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AO rapla�ente�ils nnQ oddUli�n+shall�il�a hi�r�iv4rc�1 by thiy 5ccurl�y i m - <br /> '��� In�irur�t�nl, All t�f�lie f«re�;�►fu�Is ref'errcd tu in Ihis Security(n�lniment av Ihe"f'�nprrty," _ <br /> o, �� .�,m.�� <br /> � � R�RRQW[sh CUVFNANTS ttuu Barru�ver is lu�vfidly scised af U�c est�un c��iby cu�wrycd anQ im�.�Iw►�Ight to brnnt ��,� - <br /> � � us��l ce�ivGer the['�aFCny and tha�Ihe F�perty is unenc►imtx;r�d,c�eept fiir c�u�nnhsi+nck s ui'rc�orJ. Ll�rcuwcr wu►�wtu und H;ri- _ - <br /> - :_.� �till dcfend gcncrnlly thc Utle to�t�r I�r���xny.�gnin,���ii ciaiu�ti��,�r.;fs,::c:h,};c!tu�sty orx•���nhn��N•ac a�i'nti•�,r�� ; # _ <br /> �, , TNIS srcuKii'Y i�fSii2t3M�SiV�' �an�binr� untta,-+n rovc:u:nt; t'�1r n»!ian��! use �m�l ��!,!hwtl(ur�11 CuVClttllliti �vith �� -- �-"-�"�"� -r <br /> :''z��s�.;�:��.' Iln�ftcd vnrinNum�by JurisdicNan ta mnsdiutc u unif��m�securily i�istrumcnt a�vc�in�;rcal prapvny. '���,� ����e��:: <br /> `�� ' ... UNIF'UEtM COVk3NANTS, BoROwcr nnd l.cndcr covenun�iutd nge�:c n.r•ti�ll��vs: I �: � ����_��'��` <br /> . 1. i9iy7�ent of Principul und Intcrest:{'repny�neeit nnd I.nte�'hueFe�. Bana�ver shnll pri�mptly pay whcu dua iha i . _ <br /> _ ,.`� prindpnl uf i►nd Intcrest nn thc dcbt cvi�!rnccd by thc Nutc und uny prcpaymcnt�►nd lut��rhurE;es Quc�uidcr thc.Nota. ' ..:. <br /> -- Z. I�l�nde for 7hxes and Insuranre. SubJcct tn iipplicuNic Inw ar to+►wriltcn w;►ivcr hy Lcndcr,flonowcr+hull pay«� .� , _ _-._.,�:,,�;�,.,,-.. <br /> �''�� l.ender��t�the ciay mnnthiy payments�ira due under thu Not��,undl tho Notc iti paid in f��ll,i�sum t"nmds") Fur: (u)y��nrly � , ' <br /> _ ;;�° - taxcs astid as;c:;siii:nts tvhieh�irny nnnln priority ovcr ihis Sccuritv lnstrununt uti n(icn un thc 1'�•��perty;lb)Yciirly Ic+i+rh��id ' . <br /> '�,�4� ps►ymcnts or gmunii ronts un thc 1'ruperty, if uny� (C) YCATIY IACI.UfII ur praperty Insumncc prcmiums: (d1 ycarety fla�xl . . '� �� . <br /> ..s , <br /> : -- insumrtco promlums, if any; (o) yeurly mortgugc Insurancc prcmiim�s, ii'any: a�id(tl nny sums pay+ibte by l�orrmvcr w , ,���_��:.� <br /> - - �� accorctautcc with ihc pr�wititons of pw•agruph licu oi thc��aymcnt of mangugc Insu�sincc pmnfiums. 7'hc�c . <br /> -- . itemy tire cull�rl"E�crn�v Itcros." Lendcr muy,nt �+uy dme.callect amd h��d f•l�nds i���n,mtount iint tu ex�Yrc!th��m�iximum !: �.. . �-.�.,-��.., � <br /> - � amount n Icnticr P�r��fc�tcrnlly rclatc�l nwrt�ngc I�►an muy requlrc i�or Bnn�awcr� cscrow uccount unQcr thc fcdcral Rcul _•_4kn'�y,' <br />- - Bstiue Settlemfnt F'raredurcs Act of 1�)7A ay umended from time to time, 12 U.S.('.�«f►111 e1 scy,("[tESN+>"),unless nnothur :,• <br /> ---_ � Inw Ih�►t upplicv to thc Fl►nds sGS i�leysrr amount. lf su,I.cndcr m:►y,ut uny Umc,coUcct and h��id I�unds iie an umount no�to :;,,;�i�,L`�(��:�'•�.:, <br /> .=.„1:r > excced ihc lesscr cminunt. Lcndcr muy estimatc the i�mount af Hlmds duc on �he basix of cumnt d�,t,►;.nd n:+isuni�bl�� �'1t•.