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, . . • _ . . , <br /> .;,;�;� . ; .. . ; ._ . ..g,�'°:�'�;Cl��,;;, %,� <br /> _ - _--- - __ . . � . , .- <br /> --.- -- --- - - - - -.____. �,___ <br /> � , .. .�1�6..G,�MlN4-Q�RENTA IIICBR : _ , __-_ <br /> . THIBA§81aNMBNTOPR�NT9RI0EH1am�duntl�x�outedtAle�97H,:.a�yoi �p.._,19�,an�ia '„ <br /> -- � IqCOfQOtiIIdIDt0U1tlI�tlIOECdIRHd�Od�lOf1Ai000Up{iIf1110�tM0MQdQCQ8010B4G01TfU8t,herolnpftorrotartedtoqd�it4, .; <br /> "�' - "816Uflty IB6�Nmlillt",o) Ihe enm9 Oite plvon Dy the unGOrelpnetl, herolnsiter relerr80 to ae ttto"BOYNW8I5 t0 8BD4Jq- �;. , <br /> = 6otFqw�f�Udlbtltlnata��ereln�frorroPorreUtoaethe°NOtd�,toHOMBFHDENALBAYINOSAND40ANA880CIAT1l/NOP <br /> -- , aMNOlBLAN�110►dMftBffOf0lfld�OQOt11E"Lander",oft�eetmeGateendcoverinytheprOpertydeaorlEedinl�e80ourlry•_ <br /> � InOtNInEM{nA Ooit�tl�t: — <br /> "?�`"'� 304 E 1Ai11 GHANO ISLIIND, NEBRIISKA 88801 <br /> ' - �=`�', (ProPerryACtlroaq � - ._ ... <br />���w� WITNE88ETH: _ <br /> �('_ <br /> 'f+�`1{� WHERPJlB, BOnOwer e0d L6�08�hlv9 8Qt98d ih8t 9�y�9nle enU protite aq�ibutabl9 t0 thB propedy BhOU10 a0�9�lfuta G ,- <br /> < <��+1' �ddltloMl eeoudly to the Lender for t�a paymant of the Note; __ <br /> _ ,�._., r' °` -- <br /> r�.%_,_ NOW,THEREFORE,IIISeqreeAthatthe8eourltylnatrumentsAelibaemendedharebyenAdeemedtolnoluAethefollowing � -,:_ <br /> �-.i.� provlelone: _,_ . . <br /> "e -�� 7, Aaelonment ot ReMe enA Lennar Rentel ColleeNOn RIOMe.Borrower haraby abaolutaly anA unaontllttonallyaeslgn8e11 6 --- <br /> �h fBntB, leauee and proflte of the proDerty to Beneflolary. Lentler ehall have the dpht, pOwet antl euthOtlty duAng th9 � .�� <br /> -_ �'��; $:� COntlnuenCO of Ihe 86eurlty InetNmant to oolleot iho rente,laauea entl proflte ot the property anO ol any personal proDeNy s '' '. <br /> r '�, Iooate0 t�eroon wlth or wlthout taklnp Doeaesalon of the proDerty effeoted hereby.lender,however,hereby consente to , ` <br /> �� ��'r 8onower'eoolleollonanCretentlonoleuohrent0.�ssuesanAprotlteeefheyeoorueanAba¢omapayabte,eoiongna8orrowar � , ,- <br /> ' ? la not,et auo�tlme, In default with reapeot to peSmaM ol any Indebtednese aeourad hereby,or In tha paAormenae of eny ; _.. <br /> F���'� �' egre6ment hereunder. i� � <br /> , wt_'; 4, A000lntment ot Heoalver.If any event of OefnWt In raepeot to tha Seoudty Inatrument ahell have xourred and be " - _ <br /> t: contlnuinq, Lender, ee e matter of rlght Bnd without noqce to Borrower or enyona clalming undor Borcower,and without i ,'-; � <br /> `,#�`�; ropard to t�a value ot the truet estate or the Intareat ot the Bortower thareln,ehell have the rlgM to epplY to eny court heving J f` �_° <br /> ,�„y� 1urledlotlon to aDDO�nt a rooelver ol tha property. =a�.- �,- <br /> 3 ir+ 9. fllaM to Poas9stion.10 08l9 Of dBfBUlt III t116 p8yl119nt Of lhB 881d pd001p91 N016 0�I�tBtBet,or any pert t�ereof,as It t'�.A " �- <br /> �F �f`•�: ehell mature,or In the casa of faliure to keep or pertorm eny of the corenante or agreemente oontalned In the Seeudty Inatru• '�' ��'?'� - <br /> -��°S'�`^. ment,then Me Lender,1te succeseoro or eaelgna,ahall be enC le �areby authorized anA empowered to take immedlate '�t��<:,�?��u. <br />`c.