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. . c._..�....�. . .. . ... �, _ . <br /> ��;� - - - .. - _ <br /> , ��� - - - - --- <br /> ,r - 17.Tran�tor of thY Ptopeity or e Benoflalal Interooi In 6otrower.n u a eny Dc+► ot 6�e P�operry a- — <br />_ _����}� • any Nlaesl N fl b�old a kuiatertad(o�B e benefldal Ntereri h BarDwa b�old a VuielerteA rnd Barower b not�nnN�al . _ -- <br /> - u-:�,LSa D�n)wtthout LenGx'�pdor wrRten eonssnR lendm m�yat rt�optlon.requ4e Nunamate pnyment h N7 of aA a�e�» - <br /> -`=��'� Wa 8acutly InnWman4 Havcvor,We oD�ahe9 not Da exorcbod by Lenda X exadae le proAmlled Cy to0a+l law u of Ihe � - <br /> -s�� dnto ol thla Boanity InoWmxnL - �. .�-� <br /> �, , ��'T� II LenEa exadsea Nb optlon, Lender ehe9 piva Bortmva noYoo ol��oelenWn. The nolia sMl proNde �D�otl ol _ <br /> not laa�than 90 0.yro trom the dete Ne notleo le dePrered a me1M wAhln rfilah Bortower mur pry atl ewis eeauad hy� ... . . <br /> 9 Yj , - fhis BewAry NaWment.H Bortower hb to pny fhase sume ptor w the e�nUon o1 Wt P��. �+� �Y �e v�y°! [ _, . <br /> r , ��d,� ranemn pamlltad M/thlf BewAry Ineuummt wllhart further notlea a demnnd on Bo�rower. Fy - <br /> '� ;' �yfh 1 B. Bonowo'e Rlght to Relnstate.n Barower maero eertnx conmuone, Bonorra sMl hNa th� egm �o n�ve r; _, <br /> entoreement of thll BeoMy IniWment dlsoonOmed at eny tlme pAor to Ihe eaAer ot. (a)6 dry�(a euoh ol�at pedod n� ��x uaLl "t w°° <br /> c�r �ppppNp I�w m�y eP�Y tw relnaLtemeng Oelae eele of Ne ProPery Puroumt to ury pw+a ol We oonlained tr� tMS „-` <br /> k4'�`�`'� 8ewrlty Insuumcnl: or @) enuy ol s Nd�nnmt enlwcNg thla BewAly Inswmenl.Thoee oonmtlon�va Nat 6ortower.(a)Paye s �:�'fa r�. - � <br /> � ;�,�� Lender e0 wme whkh thm would be Aue unAm Ihla 8ecv�lry huhument md Ne Note u M no acodereEon hed ooqmtd; (b) � � -' � sz - - <br /> �vyft'f{ area ury dof¢vll W a�ry otha aovenent or egreanenW: (o)paya N �ensea Inwrted N enlordnp Ws SecuAly InWUmenL ��,.��y t��'"'sy - <br /> ,. T�'f�� Ndudug. Wt not lnited to,reaeona6ie etlomeya'feex and(� takee aueh eetlon�e Lender may reaeoneby roquiro b eswre .�r._��rts�,n;3 � '_ <br /> � .rY i x ttL :� <br /> �li U,. that ihe Am of Nb BeamBy IneWment,lendeYS tlphU In the Propuy end ElonowWe oWpatlon to pey the wm� eeareE , •s S _ <br /> � Cy t�b Sewrlry InsWmcnt ahe0 continua unchanged Upon�dnMalommt by Bonower. Ihla Saw�lry Instnunent end ihe ,�� .,t � r R <br /> �G,"'��`p' obOpetla�n seaured hereby aheA remeN NOy ellecWe a� H no acalaailon had acamed Howevr,thb tlght to reNSleee shel ��t1�7�,-��+�{ <br /> ,j���,�b�i , not appy N the ee�e of e000leratlon under paregraph 17. W '• r �Ynt ._: " <br /> j�q�, -}';� 19. Sate of Note; Change ot I.oan 8erv�aor.rne Note or a e p.rua� Interesc h me Note pogeme, wnn ;����'s�x�� -,s� -_� <br /> � � �1 i-; thb Sewrlly IneWment)mry Ce sWd one or mae Wnea w11hM pAar notke to Bommrec A sela mry rwutl N e ehanAe N tha ?