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r� . . ..� - . - - � .•'' , ` . .�. -� ` .— . . -- ... <br /> -�- - �L.ANNED 1JAIIT i]FIV�II�tJF�I�t��` RIl�1��1 � ` _ " °� <br /> , ,. <br /> • , . . i. , „ ,. ; _ @808SA�M,t ` ' � '�' f' <br /> � _ nrre ruv�NEn uNR pfl'eweMerr(nio�i►ie m+49�a 6g-;!�-Gy oi Mn .=— .l.fl@�--,� " � `#� ,': <br /> � enQ b hodryomted Nto and ihq Oe Aeemed to amend and euPPlemait Uro Mod9fi0p'Depd ol t�up or 8ewrlry ONA(y�0 -'"� <br /> -== 'BeoNiry inewmttdy Of�he eme eata s`�en Dy No UnOeroigqM QM •bMrtlxH') to leouro BoROh'aPS 80te tb .. , �f•,..' <br /> � '(�,'Ov�rlan M�tion�l Hthk M Arand bian�91jnR�d BtMU CoroorNion <br /> _ ' (tho'Lende')ol the ums date md oaveMg Ih�PropMy dua�tld h Ute � I�, �� ----. .... . . <br />_-.'...�;�� Bea�1y Inewinrnt�nd 1xa�M aC { - <br /> 80Q Btan�oo�oh Rd arand Islnnd Nabra¢ke 08801 <br /> e u. � — <br /> � Th0 PropMy In Wde0. bN b not 4nlled to,e paru!of land 4rproveA rAth�QweIDng,to8ether wAh olhet euch pazeNe end � <br /> , .. _.. ..__.. .. <br /> cenw aommon uens me tawlua,�e deaaroed In A/A <br />.:�:H�� � >.. <br /> �=�;n <br /> -i:� Me'Dede�etlon').Tha Ropaly b�pert ot e plenned unk derdopmenl laiovm o — <br /> �r;� Hivereida deaociatioa _-_ <br /> ��;�a em.o �a un�uewwam•n�— R _ '- _-. <br /> ';� phe 'PUD�. Tha Ptope+y dso Ndudoa Bonowefe Intereat h the homemmere aseoGe�on w equHalonl enllly mminp a <br /> �-.'+ menegNB U+e common areae end feaPAes of the PUD phe 'Oxnere AssadaUoni end the uew,boneiSta enC procecde ol "y� ''°"°a`=-.� <br /> . �}4x, l '��rn... �- <br /> ��=� Bonowefs N1ere+L �.>1 — ... <br /> p�� PUD COVEN0.NT8. In admtwn ro tha oovenenro end agree�na�u made m Ne 8ecu�Ay InawmenR Bonower ana i ,x _ <br />:":`t� LanCa Nrther oovenent end egree as toGam: k j^'4 R; <br /> ..n A. PUD 08LIOATIONB. Borrower eha7 penortn d of Bovowefa o60geYau under the PIIU'� CanaNUent �,�y�; <br /> ''i Dooumenls. The •ContlXUmt Oowmentt' are tn« m Dedvetlon; (� Mldes of heapomlbn, wet hawment a any :, - <br /> ^'trE� equNalent doament whkh aeates ihe Ormee Aaeodatlon:end(Xq airy by�4awa a oNar Nles ar reyuletlons ol the Ownero �ra`�x °� <br /> Aasode9on. Bortower ehe7 promplty pey, when duo, all dues end seaeaamente Ynpoted pumuant to Ne CmaNuent � ���} � <br /> �- DoamenU. �s c ' —. <br /> v� sT `t <br /> 2 <br /> H. HAZARD INSURANCE. 80 long ee ihe Ovm�Aaaodeuon melmeln�,wAh a qenare7y eoupted Inaurence ,�'��;-;jE��� - <br /> eartler, e 'maeter' or 'blenket' poA�y NeuMA the Property■hleh b�ellsfeetay to Lender end whkh pmrMas Ineurence � -jt-,�k, . <br /> �� coverage in the emounle. 1w tha peAoda, end egdnat the Nzarda Lenda requtre�. Indudlnq flre enA heterda NdudeA yf�,�J�j?ti�'-- <br /> , ,az7t� , <br /> wlthln the tertn'exlended ooveraqe'.then: �,, <} �+v. _ <br /> '+3n�� m Lende,wWea Ne praielon N UnMOrtn Covenant 21or ihe monlhy payment to Lmder ol the yeerly prm�um ty5 !� t-, . <br /> ,,. NeteEmenb for hezutl hsurance on Ne RopMy, anE rri�* 37 � <br /> (� Borrowefe ob5gatlon undm UnHartn Covaunt 3 to m�4�teln hezard Inwrena cwcrege on ihe Propay la doamed ia'��.��}'��" ' <br /> _£� eaUSMM to ihe e#mt tMt the requlrad corerage Is qaAded by the Ovmere Aasodetlon poAcy. q�5. s s m.