�i;;.::,. -,•r_..._r,r.; <br /> � � }' poaeeealon of the eald 6remieea t�erein deacrlbe0 and to collect t�e renta therefrom,end to apply the prxeeds theraof to the ��'""" �•- - <br /> `, +,,r,s� psyment of the Note. � '�t st,* - <br /> w�'��� 1, Aoolioatlon of Rante.Iaeues enA Protite.All rante collecte0 by Lendar or ihe recelver ahall be epplled firat to peymaM ` ��., - <br /> ,� -` of the coals o/menagement of t�a proDerty and colleotlon of rente,IncWA�ng,Dut not limitetl to,receWOra teas,premmma on r ;�-�y- <br /> t��`�� reCalver'9 Eonde end reaaoneble ettomay'e feea,end Men to the aume sacured by the8aourity Inetrument.Lendet and tha +j 5�!i;; �° - <br /> ,�+� r6c61ver ehell be Ilabl0lo eocount oniy for�hose reNe actually recelved. ��F; - t�4 .:� <br /> - -?r'�� B. fonetruollonofProvlelona.Eae�oft�eprorielonscontalnedlnthieAaeignmentofRenteRide�andt�e8eeuritylnetru• ?RS, rh'�S'-� <br /> .:x.,... TS;:�F <br /> �� r mBnt eh811, unlet8 Otherwlee epeolficelly reqWretl,be Conatmetl In eCCOrdence wit�Nebr86ke law,and in the avBnt eny �k��r t �_: <br /> ,;;,�,y<s; Drovlalon hereln a thereln contained ehflll be Oeterminetl Dy e court of eompetent�urledictlon to be unenforceable,t�e eame n�4 , <br /> � <br /> S� -: ehell be conetruad ee lhough euch unenlwceable provision wera not a pert hereof or Ihereol. r 1�f�� L�: <br /> , �;. <br /> � -t�- 8. Etteot of 810e�.Ezcapt as epecllicelly modifie0 Dy or Inconsiatont wlih thia Asalpnment ot Rente HIGer or by eny othar � -1, �ah�z-'.._ <br /> ;-`-r epD��aeble rlCer,all of the tarma anC provlelona contained In the 8ecutlty Instmmant enall conllnua In Iull force anA eitect. �3} f ;_.3 <br /> rl�; 7)�t:J: t : <br /> '+r�' � IN WITN888 WHEREOF, Borrower�as executed thle Asa meM F Ran Ritler on Ihe Oet��U ebme. �< < , g ?�� <br /> �'�+,<��. �4// r . . <br /> }s �A +r �lLLr � } " <br /> F�s�i4 RICH D L HFTC L�rrower ;,.,J���N j_ <br /> ".%��� �J�;.l+jt�s »t`. <br /> �.�,, <br /> . jn ;'at C0.flOL J HATLHE eorrowar ������t'.f.i,x,:_�-_ <br /> _c.?i,?J_:.-- u.�.?:tY.'.��•._�,.,, <br /> BTATE OF NEBRASKA) T <br /> . � r,. ,�.. : <br /> , , tee: , �>; <br /> r . COUNTY OF HALL ) '�� 'S�'f�� �� . <br /> r`. <br /> h ` : <br /> _c�-,�;'�-;� On thle 10TH dey of_ �Y 79 93,betore me,the untleralpneA,a Notery Pub�ic duly commiealoned antl �- '� <br /> "�'+;�;� quallfiedforaelOeounty,pereonallyeame RZCHARD J HATCHER A(�D CRROL 7 HATCHER. HUSBNND AND WIFE . <br /> .d. � . � '-'- <br /> -��/-. .to be t�e ICenllcal peroon(a)wMSe neme(s)lalere aubBCriDeO . <br /> - `�-'•� to ihe tor9going Inetrumen4 antl hela�e![hey acknowieOge 1he nxecution Ihereol lo be hiWheiltheli rolunlery ect end de6d. ��°` �-� � <br /> �=:'ri.`, r>.".:.--- . <br /> �I%�''�•"� GRNND ISLR�D NEBRNSKII � <br /> ,.;,,,_y WNnesamyhandenGNOtadelSealat � 4 <br />� r,l�t�.. in e91tl tou ete ator � <br /> / <br /> _ � <br /> :.'`' ; <br /> f�ILplfAi{7SYlIlC11:�Y:N9 �rPUnlic <br />. ` . . �K:lXOOODNIGM <br /> •":i��i,' My Commiealon expires: �.e����^—�,�,�+„-+,�{gg <br /> :\v;7'' xrww��ia <br /> _""� <br /> t}��l ? <br />.:-s.i:S�A:} <br /> >:-75 <br /> :��_�:S:p-,q <br /> '.e.::..'*' <br />-.-r." '_5y <br /> _;�;�:`'s.} <br /> . ;, <br /> ��`ti_`' <br /> �'N��-;k <br /> � _ . .. . . . .— . _ . �• . _ __ _ <br />