�.'i-� '1�4��{ �^_� <br /> (��t rt en111y pmprm g"s the 'Loen 8qvlcer')Ihat coCecU monthy peymenb du�under ihe Nole and ihla SeaAly InaWmmL Thete �;�'r zy�#�s.V�_z �� <br /> , 4-��x -'��' ��o mry 6e one n mare elw� ee ol ihe Loen Snvker umNeted to ■aale ol Ne Nole.H Ihae la �ohanA� of Ne Loan �� t =- - <br /> f � _t,_._ 9 ,rrr�i ' -- <br /> f i'i,:i' 8wviar. Barrowa wm 6�qhen vMHen nolks oi the ehenge N�ceardenoe x9h peregraph 14 above end eppFaWe hvi. The -- -,` i� - _`. <br /> i ��, „� no9ee w01 ilete Ne name end eddreaa ol tha naw Lonn SeMar end tha aAdreas to wNeh peymenta should be mada TOe ,.%� ' ,_ <br /> _�;y�',�,4>��U�;- nopea wN elao canWn eiry other Nlo�metlon requ4ed by eppAa6le lew. S -1 S fi�7 - -.- <br /> } o i'.y ;' 20. Hei0�d0Ue Bubffi00C68. Bortower ahe0 not eeusa a parmR the presmca.uae,dlapoaal. �tareg�. or rdmee ol �r� -t ��� �' _-+.", <br /> ¢,�'r - .-, any Huartlous Su6slanee� on w N Na Ropary. Bmower eM0 not tlo. nw a0ow anyone elae to do, anylhNy allectlng the 5'- 1�tt! ; �; <br /> �L s�-}r,'•. Propay thit la N Wo�lbn d any Enrironmenid Lew. The pecedn9 Mo smlencm aheA not eppy to the preaenw, usa. �,(�.:� ' z rT rx .�.. <br /> J x,r or atoroge on the PropMy ol emaG quenWiea of Hanrdoue WbaWCee that are qenen� �ecogniud to be�ppraWlete to �� i/ • �— <br /> - r.�" nortnel reeWantW usea end to meNtenence ol Ihe Wopary. ��;�r���� - �-- <br /> � F f.-: <br /> s� ��;�� Bortowx eh,G p�ompty ghe Lender wdnen nollee ol arc� InresUBatlon. d�M. dmiand, IewwH a otha adion by eiry rt.`Y.�'h� ^ �:, . <br /> �'-f�. �' ovemmenld or r lat e ency o� rlrala InvohNg the P,oD�Y and en Flezerdous 8ubetanea a EnNronmenWl Law ol �-,��,� �f� 1� ;r- <br /> -- r r.t, 8 � �' 9 D P�71 Y - : f,o,��. '-� . <br /> �-f a;" whieh Bonower he�adwllmowleA9e. M Bortower lame,ot b nodAad by eny goremmmtel a repuhiory auNodry. Nnt eny :" � 4 .�}�i,." <br /> ` t '"`�'�� romoral or other rane�YOn of any Hazerdoue Substence Naahp Ropwry la neeeasuy, Bonaver she0 prompYy teke el Li'Y}ti.;��;�-�="--_ <br /> . f.'. -.•t,�r b:d?;:Yl.S,`_.. <br /> t �rrr _-ti; ^eceseary ranedW���mp�e��dwnh a�6 e�rethoa�eubsteneea defined�a toxio a harerGOw nubeWCea -�`�'��4���1� � <br /> � << �� r. Aa ueed In thls � i�•; �v ` )i � <br /> .}�y 5., EnWonmenlal Lew end tho IoAmNng wbateneea: qaaoMe, kaoeene, alher Mmmable or todc pelroleum produdn. totle s��?Y� F k� s . <br /> ,>,i•�•�_::J; peaUddea end hehlddee.voNNe eoMenla,melerkU eonleNNy�abesloa a toimetde�yde, end 2dloe�IN�mater�U. Aa uaed h r':lFe{' ��C,58� _ <br /> � ���--_S�< peregnph M, 'Em4onmenlel law' meann tederal lewe�nd lows of Ihe JutlaOlWon where Ihe Property h loealetl tMl relete to :` �� �f(1 i�-? - <br /> �;���� heMh.aafeyormvtronmentelprolectlon. .�,`it i-'��l� ?�---� <br /> �s I�4�-- NON•UNIFOflM CO4ENANfS Bonower entl Lmaa lunhx wvenmt md�pree es to[owa: �- (*+r tr�� <br /> ��,��-f;; 21. Aoaeleratlon: Ramedlea. Lender ahell give notioe to Borrower prio� to aoceleration r t1���"'1� ����, � <br /> ��+�`,��' following Bonower'e breaah of any oovanent or egreamant in thie Soou�ity Inatrument (but not -'� <br /> �7-_- . !� prlor to e¢aetereNon under pe�agraph 17 unlaea epplloable law p�ovldes othenvlae). Tha notica � �_ ��4� <br /> .�r" - `�� ehall speolfy: (a) the default; (b) the eotton ►aqulred to curo the dateult; (o) e date, not leea than ����! �, - - �k- °- <br /> .�.�,.�.-.;;,';�ij 30 days i�om tho date the notice le given to Borrower, by which the default mus! bo aured; and ..