� -� <br /> - Bonowet ahel gNe lmdar prompt notlee of airy kpee N rtqulred hazud Ncurenoe eove'age prorided by Ne maeler a �� <br /> fl�Nlll��1{1�{If. � �l '31N . <br /> -��; In the event ol e dlsYlbulion of hem�d Insurenee proaada In Oeu of resloratlon or repeir toOOrMp e lose to the �,t s ',�i y- �° <br />-�"r" Property. a lo eomnOn eeea end Lcmtlw ol iho PUO.eny proeeeds payeble lo Bartower ere hareby astignetl and 6ha� ,-x�;;i•,,r�,:;;�t -- <br />�:=."�:� be peld to Lender.LenAw�ha0�ppy ihe proeeede to Ihe �ume 6ecured by the Secudry Inatrument,wllh em�excena paid : ���v�;j�� jf���: <br /> - to Bonower. � - <br /> -.:,:; �{lt c:•;�i r p _ <br /> ,?r;. C. PUBLIC LIABILITY INSURANCE. Bonower ahe0 teka auch eetlone an mey 6e reasone6le�o Inwro thet f �r1 :-- <br /> ;>�1. Ne Ownen Aswdetlon mehteNe a W6Ae Nebifity Nsurance policy �ceepqble N fo�m, amount,enA extmt ot covenye to :q�->a?;;i'ry�};}?c�.. <br /> - ` lender. i` -l�';� � .- <br /> - 7�� D. CONDEMNATION. The proeeeda ol eny awmd or dam lor demegee, mreel a conaequenWl, peyebla to y - � -.` <br /> , ; 8ortower N eonneatlon wllh any wnde(melion or o�ha taMny of ell or eny pe�l of the ProDefy or Ihe eommon meat end � -i 2,1 <br /> i;p5; lumlie� ol ihe PUD, or br any conrayanca In Yeu ol condemnatton. are Eereby eulpnetl and aMC ba p�id to lender. �, .�*„�!,=t3?.:,�;,_. <br />---,i,?„ Such prooeede ehe0 be eppled Ey Lendtt to 1ho eums eacurcd by tAe 9eadty NntNment ae povided in UMo`m Corenent '�?t4.,t'�„}��-'js:-.:� <br /> 10. Y <br /> ; H. LENDER'S PRIOR CONBENT. Banower eh+l not, ezcept nRr noYCe�o Lander end r+M Lender'e ptlor � -- ' � r<o 5� .. <br /> wrNien conaent,ellher pMilion or eubAMde the Properly or cmaont to: , <br /> i o,�� n the abandonmenl a teiMnatlon ol lhe PUD.axeept br ebenEOnment or temihatlon requlred by law h the eesa ol '� � r �,'{eiS � <br /> �' WbalenWl doBWGbn by flre or olhet easualry or In tAO ceae ol a teWny by contltmnetlon a eminent domeh: ,•,,�,� .tit+��;?�r,.-'. <br /> ' �% (� eny emendment to any proMebn of the 'COnstiWenl DoamenlY il Ne provisbn b for Ne a�eas benefi[ ol �r f 4 n <br /> z`4�� (Gp torMneOOn ot profwsionel menepemmt end assumptlon of sNl�ma�agemmt ol the Ownae Assoda0on: or '+�'i � r�;� j� <br /> i (N) eny eclbn whieh woulE heve ihe ellecl ol rendeAny the pudic Aebifdy inwfanu cwtrege mehlehed by Ihe �i� ��;'i` <br /> _ Owne�e Aseode6on unacceplable to lmCCr. _i j � .� �� <br /> �- F. REMEDIEB. If Bortower Aow nol pay PUD dun and aaseanmentn when dua then len der mey pay t hem.My —_ r� - <br /> ,-. emounla dis6ur6ed by lwder under ihls paraflreph F nha0 bewme adEAbnd debt of Bortower newred by iha Secudty - <br /> NaWment UNe�a Bortower end imder ayee to olhtt tmro oi paymenL these amoun4 ehal bear NtereH Irom tha dnta {`� � - ;�� ,- <br /> ol dlabursemmt et ihe Nole rele end nhall be payable. v�#n interest, upon notlu irdn lentler to Bortower requesllng ( � � �-. <br /> �� PaYmml. f ..,_�: -. <br /> ' _'ii. ` � . . . <br /> BY$IONINQ BELOW. Bortower eaepta md eyrees to Ihe tams e rmbbns unlei in Nia PUD NIEtt. The � _ � ' <br /> undersigned barower(e)�duiowled9Hs)raelpt ol e wpy of Inis in enL ` - <br /> � � <br />_ `'i.. <br /> C (SEAU • <br />- e�„o� or on . c n �� <br /> , _ i ' <br /> �� � (SEAL) <br /> •'' B nn ca . c.e n <br /> ` �h <br /> - -,f? ISEAU <br /> eo.•�...• <br /> - ISEAL) <br /> .. eo•�o.... <br />. .`,,[` . <br /> ��•y?,: MULTSTATE WD NUEN-S�qe Famry�FNMNFHLHC UMidIM iN5T4YNEHT Forrn ltyti 9/9p <br /> �-�' <br /> flOt9.VA0 NB31 <br /> __�. <br /> -.. .. <br /> ...�.� <br /> _: . <br />. 1F_- <br />-;,i:'y. 9lW]. <br />