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<br /> �' ' t .�.
<br /> • • ,.. • _
<br /> �. . �� . . . . U1-1 ' _
<br /> ,`` � .,
<br /> �
<br /> . ..
<br /> .•. , l'� .� . . . �. . �
<br /> ......._...�.�. ... . �.. . 3 . . . �. - J
<br /> ._�_�............ ... , . ... ..�._'_._�_.. . �' '_._ _. .. .-.'.--". ,..
<br /> �1.�"°' .�.��e�1'�?�� � ' .;� - -
<br /> cntercQmant o1 thl�CtcurNyf tnatrumeni�lacontMus�l e�1 nny t!nie prlcv ta lhe vs��ar oi; (a)0 c'aya(ar auch ath�r(�wiud es�i:���•�?�� }
<br />`,�:.•;��.,. may aper.ly tor rotne4atcme+��)h�tore ewM o0 the t`iro�etiy pur¢usnt to eny pc�:y�0�E�� ��k�� �j Itifw G��uti;y In^fim:�it; ri(+�) � :
<br /> �anby a1 A�ud�nent aifiNClnp Ihle E3�w�r Inttrum�ril. ThooA cot+c�tlons ero Ih�l(3c►�+�va+: (eI MYe ti��+•+�A�utti►a ��k:h Iht+ii Kr.�!�.t „
<br /> � ba dv��inclrr ihla�ecurky Inetn�menl�nti th� t�ote h�d no�cc�trr�tlan nanu�Ted; (b)av� RnY c�Fat4 u� watib u��i�+ cavt+i�uil c�
<br /> R�rs�m�nt�; (o)paYa eN sxpen�tea�ncuR�d�� enfarc:np lhta Ba�u�fry Inet�u�tent, q�Nudt�i�,lx�l nui �.���ieJ in, rc���a�'.,y e!l�N+��y�' � .. .
<br /> --� . �� fer�a; and (d)tako�euch ectlon ee 4�ndtr msY r�aeon�hty repuko to seeura ihsl tEio�a��11Rl��cu��1+tnsut�met�t, le��t!t+'�����p �� � � � .
<br /> --- thA 1iaAerry ond Oortotiyxb a6Hpett�n lo psy tiia euma ec�ur�c! Gy tht� E�rut'sy kt�t+4�r��1 s!� c,cu�t�u�� uncf�n�!� Uiti.:r� =------ -
<br /> - ,. , -
<br />� . � �..__ .— F.-...w.� ..M.M :__,.,____..-_— . .
<br /> �dnutat�vnenl dy Flonowas,t�lo fecu�iry In9tnimant ena tne obi+�uu��o "av��i����u��y�� �•�-•�� a"��A pp d ttV�C:�eL�Ii ' ,__ _ -
<br /> • . • � Aacl t�ccarreti, Now�vw�th►a�tpht to mk,atsta et�s�fi�;ny�y b-► tha c::s c!r.c��!���ti�±��u�e�v�nl� Ix .
<br /> � , 1�. 9ale af Rtoto; Ch�np� a! �a�►n Qqwioar� TM Note w w���tt�l IntHRl1 a� �ne N�ip 1�c��n�+ �riu� m�9 ee��n�ty
<br />'";"•, ' Inntrt+m�nl)may be aald one or mnro SN�»�vtthc�al{�ttor notice to tlerdowar, A aalo miy r+iuN 6�►i►C4t�nQa t�!Rm ta�ti,y(l.��r.�ri Gy Ihc+ .
<br />'.,_;;:;', 'laan Ctnlcw'f Ih�t coNccte m,�nt�t pAym�r►ts�h�o uncl�r Iha Nnto�nd th1� Qccu�lry tn�trument, lhare et�o mny ua ane or mc•.in •
<br />'..:.;,rr chnnpso 01 the Loan Se�vicer unretete�f to e�to 01 the Nota If t�tre le n clunqe af thA lonn R�►v�cK, t1a�r��war e+xl 1�+� piv�+n ►vi�ttx�� ,
<br /> ' '� noUca o1 the ch�npe fn accotdanco with pu�pnph 14 abovo Rnc1 Rp�Naabt�taw. Ths noitc�w�etsRe Iha t�en�e end a��lcANAO nf Ihe n�w
<br />'_�� ;., � Loan Servlcer end the�ddra�e to wAlcA p�ymante ahould Oe mtda. Tho i�oUco�vul ateo conteh� �ny oth�r tntonnxtron ies+J�iueA by ,
<br /> :,;:;�� applic�tb�e lew.
