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S _ ..._.. .. . . .. " ; l! ( - -... <br /> . <br /> �.__�...'-._ _ r <br /> .. . ._ ._ v.. _'..� _ . :'!:O •_ __ .. «"-. , " �� . .-. lCtb_ Yc--.. � <br /> _ . a` _ _ . . _�.. . . . - . . . , . ' .... -.. _ � }� . i ,.�._.... _ <br /> . as� ��� <br /> '!'p0I�t8R 1YITH WI�ho Improvement��ow or Aensafter cratcd qn Ire D�nY�an6'ail easemema �ppunendncta, <br /> adQ tixturq now or hereeRer e'pan ot tho prop�ny, All roDleoetnent�and a4dida-�e etuU elao Do covered�y thla$CCUti4Y _ <br /> ini(nunenRAalof�hofocegolaglanRtteA�pin-MiBearltylnsWmentw�ho"P�operty." � � - -- <br />- eq BORyR01yqEt CAVeNANfB Uat Bomower I�tawfulty celsed ot tho esuto hercDy convoye0 and haf Na dgt���o grpnt _ _ <br /> wi 1 Aofend ge C�reLy thc WIb ont e Pro�pen�y�inin�si ell ctalma�nd deman�d+ciubJcet to�enY e�neumManae ot t�rd���d <br /> THI9 BBCURffY INBTAUMBNT combinc� oNform covoneme Por natlonal uso and non•unlform covenanu wlth <br /> Hmited verladmu byJurlidiqion ro mnatlnne e unifom�ceadry Inawment rnvalCg real Oropeny. <br /> UIVINORMCOVBNANf3. ItortowuendLendcrcorcnoMandngrea wtollowr. <br /> 1. Pa7ment ot PAndpul and Interatt PrrDalment and l,ote Charga. Oortowu�hall prampttY pay when due tho <br /> pdnclpal of and Intereat on�de deb[evidenad by the Noto and u�y proDayment end lato diergoa due under�he Noto. <br /> 2. Funda tor 71xta and Iasurance.Subjat to appIlcaMe Ia�v or to a wdaen waiverby Lenda,Borrowcr�haii pay to <br /> I.ender on�he day monNly paymenu are duo under the Note,untll the Note le paid in fuil,e num('Punda'7 tor:(a)yearly <br /> roxes and sssessmenro whkh may eiqin pdodty over thb Sawdry Insaument ae a Iten on tAe Property:(b)YearlY kauhold <br /> pnymenu ot gound rcnu on �he Property. if any: (c) yearlY hazard or properry Inaurense prcmiuma; (d)yearly Ilood �_. ._.. <br /> insurence premtum�.U eny: (e) Yearty mongage insuronce Qrcmluma,if eny: md(�eny eum+paYabie by Borrower to <br /> Lender,in�awrdence wtth tM1e proviston�of pan�epM1 8,In Iiw of tlwpayment of mortg+ge insurence premiums. 7Leso <br /> item�are ce11eA"Pacrow Itema:' Lender m►y,et my time,eollea end tald Wnds In an amount�rot�o oxceed�he maximum <br /> amount a lender tor e federolly relaied mongage loan may raryttt for BotrowerY escrow eccount under the federet Real <br /> Batete Senlemtnt Yraedurca Act of I974 e�amended fmm dma to Nma 12 U.S.C.¢2601 e�aeq.("RHSPA"),unleas another <br /> taw t6et eppliu�o�he Rmds sus a laser�mounc If so,Lendermay,at my tlme,collcet and hoid I�nd+in an unount not to <br /> exaed �he lecser unoum. Lender may atime�e[he unount of Pmd�due on tha beil�of cumnt dete and rcasonable �--� <br /> atimates of expenditura of futuro Pserow Ilems orolhetwisa In eccordence with eppliuble Inw. °-�°°°- <br /> The Wnds�hall ba held In�n inetim�ion whose deposiu are in:urcd by a federel cgeney.msuumentaliry,or entiry <br /> Oncluding Lender,if Lender Is sueh m inmtuNw)or in my Federal Home Loan Bank. Lender ehall epply�he Funda�o pay ___ <br /> the Escrow Itema. Lender may not cherge Bo�mwer Por holding end apptying �he FLnd�,ennuelly enelyzing[he escrow —_. . <br /> eccount,or vedfying �he 8scrow t�ems,unless Lender pay�Borrowu interat on the Wnda and epplicable lew pertnits <br /> Lender to meka such e eherga However.Lender mayrequirc Uortower ro pay e one-time cherge for en independent real �r__ <br /> exete tax repoRfng servia used by I.ender in connectlon with�hta Ioan,unlex+epplicable law providw otherwise. Unles�en ` � <br /> agreement b mede or epplicnble lew requircs imemct to 6e paid I.ender�hell not be rcquired ro pxy Botrower my inrerest or �r-_ <br /> eamings on�he T'und�. Bortower and Lender mey asree in wri�ing,lawever.