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<br /> ������Y " ron�lcmna�ion nr uthcr tnkin�!�►1'nu��p:ut��f Ihe IDu�x��1y,ar t'ur r������cyiinrc i�i Ilru ul'c��ni.lemmitiun,wn c�r�i►y�m�{ttncd und r�~�� --
<br /> °�� ,huU bc p:�id t�►Lrud�;r, - —
<br /> ���-=-" In thr dvcnt af n tu�ul In�ln� ot' the 1'm��eny, thc prvrrrd, shull hr np�dicd tu �hc �umr .rrurrd hy 11►1y SE�urlly � � 3 _ -
<br /> �;`� Iml�ununt,�vhethcr or nat th�n du�,wiih:�uy�r�rc.,pai.i ta Non�u«•rr. h�thc rvrnt at'u ��urli�d lal.h►�!��Y�tic ('ru�xr�y in — —_
<br /> _ — a�hi�:h Ih�t'air matkci w�{u�ui�dte!'r���n°ny i�titi�►tcdl+�tcl�txt��n the[ai'+�tt�i�cqpnl ta ar���iNC�tha�ti�hr+�nf+umt ul'thr+utnti �° �
<br /> �� �.ec:::cc!h;�thi=��cttt-itp I�i.trumr.nt Imn�cdia�aly twtur�Uw tu�l►tF;.uit lcss t�ucru����r c md L��n d�l'u lh c i�ai+c ;iunr iit wtiliu�, � - Y
<br /> �'� �'� '� dt�. �t!itl�•«ureJ by thl.r Sccurily Instruntc�ri�hull Nc rcducrd by �he ttntuunl nf�Ih�p�'uC��dv tl�ultipUCd by Ihv IuU�►����n�± � .;- �'��r, _
<br /> --- fractl��n: lnl Ihc tutnl umuunl of Ih��urns+ccintd fmn��di3�trly l�clurr�hc�;►kine.,divid�ii n}�Ib)ihc F�ir iu;irkit�altsr aC thr ,�,�- �
<br /> � ' ',,�� I���pctiy immedia�cly l+e�'��rc ttte tokin�, Any h;�luncu shnll he pukd tu Nun'a�v�r. In 1h� �`�'t:nl of n p;►rtf�d laAin� ul�Ihe �' , t� , r� - -_
<br /> .,.;
<br /> �`y r I'�operl��in���hich►lu:fni�'mnrkcl ��idu�i�f�ihc I'r���rty hnmcdfi�tely t�f'uit Ihr �+d.in� ie Icsti �han�hr.imuunl uf the �umy , �. ;, _
<br />�:.�.�`� �`�`'� ,ccurrd immcdiatcly hcl'urc Ihe lukht�,unl�ss Uun'u�v�r m�d (.�nd�r athrrw l��' ur.r��c in ��•r I Nn�1 ur u n lc.. u p Pll�uhlc I.���• , .��'•..-.• �
<br />_-° - othcr�virc pri�vid�s,�hc pnk���tti�hall bc�appfl�J tu the stun+sccur�d by�hi�ticruriiy In.�rtmu'�ll��'holl��r ur it�U Ihi��um�ur�` • — '`'�- t
<br />:�ui� ` � IhCll aUC. ' .. _
<br /> - - �•° II�Ihc Nn�(kriy is uband�med by liu�ru��•�r,ur if,uticr nulkc hy l.rndcr ii�Hurrua•e�ihu�Ihc r„u�irnm�,r uflcr.tu nmkc
<br /> ---° ;�n a�:�;sni ttr:�ttk n elnint ti,r d;an������., Hm•cu�ver 1'nilx ti,rr.pund tu Lendcr wllNin 30 di�ys nl't��r�lic d;itc tl�c nudcr ir Eivcn. ',�4, _ r
<br /> -�-- _ Lcndcr i�nuthuri�ed to rollcct and upply thc prurcedr,ut ils optiun,ri�h�r tu re,luriNian ur rrp;dr uf ihc 1'�•��pen�� �,r tu ihe �°.' .. .