-,��,_.r:i�:;; <br /> t� . <br /> � (d) that fallure to cure tho dafault on or batore the date epeclilad in tho notice may rasult In °�> ,j . :$�; <br /> ' ;,,���r, eoceleratlon of the euma sacurad by thla Soourlry Inet�umant end eele of the Property.The notica � __ �- '. <br /> � ' • `�`�.� ehall fuAher Inform Borrowar of the rlyht to relnstete after eccateration end the �ight to bring a . ,..j+._„;;,.=C <br /> - °�'�"•�``�� oourt actton to essart the nan-axletence of e dateuit or eny other defense of Borrowar to � :'s�''-+�:%,� <br />"'���{��`��`�•����% accalaratlon and eele. I(the dafaul! le not cured on or 6etore the dete epocifled In the nottae, �'` -"'`' � <br /> --',' `�;�i Lendar at Ite optton may requlro Immadleta payment in full of ell sums saomed by thls Socurity ��� _�.,,•;- <br /> ��:.�,+:Z:.:'.;-;: Inatrumant without turther damand and mey invoko the power of seie and any other remedles - � _.�i;'<�'"` �� <br /> - . _ • permittad by appllcable lew. Lendar ahall ba antitled to collect aIl oxpansas Inwrred In purauing '�- � . <br />"'�, .. , the remodlea provldad In thia paregreph 27, (ncluding, but no! Iimited to, reasonablo altorneye' ': � � __ <br /> taas and aoete ot title evidenco. - <br />: '�" - �- H tho power of sala Is Invoked, Trustae ahall record a notfce of defeWt In eech county �n <br /> �- � which any pe�t of the PropeRy le located and ehall mell coplea of auch notica in the mennar <br /> � prescr�6ed by applicebla law to Borrower end to the other persone preacribad by epplicable lew. <br /> - �. Aftor tho timo roqulrod by applica6le law, Truslee shell give publlc notica of sale to lhe peraona <br /> . . end In tl�e menner prescrlbed by appliceble lew. Truetee, without demend on Borrowe�, ahail sell <br /> the Property et public euetion to tho hlgheat blddar at tha time end placa and under tho terme � <br /> -. . - designated In the notic0 of sela in one or more parcels end In any order Truatae det¢rminea. <br /> � , Truatoe may postpone salo ot all or eny parcel of the Proporty by public ennouncement et the <br /> . . tima end place of any praviouely acheduled sale. Lender or Ite deaignao may purchase the <br /> P�operly at any sale. -_�- <br /> - _ - Upon recelpt of payment of the pHCe bid, Truetee ahell dolivor to tha purchaser Tmatee'a <br /> � • deed conveying tha Property. 7ho recitale in the T�ustee'e deed ahall be prima facia avidonce of _... <br /> � - - � -- inv iivan oi inu eiei�mvFiis md'ev inaFnin. iFiiuine snuii apyiji inv pF�cov'eB vi ii�v SB7v 'n� inv <br /> . following ordor: (a) to all coate and expensee of exercising the powor of eale, and tho salo, <br /> - Inciuding tha paymant of the Tmstea's tees actually incurred, not to exceed three <br /> - � % of the principel emount of the note at <br /> - the time of the declaration of default, and reasonable aftomey'a faea as permitted by lew; (b) - . <br /> ,_ to ell sume aecured by thle Security Inetrumenl; end (c) eny excasa to the person or <br />., � peraone lagally anNtlad to It. <br /> . ..�`a Y.�•�•- FUt6.lMO tloNPl a�P� c�s ��Y!.- <br /> �,+! . <br /> . - . �' t 9MI6l.LM I <br /> � <br />