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' = �����3� vc t � _ _ <br /> _ TOGE�IIEHUAT��ilfBVnP��Y�leh AWiO}nNCNRN'�fdCldd,bN�h�tIX00�.Nd�1t11mNIW.�O1�Vrt+f�r�wrrll�d l ' <br /> s• 1Eduref now a hxaABf W�t N fhf�et�Y M r li �9 YIA�d6110I�iltNy�f O Db ODYRid Gy 1h1181AHR5/NIfhN111JIL fi i <br /> Na�Ne.fytppohp ta�(!�pdid Vi t.h�e$p�ydb mpn a fnd'OroP�+�Y• .. � , - + ,, <br /> + - BOflNQWEII�QY�t�.4NT8 tlNt.$9�fGlvlr It�y��ItE0.411db ISS�10�M OO�Y//IQ Nd h/l 1�1!�!;¢7�I Md <br /> -- ��:. eunRdllhePfop'qry d tA'etah4�°P°tN4udqipupU;TS4,:dx�1 tor_,pi rtnaa olnaoi+l.�.6arrowr.w�+t.,n6, t'� <br /> - wW ddmtl.9��r iXfe:to.the ProPu�a9etnrt�!cu1m�6nd den�nda.wb M,,t to uiy aneumbtinGS�of ncbfd �� r_ --- <br /> YHIB 8p uv81Ftt1MENf com6 es unryqm eovmintb ta nAonO'uae md non�unit�(m' eov�nNl� uttl� , <br /> -�-° DrrJteA virl+UnmAY�td��tlon to.9oeetXutb�unRomi 4aairpy In�4ument oavaMp fal DroP�Y� - -.-� --°. _ . .. . . .. <br /> ��1�f�fl1�� NANre. BOROWR NA�E11Cp OOYEf1111t i110/ 0 CO tOLOW1: -' • <br /> - �ti=^'° 1.Paymont ot Pr�nolpst and Intepslt Pnp:ym�n�ind Wt�Chfrpw. eonown�na0 proinpty pq�cvhon <br /> - tlue the pMdpY o1 md htaasl on Ne Cebt Mdanad Dy thb Note Nd uy p{qaymml end Yt�ehuyu 6u�unG►th1 <br /> '��1 Nme. .. <br /> 2,Fund�tor Trxea and fnamanoe.eubha to eppaoobie rr, a to a rmnon watrer By unac+, OarowH ohaq pay • • • •�- <br /> � to lantler on Ne day monNy prymenle ue dua under Ne Nota, unN 0e NoN b pYd h fiA.�am pNn0�7 ton U)W�M <br /> texea md aeeeummp vrhbh rtry etleYi PAoKty ova We&wdty 4ativmmt ea�Yen on the RW�Y�)Y�b INtidlotd =. <br /> .,�� pnymaue or gand rmfe on ihe Properry,tl eny. (o)Yeady Attard a propary Ntunnee ptamUms� f�yelrb 11ooG h6uwna <br /> . ��..�. prt+InMnf.II am,(e)yeuy mal9�ge Inamence preMurm.H any;md (9�ny wm�PzY+��bY BoROxa lo lenda In t000rduia <br />. :�7�ti� vAlh M�proNslona ot par��aph B,N leu ol tha pnymart of matyuge hsurena promluma Thete Gans ae aA�d 'EstiOw <br /> i Neme.' Lender msy, et eny Wna, a9act uiA hdd funda N en emount nol to mwbed Ihe mmdnum unant�landu for� _ <br /> �,�--"'� tede�y related motty�9a ban may requtre Iw Bortave+Y eaaov+aeeaunt unda Na tedaal Neel Eatele 801tlemmt PtooeCUre� -`— �� - <br /> __,�}��, Act oi te74 e�unended tran tlme to tlma,�Y U.8.0.@ YBOt et eeq. ('RESPA'L unlese enofha law thp �pp0e�to Pe Fund� <br /> t �{r eqe �kaear amoun4 If w. Lende�mey,et eny Nn&eo0ect md hdd Fundt h�n enaunt nOt to Croeed N!IObi� Unount ___ <br /> � C��,- � Lender may ealYmte Na emwnt ol Runda due on the beela ot curtent data end reaaoneble estlmatae ol e�entliluroe ol Ntun ...- <br /> - ,:•. Eiaow Itema or otharM1Se In a000rdanee wllh app�oebie law. <br /> jsi �� ri Th�Fund�iha9 be hdtl N en Instllulbn who6e depoaRe ere Naured by e tederel apenoy.haWmenYOly,a entlly�dud'np �`rt.-.