<br />_''�'= xumti srcurcd by thi. Sccuril��Intiu•tnucn�,��•hcthcr ar nut thcn due. ,
<br /> _ „ , ..;-.
<br /> = Unletis l.rnder itnd tlurcu�ver ath�rwi�c t�prea in wrilin�. any a�pplicuti�m uf prurccd.to prinrip�i! .hall not cxicnd nr .
<br /> �._�-' .� post{xu�c thc duc dnt�r of ihe mon�hly payment,rrtcrrcd tu in paruy,r.iphs I und�ur rh;►ug�thc um��unt uf'.uch p:�yment�. • �
<br /> ' 11. Ilt�rro�ver Nat Rcle��scd; I�arhearunce Uy I.ender Nut +� ��/:c��rc Nxtcn,i�,n uf Ihc Iiuir far p;►ymem i�r ..
<br /> ' madifica�ion of imiurtluuiun��f'thc yumr tircurcd by� thi. ticcurity Inrlruntent tr.c��tcJ hy l.cntl�r ln uny s:u:r���sur in intcR+t ` ^��ue•,., .
<br /> .,;�. ;. .
<br /> ut H„rr�i�vcr�hnll n.�t uprrntc to relcu.c tho liahility nP Ihc uri�:inul 13orruti+�c��.tr F�un•��wcrti tiuccc.surs in inlcr«�. Lcndcr l4�,��
<br />' .�, ' +hall not hc rL�uircJ to cummcnrr��it1CCClIIt1�?ti il�'aimt imy ,ucrr•�ur in in:��r�►u►•rcfu�r tu c�;trnd li�ne i'ur pc►vmcnt i,r ���
<br /> .,�:�: • uthcnvisu mcxlily imw►tiratiun��F th:,ium�ccurcd hy thi,Secunn•In.�rinuzrt b��rcasnn o1'a���•d�mund mud:hy�h�urigiicd . '�`,_'--�.
<br /> Hunn�vcr ar Borro��•cr�.u�titi„rs•,in intcrc�t. Any t�ixhcauan«[��•Lr�:��cr in��er�isin ,ut�ri ht ur rcmrd�.hall nnt Ik:► i,�""�-�-�
<br /> .,„ . . € ' ) F S t; ��.
<br /> '`�'. . �� ' wa�iv�r ut'��r prcclud,th:racn i.r uf:�ny right or remrd��. ' ' `_
<br /> 12. Succe�.sors:u�c9 Ax�iga�s Huund;,loint imcD Several 1.iubiUty:Cvsf�;ners. 'i'hc cuvcnun�.and a�rcoment�nt'ihir
<br /> '!�:' ' Security Iminimcro shaq ldnd and benefit thc xuccesxi,r. an�l u„i�:ny uf�r�;ic�•and H��rru��•er.suhjert t�, tl�c pr�wi�ions uf' �� . ��-
<br /> v- . . par:�graph 17. f3urn��vcr: cuvcn,int.:�nd ugr�emcnl� .hall hc J��int nnd �ovcral. Any Horruwcr wha co-tii���ti thiti 5��urity , . __
<br />''k`� • Inxtrumenl htu dcmc ant rxcrutc Ihr Nute; I+U iti cu-.igning ihiti Sccurity Insuumcnt�,nly�n ntung;�Z�c.�r+ail and cunrey thrt
<br /> :�` , Horravcr.l•intcrc�i in Ihc 1'ropcny und�r thc tcrrns��t'Ihis Sccurity Im�i•tunrnl: lh1 i�n��t persunally uhlig;ued tu p�iy�he�t�:�t� --
<br /> �'!`c - ' �ecured by this Sccu�it��ImtrumenL•and(cl a��rcr�Ihu�l.rnJcr iuid uny uthrr liorrnwer m;ry apree��,rxtend.inuJit'p,trr�:ar • ' ,
