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<br /> --�.�:'*:;_;� TOtil:'1'1113Ft WITU nll�hc imp��vemcnls��uw��n c�rei�licr rrcctcil un thc pr�►prrty,aud ull cascmcn��,nppu�lcn�utcc�, �.�Ta,=- ---
<br /> - _ _-_ __,=:� ��.�ti-- --
<br /> — - nnd flHluri��n��w��r hr.rr.nficr u pnrl of th�`�ro��crty. All rt:pinccntenlu tutd t►ddfl�uus�h:�ll als�►h6 4t►v�l'cd hy Ihis�;rcurity
<br /> . �_� r _ __ _ - - -
<br /> _ � Insinnnr.nt, rtll nf►hC fure�;uB�g�s r�fetied ta in�his tierurl►y Intitrumcnt uy Ihc"1'����p�rty." _ -__ -
<br /> - � BORROW�:Ii C'(�Vt'sNANTS tht+t B�Freawcr(a IN1vMt�ity sdixCd af thc�stutc h�ieb�tcmvey��l nnd I►��t li�t rl�iit lU EtHn: �`� ;. -_ -
<br /> =' ' :uul ca��te�'IhC{�1'tt�,`c:itY titltl ih�t tht Ptt)�:rty is utiCltt'uH�1�t�d,rxceNt ii�r enc�►mbrunces��P rrcurd. Lvrro�vcr wurrnnls a1�1 �=_
<br /> r_�`�"" '� �vlll dcPctid gctt�rullY tho ullc ttt Iht�F'�n}tcrty�►�i+lnst uU cluims and dcm.inds,si�hjcct���any cncumbuuucy ui'�ccuni. �_ �
<br /> �� TNIS SCi:UR(TY 1NSTHUMF?N'T cotnbinos unii'unn cuvunu�tls fnr nr�danul u.r•c nnd nc+n•unifurn� cuvcnantv wt�h : ..
<br /> �r,,,n:x �;'- " -
<br /> °�- limftcd v�nriadians by J�u�kdtctloci lo coti.�a ituta u uni timn sccur i t;+inr u�um e n t c��v c r�n g r c��l p ro yc n y. �, ,���a ��
<br /> ��`j1
<br /> �, y� Un�IFI)R�9 CUVGNAN'PS, I3att��v�r;+ucl l.cndcr cm�cnnnt tu�d n�mc+�is ti�llows: ` '� ,�,, ti t���.�
<br /> , 1. fhayxnGnt oP F'rin�l��i�l nnd M►�tr.r�rsl; Prep��ymanf nnd 1.iit��(.'hnrges. B��rrawcr tihnll promptly pi►y whc��duc thc e ��
<br /> �°�:, pr t nc ip a l t�f o n c l i n t a n:s t o n t h�d e b t a v i c i i,n c c d b y t h a N�►t n c u u i�a���p m pa yn t r n t�+n d Intc char ges duu undcr thc Notc. ,:::. . � �
<br /> �,��' i�` '?.. 11inda Pnr'11�ne�amd Inn��rnncr. SubJcct t����ppli�:ahlu I�i���or tu n tivrilt�n wuivcr by l.cndcr,Iicnrmvc�shall pay ta ��;�-�.
<br /> t.cnc�cr on tha diry m�in�hlp �]11yq1Pt1I6:m�duo undc:r tlic hiqto.undl tHo �lutn i:�p:dd in full,n +um l"I�und�"1 fur: (a�)yci+rly ��� .
<br /> �','w,r:' taxes aud�issuss�nc.�uh wti{ah t»�y atinito pric�rlt�ovcr thi:;Sc:.uril;:Itr,:tr�jmont a�:a(it:n�m�hr Pnrpertv:Ib>yc�alv lcuschold . �� _
<br /> ,��, 'a,���� payitt4•nlE• ar gn�un�t n:niti �m tha Prc,�cny, if nny: lcl ycnrl�� ha;.z�rd ar propert;� insun�nrc pn:miiim�: (d) yci�rly tlood z!-,,;,. ,,�� ��.�`...�,�
<br />---_.�,���!��,��s4'� insuram:,pmntium�. ff uny; (rcl y<<n!� n�ortl;apo inr;ur��ncu �in:Y�;�ms,'iP Vn��; aml lm m��i���insu:nce1er�lnl�ms�Thesc ••`.�:: :,:•• ��:.
<br /> �x�:�S'��\�',. Lendcr. in,�ccnrdF�nce wuh tho p►�v►��st:r;s of P:va�,ir;►��h H, in i��.+ut dn. pa, nent f Lt L P 1, _
<br /> �``j;`'}e,�`�4�4�; itom�un:call�d"h.c.i�;�•[tcm�.' Lcu���may.��t.u�y timu,collucl und Ituld llut��in an nmuunt nnt to exrccd thc tnuxintum tt ,�5, ^ .