<br />.;�,;�;;� IM pr�a�nr�,ua�, cA�poa�t,eta►epa, n� rclwe» 01 �ny , •
<br /> :,,�,,,,;,; , 20. Ha��rdou� 8utsstanao�. ooROtiver ehhn not cau:e ot p�mw
<br /> HautMoue Subatance�on or tn lhe F�ro�c+ry, Qoap�var eh�N not do,na rNaw enyone etes to do,enYlhlnn eflecib�p Itie«0�>1�+N►hel Is
<br /> •�� '�! � In vlolatlon of nny Envkonmental L�w. Tho prccudlnp hva rant�coa ah�A nut npt�y to tha(xaan�ce,uae, or Alo�spe a�Ih�P��K�r+ty oi
<br />;'�,`� smull quantitla�ot Naurdoae Sub9toncee thet are 4entrntty�ncopr�l�nd to be e�p�o�ilah ta nonnxl�entde+�tlnl u�an end to n�x�nitn�encs�
<br />''�'� 01 th0 PrOperty.
<br /> �?�:;.:, Oortowcr sha0 promptry gNo lendcr wdtten noticc ol eny lnvealipsqon, Galm, dem�ncl.lawsull or alhitr actwn by any{���rc�i�men�s��»
<br /> � regutatory agcncy or�rNato parry Invatvinp Iha Property end eny Natardoua Substenco or Cnriranmc�rial la�r o! whtol► Iza+�owt� t►No
<br />.,;:;�`,��' �: actual knowt;dge. �t Borrower Icams,or is notilled by any povemm�►td or�epulstary�uthodry,thal eny�Cmnwl ur olhrr �ttnrtcli��tlnn o1
<br />';?� , � sny Mazarde+�s Substonce�8ecting tho PropeRy Is necuseary,Dortowa ehsN pron�ptry t�ks oll neceeetry remerHal�ctiuno M� accan]anco .
<br /> �`��; � ntth Envlronmental lew.
<br /> _`' As used N lhis paragr�ph 20. 'HaYerdous Substancas'�re thoaa eubstancoa detM�N1 �e tox!8 or h�a��daue eub:+tancei Gy ,
<br />,.,;�.�,,.
<br /> .�. �nvlronmontal lew and tho tottowinp&ub�tancca; pssollno, kNO�MQ, QthC►Adf1111MU1A or torlo petralcum producte. laxla p�tlkldne
<br /> �,`"?'�� ' and herblcides,votat0e eoNent9,n��t e r ia la con te in inp eo b o e t o e o r l a m�a t d o h ydo,�nd ntfFunclNn m�terlale. Ao uDeQ In 111e 4uia{�Y(�h 2D,
<br /> "��.'''�• ' •Environmental Lsw• meena fedzrn�lnwa and t��va of tho�udadtctlon whwo the Propdry le loc�ted ih�1 rNate lo heaKh, eetety or
<br /> , ;
<br />`�'�",:� ' � c�nvironmental protoction.
<br /> „�il•.`� . "i:.;� �
<br /> NON•UNIFORM COVENANT9. Ela�r�war end Lendur furihe►covcmnl end ag+ee�e teNuwe:
<br /> `�'•�','` 21. AccolerMlo�; Ramediae. Lends� ahsll p(va �atic� to Borrow�r prtRa to �oo�torotic�i� tollawinp �
<br /> ��:;�;�;:� . eo�rowe�'e b�each ot any covanant or ag►oemo�t In thl• 6��u�t�g Ec�atcu�ceiant (but nM prlo� to
<br /> ���'.:��. _._�_.:�,...� �_ acneleratlnn under paragraph 17 unleae �ppUoabl� I�w provl��s ot�a+�:3sa1. The notltse eh�+ll
<br /> - �-..._.... .. `--- •�.�_ °n �� - _ _
<br />;';.:;;�1:;'�;:'�` � ape�ity (a) tho dotault; (b) the aotian requlred to ou��th� deis�sn; �c� a� aai�• n�i �•� ���m• �
<br /> �:,��..,,'.; �:; ;;' i�om the date!h� notice lo gtvon 40 8or►owa►, by which th� deieu�t maaat ba cuz�d; and (d► tltnt Ipllu�o
<br /> � '.��=:.�;; � to eure 4he default on o� bstore tho dato epaciflod In !h� aotics emey r�au��t in acc�loraq�� of ihe
<br />.;-..,; ,,:....,_.l. . � �____.�.. rao ��_. .,hs,ti turther Infnrm _
<br /> ;;,,. 611tY!! BoQU►ad by thl� geCU�lty Ifist�ttms�i and s�iw v�in:r...�..•n�. •� --
<br />;,,: __�`� ` � � Ba�rowe� of the rlph! to relnatate after acaaloratlon �nd th� rlgM tm �srdng o cau►t �a4ioh ta Q����14i�a
<br /> '' no�-extaieoce of a dotaul! o� a�y other deTe��e of Bor�ow�r to �cael�ratlon �aaaf �alo. �f lh� do1pu11 la
<br /> ��''� �,��''� nat ourod on or bettore tho dAte ep�Fifled In th� notloe, I.onder �! It� op�tan m�y r�qutr� Iminad{���i
<br /> '.; � �.`�;:,: .
