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-__it �.._ ': . _ ._'.!"_ _ —s�i��>�-_�__� . r_L- ..:s "�_ux . °_sf. .-.7 o:c.-,.z.`.Z-.f� ,ii:` . _.. . <br /> , '�, �� "' ' • .1�� � 1� • ��' ����- ' l` ;-- <br /> , � ._,�;n ,., H61'� 4� BN�'8810kp - • <br /> .. : t (MY i9:�, nad p +' , <br /> TM18Atl�itiNM8M0i�iiENTBRl1�ERlefna4epnd6xeoutedlAie ��d6y3i f ' � <br /> _ .,�no8rp�ret6Q;n19andahal�Cgdaamedtoempndandaupplamantih9Modpapenr0aedofTru6l,�Ora1na118trettifAdt�deth4 <br /> r • '@£t,ourlty InntNment��,6f the.a�me�atp.pNOn'by t�6.uhderal�neC;he!pInaA�r'retett0d ta�e lha°8ortowoP;to tobu�J� ---- - <br /> 8orrow�relnao6tionee�,Mrbtn►8erreterredtova�ns"ryot9", oHOMEREDERALBAVIN�BANDL0ANA86QC1ATi0NOR " <br /> QMND18lANp,��[etn�Herroterrsdtonathe"LendeP',ofl�eeame0ateanocovennpthopropartydasodbs�iniA&8oaugtSY --- <br /> In{frumonl eqA IocAtpd at� <br /> 4239 ARIZONII AVENUE. GRAND ISLpND NE 88p03 _' <br /> - (ProDOrtY A00roas) - .. -.-_ -- ... <br /> WITNE886TH: <br /> WMfiRPr48,Borrowei and Lender have fl9reed thet eny reate end prolita eltrlUuteble to the Droperty should oonelityte . <br /> aOGltlond aeoudty to the WnCar for the paymsnt of tha Note; -_ <br /> NOW,THBREFORE,Itlaegreedt�attheBeowltylnetrumenTShallbeamendad�erobyanddaemedtolnoluGOthefoltowing --- <br /> Provislone: � <br /> 1. AeelynmantofFenlsendLenderRentalCelleotlonNiahta.B0�row8r�BtBby86601ut61y8ndunCOndltl0n811y9s81qn8Bil ' -:.;, <br /> rente, Inauee and protlle of t�a proparty to Beneflolary. Lentle� ehall have the right, power and euthorlty dudnp t�e r�-� — <br /> contlnuano9 of t�e 8ewriry Instrument to colleot tha rente,Isauea and pro}Ite of the Dropany and of any personal property �'.'u` _- <br /> looeted theroon wlf�ar wlthout taking poaaesaion of tha propetly atleotad hereby.Lender,howevar,heraby ooneente to � -°—��--- <br /> Bonower's col leodon entl retention ol suoh rente,leauea and proflte ee they ecorua and become payable,so lonp e8 BorrOwBr [.=;',j`" <br /> le not,et Buo�time,In deteWt wlth reapxot to payment of eny InAebtadneea saoured hereDy,or In lhe Dartormance of any ��":._,�::-_;-� � <br /> �preement�ereundec "`` <br /> ,t�,. _ <br /> 2. A000lMmont af Racelver.If any event ol EefaWt In reapeot to the 8ecwity Inatrument ahall �ava acounad and be ;,�!<<3x•`:=,;, <br /> oontlnulnp, LenAer,ae a metter of rlpht aM wit�out nollca to Borrower or enyone olalming under Bovowe�,enE without ,,,;�,��-� <br /> reparA to the value of t�e tmat eatate or the Intereal of the Borrower therain,ahel I heva the right to apply to any court havin8 ?hfi;�'�?y-,_. <br /> �url8dlotlon to eDD���t e recalvar of tha property. ` `�k"`•�-" <br /> J`;'sa•i:':= <br /> 9. R�yht to Poaseealon.In oaea ot deteult In the p8yment ot t�e eald prinGpfll Nota or Intereet,or eny part theraof,ae tt �-;���cr-xh t;�. <br /> 6hallmature,otlnt�eoeseoffalluretokeeDOrpBdmmanyottheCOVeneMeoragr8emantacon181ne01nthe8eouritylnetru• ,i'3e�h.�t;;r`_. <br /> ment,then the Lendor, Ite eucceeeae or eealgne,e�ail be and le hetoDy aulhorlied and emDOwared t0 t9k9 Imrtiadiete •,.