<br /> ,���.•l�,:a,t ;�; , , , • ' ,;,u �_�-
<br /> �� ts':�' ,�mouiit ai lendcr fvr a t�tii�rally ttlatccl murt�a.�c lu.ui ntay rcqtdre f��� IfuRUw�r�cscm�v nccount undc� 1h� 1'cdcral Rcal
<br />`_-''`'`';R�`�i��i�;�{l�j�a �stitto Selticmem i��r�iures rlct uf 1'�''J a�runcndc�i f'rom dma tu tima. 12 U.S.C.�2601 c1 se�.("1i�SPA"1.unlcss:ututhcr . :
<br />-�;.�:•`�,,;�i:y;;,,;,,,;t,,.i7 . 3`.�'�;
<br />-°;',:;�?x;�;...�.,�',, lu�v eht�:c�p�lies to the��unds srts a?esscr am��unt. If su�L.endar may.+it uny timu,c��Uect and h�+IJ Flmdr�in an;imu�mt�iot tc� .W_ --
<br /> ��,:;:r�, `r<;;1� ORCCCtI IilO lCSyCC t.iCtC�U�1G 1_uncl�r n�iiy �sdm��to thc imiounl ��P Fund:: di�c on thu ba�is vt'currcnt data iind rear�rmibtc __--
<br /> _,:r,°j�;,�?}l�t_,� estim;�tu���fo�xp�m4iant+c,f futun:�scruw itnmsorrlhorwiso in uccurdunc�wAtl��pplicublc ti�w. ,\ " , . �,.-___`_
<br /> "����, � "t'tie �lU�.ic �h►��!�x hold in un institutlan ��l��ti�e deposits aro iutiumd b�� a lcd�rid c�bency, instruine�a1ality. or entity �.p c =_
<br /> -.v � :ra ':,•., �
<br /> -- .. � (includln�Lre�der,�t'Lendcr is such t�n instituti��n;�*r i»nny Fcdornl Hunm I.ua;i t�ank. Lender shi►II apply the Funds to puy _-.
<br /> _= `:'�'L��='�;�;' thp Escn.�n� Itir.�s. t.endvr mc+y nnt chnr�o t3onowcr for huldMg und a�plying thc F1inJ�,,imnui�lly un�dy�ing thc cscro�v i., _-�
<br /> ,;'�'f+'1j;;' nccc�unt, rr�•erE�in�; tho �scrotv Itams, unlu�.r• Lend�� pi+Ns �irm��vor �ntet�st �m the Funds i�nd applirable li�w perniit+ • -
<br /> � .�;�4�1i`� Lender tv mnF.e tiuch u cliur�;u. !•luw�vur, Lender may rr.yiur� �uruwer tv pap+�one-time rhurFe far nn indepen dent reid ' --
<br /> '"�' • . estnto tnr,irp��rinc se�vicc uF.�cl by l.endor in amnacdun wiih thia;ra�i,unlG�s a��plicnblu li��v pm���des rtherwise. Unlevx un � �•s'
<br /> � '' � i►�;t�;em�nt i�ro;ide��r appli4i�bla Imv rcq��ires intan:�t to ba p�u�.�en<ler shi�11 not bc rcNuirod to p:�y l�rrrowcr nny intcrust ar �. �.
<br /> � cumin�;s c�n U�4 i�und��. li�inu���nr and I_ondc�r mny i�prGU in���rtinH,huwcvcr,thc,t intcrost shiili be paici nn thi hlmds. L.cnder • , .st-.�,
<br /> - .;'.>.,;,, � shnll gi��;w t3arnnvor.�vitlioui ohi�r�a,an .mnual i►ccoimti��zs�*f cho IUnds,shawing credits and debits te�the hl�nds nnd the • � ���:�;�`,;;��^�;-.�:
<br /> ,•�Y���}>,` pqq�usc fur which e;tch dc+bit ta tha Fundr:wi�s mndu, 'Fha�1�a���arc pledged i�s uddillunal secur�ty frr adl sums secur,,d hv � � y� �1:,Y��ta.'�_`T_
<br /> � ,,�,1�a�:.{�� �. " thl��ecurity Instrumunt, , ' �.��;. � �.4
<br /> ��Y �,k�` If tha Fl�ndF hatd by l.andar exc��cd tit�� umaunt� pr�znittcd to hc hald hy� ��ppHc:at�lc la«•. Lcncicr sh:+ll uccount w . . '•, =-
<br /> ,�,,s,,<,.`; - ° f3om��ver far thfl cxr.css�'�m�i�.in ttccaniflncv H�iih me ntijtitri:�cat�af�ppiica�rin t:�w. !f ti�c arr�csuns:�::hc r�s�sd;�held t�y , •-
<br /> ._ .
