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TT .. . . .. . ...L. :..' . .i l.: . 4 �F <br /> '_j_ . .. - : ._"'— . .. . � ... �t <br /> "_'_. _. ... _ _ .. ,. _ . . . ... ... . . . ...'_ "`" ""_ ' . <br /> -��=�i . . . - . - .—- . . <br /> _ • � . " . . _' . . " -. . <br /> eppl!¢eblo law may�peelfy for rcinstatement)beforo�nlo ot t�e 9roperty Wnuant to any��er ot� ��lo j <br /> � Beuidty inswmenr,or(b)eoay of e JuCgruent cnforcing tAie 8ecutlry Inst�omcnG 9ljose condiHons ara that Bom�wer. (e) <br /> -- paya LenQet all �ume whteh thsn woWd Do Quo undu wa Sceudry Inswmen�en4�Ao Noco ee it no eooetera�ion Md <br /> ocewc�A;(D)cura eny dePoutt ot ury other eovananu or ngraments;(o)pay�ell expcnaes ineurted in enPorcing�i�SecuA <br /> InchqrtknU inetudi�ig,Gut n�tlni[ed ta��onabta ettamoya'fas;and(�tal:es cuch acxton a�Leadu may naspowbl� � ------ <br /> `rCqu'rot�o�by�hthii 68ecudry�tn�i�eni eiia�il�vntinao unchenged.��Upon rain s�lndment 6yw8ortowuuthl��8c��ry <br /> Inst{ument end tho obtigaflom secvrtd hercDy shall remain tully efkctive a�ft no aocelerat[oh had aCCUrfed. However,ih(e <br /> ' rfght w relnetate ehell not a ply In Aa caae Macceleratlon under parqgraph 17. <br /> 19. 8�1e ot Note�(Tang�o/LoAn atrvlcer. 7fre No�a or a partial intemst in ttw Naro(rogeNer wtth�hti 3ecudry , <br /> Insuumenq may bo wld ono or moro dmu wltAout pdor notice ro Bortowee A wle may result in a chango in tde entiry <br /> (known a+tho"l.oan 9ecvlar)tlut collau montAly peymenu due under�ho Note md thie Sxudty Inawment. 7Tiue elso <br /> may 6e one or moro changa of tAe Loan&rvicer im�elated to a�ele of tho Note. It Nem b a change of the I.oan Servlar, - <br /> IIortower will be gtven w�iften noiiw o!Ihe change In aocordence wtth paregraph 14 ebove end eppIicablo Iaw. 1Ue notica <br /> will eute Ne name and addresf of�he naw Loan Servicer and�he addnesa to which paymenta elauld be made. 'Ihe nodce wtll <br />- �� alao contain my o�her intomu�ion«quired by nppliabio Iaw. °---���-�- -- ���� <br /> 10. Harardoua 8ubstancea. Borrower�M1ali not cause or pertnit the prcsence,use,dispmd store:{o,or roteau otany <br />����� Hazardoua Subsronon on or in Ne Propaty. Bortower shall not do,nor allow inyone atca�o do,onything affeaNng tho <br /> -_� Propetty thet t�in violetlon of eny Envimnmental Uw. 1Te prxeding two sentenca+shall not epply�o tha prcsence,uu,or <br />�::;,� �rorageon tho Property of amell qumiiUe�of Hezardoua Substancee�hat ere generally reeognized to be eppropdaie to nomial <br /> _— rcttdenaN uses and ro meintenance of the Properry. <br /> -.� Borrower�hell promptly give I.ender wrftten nodce of any investige�ion,elaim,demend Iswau(t or other eWon by any - <br /> — govemmemel or regularory ageney or pdv�ie perty involving the Property md any Hazardom Subsnnce or Environmenrel — <br /> '?" Law ot �vhkh Bortower ha+ acmal knowledge. If Bortower leama, or ie no�ified by any govemmenW or rcgu�a[ory ` -----� <br />�'u7�j euihodry.�het any rcmoval or mAer remedie�ion of any Haurdous Substana effeeCng tha Property is necexury.Bortower <br />�;-� shell promplly tako ell necess�ry nmedlai�niona in accordence wi�h Environmmtnl Law. W,.K-.,� <br /> + Af used tn thb paregrcph TA.'Hezardous Substences"erc thau substences deMW as ro:ic or hazerdous substences by = - - <br /> _:,� Envfronmemal Law end the following auM�entta: gewline,kerosene,other tlemmeble or mxic petroleum products,�oxic _ <br /> pesticides and herbicida,volatil¢solvenu,maredels comeining ubes�w or foamldehyde,end�adioactive meeedela. A� �,� ,. <br /> .,r used in thia paregeph 20,"Environmental Lnw"means lederel lewe md laxy of the jurisdiction wAerc the Property ia located �f„ �- <br /> �hat rciaro ro health,pkty or environmenul protcction. �y f�: <br /> ��• NON•UNIFORM COVENANfS. Borto�ver end Lender Ponher covcnant end egrce es follo�vs: , -� <br /> 9� 11. Acceleratlon; Rtmedtw. l.ender shell give notice to Borrower prior to acceleration toilowing Borro�rer•e -34 <br /> breach of any mrenant or egreement In ihia Saurfty Insirument(but not prlor to acceleratton under paragraph 17 r�i` � <br /> � unlesi applicable len provides othenvlu). The notice chall apecity: (a)tM1e detautt;(b)the ection required ro curo the ;f�4,,.