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__ _ _ <br /> ; . _ , .. , ,. ;��: ;�>�r <br /> �_ ._ � _ �.. A�y� I�.1. .,/�� �� ` f~ <br /> ' : -F .. . , -. -. ;'`Y _� L�.�_.— ,. <br /> n .- . �.- ` . .i. . - " _. <br /> :: `- - . -�410N TOPBE�Ij�HqI/��&R . . ' _-- _ __ <br /> ' �H1811$BiaNM�NTUP�RN�BRIUEflIprtladeantlex�WtltltlsT�F••••• dayoL.HAY ,t9�3�..„�nafs: ' �. <br /> 7ncotpo(�todlntq�nd e�n1 68 deemeA t0 emendand eupple�ieptthe MortqaOa or peqtl of Tmat,heralnetterref9rra�tq}ethe,; <br /> � "8o0utlty IAetrymenl",o}Me ae0le d9te 81van by the und9rolgne0.h81ElTlaft8l fB1EREd 10 C8 lA0 "eorrowar'S D ODQY(0: _ . <br /> 8orrowere�noe�tacneea,nerein+�terroterredtoaetne��NOte�',tOHOM8FB0EI1A68AVINQ8AN01.0ANA880CUTI0NOR ' <br /> GRAN�IBLANti.Mrelnlite�roferrod to ae tM"UndeP�,of tho e�me tlnteantl ooverinp the proportyda�odped In th�Beourily <br /> InatrumaM ufid tooetad at: � <br /> _ <br /> ¢0I1 MMAI�N(9IR �OR �1RAIJII TAT.►IiI1�.NRR��_(�01 <br /> (VfOpetlyA00f0le) � . ., _ _ <br /> WITN888ETN� _ <br /> WH8RFA8,Bonower and Lendor have agree0 t�at ary reNe and proflte eNributable ro the propedy ehoultl conadtute c.�,-- _. <br /> �Oditlonal eeourlry to the LenOer for I�a Dayment o}the Note; _--- <br /> 65,= <br /> NOW,THEREFORE,Itlse reeOtAettho6eourl InatmmentehallbeemendeAhereE en0deemeArolncludethetoliowln "-�"""- <br /> 9 b Y 0 _:..,�,, <br /> proWalona ' K"`=—�_-_ <br /> L AealanmentofRentaenA�ande�RaMeIC011eotlonBlahfaBOrrowerherebyaDaolutalyendunoonAillonallyaseignsell �-��_---°-� <br /> ronte, leauas and profite of the Droperty to Benefiolery. Lender ahell hava the dght, power end aulhority dudng thB ��-��^�=�;_.- <br /> .,,rsa._,: <br /> oontinu8noe ot tho 8ecurlty Instrument to colleot the renle, iseuea anC profite of the property end ot eny personal D�operty :,��:aT . <br /> IooateA thareon with or without taking poseaealon of Iha proparty affeoted hereby. Lentler, however, hereby oonaente to ' K„;_..._ <br /> BortowePe oolleotlon and fetentlon ol suoh rente,Isauea end prollte ae ihey ecorue and 6600me payabla,60 long ae Borrower "`:+=c:� <br /> ':yr.:T-�. <br /> 1!not,at 8uoh time,In Oeteult with reepaot to DeYmentot eny IndebteAnesa eaouretl hereby,or In the paAOrmenoe of eny �•;±_�;:u��r.___ <br /> epraoment nereunear. �j��� <br /> 2. BQpolntment of.Reaelver.11 any svent of default In reapeot to t�a Becurity Inatrument ahall have 000urred anA be C��"3+ <br /> ,�4t: . . <br /> aontinuing, Lender,ae a metter of dght and wlMOUt nallce to Borrower or enyone claiming undar Borraver,enA�vflh0ut .,�t�;;f=>,�;rtr,-= <br /> roge�d to the value of t�o truat eetate or the Interest of tha Borrower there(n,ahell hava the tlpht to epply to any ooud havinp ,�.tir��;-;°;'- <br /> �udadlotion to appolnt a recolvar of tne proDerty. "�Y`,:`__ <br /> & RIaM to Possesalon.In oeee of OefaWt In lha paymant of the eaitl pdncipal Nota or intereat,or eny Dert thereof,es it �+�l}� 2 --�- <br /> Ji,3! <br /> eAallmature,orinthaoaaeoffalWretokeeporpedormmyoft�ecovenenteoregreementecontelnaGintheBeovrltylnetru• � zj�c -,__• <br /> meM,then the Lender, Ita eucceseore or aseipna,ehell be and Is hawDy aulhodzed anE empoweretl to take ImmeElate ���P�i�e;"'"i'..