-,-_ <br /> - �j� Landa,tl Lendtr b woh en InaOWon)or N uq FedaN Home Loan &nk. lenda sheE�ppy the Funde to pry the Eeaow - <br /> ,,ft ti�, Itema.lander mey not eher8e Bortower tor hd&ig end eppying tha Fwde, unw7y amyring t�a esaow�eeoun4 a vsdly4ip -_ <br /> - -- Me Waow Itane, uNecs Lends pays Bortower intaeat on tho Fund� aid appACable L�w paMla lenda to meW euoh e ^ -= -.-�.---... <br /> �}� � y�'� eharpa Howerer, Landa mey requtre Bonower to pey a onallme ohupe fa en hdapendent roel eamto tex ropatlnp seMa s,'t- � <br /> _ ,s�},, - n�i uaed 6y Lenda In oonnectlon wRh thln loen, unleee epP�61e law yoWCa olhenASe. Unbae an�yreement I� made or ��- <br />�-�r ..�F„'�� epplleaWO law requlref Ntueat to be peld.Lendar sM9 not be requUed to pey Bortovrer uy hlerest or eamhga on Me Fundx -�"`�=- � <br /> :1C,. �,.t y•:iias'i:'= <br />��;,. �,�,t,5; Bonmm and Lende�mey agrea In wAW9• havever, tMt Ntaast ehN be p+ld an tho Funda. Lmtla ahW pMe lo Bortown, _._,�.. <br /> �; � �� vMhout eharpe.m omuel eoaountlng of the Funda, nhmring aedao end dehlu to the FunGe and�ha purpose ta xfilch eaeh �,-,.-_ <br /> r �1`�� EeCtt l01he Fwd�wu nude. Ths Funda ere pledyed u�ddNionel eeanRy la�7 eume secured by the SecuAry InaWmant �{*:,i?'� <br />--_��-_="��:'�' II N0 Fundf hCld by lenda eXCeed ih9 emounle pemYtted�o be hdd 6y eppleeble lew, Lendef Me�ea0unt�0 BOROWH °=� <br /> ''_I"i�i`.;'�(j e9 PP� bY Y �_ . <br /> lor ihe�xeeae Funda h eoeordenee Mlh tha r ulrements ol a ble Yw. II the unount of Ne Fundf hNd Lender�t m [�'�h�_--� <br /> `:��.';���- • tlme p not sulllddait to pey the Ewrow Neme when due,lmdu mey ao notiy Bortower h writln9• en0. In sueh eeae Borrowx -� �. <br /> -y}}rj.�S_. thN pty to Lmdet ihe emwnl neeesury�o meke up Ihe delldenoy. Borrowu sMA m�ke up 1he doAdenry H n0 mo�e�hm e::''-�- <br /> �t✓�:- IweNa monihy peymmU,et Lendets wle dlaaeuon. — � <br /> >�'�s 7 � Upon paymmt-B ful of d sume eearetl by thie Sewrlry InsWmenl, Lender ah�l promptly roNnd lo Bortower my ..---- - <br /> � 4 : Fundf held by Lmdec 11, under paragruph 21. Lendr eheG eequPe or aell NB RopertY.lOndN.q10�to ihe�OpuhltlM 0�Od1 __ .__ _ .__ . <br /> r- `- ol th�ProD�f'•ahe0�ppy wy Funde hNd by Lender et the tlme of �cqubROn or aele ea a aetR epWet the eumf aeeured <br /> by thb 8ew�InetNment <br /> j` �` sf 9,Appl oetlon of Peymente.unteae eppueawe iew w��dn othmWe, ell peymente reeewea by�enaw unda r — <br /> - pu�ylDhe t md 2 iMl be eppAed: Nal,lo eny preprymml tliarpea due unAet the Nole. aeeond.�o emoun4 pepble unEa {, - � - -- <br /> � � `-; pu�gnDh 2;thkd,to htereet dur,fouM,to pMdpel due:md�at,to vy lele ehvqea due unda Ne Note. ��--:,: <br /> ,�;t,t;�';;�;^ A�Ch8tg88; Llene. Barower ehetl pey ell taxa, esaesamenu, eluryee, tines end ImposAbne ulAbuleMe to the �;�,;;r=�.;._. <br /> > > PropeM1y which mey e11eN prlaly rner thie 8earily In�wmen6 end Iwsehdd Deymenu or pround �enle, II eny. Bonowu +;o� .