� � <br /> �;— dttault;tcT a date.not less thsn 30 dayslrom the datf the noticr!a gi�fn to Q�rrm•er,hr whleh the default must be --- <br /> -_:j cured{end(d)that tatlure to cure�he deteuit on or before the date specificd in Ihe nottce may result tn ecaleratton of o SnY,j �' _. <br />,�,;1 Ihe surtu secured by tAle Securfty Instrument and�sle of the Property. 'Phe notice ahall Nrther Inform Qorrower of •�„���,�•.,_ <br />;:��}� Ihe right to relnatate eRer accetvatlon and Ihr right ro bring a murt acllon to essert the non�exWence of e defeult or '�yi7�,i�=}�,;;-:. <br /> �-,; eny other deknse ot Qorrmrer to acceleretion end sele. I/Ihe deteult b not eured on or beforo�he date cpecilied in ��Y` f�y • <br /> ^�,� the nolice,l.ender at Ila optlon may requtre Immediate payment in full ota0 sumv secured by Ihtv Secudty Inatrument °F o jl`���� ' _ <br /> �rlthout turther demand and m�y invoke the po�rer of aele and eny other remediea permitted by epplitable la�s '�t� <br /> Lender shell be entltled to rnllat all expensei incurrcd In purauing the remedlea provided In thls paragreph 21. � ,, 1q : <br /> Indndin ,butnotllmitedro,reasonabiee�rorne �'teeaandcostaoftilleevldenn. � �'������."�-� <br /> :�,: Rthe po�rer of sule Ls Invoked,7Yustce sAell reeord a notice of default In each wunty In ahlch eny part of Ihe ?�;�5� j �'-' <br /> _ �� Property 4v located end shall mell mpin of such natics in IAe mnnner preseAbed by epplltable le�r to Borro�eer and to '� <br /> .:-i� the other persona prescribed by�ppl[coble le�r, Aher Ihe time requlrM by applkebte law,7}mtee ahull give public "� " <br /> �j� notice of aele to Ihe persom and In the manner prescdbed by applicable law. 7Yustee,�dthout demand on Qorrower. '�i S✓1�, , <br /> shail cell lhe Property at public auetton to fhe highert bldder at Ihe time end place and under the terrtu dealgnated tn �;�,,�,.,�F��,_,_ <br /> - -:.� lhe notice of sele tn one or more percets end In any order 7}ustee determineA. 7}ustee mey pasfpone snle otall orany ,�r�+ <br /> -;� parttl of lhe Property by public announeement et the time und plece of eny previousiy acheduied aule. Lender or ita c c s��� � ; <br /> deaigna mey purchase ihe Praperfy nf any Aate. ti�('��`�,°" <br /> '.t� Upon rceelpt ot peyment o�Ibe price bId.7FUStee shall delfver to the purchnser 7Yustee'a deed mnreying the .` --: <br /> Property. The raltals fn tAe Trustee's deed shall be prfma(acle evidence of the frufh of Ihe atatemen�made therein. ,�.,,;�t..,,,;�. <br /> 7}ustee xhell apply the praceeds of ihe sele In the follooing order. (al to ull cacis and expenses of exerefsing the pa�ver "�""r�'"''?-- <br /> :�:; •-.>�t - <br /> Uy � ltil <br /> . � ts rK <br /> � r �.�.: �s ' <br /> '[� -':'_ :_Yy a. <br /> i� <br /> '� } t <br /> 'i <br /> '.^� fbnn101M 9l90 rry�3../nryc..� �.. <br /> � �� •�� � <br /> >v:�.��.�� _ t . <br /> / _ <br /> 3_�, _ �_,.n�-..:'� - ."1-r'_.�.-.�_-___ .. !..S _e4 - li:"�-.d �/r'� � .. --.S. .h...-.�. <br /> ... �, <br /> t <br /> L _ ._:, r ..:_ • ._. _ -' �- . <br /> 1 _-S� �\i .. _ _ _ <br /> ' ., . _ . _ __ . . _ . . _ . . . . -- . --_--. . . . . . . . _ . <br /> tt Ip �f . . " � - . . <br /> � t - J <br /> 1 . t _ ' _ _ _ . _ _ <br /> 1 <br /> l � + <br /> .'�; �� .. . . . . <br /> r t ` . .. _ - . . . . . <br /> "�f, _ : y� j _ ._ . � _ _ _ _ <br /> �FT- " � -��� � - , . . , _ . _ . . <br /> t � ' - - . - . . . . <br /> [J1j �. 'y � �' .- . . ._. . . . <br /> r"� .. '' . . . - . . . . . <br /> 't � _ ` - . . . � . . . ' <br /> � fl � J - � . , � l . <br /> y ' :t ,. � <br /> � �•! t �".s � . 1 <br /> fj t` �. � Y. _ .. . _ .. .. �i„' . . ' �.. � <br /> i r ♦ � � t 1 3 : � � <br /> , C ,. , . . � ?<, : ... .-. � .- .�.• -„�- . ., . . .. <br />