�;y�,��hTr,., <br />--- c.r•timutes of cx�x:nditures of'f'uturc Bscrow Items�,r otherwisn In nccordancc with applicuble luw. .�•;:`.;:."��r��!; -��'`« <br /> . ���� � <br /> -_= ' 'nc�FUnds shi�ll bc hcld in nn insUtution �vhoso dcposi�s nrc insurcd l�y n i'cdcred ugcncy, in�tr�,rrc�at;ility, ��r cnNty , ,,i..,��•��t`lr,�;�"' <br /> � , . (including Lcndcr,if I,cndcr i�+uch un instUuQon)or in i�ny Fcdcral Humc�l.oun Bnnk. l.endcr shalt ap�rty thc Funds ta p.�v ,-1�,�r .�� <br /> _ '•, .: �. '� thc 6scrow lteins. Lendcr muy not chargc 9aT���vcr far hulding imd ++pplying thc�unds,anitttatly�! �hc cccrrw ', ' 1+� �_ <br />;`-_°:� : . accaunt, or vcrifying �hc Hscrmv Itcros, unlcss Lendcr puys Borrawc�• intc�cst cm tha n��i<<s a►��t ��}���li�nblu li��v p�rinity �',�+t'-?� `�"=- <br /> ��� � l.ender ta mukc such n char�}c. Hawcvcr,�cnder muy rcc uirc Aorruwcr w pay a onr-tiu�c rhurge f�r;n indopendeat rc�l ��, ;; , __ <br /> = . ' est,ite ti�x rePorling servicr u.r•ed hy I_ender in con�ectian w�th this loan,unless applicahlc la����*rr�•ie3:s oti,rn�•i.r•e, Unless an ,,,�:,,,: ., - <br /> r ti,, ��-� <br /> _- , ; :. ugrccmcnt is mnde or nppllcublc luw rccµ�i�e�interast ta be puid.Lcndcr s ha l l n�t bi:rcquin�i to p:�)•l�a re r��'e r a n y i n t u r ec t or ��� ; <br /> ST=. - eamings on the FUnds. Borrowcr imd l.c�dcr muy i►grcc in writinp,hnwevcr,thal intcre�t sh.�l!be�yit9 rn the}•l�ndti. L.cnder '��t".; �' ;.;,��,� , ' <br /> °" ., shall givo to Horrowcr,withaut churgc.un unnuul iiccounting of ihc flmds,st�owinF crcdits am1 dc�its tr�he Fund,.:ind Iho ��:'�'.i,:;.�;�� - <br /> '• � � u ase for which each d�bit to the hlmds�vus n�:uic. 1'he hlmds urc pledged as additiou:�t h����rt�> t�����i�y��m�ti«►�r�a ny , ' ' ;!"`:`';; <br /> ��.. . P � '� ;��;,� ' r <br /> �: thls Security InstrumCnl, ' . <br /> If the F1tnd5 hcld by Lender exceed thc amounts permitted ta bc hcld by applioal�I: lu��. I_er.u�r shnll iiccuunt to �: <br /> 1 - _- _--__. gor�wcr t'oc the cYs���c l�nds in uccordwir����ish Ehr reyuiremcnl�af��pplicablc law. If th� amoian�uf'thc hlmdh held by ' -.- • _ <br /> � . , l.endcr i�t nny�ime is not sufPicient tu pay�hc Escraw Items wtm�z due.I,eitcicr ntay so noeic�-exorrowcr in w�iiin�,�i���i. :n ' "� ,, :i'" <br /> �'>_ �'�`'�•� cuch casu Barmwer shaN pay Ie� l.en��er the amount necesYar�• cv mi�kc up the dvticienc�• Horra�ver shidl maku up �.hu <<s . <br /> � , <br /> .,•�,. . . <br /> - '���'•�`' � cteficiency ln no mora thun twclvc m�,nt�ly puyments.nt l.ender ti sc•le diuretian. , • ' � `'��,• •.. � <br /> � v��ii d����ctd ii��i3ii i3F uii �i,:::;�:.