-i;y,f'L'y:r_ <br /> poseeanlonoftheealdpremiseetherelndexrlbedendtocolleottherenteTherefrom,enAtoepptytheprceeeGathareoftothe ,4'+,�fi�;�!`-�:_. <br /> r. .� .;,>•_. <br /> psyment ot 1hB Note. >:'L�,:::'',=�--:: <br /> �. Boonoanon ot Rente,issuea end r�o6ie.Aii rente wBaoled by Lendai ai tKn idi:nivar 6Ya11 Gs a�.plloE first to paymant �°?;r+�ji-`�-- <br /> of the coete of manegament of the proDerty enA colleotlon of rents,InolvUing,but not Ilmltotl to,recelver'e foea,premluma on ��;�,:,5:S!- <br /> recelvar'e bonde entl reaeona6le ettome e feea,an0 then to t�a evme sacureE Dy the Secudty Inetrument.LenOer and tne ' �`+'�??;�-,� <br /> Y' e SrPi,,;,:: <br /> recelver a�ell be Ilabia to eaaount oN for�hose renre aotuali recelved. �����'�?"�''=�'---- <br /> Y y te'ry�i%�;;�,� <br /> B. ConstruollonotProNelone.EaC�otthaDrnvleloneconlalnedlnthleAeelgnmentofllente111deranCthaBeourilylnatru• ��,;�f,�r <br /> ment e�ell, unleea otherwin9 eD��f���ly requlreQ 6e conatrue0 In aceortlanca wilh Nebreaka Iflw, an0 �n the event any .t?<t.:t:i4;s"'. <br /> provlelonherelnorlharelncontelnede�allbedaterminaAbyecourtofcompetentJurletllollontobeunanforceable,Meeama ������%%'m`�^° <br /> ahall be oonetruetl ae thou h auch unen(oreeabie provlelon were not a art hereof or thereot �4Jr'r<<�s;;.��-,: <br /> 0 P .r�7e`�if[.�-�..: <br />- 8. Eftento�ider.ExceptaeepociticallymodlfledbyorinconaletantwlththisAeolBnmontofRentaHlAarorbyanyother :�..`1.y�yA..- <br /> epplloaDte ddar,ell of the tarme anE provlelone contelned In the Bewrll Ineuumant ehall coMlnua in full to2a anG eifeot :';'�".��'..::_=' <br /> y � .r.,.:;,._. <br /> f �iet '�/ <br /> IN WITNE88 WHEREOF,Borrowerhas e:eeuteA this Ae�lgpmt e YeRt on the detg Itret-n6iad above.- , lf';,��� y�� <br /> i l� J �%' � , <br /> `�s i r--�! - ''~ e?:;+;•7n .- <br /> �i4>:..,i;=r-.: <br /> MRRTIN H. P7 K CK11 earower —� �� -+1•°:�=:� <br /> �'�i�:;��'•�.is�fr` <br /> `x -,:t.%:'-. <br /> i.�YT�'::;. r:`.� <br /> L 7. MRRKUICKA arowa -..,}``�;'" <br /> ._,., . <br /> ;.:R`.+ <br /> ?��.3�����r!: <br /> 8TATE OF NEBHABKA) �}"';Yti`=�';r�. <br /> (sa: :a�lc•;,r:':,':� <br /> COUNTY OF HALI ) """� '�`-,=° <br /> .�....�y,:i;:..'. <br /> On thle �BTM dey ot mAY .tg 93,beto�e meJhe unEe�sipneA a Notery Public Culy commlealoned end -.c.-- �rx�.:: <br /> qvellfleEloreeltleounty,pereonallyceme mARTIN H, (AARKVILKA IIND LINbA J. �IARKUICKR, HUSBIIND IIND r"�=;�;�>��-'."•- <br />-� 47f E ,to be fhe ItlenUcel peraon(al whose namo(6)INare suDSCtlDed �+`� _.J �� :-� <br />_ to tha foropolnB inetmmanl,antl helahe/they ecknowletlge the exeeution the�eof ro De hislheAlheir voluntary act anA deo0. - - _ _ � <br />_ WllneeemyhandentlNOtarialSealet _ GRAND ISLlIND, NEBRASKA _ - - <br /> in sBitl t t i e9e � . <br />. r �� -�-�� ( <br />- �en p�ouo f <br />- My Commisalon ezpirea: � Z � � <br />- I� <br /> xr�aaaoivn � : <br /> ��'�Mbe�M� <br /> n4a�� � <br /> i <br /> t� t....�.... ... <br />