5 . <br /> �.tiFFy` <br /> O <br /> -�.�}�.�)'.��:; <br /> ::1�i i tC i1 <br />