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, .:�: � <br /> ,uF -r �r.4� __. . . . . . . . <br /> .__v:ewwG+ i - . r . —- _ _.... <br />- -_u.::e,�,� , �N . , —_ <br /> ' _.�=-_�s. <br />___�."",,,-.r.v.a _.. .. <br />�3:.c5F�i/:�5'c.•� . •— ___ _'_. . . .. <br /> _:n_=..,=...iL1�9 , � � <br />�.;x.:¢...':-�:� ' . <br />"'`;9i};'-=n 8e� _-- <br />�:i�.�(',r,��*,��?`d BbSOttE 't'HS SOARD 08 APHNIIBSNB 80R SDUCATIONN, LAtiDB --- �- <br /> ,7 �.,,,. _ _ <br /> r �ul t:S� � �t:� .. <br /> ,rt�" t�!, STAT6 0� HSBR118K11� Da811A'1l�iT 08 AON18 ) 93. 10��.9 . <br /> I � <br />�"�;.,x�. e:;` Condsanar, ) - <br /> '�6t�A�""` � RBTIRtH 08 APPA11I8l�i8 F F a -_ <br /> •r w. ) � <br /> ;�,� *�f+�';4r' ) — —_ <br /> �,s,. � «f, 8T1►T6 Oa ti68R119ItJ►• D1jP]IX�tiT OS ) ` - — <br />�, �" ,c i%�t PUHLIO INBTITUTIONB ) �rg,.� _--- <br /> y'3i". htr,�: � �� t a .,.�..— ._ <br /> ��t i�,4<{, Coadem�ee ) �{iT�.�.���, <br /> {n.��� �rJ1�,� . y3tv. • <br />;� k Jjf cl�(!�! ' ±'i r <br /> 1 , ,,��''F� �s DspastnenC of Roada oP the State oY t�iebraeka, Condeaner, having ;j, $�,� _ <br /> 't' �rr�` Aer�tolora on the 11Ch dsy ot Auquet, 1992, filed ite 1lpplio�tiion �o } ,„ , -- <br /> ;n� ';'�'-� aaQuir� th� lollowinq-deaoslbad land, oon�3�Cinq oP ayDSOaimabely 1.74 - �'°*;„�„> : <br /> r `:; Ror�s, iroa ths De��rtnent oi Publio inetilutione of tha St�te,oY Nebraeka, '�zy ��" " ' <br /> , ,�Ar',,"%; aondaan��, !or Nhs �peolal purpoae oY aonslruob3nq �nd aainta3ning a yublio . �; � � <br /> s ,,, ,4.;4; road thereoa, all as oet torlh ia eaid ]lpplioation: � S�+S.q f — <br /> � ��r, ; . . .. 1^�jr� — <br /> r° r 11 traot of l�nd and all inprovenente thesaon, ii oay, Por highxay _3. ,t,z�n,�i�� ..;,_ <br /> } �i�; ,r,.: � <br /> � 'r, �.bt sSpht-o£-xay puspoaee looatnd Sn the Northeaot QuarCer (N84) oP `,��, ;t <br /> °r; }i`�:?: Beotioa lSve (08), Totmehip Sleven (11) Norlh, Ranqe Nine (09)'Bea� ? �'� =.- <br /> ;._�;,,s.,_�, �, o! Lhe 81ath Priaoipal ![eridi�a, Hall Coiutty, Nebraska, being nore ;; -,.,�.j, i:�d;;:;-..�::-, <br /> � - r,:�., parlloularly deaoribad aa YolloFras :�p��`����p��� �^� <br /> °�;`_" ; r.t ^�+!�`3e <br /> G , <br /> � �� �.��'� BeQinnin4 �t �110 Soulhese� COlRO; Ot .le o4t.�i—,ater 8R1i1nAt���QO ' :���"'�<3�b�v� '- <br /> Y.OS�2.1=� G �Ot31S40 O= 1_�/ �lOt �!� ,F* _ 9_ i� - <br /> ` � ' ^'� Qusrt�r Swtionj thenas Kesterly deileotinq 088 Depreea, 24 Miautee, ?`rs yt� „y`�}> � <br /> ,r ,� : .,, 39 Saoonds leit, a dietanae ot 172.22 leet� Ylienoe Southorly •- s t , f�" . <br /> delleotiny 102 Dnyseea, b2 Minutes, 04 Seaonde le£t, s distanae of « , �� +a� - <br /> .,�i;'� 212.Bb feebj bhenae Southerly deAeoting 010 Dagraes, 37 Minutee, &6 � ` S' <br /> + .,r,..