` � <br /> �. �`` ,--•`�� iM0 p�y theie o60p�Eau N the menner proMtled In D�BroPh 2, or N not qid h thet mennv. Barower aheG pay Iham m �.�hr�f{ ...�' <br /> - �.; IYns Auolly to 1he paaon owed peymen4 Barower ahe0 promply lumkh to Lmdx ell notieaa ol amounfe to ba peld under � <br /> �f <br /> a +r..}, �r':,. . <br /> - ;, ihW pu�gmpn.M Bortarx melw these pe�mmle d4cay. 8ortower sha11 orompty Nmlah to lender reoelptn evlden�ng ` �.T,. ------- <br /> � u5. . ih�O�Ymenro. t`�i�`)°, <br /> t,, . ��.� Barower MN pompty dlseharqa eiry Am which Me pdody ova thb Sewdty InaWmmt unbm Bonower: (a) agree� '�' � + ,---- <br /> � -.�' N wAtlnp to the payment of Iha obliqatbn eewmd by 1he Oen N s memer aaepYble lo Lentler. @)wntente In good fellh iN s{{�:�� ,, .-- <br /> Srnj.� <br /> � rt ;,� IOn by,ot dofends ayaNat enlorcement ol lhe Oen In. byel Droaedinge whlch N iha Lendtt'e opNbn opemto to prevmt ; �t �i 1 x <br /> t�e anloreement ol the len; w(e) newrea hom Ihe holder ol ihe Im en oyeement te0afadory to Lenda mhorQin�W9 iha � - - ,`� -- <br /> �-., ;" lon lo NIO SeaiRy Inchument II Lender detttMnen fhel eny part o1 Ne RopMy is aubJeet lo a Om whlch mey etWn prlodty �ly�+�,•r� �#l� ---� <br /> �t - ' ove/Uds Seatlly InsYUment. Lender may 9he Bartam e notlee IdenllfyYp th�Ilen. Bortower and aetlny the Gm or teke ' �i i},s t`;_ <br /> -� one a more ol lhe actlme aet forth e6wo wAhh f 0 Arys ol the ylvinp al no0ee. {"r,"�=+� � sr,� <br /> 8. Hazard 0/Property IneulBnCe. Bortowu ahat kaep Ne Imp'ovementa naw mdsOnp or herealla eracled on the "����3° {f�f�+fn t•!= <br />.:ti.�:_ �' ProD�M��sured egaWt bsa by Ne.hezerde NWdetl wnhM the term 'eztmded wverapa' end eny other�azerde. InGUCAnp �.t,:;+�,4'.e��,:;ss�:,;. <br /> ' -9 ;� Eootla a Iloodhg.for which lender requiree inauranca Thb Nsuwna eh�9 ba meinleNed In Ihe anwunte end lu Ihe pedodf � j:_�� # ,��h^;; <br /> ° ��, Net LMEOr requ4ea. Th�inamenee aMa proNtllnp Ihe Neunnce ahe7 b�chosen Ey Borrowet aubJeet to lender's epproW ' ` (h� r j,!'- <br /> . `'-�' Whbh f11011 n01 EB uNea6onady Wlthhel0. 11 BonowM 18i7a to meinuln oorenqo EaaWeA�bore. lender mey. el LenGele �. -_ ;: {��1,�_. _-_'_ <br /> n '-1 optlon.obtah oorewqe to proteG Lendtt'a tlghts N the Pmperry in eccpdenm vMh Darapreph 7. -�- �-+ �i <br /> --�,.�'.' A1 In6urenee pafdee end renewela ehatl be ac�epteble to Lentle end tM7 includc e sunCarA mortgnge Gause. Lende �, -" ��_ ', �� <br /> �. i'�" � �`�� shaY luvo ih�tlpM to hWd tha polidea end renewals. 11 Lenda tequko. Bmarer she0 D�ompliy qke to lentle�ell teteipis M .� -.�`t''�-•;�f:;..,- .,- <br />- �.