<br /> �`.�t �� � l.ender v1 u�q� tim��is,nnt xafilntunt tu nn�� ilio Eiari��►v Itam�a�hen duo, Lendcr mny �o notify Aorrower in �vrlting,and, in �`
<br /> �Y'�^�i��`�;;�'��..� such c:cse Anrnn���r slinll pwy tn Lrndar tha .imn►mt nccussar,/ tn m��kc u� thc du�ciuncy. dorrawc��hull miikc up thc #
<br /> -., ti•,;,�. . .
<br /> _ ,:�.. deflcicau���in no maru than�u�r�ivo mnnthl��paymcnls,at Lendr.r\�alv di�creu�m, _ ?.
<br /> _- . .-. _ l�pm�p�ymcnt in iull�nf idl��ume•s�=rum41 hp thix Sccuriry Instrumem. �endcr sna�ll prumpt'ty rciunq to nurruw�r�my �__-_ -- _-:,a
<br /> �:; � Fl�nds hckl by 1.cndcr. If, undor ptin�prnph Z1,l.ondcr shull ucquirc or scll�hc Property,l.cndcr. priar ta thc iicquisition or „ °
<br /> .�r stdv oL lhc {'toperty. shi�ll lipply any Fund�hcld hy Lcncicr at Ihc limc ��t�ucqulsiUnn c�r.i►lu ns i�crcdit agidnst the sums
<br /> ` secuscd by this Sccurit��lnstrununt. • �
<br /> •�' �, Appllri�dan of Pnyxnenb� Unluss lipplicable I��w pmvides ��ther�visc, ull puyment.r• received by l.ender under
<br /> '� pant��rnpl�s I nnd�shnll�hc nppUr.il�firnt,to uny prepuymont�hurges duc undcr Ihu Notc;+econd.t��amrn�ms pa,vi�blo under „
<br /> � pare�;rtqtta 2;third,tc�i�taru�t duu:fuurth,to prinripnl duo;nnd l;�a:t,ta imy liuc churges dtw undcr thc Notc.
<br /> • � � Q, Chnn;�s; Llrn�. Rnrn�wer .rht+q pay i�ll taxes, usxe�smcntti, churges, fines and impositions uttributuble to tho
<br />:_;�,���': . � Property which�tit��atttdn priority rncr�his Sccuri�y Instnimcnt,nnd Icuschnld payments or ground rems,ir any. Harrawcr �
<br />'`'�;� shall puy thcyo abll��dnns in�hu mimncr providcd in puragraph�,or if not puid in thz�t munncr,AoRO�+�e�shall puy tham on .
<br />.=��•,;�,c',,;,,, `� dmc dircctl��tU thc per�an c��vcd puymont. Borrowcr shidl pramptly furnish to L.cndor all naticcs af amc�unts to bo paid under
<br /> . �:;�<i;��;: . this paragrnph. If Hi�rrower makey thcu puyments dirertly.Huttower shidl promptly fumish to d.cnd�r receipts evidencing
<br /> ."'- ";' lhc�,uyuu:ula. , , . �
<br /> • • � Borra�ver shnll pramptly dischnrgo nny licn which hi�y priurity��ver�hih Securiry Insaumem i��le5s R��ower:(a)ubrecs .
<br /> <<. � � ' in writing tn the puyment of the obligiitian secu�ed by Iho lien in u mamnur ncceptable�o Lender.��,�cantests in�;aad faith the ��.
<br /> . �,, �'� lien by,or defends against enforcement of tho llen in,lug.�l pmceedinyti whfch in thu l.endrr.l• opinion o�erato ta prevent the . �.
<br /> .:�;;�,< �'� cnf�l�;crnen�af thu lion;or(c)xccures ir��m thc holdcr of tho licn nn ngrcemant s�ilisfua��R to l.endor subordinnting thc lien , . �'�:�
<br /> �� . ,��i�;,,.��;si' . to ch:as Security ]nstrument. If Gendor detemiinos thi�t any pnn uf tho F*roperty is subJect w a li�n which muy uttuin priority � .
<br /> . � �;'•",�t��'c�•�,,� ; oeer nR�ic Security lnstrument,Lender muy give 8arrawcr.i noticu identifying the lien. Borrowcr shall satisfy thc lien i�r ta�kc �
<br /> . . �• onc or mom oi'thc actions sct fonh abovc within 10 dnys of thc givinH af noticc. . '
<br /> . 3. Huzurd vr Property Insurunce. Borro�ver shull keep tho impro��cenrntti now i�xisling ur her�aff;,r erected on tho . ,
<br /> ' •'�• `� � F'ropenp insured rig�+inst loss by(ira,hnrnrds included within�he torm"extrndcd ruveri��;e"iind uny oth�r t�aznrds,includins f
<br /> �.:���?;;,;'��,;:' ,, flacr�ic or flooding, far which Le�der requin�s insurance. 'Phia in�uamce shull he mnintciined in thu auiaunts and f'or the '.
<br /> �:.Eyr:`,,.,).
<br /> � � FormJ02N 9/90 �puAC:n/n po�csi
<br />_ , .; .
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<br /> .y`1,,�,;``,'`'' . � . i
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