-,.- =i i :jfrr� vc=�- <br /> � - Seaonde rlpht, a dietanae of 989.21 feetj thenoe 8outheriy dePlcoting 7_ r ; 'k �r; <br /> +' -a� 019 Depreea, !8 MSnutea, 44 Seaonde left, n diat�aae o! 249.18 leet to F' 'v� �� - <br /> � � � ' a'polat on the Nesterly esis4ing 8lghway 2B1 righb of tt�y 1Sne� thenoe ` ' �J '��-'; '� ' <br /> =.'�•-`"::=7-r.:� Southesl defleating 020 Deqseee, 27 F!lnutea, 32 Seaondn right, o �. ' •r} ' � ' <br /> Y ' �{2t�` <br />_ 'y;;,<: dloCaaoe of 955.b6 foeC along eaid right oP pay liue to n Doint on the "'"� '',�`'; s?;-- <br /> . z:,. <br /> -;':_ � �= BouCt► line oP said Quarter Seotionj thenoe 6asterly defleating 090 ' ,��i:-�. <br /> , , q,., <br /> � Deyreee, 00 Minuteo, 00 Seoonde left, a diabnnae oP 40.0 PeeC along . i.._ <br /> { '3'� e�id line to tha Soulheaet Corner oF eaid Quarter geotion to the point ` ��• <br /> � s" `� ot bepinnlnq oontalninq 2.91 wren, nore or leae, Wh1ah Sncludea 1.17 I_ -r ,',--�+ '- <br /> �'�_��°,�.-r���° aosee, more or leee previoualy oowpSed ao publio highpay, ; i! ._. •�-:``� <br /> .,,,:• .: f ;�.�_ ; <br />_ ` ��'�"•,l':,�; All righte to oil end gae mineruls in or on the nbova daeoribed rnal � <br /> J:� '.:: . <br /> property, shall be retaiaed und seaervad to the Condemnee and to ite . ; � , :,:, <br /> '': � "" suaaeeeoso nnd aesigna. Snid Condennee end/os its eucceseora and r <br /> '-`� " aoaigno ohall havo no right to enter or uee tha eurPace of eaid real <br />^f' `':.::_ • <br /> ��„� . . propesty for any purpoea aoncerning eaid oil and gas minaral righte, , <br /> -' aor ahall !ho Condemnoo and/or ito suacaseors nnd aseigns !n <br /> - . •_ � eatraating enid oil nnd gas minarale from said real proparty, dannqe <br /> or in any way Smpalr tha usa of ouid real proparty; nnd <br /> � - Notlao o! the pendanay oY euch Application and tha da4a of 8ouring <br /> � _ � theroon having been Qivon by eurvinq n oopy o£ eaid Appliantion, togothor <br /> ` - Nlth aoCloe ot the dnte oY 8earinq thareon, upon Wo 6overnor and l�ttorney <br />._ � Oeaerol on Lha llth day oY Pfarch, 1993, un6 notlae riavinq boen glvan Yo all <br /> . � - . othor intereutod purtioo, uaid date of BearSng baing mora than ten daye _ <br /> .. , froa tho dato of tho filing o£ eaid Applicution; and <br /> _ � ����, ' Tho mattor having coma on for Hearing bnfore a Soard 0£ Apprniaera . <br /> consSetlnq of thc Suporintondont of a School District o£faring inatruction <br /> in qradoo kindorgnrten through twelvo, a Corti4lod Publio Accotuttant, und a <br /> _ <br />