�Y���`��hiy��+rurjl� Inctrument. Lender sh:111 profllnQY refund to E3orrower uny • , <br /> �--- <br /> J�. - ' Fund� hcld�y Lendcr. If, undcr pi�rngr►�ph�1,�ler shall acNuirc c�r xell the Property.Lendcr,�+rior 1�thu ucHuisltion ar F:, •. ;_ :. � <br /> salc af thc Properly, shull iipply i�ny FUnds hcld by Lcndcr ut thc timr of ucyui�itiun ctt tiiilc i►s a cndit i��ttinst thu sums ' <br /> ,ccurcd by this Sccurity Imtrumcnt. � �' <br /> � � . ;. AppllcuNan aP Pnyments. Unletis appUcable li�w pnwidas �uher�vi�c. all payments rcccivcii hy Lendc� under �, <br /> purngrnphs I and 3 shall be applied: f'i�s�,�o:uiy prepuyment ct►arges�lue under thr Note;second,io amaunt.r• paynble under . <br /> - - parngrt►ph 2;third,to intcrest duc;fourth.ta principal due;:md last,to nny Izitc rh�rgcs�luc undcr thu Nola. <br />' 4. Chnrge5; I.lens. Borrowcr shall pay nll ti►xes, usses,mcnts, char�;cs, fincs und itnpositians iUtribulahlc to �ho <br /> • • Praocrty which miry utuiin prlariry ovcr thir: Sccurity Instrumcnl,und Icaschold p:iyments or ground rents,if:►ny. Barruwcr <br /> � shall pny thcse obllgntionti in thr,munncr pmvlded in parugrnph 2,i�r ii'not paicl in thnt mannc�,[�arrowcr shull pu}+thun���n <br /> • ' timc dirccUy to thc persan avcd puymci�t. Bortowcr�hall pramptly fumish to Lendcr aU noticcs of amnums to hu pzild undcr , <br /> ��' � thi9 pAmgrnph. If F3attower makcs these puymcnts dir,.ctly, Harro�vcr shall prompqy furnish tc�l.c�der rcccipts cvidoncinb + _ �� :' . <br /> thc payments. � - � <br /> � - Harcawer sh�ll pmmptly discharge uny Nen which h�+s pri�ttity��ver lhis Sccurity Instrument unlc�ss f�orrower:(��l Agmes � <br /> �� in writing to thc puy�nent of thc obligution sccurcd by the lien in n mimnc�acrrEnable tn Lendcr;(b)contc�ts in gnad Puith thu , <br /> � •' 'i�'��" lien t► o:defends u alnst enfareement uf the lien proccedinps which in thu l.ender�i�pini�m uparate to prev�nt�hu � •�•,..; <br /> • ,. �::.;�,, , y, s' , . .. <br /> � �'�x�',. , enG�raemcnt of thc licn;or(c)secures t'rnm thc hoMcr oi Ih�j licn s�n ugrcement salisfacrory to Lcndcr su6nrdinating the liu� ? <br /> ;;:. ;;, .;•::;'�.:,;•. <br /> - ,�.;'•;r:'��,•,•` to this Scruriry Instrument. If I.encler detcrniincs Ihat uny pan uf thc Praperty is suhjcct to a�icn whlch may nttain prfority ��.,,•... , <br /> � " �'r`��`�'� ovcr thla Sccudty InStrumcnl,Lend.r mn}'�.i�'c B�rmwcr i�noticc identifyinr tho lion, Horrowcr shull nati�:fy the licn or t�kc . <br /> - 1��. <br /> onc ar morc of thc uctions sci forth nbc���c wiehin !0 dnys uf ihu giving��f naticc. � <br /> S. Hnr.�rd ur Property lnsura�ce. aorrowcr xhull kcep�he�mprovemcnts naw vxis�ina or hurcufter urcctcd un the <br /> Property insurcd��g�lnst loss by firc.h:u•.urds includcd within thc tcrm"cx�ended covcrage"iind i�ny oihcr ha•r.ards,including <br /> ,.,,,��' floods or f1aoding, for which Lcnder rcyuires insurnncc. This insurancc �hall he nr�int�ined in the umuunty and for the . <br /> 6Lrm iU2A 9�5►0 ipa.¢e 2 njn patcu � <br /> ti; <br /> � . <br />. . , . I <br /> i >il � <br />..1�:. ^?+^�.,1.'.I,.�'._ , . ..... . - <br /> � . , . , . ' <br /> �.. , <br /> ,y,. <br /> . •5;�,:;��'. <br /> �' <br /> I f <br /> { <br /> ., � _ ' <br />