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____ _ _ . <br /> x� � . >. <br /> 1f., :. ^ _ <br /> _ __.._ _. . ___.. � _ _ . _ . eq ��,-y�, , <br /> 'e <br /> '' • A891QNM6NTQe NENTB HIDER PO� ���.,� _ --- <br /> THI8A8810NMENTOPRENT8RID8RIamade�n0exeoutedt�la ZsTH dayol mp�.19 B3,andle <br /> _ 'IptiorpOf�tWlnto�ntlehNlC�Aeemetllo�mendandeupD�ementtAeMorlye9eorDaedolTruaL�eralnsiterralerr6dtoaet�e <br />� ��� . °8lOU8tyInstNmint",01 tM s�me Aate plven Dy t�e uMerolpned, �erelnaftOr retetrad!o�e the"6orrower", to 680urs ___-_..____ . <br /> �'` Bonow�ry Ind�btWne��,hveln�Ner roterred Io aa the^NOto",to HOME FBDERAL SAVIN�S AND LOAN A880CIATfON OP p <br /> ----- aMNRI6LAND,�Oro1mt10r�efarretltoaetAa"L6nder",oltheeamedateendcoverinpthgpropartyAeaodbedlntheBaouAly r;•�,__- <br /> ��_.r� Inittlll�QlNtn0100itOtl81: p p,r��;_- <br /> j =f 4268 IIERh10NL RG AND I�}.11ND NEBRASKl1 8880,� E;�u;�;�,.:.v.r__'- <br /> �"� WRNE88ETH: lProPertYAAEroae) �, - ..` -. <br /> r 'Uti�.._. <br /> "__ •'r-n-:-Tjjy,.:- <br /> , ';,� - WHERBAB,Borrower enA Lender�eve eqread that any rente end proflte eUdbutaDla to tha Dropahy ahould oonetituto �,�',n� �.�i� . <br /> � ` �dtlitlonal eaoudty to t�a Lender tor t�e peymeM of t�e Note•, 7. !,,s� � -� <br /> �tt� i,r� zI r;-:: <br /> r 'if NOW,THEREFOI1E,ItlsagreeAl�atthe8eourlrylnetrumantehallbeemendodherebyanddeamedtolnoluEethalollowing ,,� �, 1�- <br /> .Y„! Pfovlylon0: � �,tn'u;;;�= <br /> 1, 0eelanmento}HentsentlLende�iientelColleotlenHlahte.8or�owe�hB�Bbyeba01ut01yflntluncOndltlonallyas81gn8e11 ;� � <br /> �{���; �t:x � n .L. <br /> �'� reMe, lasuoa antl proflte of tho proparry to Benaflolary. Lander ehall heve the rlght, power end aut�orlty Auring t�e t°`,�( �,,�,.: <br /> : �; <br /> �,y'�i• o0ntinuance of the Seourity Inatrumont to colleol t�e rente,laeuea end proflte of lhe property en0 0l eny personal Droperry a,y+o,auU .: <br /> f�.t IoOated t�ereon wllh or without teking poaeaselon of the property affeoted hereby.Lande6 however, hereby aonaente to �,�r��-�`��-� <br /> _„�k;� Bprrower'e colleotlon enU retanUOn of auo�rente,laauea en0 profite es thay acorue anO beoome payabla,so long ae Borrower ,�'fi � -t -� <br /> Is not,at suoh tlme,In detaWt wlth respeot to payment of eny Indebtedneas seoured hereDy,or In t�e pedormanca of any +�,lY„�„'°v. <br /> ,�v� ..8reetnentheteunEer. � �� -�yn_. <br /> �`,�,� �. A000lntment of Recelver. If eny event of detault In reepect to l�e 8acudty Inntrument ehall have oo¢urred end ba k , � <br /> s-,c oominuing, Lander,ae a matter ol tlght and without notice to Bovower or enyone olelming unOer Borrower, end wlthout ,+,.`i�'d�`�+�` <br /> h � �epitd t0 the valua o1 t�e tNSt eatat9 Or t�B Intereet o}the Borrower ihe�6ln,shell hava ihe right to apply to eny aoutl h8vinp �4't;;i .��- <br /> ,+;xr� �udediotlon to eppoint e reoelvar of the prapeAy. ?'L'C`U�-�� - <br /> "`��� 9. Blaht to Coaseanlon.In oese of deteull in tha paymeM o1 the saltl pdnolpal Note or intetest,or eny part thereof,ea It � �h v <br /> '��y ehall mature,or In the cese of fallura to keap or peAorm any of the eovenanta or agreemente contalned In tha 8eourity Inatru• t'�`;�� __ <br /> � ment,t�en tha Landar, Its sunoeaaora or esaigna,ehall ba antl la hareDy aulhorizeA enU empowared to teke Immedlete 2 ti*„a° �" � <br /> ,,,,.