<br /> °'r� . m• mi�ke any accnnimudalions wilh rcgunl lu th� trrut+ ��t' thiti Scrw•iq• Imtrwnent ur U�r Nutc ���iihuui thai Bvrru���r'� ,.i
<br /> ' runscnt. •�„
<br /> � '`":..�� 1a. l.oun Churges. II' thr i�.:� �ccurc�l by thi� Srcurit� En��rumcnt iti ,ub.jcct to a la��• ���hirh ,rts muximwn li�:;� 2, . _�
<br /> � ";!�i"`�,; cht�iges,antl Ihnt Inw i,linally intcrpr�ted yi�tliat the int�re,t ur��t�•�er luan char�e�cuU�ct�d rr ta bc rullected in c�mn�;�ti�*.a • , �•,;;I.' }•
<br /> .-� ��<' ��iilS tltc ltoatt�xec`�t�!he���tsttilt:•±t��t,i�.,tt�e�i� �n1 au��such I«.t����`a�:+;e,hall hc rcduced b}�thr tunu►utt ncccstiury lo iid;:r: !• �;, _
<br /> 1� _ .,:
<br /> , ` , , thc churge t���h��x�7mtted limir,und Ib1 imy�ums ulnudy rul',e�:e.i fr��m liurr�rucr���hich exc�eded{xrmiuc�i iimin��iii ix :- --- ,
<br /> .';: � � '��i`• ret'und�d to l�orruwrr. L.rndcr may charnc�o makc thi��rfund t�• rrdurin�dt;C rincipal��wcJ undrr Ih�Nutr ur hy nu�kiu�s �•+ ,{
<br /> . ��.=--.,`_. �_ dir�ct paymrnt ti�Hc�rn�wcr. U�u refunJ rcdurc, principal.tlt�rr.iucliun��•ill hc�r�:�lcd ati u par�inl prrpaynt�nl���ilhnut a�r� " f�'
<br /> ..�•_-- '� pn:p��ymc�t cltnrgc�mdcr ihr i�uic. _ .___ . �-
<br /> � 14. N�rilccy. riny ni�tirc U� Hurrowur pruvid�d f��r in ifii� ticcu�'lty Imtrumcnt �hall h.�;ircn hy �lclivcring i1 ��r h}• [-' '�
<br /> mailing it hy iirtit rlaxti m+iil unlc„upplicnhlr Ia�w rryuirr.u.0��f unuthrr nulhiul.'I'hc nutire,h�ill hc dirrctcd to Ih�Pr��Ex:rly T
<br /> Addre�ti ur uny uih�r nd�lro+, Hurru���r dc�ignatr+ hy n�►tiru tu Lrndrr. Any ni,ticc ti� Lrndcr�hall ha �ivrn by iir�t rla�., � r
<br /> ntail tu�.rndrr'�;ulcitn+s�lat�d Itcrcin ur any ulhrr a�idre+�I.cnder tl�tiipnulrti hy ni�tirr ti,flon�i�wor. Any rn�licu pruvidcd for
<br /> in �hi. Sccurity In.�nmirnl ,li�dl ho .tcumcd tu h:�+� hurn �:i�•rn �u f3urruwrr ur l.endcr ��•h�n eivrn ;►, pr��vidcd in Ihi�
<br /> purugraph.
<br /> �. �� • 15. Guvcrnln� I.uw3 ycvcra�bilil}•. '1'hi. 5ccurity In,Irumrnt .h;�ll hc �u�•�rncd hy 1'4d�ral I:nv i�ml Ihc lu�v ��f'Ihc
<br /> . � juri+dictfun in whirh ihu Propen�• i,lur�ued. In�he rvriu�ha�any pruviyiun�rr clauu ul�ihir ti�cw•Uy In��runnnt ur�hc Nutc
<br /> c�nflic�.r�vith+�ppliciihlu In�v,,uch conllirt�hull nut ailccl uthcr provitiiunti of ihiti Serurit��In�.�rumrnl or Ihc Nut�wliich ca►n .