-�. <br /> poa6eselon of the eelA premisea thereln Oeao�iCad and tocollectthe rente therefrom,end toepptythe proceade thereof to the ?�ati�i���'%o�:'=�'- <br /> .. �.'1).�...._ . <br /> payment of the Nota. ta%`Jf::%.�.�=-� <br /> 1, Aoolloatlon of ReMa lesuea anE Protlte.All renta eollected by Lender or the recalverehali be applled fi�et to peyment �;t'.-��==�•="' <br /> �;- ., <br />_ of tng ooate of manegamam ot tne proparty and aoileciion oi rente,inciuding,but not limited Io,rowiver'a idab,piumiumd 4n i�.,Y _ <br /> reCelver'e bon0e antl re88onabla ettornaye feae,en0 then to tha auma neaured by the 8acurlty InaUumant Lender end tAe n��'S �, : <br /> raoelver ehell be Ilebla to eocount only for thoae renta aotually recalva0. R�%fTti�',t.,i,•;;_;-,_ <br /> 8. Conatruollon of Provislone.Eech of t�e provielona eontainad In thle AselBnmant of Ronts RIAer and ihe Secutlty Inetru• c�fi���'��'-=: <br /> mem anan, unloae mherwlee apeoHioeliy requlretl,ba eonetrued In accortlence with Nebraska iflw, 0nU In thB BveOt 0�y ���y? �jnr_ <br /> provlelon haraln orthereln contalned ehail be tleterminedby e court of compatent Judadictlon to beunenforceabla,the eame s'�'y` '-� <br /> ehall be aonetruBA ee t�ough euch unenforceable D�ovielon were not a Dart�ereof or thareof. ` ;;'��C'''e.?�;�'�. <br /> 8. Ezcept ae epeclticall moditled b or Inconaletent wlth thla Aesl nmant of Rents Ride�or b en olher �:,�:�������="-� <br /> E(feot of Blder• Y Y 9 Y Y . r�,t�s..,.;.�� <br /> epp1108D1e MAar,ell of tha terme end Drovialona contelned In the 8ecutlt Instrument shall condnua in full torca end eifect. `�"=�"' •'"��"'�� <br /> Y ;:d6:�+t�sJr ' <br /> �, 1 f�l ;; <br /> IN WITNE88 WHEREOF,8orrower hae ezacuted thie Aealgn e t of Renta PoAar on th te Hrat noted flbovo. ` �; + 's� _ <br /> tx� .. <br /> ;�,� � <br /> -' 'iR�141'• <br /> STEV E. AR J`(P'''Br .i- '� � �. <br /> ,,� h�xn <br /> r. ,,a��:,..:: <br /> np�!u+..:,+.•,`�?_-_ <br /> BOIIOWBI l)��x4«�lL�.�1;.=: <br /> MARIL ARNOLD ��,:f,�F;v_r- <br /> STATEOf NEBflASKA) �-' �`?" <br /> (sa: ii 4fa:s< i}4 -: <br /> tzc,,...y�,,,. <br /> CAUNN OF HALL ) '?�'•"'��:'r,;�;., <br /> , y��i,�,.. <br /> �Sr_�;:::,:_":--.:` <br /> On tMO�day of MaY ,1g_93,bebre me,the underaiqned,a Notary Publie duly eommiasloneC end �,.t;,,-_: ;s .;. <br /> Cua11NeC for sald county,peraone�ly came rrnvcN c � '--��•'°�u; ;; <br /> r•. .� <br /> (HUSBAND AND WIFE) ,to be ihe Idemicei peraonfs)whose neme(a)islare eubacribaC "`•'',''�� �`�'-�� <br /> �::,..;..- �...;�•'. <br /> to ihe forepoing InstrumOnt,an0 ne�ane/tney acknowlaOAe the exeeut�on tnereol to ba hfelher/their voluMary ael and deed. t;-.;=r;;:�>.;,-. <br /> ° .l. <br /> Wltnesemy�enEenANOterlelSealet GRANDISLpND. NEQRASRA 6��•�",'���"�`-�'.-�� <br /> , <br /> in geid county.the dete atoreeeltl. �`_�:.:`.':...'.:.- <br /> ��d� C�-�� a � ��.�r� ; <br /> ai�sLw�eKR r,o�e„r��n� <br /> O�s R'ttA1i96 ��<. ly'f /`}`t G � <br /> My Comm ae on exp ree: _ <br /> t <br /> xFw»nm� <br /> i <br /> - - _ �'^�_.. ..__ ... . <br />