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n,°°____��_�_�_�_.._ . g3- ���► ,j , ,. - <br /> ' 17. Buctese�te ond Assign�Boundi JoWt au4&vawl IA�DWty1 �igaae.The covenenro onG egrcemenu of thb <br /> Bpwrit�UtslNment sDall bind end benefl� �he wcoeason end Qsslgm oi t.cndcr and Borrower, subJat ro the proviatonf of <br /> p�ngmph 9.b.BortowetY eovenenta end a�cement�shali bo jo1M end avcrd. Any Bomowu who caalgro NU 8xurity <br /> tnsuumem bm dcea rrot oxewtp tho Noto:(a)ls casign6tg•lhfe 8xudty Instrumene oniy to mongage,grant and convoy Nat ' <br /> - 8orrower'e Mtcrat In tiw Pro�ny utlQir tf�b tEmu ot Ihif,4mdty Imteumrnt:@)la nut�raonstly obligeted w pay tM_awnt <br /> eaured by thb&curiry[nsw�em;aM(c)rgtces ehet I.enOu and any other Borrowcr moy agree to extcnd,modify,Por6eer or <br /> meke nny eaommodations w101 rcgatd�o the temu ot thfa&ratrity Inurument or ihe Nae without thet Rortowu'e conxnt. i <br /> !3.Notka.Any notiee to Bortowu provldeA for In thlt AeaNty Insuument�hail bo glven by delivuing It or by maUing <br /> h by flnt clav matl unlcs�applicablo law requiros usa of enother muhod.91w notico ehell bo dirccted to Ne Property Addres� — <br /> or any othu addrea+IIorrower daignatea by notice ro Lendu. Any notice to Lendu shell be given by flrat cian ma11 to <br /> Lcndu'e addres�statcd hersln or any addrca�l.endu dcaignatea by nmice ro Bortower.Any notice provldcd for in thb Secudty <br /> [nsteument�hall be damed ro have bxn givcn ro Bortower or Lender when given a+provided In thts pa�egnph. <br /> --- 14. (iovemtng Low; Sererebillty. 7Lt� Sear(ry (nswment ahell be govcmed by kderel law and the le�r ot t�e — <br /> Jurisdittlon In whtch the Property la lasted.In the went�het any proviilon or clause of thie Securlty Imtrumwt or�ha Noto <br /> - wnAlNa with eppAcable Inw,such conflia aFall not�ffoct otAer proviaiom of this Securiry Instmment or tho Note whieh cau 6e = . <br /> glven effat witAout the conflicting provlsion.To�his end the provisiore of thia Sxudty[naaument end�Ae Note ere deelued — <br /> ro be cevneble. � -- <br /> .--� 1S.Botro�u's Copy.Qorrower shell be givw one confomKd oopy of thla Security Instrument. - <br /> l6. Astipunent at Rente. Bortower uncondtaonelly asstgn+ end transfm ro Lender ell the rcma end rcvenuea of die i'=: <br />--'�',,;,� Property.Bortower awhodm I.ender or Lender'e agcnts�o colla�the rrnte end rcvenues end hercby direns each tenant of U�e �:'._; <br />_,,� Propeny ro pay tho rsnta to l.ender or I.enda'�agents.However,prior ro LendaY noHa to Bortower of Bortower'�bmach of a=: <br />. -_,�?a eny covenant or ogrorment(n the Security Ins�mment.Borrower ahall collea and rcoeive ell rcnts end rcvenues of the Properry r;�... <br /> -� et truateo for�he beneftt of I.endcr end Hortowu.7Lis assignment of rcnta constimtea an ebsolute avignment and not en <br /> gY assignmenttoradditionalsecudtyonty. ' ��` <br /> i� <br /> ,,±r. <br /> �.i�r,� It LenAer givea noUce of bttach to I3ortower.U)ell rcnn reaived by Qorrower:hell be hcld by Bortower aa trurtee for �-�--- <br /> '`�.;f!� benefit ot Lender only,�o be epplied to the suma savred by Ihe Secudty Instrument; @)Lender shell be endtled ro collect and =' <br /> :eafre all cf shx ru:�:e!t w Pro�rty:and fc) txh tenanc ot ttx Pro�ny shall ps;dl ren�due:'K!unpaid ro Lem�er^r <br /> ._'Fi� I.ender9 agent on l.ender'e vrti¢en demand�o the tenant. ": <br /> '� �":: <br /> = Borrouw hes not executed eny pdor assignment of the rcms end ha5`rot end will not perfom�any ect[hat would prevent �.,:.