<br /> ' . ` hc Z:iven cfi'cct withnu� Ihe runllictin�pruvi,iun. �ii thiti �nd Uir �t�ltYl'�IINI� ��i�hi, Sccurit�• In�lrunietu und ihr Nate urc
<br /> . . declaircd tu hc scvor:ihlo. ..
<br /> .os.,:'. 16. florru«cr's Cup}: Hurru«•cr,hall th ui�•cn nnr runti��-�ncd cnp���d�ihc Nutc and�d'thi,Scruriq• Imn�ument. ,
<br /> . '.1'Cj,¢�'
<br /> .",�" 17. 'I1�untiPcr of Ihc Pruperty ur n Neneficiid Intcrest ire�1i,rro��•cr. U'��II ar:m>� part ui'thc Yrup�rty ur:my intarrsi i�ti
<br /> � it iti sold c,r Irnntil'erred lrn�if u hcnuliciul intrrc.� in H��rru�nr i. wtd ur u�+m+f�rc�d:u�d f3urruw��r iti n„� a niuural per�un� ';
<br /> ' with��ut Lendor's priur�vriucn ri►n.rnt,l.ender m+iy.ai in op�ian.r«�uirr imnuili:�tc paymcnt in t'ull uf all vum+�rrured by , :
<br />_ ' �his Scruriry Instruiiicnt. Ha�vuvcr.�hi�opti�,n.ha"�nrt Im rxcni,�d b��Lrnd�r i(excr�itic i,pn�hibitcJ l�� Scdcral I:�w nr ui ..
<br /> the dutc af�his Sccuri�y hnirwnrnt. ��
<br /> ' If l.cndcr�xcrci,c+this„piiun.Lcn�lur•hal!�e�.F�rr�•�,wer nulic�i�t'acrrl�rali�ai. '['he nolirc�hall pr�►vidc u p�rind uf .
<br /> � nut lc,>than iD dny�IYum th�dutc the:nuticc i,�feli�erc�t rr anailed«•ithin�vhirh f�urn*ti�rr iru,l puy all num,•ecurcd hy this I �:. ..:
<br /> Sc�urit�• In�trument. If Nurruwrr 1'uil� tn pay tt��•e •unt. priur i+� 1hr rrpir:nii,n nt' s6ii.periud. L�n�lrr map in�•ukc �uiv ( ,
<br /> . � i��mcdir::perniittccl h�11�is Srcurity li�,trumem�•ithuut fu,�thar n�»i.c ar.t�e�t,m i rn Ijvrr�,��•cr.
<br /> . � 18. 6ia►rraa�ceel; lZl�;ht lo RcMstAtc, li' Hurrowcr m�rt. r��:o6n rc,i��!::i�a�,. lii�rru�rrr �hall havc Ihc ri�:ht tu hi�rc
<br /> cu(ori�r�nrni��f 1hi.Scc►u•iry hititrumcm�li.runtinurd at an} tiet�, pri�v t��;he�arlirr��F. iul 5 da}�,Inr.urh�,Ihr�'periad :�ti j
<br /> }
<br /> �,•::.`sif%`'' timclr I•.�mil� �•F'liunlc\LIeIF'fcdtlli•�far f'\➢tti�Ktl I\til'kt'�fE�f t uurnn l'u�cn,mh 9%90 ip�ipr•7 n/�,p�i��•,i
<br /> • `� ;a,,z:'[ .
<br /> i�.�: ,:�. � �.
<br /> . �.�.'
<br /> ;;:�;i , '
<br /> ._ �--
<br /> ,._._:; ....,. _... .. . .
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