�hat incercst ehdl be paid on the Wnds. Lender x�_ <br /> shdl give w Bortower,without char�e,am m�ual oxouming of the Rmda,showtng credtis end debiu ro�he Mnds end the �-�___�� <br /> purywe for whic4 eech debit to tAe A�nds was made. 7tie Aunda arc pledgW ei eddittonel secudry for all sums securod by �r��, ,� <br /> thiaSecudrylnstn�men[. � -�-:. : <br /> !f th!Furtd_hat� ny Ie��1er eacerd�he unounu permi¢ed to be held bY aPPlicable law.Lender sAall atcount ro i�;;���;5:�-. <br /> 9ortower for the exces�I'unds In eanrduico with the rcquittmenu of appliceble law. If�he amount of�he FUnOS hela by -f-�a-��_,__ <br /> i.ender at eny time ia not sufticient�o pay the Earow Items when dua Lender may so no�ify 8ortower in wdting,and,in -���>'_'- <br /> auch catt Bortower ahall pay to Lender�M1e nmount neaas ro make u �he deficienc . Borrower aheli meke u Ihe 4'�+`11". <br /> e7 P Y P ;j;i:;i`.=:�.-' <br /> defleieney in no moro than twelve monthly payments,et LenderS sole dturc�inn. }sfS.."�;;C� <br /> Upon payment in full of ell suma secured by thia Securiry Instrument,Lender:hall promptly rcfund l0 6orrower any �5��7:,_•�_�: <br /> AUnda held by Lender. If,under pangreph 2l.Lender shall acquirc or ssll thc Wopeny,Lender,pdor to�hc ecquisitlon or .� �� �-: <br /> :t:.::. <br /> tele of�he Propeny,:hall epply eny FLnds held by Lender it the�ime of acquis(Uon or cele as n cmdit eg�ins[�he sums ;;':�5:`,:._ <br /> secured by Ihb Saudty Insvument. �:f',r``--'=`- <br /> 3. Applicatlon ot PeymenL.. Unless applicable lew providca otherwise, all paymenu rcnived by Lender under <���i�'?�:-�', <br /> paregmphs 1 end 2 shell be appllW:(rs4�o any prcpnyment charges due under�he Note;xecond,to vnounts payable under :;rs�;„'�: <br /> paregraph 2;third,ro interest due;fourth,m principai due;and las4 to any le�e charges duc under the Nota �.1t�,;;��--- <br /> 4. Chargee; Llens Borroxxr shall pey all tasca, assessmems,chergcs, fines and impositiona enributable ro the Sti%�f+;'.`__ <br /> Property which mey attein priority orer Nis Securiry Iniwment,nnd leasehold paymems or ground mnts,if my. Bacto�ver r,;;�_,,_ <br /> ahell pay�hese obligetlons in the manncr provided in p�ragrnph 2,or if not paid in tliat mxnncr,Uorto�ver shall pay�hem on �1�;',;�;�;�,� <br /> time directly to the person owed payment. 6ortower shail promp�ly fumish to Lender all no�ices of amoums w M paid under r ---„ <br /> thia paragreph..if IIolrower meka�hese paymems dira�ly,Borrower shell promptly Pomish to Lender receip�s evidencing -yfi:k - <br /> �hepaymenta. � .r�i_??__ <br /> Bortower ahall promplly diuharge any lien which has priority over�his Securiry Iniwment unless Bortower.(a)egrces . i•�i;,, <br /> in writin to the ment of the o61i �tion�cured b �he lien in n manner ncce �able�o Lender.@)mntes�s in ood(aith�he .��`�� . <br /> 8 PaY 8 Y P 8 �-��il;;;.rr:: <br /> lien by,or detends agninst enforcement of�he Iien praeedings which in the LenderY opinion opemte�o prevent�he � :..._�. - <br /> enfo�cement of the Iien:or(c)securcs from�he holder of the lien an a ment satis(eao to Lender subordinatin the lien ��+":��-�� <br /> 8rcC 7 8 :i:-....-.-.: <br /> ro th�a Seeurity In+uumene If Lender deumiinu ihat eny pan of�he Pmpeny is subject to a lien�vhich may anein prioriry rr:-�_f;;-.�� <br /> over this Securiry Insvumen6 Lender may give Bortower a nmice idemifyir.g the lien. 8ortower shall sntiaty�he lien or take ��-'�`_ <br /> one or mo¢of�he actions set fonh above within 10 days of the giving of no�ice. �}' ��--=. <br /> ,. :,. <br /> S. Hezard or Properly ituurance. Bortower shali kap the improvements now c:is�ing or hercafler crccred on�he �-- ?�:_"-: <br /> Propeny insurcd agninst lou by fire.hazards induded wiihin�hc tefm'eatended mvcmgc'and eny olhcr ha�ards,including F% R`:�,�� <br /> Ooads or tlooding,for whith Lender rcquire+incurance. lfiis insurantc sAall Ix maimained in Ihe amounts nnd for Ihe �7i.�:s,_�- <br /> +:::':,,;. . <br /> :�",-' _'. <br /> FmmWflt 9R� �pN-'JRpF�+' - <br /> '�i4�. <br /> -�.-�-»•,.. "�:i�._ :. ''_ , ' q_ . .. .....fd.,},4i�?':i7n S . " ' ".. .:�1",=':sv':-..]7kP7.::.i:. ' <br /> �?^:,:iT77-.:��: - _. T"-.. _ .. ..�:' '• ::J^n:_.�: "' . <br /> � � 4 -re . . . . . . <br /> � } - <br /> ti `jn y _ .. . . <br /> .: : . .:. . .- . <br /> - ,� - 'a� v - �'� � . - - - . . � . . . .. . . . <br /> _, ,.. . _ _ ... . <br /> _t � ':r,� �Y.' ._ ' -'_ -_ _- ' _ __ _ . -__ " — — _-_ _ "_ -_ _ "' _ <br /> . <br /> -' - - ... .. � _ . " -. _ . . . . . . _ . <br /> Af t- t� . ' � . 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