-� <br />-:;=;x,� Lendu from aerclaing ita dghu under this pamgreph 16. '-" <br /> - i r-. <br /> ff � <br /> r ; Lender shill not be required ro enter upon,take wntrol of or maintain the Propeny beforo or aRer giring noUcc ot brexeh <br /> ft �o Bortower.Nowevu, Lender or a Judicially appointed raeiver may do so at eny time�herc ia a breach.Any epplieation ot <br /> - �',t,� rcnts�hell nol cure or walve any defeul�or invelida�e eny aher dght or remedy of Lender. This aulgnment of rcnU of Ihe F:- <br /> Pmpeny�hell urtninate when�he debt accurcd by�he Security Tnstrument is paid in full. ' - <br /> -i� NON-llNIFORM COVIINAN7'S.Borrower nnd Lendcr(urther wvefmnt and agrce as follo�vs: t "�-� <br /> t+'- 17.Foroclosure Prattdure.It Lender rcqu�ma fmmediate peyment In NII under pawgraph 9,Lender may Inroke lhe �`� <br /> -�_::?� power of salc end any other remediea permitted Ay applicebie taw. Lender shell be entfped to mlicct ¢II expensea ��s_. <br /> -`�� Incurred In unuln the remedles under th� are p. `�,. <br /> --J� p g p greph 17,Including.6ut not Ilmftcd to, reasonable ettoroeye'tees and <br /> , A, coste of tlqc eHdena. k <br /> :;_�j If the po�rer of snle L+ Invoked.Tnutce Fhall record e notice at defeuil in eneh munty In whieh a�q part o[the [�_?;: <br /> `�;i Properly ia located end shall mall coples otsuch natke In the manner presedbed by appllcabte Ia�r to 6orro�rer and la ?' <br />_ ,,w the other pe�soro prescribed by eppticebte law.ARer the tlme required by appllceble la�r,TnuYee ahell gfve public nodtt �,'��' <br /> -�r�;; of snle m the persom and In the menner prescdhed by epplicable lew.Trustce, without dannnd on Borro�rer,shall sdl �. � <br /> „��<x 16e Property at publlc auNlon�o lhe hlghesl bldder at the Nme end pince nnd under ihe tcrmv designated In the noHU o! ' ` <br />��� ai��:?: asle In one or more parcds end in any order Trustee detertninea.Trustce may pastpone isele of all or any percd o[the <br /> -=="�r':� Property b7 publtc ennouncemenl et the tlme and place ot any prevlously scheduled sale. Lender or Its deslgnee may ,�-��� <br />�',F_�1 <br />-,`":'tie� Purchase the Property et any sale. �_:.-.�. <br /> •:`.iui ��IMEI v,o,ao�e F�;- <br />:'i>':S`� tS <br />��.�;:t� � . �. �,;. <br /> i'� {. <br /> � t� <br /> � r;—an^-���xr^..f<*ri— _ u !-n 3.^ I ei=l _�i a ? ' u'1}5'a•T[^r_rN_ y r f .'!_ .s^jL _. <br /> ��F.-.t� _. i1 r. ' .- �a t ,) . o �" <br /> -�`� -_ ' -•.. - :i _ <br /> / S`�� � � . � _ � . . � - n: - '.. � i . i-:i i . . <br /> ,. . ' : :. • - �' `�C.`. <br /> ....:t "-, t '.. . ._f._.. � _',.�i�_. _ r• . . :es.. '.� ---:� J.—� .:t-. <br /> _ ' -.-,_-.. <br /> '..: , : <br /> e--:--- _ x -„ ., --_: f- - _ - - <br /> � i` i- t t\ �s� t . . -Ir� — . <br /> ! <br /> t <br /> � f £� �� .. . Si a � i - - . Y . .. . <br /> r � �� . r St. y r _ i� ; � �l 7: - ,'_ <br /> _Y€ . � >. � . _ - . � - � . �{ r i .. <br /> ' � -._.. L - . �� x _ -. : i - y-_' r <br /> � <br /> �h-! ^ Yt _ [ �_ _ r - - - -_ <br /> ��l" i � :++''t T N `� y .yi - , .�: � ." i . . . <br /> � � t.�i .-:3 +., � . <br /> 1 - � - - - � -v _� � ftf . <br /> xc -3d t -. ie'o{ : .t�he; : .T7 � ..t r ti� �, � � <br /> -w �. ✓' . rd i _ - f�t . ^ i( i-. . _ . <br /> �� + �J - � • - fr } 1 1 _ s 1 <br /> Y Jr� � i- � ) l : i � ` � 1 y f y_- � . - �f . . <br /> �J� � '1 � �2R ` I L - -� �\ { 1 f� � J I �A 1 1 <br /> ll 3x'6� .t � ! . _{J S� - �' 1� ! , ( - 1 � ! a43�5 2 j. . <br /> 4 � f4 1 'l4 i T > � Y Y t ) d 1 . T <br /> (@ i Y -. 1 -JL � �� c � 1 : i �� � � t � . � ) i �t . � } <br /> q y}'" r .1 -- r � � <7 .�Y :l � J., !3 � 1 t{ 5� � '.�. �. <br /> .�Lfit..... ti... -.v 5 � . . . Si . ,` ..�{i. v� _. .�.�`��}.. -... . -..�l .. j�� � �aV. �F: � ` ...i- - ..:: .. , , . <br />