� � pelA peMum�enA mawel noucea. In Ihe erent o/ losa. Bortowa ehe7 gtre promD� �o1ke lo Ne inamenee pnier end .. <br /> � - '� LonAer Lontla mey m�ke prool ol lose X not made pmmpty Ey Bonowec -� : <br /> UNOae LenCCr end Bonower othercAae egree N milMg. insuranca proaetla shell be apprted Io reatoretlon or repeir ol i� : •� <br /> Iht koDerly AumpM. M the restoratlon or repeir Is economkslly fpsible enA Lmtlers seariry is not lessmed. tl Ih� <br /> refla�tlon or rcpeir b nol eanoMCaYy teaslbia or LenEere sewdry wouW be lesametl. I�e Naurence p�ooeeds ahe0 be <br /> - epplleE lo Ih��um� �carod by Ihia Sew�iry Instrummt. wheNM or not Ihm tlue. wtth eny exceae paid to Bonavor. tl s . <br /> Oortowa abenEOne Na PropMy. or tlon noi enawer wllhin 00 Jey� a noeu Imm LmAer thel the InnuMCa m�la hn <br /> - otlOroG lo eMW a deYR ihM LenAet may Collec! Ihe Nsurence Droaetls. LmOtt mey u5e 1he proceede �o repeir W , <br /> - :,�',�-�:{ roelm�iho ProD�Y a to per aums aecured by Uu Securly inalrvment.wheiher or nol Ihen due. The 3U�tlay Deriod xa <br /> bepN xMen I�e notia b gNOn. <br />-- Unlee� landcr NE BORONlf o�htvxlae egree N wr14�g. eny appiealion ol proceeda lo p`Ndpnl ah�A not esaend a - <br /> �-� ��" poetpane Iho M� dlle ol IM monlhy Deymmis relened to P pangrephs t end 2 or chanye Ihe emounl oi ihe -' <br /> _ _ peymmle. 11 undM pu�pnph 27 Ihe Roperty is ecquued by Lmder. Bonm.eri tlght lo eny insuranu Dolitles entl proceeds _ <br /> -' rowllBp Rom dunop�lo Iho Hoperty D�a to Ihe ecquhMlon shell Wss lo Lender to I�e e+1en1 01 the sums by�hk Secwiy . <br /> M�Inrr�� ImwuG�ld�Mnr 1n Ilu�e�v�laMlm <br /> � _I� 6.Qaoupanoy. Proeorvallon, Maintenenco and Proteetion of the Proporty; Borcower'a Loan <br /> y /applloatlon; L01160hOld8. Bortawer shell occuDY. eal�bllsh, end use Ihe ProDerty ea Bonower's DMdpal reaidence <br /> � vrKhN W�ly dap attct U�oxocNbn ol Ihia Sew�fy InsWmenl end ehd condnua lo occupy iha Propxy ea Bortowera pr(ndptl <br /> ' roaldmw lor�I lonsl on�year eller Ihe date ol occuW��Y•unless Lmder omervASe eereea N wrlWg. which wnamt ahall nol <br /> � � � � C e u rc e u o n a 6 ry r r l t�M:W.o r u n k s e w n m u a t i n y d r e u rt u t e n c e s e�d s t w h k h e�e b e y o n A B o rt o w e r'e c o n t r o l. B o rt o w e r s h e 0 n o l <br />� -i_��_:�..:�7 <br /> � - ti EnVOy. CGmsO� or MpeY Ihe PropMy. a0ow Ihe Prope�ty fo deledonte. a comn0 wasle on Ihe Noperty.BoROwtt ehell 6a <br /> ';i.- " �- in Ae4u11 11 eny lorldlum ecllon or p�oceemnq. whelhtt tl�A a a1mWl b hegun lhal N Lmder's gooE teXh�uAqmeni coNE <br /> �,: �,-. �;���; j �isull n IotlN4ro�I IM NopMry or olhemise meleilaAy Impelr Iha Ilen veale0 by thln Sewriry Inatru t or LenAers aewrTy <br /> ..a�}_ ��L.. h�crell <br /> i�_lt��:�'".�j HllllNOl�oA11 �a9ePO15 <br /> '.+�:�j� . � • <br /> tj <br /> ,:':r, i:PS.,� k <br /> ,'';y,,��:4 arn�w . .._. _ . ____ _ . i . .. . . . . _ <br />