��,t.� Dos6eealonoltheealdpremleeetheralntlasedbeAanOtowllecNharentetheretrom,androepD�Y�haproceadat�e�eoftot�e � h;$ _° <br /> ;s�;� payment of the Note. '�� fit>2 .' <br /> _;�t� 1. Opollcetlon of Rente.leauea anC Protlte.All rente collactetl by LenCer or tha recalvar ahall be epplled firet to paymant �<ti"%' fYco. <br /> of tha noate of management of the property ane collectlon of rente,includlno.bul not Ilmlted to,recelverb teea,premiume on "?x �" `' <br /> '2r�-h recelvar's bonEa end reaeoneblo attorneyb feee,BnC ihen 10 the Eume 88CUreA by thB SBCUtIty InetNm6M.LOrldet e0tl�h0 .�t fr`Rt`y -� <br /> ' r reoelver 8heli be Ilable to eccount only for those rante eotuelty recelved. ,;'�r ,,.y,,�. <br /> u � -!.� 6. COnetmotionofPtovlslone.EeohofthaprorlelunecoMelnedlnlhisAaeiynmentofRenteRlderandlha6eourHylnetru• �i)"t_-- <br /> ,-.?•.'- ment ahall, unleee ot�erwlee epecifloelly required,be conatrued In eccortlenee wlt0 Nebreake law,and In the erent any , ..f'y -'�---� <br /> �L�f�� provlelon hareln ort�ereln oontalna0 ehell be determined by e eourtof competent�urlaClotion to Co unonforceaDle,Ihe sflme tY`��< <j; �- <br /> i t ehell be Conetruetl as thouph auo0 unentorceable provlelon were not a pnrt hereof or thareof. t�e�r+t <br /> �i�y 6. Etfeot ef Rider.Ezcapt es epaolflcelly modifled by or inconslslent with ihia AeelOnment of Rente RICer or by eny other i` ��,, <br /> - �"` epplloable dder,ell of the iqrme an0 p�ovielona eonte�ned In the 8ecurity Inetmmant s�all contlnua In full Porca and etfect. s f x,+_. .- <br /> _ _ �_ <br /> '�,�t cS-"-: <br /> s-}S' IN WITNE88 WHEREOF,Borrower hae execute0 this A6elpmme,nt of Rente Hider on lhe tlate iVet noted above. �f ` "i�'- <br /> -�i% �' /'/� Q 'J+'*w 5���rz'i'._. <br /> rt — �y i x. <br /> ;� };. MRRK MILLER/Bonowa , s r r�-� j; <br /> r��iV�ti ._C/t1L �'L //L!ll�l/� � 1a �r��...:: <br /> �{ t� RENEE J, h1ILLEF�o�rower ? � -_ <br /> a��l= � �� ;�' ." <br /> t., 8TATE OF NEBRA31(A) � �' r,.� <br /> � (ae: �' <br /> --. COl1NTY Of HALL ) � � `- �N� <br /> , _' �i � _ <br /> �': <br /> ,z ; On thle ZSTH dgy pf mAY ,7g 93.before me,IDe unAerelgned,a Notery Public duly CommiBSloneG antl - <br /> �`;,�,i', quallfieA tor ea10 county,Deraonelly came mpRK A fAILLER RND RENEE ] mILLER HU5BIIND RND WIFE ` ��� <br /> ,lo be ihe ICenUCel peraon(9)whose neme(a)illare suDBCdEBd p '..i_;��-. <br /> "�";"��_ to t�e toregoinp Inefrumant,end halehe/t�ey acknowletlge ihe ezetutlon t�ereof[o be Nalneqt�elr voiuntary act entl de00. �.�-.,r-- ---. <br /> `(:o; : _ _ <br /> Wlinese my hentl antl Notetlel3eai et GRRND ISLAND,, NEBRNSKII �� ';;.;'� <br /> ;i'�i���, in a coun �;ti�y,ga e�9forg _ ;� ;r . . �. - <br />__�':;,;:: //// ^' ; . - <br /> :ti.`--. C���� <br /> �:.. Nol ryPUOtC � <br /> ^ i:'"if <br /> _'.'i`.-.� My Commiselon expirea:����f�` <br />"'C't.,. <br /> xrcmomcn [� <br />_�'...-ti°': c_ +N�idldqYSlm.... <br /> t4�0.A�M�L+ <br /> � ��u'� <br /> i� <br /> ` rte; <br /> '-S..L:: <br /> -::'t'4t^L: . <br /> '.::!.:. <br /> "'_R.1"'v <br /> :����� , <br /> :.:Li!.� <br />._.;2_�:f� f{[ . <br /> .., • S'" <br /> ::Y�. _ . '-... ._.. <br />