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<br /> � E�oc�az o� na�rx�ru�r � � ..
<br /> l, .
<br />' � tccx�� �u,�u,;a�nX�tu�B rn��arrs� � ' „ - �.
<br /> •. _. . :_... .. ��-� aluie �, o1"r� �LOtltttl, o� tlran�i itAlen4, nali �ouney. Nobx�Nkc�� da by �f ; _.}_r
<br /> .. .'._i � Ltleee �RYOYnGn� iiroiic�, aiuT�aL:s�l1$w :.11:t aps.:�n't f�7t -J:t�, t!±r!? t�, R1nmkA anA t..: -�_,--• -= --- .
<br /> .. � Clnrnnne p� 3lomke� ANtJ �iTtil�n t�� TtiEFl, a� rc�y ACGosntiya-��n�snat� t� da (H• -- .
<br /> - Par mW anE3 ors r-;Y l�Ah!�iS� eny o! the lollaNic�qi
<br /> - Z, �'o wfthdraN by check oe otlwtaiee Peam�ny chack�t� acaoun� or � ,
<br /> � uavi�sgm accoun� which x mny have. [ � _ � _
<br /> 2� To endoreo chacke tor da�oeic co my checking occaunt or oavi.nga 1 .
<br /> � aocaunC w�id ro r�caiv� +�ny praParty os exedito ciwaed by mv� in^ � •
<br /> eluding any rtwnien pnyaQle ko mn by a»y�ovarnneneel ag�ncy. �ty �
<br /> ACtorneys-1.n-��+�r.,,or a�ehr�r oP tt►an. oh�ll hnva full nukhoriey to ti
<br /> ' redecm, navo roseg1et�red, or h�v� raionuad ony band, aotc►, bill, �
<br /> Haeran� corkiRicnt�+ ar other evide�ica oP indabt�dacoo amed by
<br /> mo (inniudi any auch itema owned by ms ae a ca-owaar or �oinc �
<br /> tenane) t�nd�eaued by the United Gti�ees� nny oth�r caunery� any , -
<br /> � � etat� munici�puliCy, or othar guvornmental oubdiv�isi�n ar Qavorn- ,
<br /> � monta� agcacy. � .
<br /> � 3, Zb eoli or lcao�any aeeeCo owned by mo, whothar renl eatato or ' ' ,
<br /> peYeonal prapotey.and inaluding hancatend pro�orty und etacke and �
<br /> . t�onda, at auch pr�►cca. oa euoh tc+nns, for aucl� lcngth of tarm and � •
<br /> in euch m�nn�r, ah�thor at pr3vate or publia eolo or negoCint�on �
<br /> ae my Attameya,in-Fuct deem advioable� i'hoy m�y convay any pro- , ':
<br /> perty eo sold by ttxm by iaatr�mente oP conveyanco wieh cuntanary � ,
<br /> war�antiea. Thoy may enter�ay eoPoty depaai� bau I leaea and moy � .
<br /> � rcmavo any itams thorefran. 7ttoy�arp empaanr'ed Co matco giEte for mo. ; ,
<br /> 4, �l'o entox intoag xeanente pertainiag t�a�y p�opc+rCy or interQat i� �
<br /> �
<br /> �i�+Perty ownad by mo �►nd an such to�m� c+e my Attornuye�^in-Fnct deem
<br /> �dvas:�blo. �hie otall includc contraata for goods� ro�iYa, improvo- ;
<br /> manta, raplacemonte, and peraonnl enrvicas for Che moineenAnca of my �
<br /> , proparey; end to borroa Eund� und mortgago psoporey there£ar. �
<br /> 5, In gendral� to eneor i�to ony bueinoaa truneaations Portoinin� eo �
<br /> my pro�erty and for my moiotenance ae fully,ae 1 couid do it rny- r
<br /> selE. 'Et�2y Arc fu�ly �npowered to eign�1y lar.ano tax reCurne ond �
<br /> relac�+ documF:nto. �
<br /> - ---- �- ---- - - '' -
<br /> G. `So e�eer into any contracte or ngreemcn¢e eor nny medaGfli� danicit- �-- -- -
<br /> ' aery, or othor caro needed by me oa detennirrcl to bc� xo mY haae i�• �
<br /> � tezest� by eithar oE Rp+ACtornoys-in-FucC, c►�d pny all eeaa und , •
<br /> �I.��reno �a�oom�p f:,,r my maintenonca and caro. To Authori.^•0 afly � . _ �
<br /> - ` ciadi°sa� pra�duraa Eor me. �-- ----
<br /> i rAti£y und cmfixm oll ucte dono'by my Att�ornoys•in-Eaa�, or eithor o� !
<br /> them,tsndor ehis Powor oF Atcoa�ay. QitheY oP my Attosrnoys-in-ruct aro opaciEi-
<br /> cally emppwored to ect uiider thie p�or oP Attornay independenely oF tha otl�er,
<br /> ��td �n1r deciei�on or flceion by oither oP than need noC be joinud in and conoented
<br /> to by ths othor. I reaeYVO tha right to Yovoka thio Powcc oP AtCOrney by th�
<br /> fili� of such revocation in Ftiscullnneoua Recorda in the Officc� �e tl�a Re�sie��r ,
<br /> � � of iaeada ofa�tit County. Nabraaka. �1de $awdr of At�ozaey ah��11 renw�in
<br /> , an iEul� force avan though I rony heYeaftor bocm�e mnnu+lly or phyaicalay incanpa-
<br /> � cent.� o '
<br /> �9�D thie 1 dth d�y of � e9 . 19 � ,
<br /> �
<br /> ..��•
<br /> � O ZL 8
<br /> ST�� OF NBBRl1SKA )
<br /> ; ea. " '
<br /> � COUViY OF Ht►LL � '
<br /> . p� thia ldxhday oE Mav � 19 8G , bofore rncj, tl�e undaroig�ed,
<br /> . A Natory Yublic, within +ond for a—'Ti'Coancy, p�raonally ecun� oeca �lomko
<br /> who is known to mo to be the identicAl pe�rson whase nz�ma ie afEixed to tho Fore.�oing ,
<br /> Pow�r o! Attornoy, and ho aaknowledged hie es;ecueian thareoP to bo hia
<br /> , vol4�ne�ry oct and daed, .
<br /> ' WI7Nh;SS my hand and Nototiial Seal tho �.�te lAat a e written. ��ty
<br /> � I Noterial Carmisaion expireo� 2-4-98,
<br /> i
<br /> � � IUtruM11Nr1•N.udr�Anu
<br /> i AATNUR C.RIAYER � P'-:^•.•.• 1'���, t�'
<br /> 1
<br /> �
<br /> ,
<br /> �
<br /> � ►
<br /> � _ �
<br />