<br /> � paymant In tull of all sumn saou►ed by thla Socu�lty In4trument without tur�Rq� d�m�nd �nd m�y Im:ok*
<br /> '��'' ��. 1hd po�ver of aalp and nny othe� �omedlea pe►mitted by pppUc�kt�law. L�nd�r 4hall ��1 �ntiil�d ta
<br /> colloot all exponnoa Innurced In pursuln� fhs �emedlos provlded in tAls �aora�e��ah �1. Includlnp, but
<br /> • no! Iim(tod to, ►easona6le atto��oye' teee and co�t� of Q6tlu ovld��ca.
<br /> M the powa� of sale le invaked, Truatee sh�ll �ocard �� nollos af dei�uit Ic� oash county In whlah�ny
<br /> .'`����,... `' , pa�t of the Property ia looatod and shall mall aaplo• of �uoh �otla� In th� m�nnor prota�ll»d by
<br /> ' � ' � �p plloable Inw to Borro�ver and to the ather pa►sen� proaorlbed by �ppllaabl• I�w, Att�� th� Ilm�
<br /> �mqul�ed by appllo�tble law, T�uatee shali glvo publlo natico of �olo to 4ho qoPaons ar.� !� dh� mann��
<br /> ' I prescribod by applloable law. T�uatee, without dom�nd on I�or►ow�r, shall a�ll lhs Ptop�rty oN publlo
<br /> �� auatlon ta tho highost bidder ai Iha Ilme and plaaor and u�de� the terms deelpnatsd In th� nottc• 01
<br /> • '� � �le In on� o� more pa►aols a�d 1� any o�der Truato� do4p�mlooa. Trueta• m�y po�tpon� ��Ir ot �il o►
<br /> � �ny parool of tho P�w,porty by publlo announcpmonf at tho tlmo and plac• of any pnvlou�ly oohwdutad
<br /> ��. aale. Londa► or ite doslgnoe may purahpae tho Property R! any sal�.
<br /> �' Upo� �ecolpt of paymant of the prlce bld,T�ustea eholl clelivor to lh� putahass� T�ush�'� d��d
<br /> ''�'� aonveyln0 tho Proparty�. The rmcltale in the Truatae'� dood shall bo p�lm�fAaia �vid��cv af th� truth
<br /> • of tho etAtumonte mado thoraln. Truo4oe ehall ap�ly tho p�oceeda of Ihe oalo I� tho 4olluwlnp o��e�: (�)
<br /> . 4� all costo nnd expo�aea of exercising tho potiver of sale, end !ho eale� Inuluding the puym�nt of Ih�
<br /> • �rastee's foos aatually incurred, nat io qxGaed � 9� 01 tha prtnalpal amoun! 01 th� not� �t
<br /> thv tlmo of tho declaratlon of defAUlt, nnd ronaonAbla attornoy'a tooe us pp�mitt�d by low; �b) to �II
<br /> ' auQna e�cu��ed by thlo Socurit�/ Inst►umont; and (o► nny excaso to tho peraon or p4raonn I�pally vntltit�d
<br /> ;m 3i.
<br /> 22. �1m�OI1V6ye(�CO. Upon paymqni ol ull suma auGUrcd by thm Secuuty Instrument, Lendcr ohrtn rcqucst IfUf1t00 to
<br />: I raconvoy th9 F'►oporly and shall surtender ihla Security Inatrumqnl ond all nolas ovldencinp Aebl oacurnd by Ih19 Sacunty Instrume�i to
<br /> � Truatee. Tru91�e ahall reconvoy ihe Property withoul wonanry end withoul cho�4o lo tho peroon or peraone lopatry ontillna to f1 Fa�ch
<br /> person or peraaas ehall pay any recordation costs.
<br /> �3. Saa�.,�'ti3a�to Trusteo. Leoder, nt 11a optlon, may Irom Ilmo to Umo removo Trusteu and nppo�nt u ouccasaoi tniotee lo Wny
<br /> Yrustee Appointed here�and2r by�n InsirumeM recorded in Ih3 county in whlch this Se4unly Instrumonl la recordad YYthout convoyanco
<br /> of 1ho Property, autcessor Srusteo shall auccoad to all the titlo, {�ower and dulios conlarred upon Tn�stcu licrcln und t�y opptirabto Iv►v
<br /> 24. F�¢���0�!f�s Pi�tlOOO� 8ortower ioquosls Ihat coplon ol Iho noucos o1 delaull anA anm ho acnl to Hnnov,ab odd�o�o
<br />� wt�ich is 9h� Propetry Addrosa.
<br />, � 25. ��at�as to this 5aeurity I�st�umonl. II ono or moro ddero nro axoeuted hy k3oirowo�nnd tecoided I��Ihet wnh �►ua
<br /> Securtty Instnrmznt, ihe eovonents nnd ugreements ol each such ddor shell bo Incorporotcd Into ancl ahall qmond nmt aupplernuN Iho
<br /> covenAnts pnd ac�raements ot ihla Socurity Insirument as 11 Iho rida(s)wero� pa�t ol Ih�n t3ncur�ty In�i�um�nt
<br /> i
<br /> ��nqo a n1 1 ���rn 1UIt1 7'a�
<br /> F1029.1M f0191)
<br />, �
<br />: -
<br /> I
<br /> I _
<br />