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_"�°5,.�_'1 . . � �—.- _ : - .si' � 'S ,✓ .._a 9 1`tY ___'___ . .. . .. . <br /> . f ' <br /> ,y <br /> .,, - . - . _ , - . -. . ys :) �i� ., -. . . ._ ' _ 1`^'t + : ✓'✓�r <br /> _`_ .......�. -:.a.___.._�.-.:....��_. _�__�..�'_' 'e..a_"_'_�� :f�...,._, 5 +l_ .-r.>. �� .: <br /> - � � wa, _._____ <br /> '_ _ �1 _ . . n. . . ,. .'/� a .. � � r. _ _ <br /> - � r '� l . - - -. _'.. - '� -�r$'fi�V.�jl � . J_. ,-�� �i . .�-, . . <br /> t <br /> : � ,;. ,. D��D t�F "�RU3'�. �9$• �04%��'�l : - <br /> . .. �-.� . .. . ..._ . ., �- _ ., ,,: -t .;trt _�. . �.,. <br /> ', - ,-- ---- <br /> '. � �.. .. . „ ' � ' .� s -' . <br /> .... . .. . . . . . . . - . -.. . - . . . . _ ... . .,_ � . <br /> ,. . . , ,_ <br /> ._ , . .., . � . .._ _ _ .. . <br /> , i . <br /> � TH18AEEOORtRUBTlam�dethfa'-- � 1 ' �Asv qf ' �y �� ' <br /> ..-_, 1Q:,.,,Q��,embojjthOTNbtor, Ro es 4• nr a e an el L� a nape. m a �e. . ...... .. . ...... <br /> _ . � • • - (netelp''Bonow�r'9,FIrl�Ier9aekNaUOn�IhiwolaUd"n, - <br /> Om�h�,Nebrqska.(hereln"Trua►ee"1,enC BeneBalery,Flydii6i Bank Nd11onAI Aseoalatton,Omehe.Nebnukaa <br /> corporqtidrtqrdanite0 and exlalinp untler the lawe ot Tha UnHed Btelee of Amerloe,whoae eddre� 1100 <br /> Farnem Btro6C Olnehe,NObm6k9,88102•8189(Aeteln"Lender'�. <br /> BORROWER,tn coneideratlon ot t�e Indebtetlneee herein reoited entl the Vuat hereln created.IrtevcooDty _. _ <br /> prante end con�eysto Truetee,In uus6 wltA powarol sele,the tollowing deaorlbetl proDeM1y IoceteA in me Counry <br /> of �1 ,8ffite o}Mebreske: <br />.:� Lot �enty (20) Freadoa Acrae Subdivieion, 8a11 Couaiy, Nabreeka. _.__._._ <br />:,:i;� 1�- <br /> '?�� Gr <br /> :3 �:,:�_ <br /> "r� � — <br /> F �.,_.:'.. <br /> -'{� �:`•.,.`._ _ <br /> - ��X.i.:�i,- <br /> , E�...__ <br /> {Y�5��JJ,{µ <br /> �� {F'i't!'tfp a - <br /> 5'Y Ii R 1 J�!a�rs�'. <br /> _�i i'u•..,•:.(;_Y_�..—- <br /> i,�� ` ���n�r�1.FiT�� <br /> 4W I(�, �rn� ', <br />" v1 `�i4.i'^��/{,���;--. <br /> r� <�X F}s�p v > <br /> y .vy' `���� . <br />:.:e, . r�i.�ryri.r._.:' �..�. <br /> j 1i�i ;t`•"`_ <br />.'..caa '�;.7,�;�:ra:"�: <br /> -�; �i i��S137�i�11=- <br /> .;a , ,�,"y�"`c ' <br /> �;! ' Y�ti ,T,'.,.�,.,,. . <br /> � <br /> a �{�y���+'�'��� <br /> _;� : �. .�� » <br /> rf <s� ��r <br /> h L�Y�f�} _A.f�ls. -. <br /> .t� �Y ^ � <br /> a «c]C i ��� <br /> _ �. �tt}y' �c.'�cL <br /> r�J! ��hC' _ - .v t r <br /> --;, 1705 Freedom Dr. Crand Island i���� « .--� ,�, � <br /> y.� whlCh h88 the etltlf088 Of �� GM �i `� 1 � , � t•�j <br />. .*,.� p�ur��c�— (herein"ProPertyAddress"1: � ..�-.:�'t,t <br />�_'� TOGETHER wtth all tho�mprovements noe�or horoaftor orecte0 on the properry.an0 all ea�oments.d hts, 'i:k"`""sk:`-���� : <br /> -_-�y� 9 t � -:-;:s,' - <br /> _�,y appurteaances.renta(aub�acthowevertothenghteenOevihontieagrvenheremtoLanCertocollectandepply � �� _ _. . <br /> _:� such rental,royaltlae,minerel.oii enC gas nghts and profita.watur,water rigMS,anC water etock.enC ell Pzturea ��" . <br />_,_:f' now or hereatler etleChetl to the properry.ell of which,incluOing replacementa end additiona thereto.shall be , <br /> ;:.A CeemeE to be entl remein a part oTt�e proDertY covereC by thia DeeC of Trust and flll otthe foregoing,togelher <br />:-,;._:� wdh Baid proparty(or the IeasenolQ estate d this Deed ol Trust�a on a Ieashoitl)are herein re�erretl to ee IDa - ,. . <br />°,?�� "ProPertY.., . <br />''��,� TO SECURE to LENDER(a)Ne repayment ot the intlebtetlness evitlancetl by BOrrowar'a nole Eated � � ., <br />-_S_;� Muy 17 1993 (herein"Note"1,in ihe pnnc�0al8um o1 Seven Thousand 1Wo Hundred � � <br /> - ' ' '- lioi6bi i�imwTi,yfv"rie'ii�y iv��n'vnviij:ilawii mm�o - - - - <br />:--:'�� of principel en0 intereal wim the balenca ol t�e InAebtBAness.if not sooner pei0.Oue entl peyablo on i- - _ <br /> ASoy l7, 199� :Na pflyment of ell olher suma,wd�intereat ihereon,9dvanced � -� <br />�..;,;�� in accordence harewith to protect the security ol thia Deed of Truat enE tha pertormance of the covenante antl <br />' '� agreemente of Borcowar hereln contelnad:anA all ranewal9,extenalona antl motliflcatlona ther6ot antl(b)the � <br /> �^� repaymentofenyfuture9Evencea,wlthiNereatinlhereon.madetoBorrowerbyLenderpureuantlaperegrep�21 <br />"�,:,v� hareot(herein"FUtuteAdvenCOe"). ; <br /> BORROWER covan9nte Nat Borrower Ia IAwtully aelzed of the eatete nereby convay0tl and hae tiia Nght to <br /> prent end oomey tha Proparty,that the Property ia unencumberetl,and that Bortowor wtll wenant and detend �.: . <br />-�.1� penerelly the title to the Properry against all claime and demanda auWect to eny CeclaraUOna easements or " <br /> - resVlCllonellatOdlneschotluloofexceptlonatocoverageinanyUtlelnaurancepollcylnautlnpLendelelntereat �� _ <br />_;yir` InthoP�oporry. - <br /> �d3� �:�-.. _-'._-_ _. _. <br />