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. , <br /> �� i t .m t .i- t . � _ 7 I- •.. J � �. - � i i - . t_� - _ �/L .l_s <br /> � �, , .< ' "��ao3us�a�i�lna�pin¢a ,.`�3a y��i'���,:�' 1 ,�<, _- - <br /> > �. <br /> , _ <br /> � � `: , . '. `. . , <br /> s'� .: TIi19M�1U81A0L,�MTERIDERl9tn2delhls 24 . Q�o} ._.: Hey ._ ,18 9k , ' _ <br /> �-3"�� ' ehd�ineapoiated tnta and gh�lll�e d6amed ta emend end supplement the MoAgage,Oeed o1 Trust or 88cudry Daed(the'6edlilry � -_ . -. . - <br /> 7n5tr�meM')ollhesam9QaJepNOnbylheundoralgned(tho'Bortowe�toseaireBorrower'aAdJustableNatallote(tho'Noto')to � <br /> •:�x` n9 i _. _ <br /> , �� y (Na'lendaY')of the san» ate and covednp Ne proparry esctlbed In the 8ecutlry InsWment and lowted et: , ,,, __ <br /> �' ��= 3A2&7armetead Rd. Orand Ielaad. NB 68601 �; <br /> ft. 6 r.;�:� <br /> reu <br /> n,,�°`i Lot 2 oY Orohard Bubdivlsion, Aall County, Nabraeka � <br /> h��"'.'� TNE NOTE CONTAIN$PFOVI810NS ALLOWINO FOR CNIW(iE81N THE INfEflE87 RATE IWD THE MONTHLY PAYMENT.THE NOTE LIMITS ��.xn,i ��v r r�s' <br /> e �� F THE AMOUNT THE BOflR041EH'S IMEflEBT flATE CAN CtWNOE AT ANY ONE TIME AND THE MA)(IMUM RATE iHE 80RROWER MUST f ;(,�s `6 k <br /> )S�s .YA� �, #�• , <br /> PAY. . �rrts ,�� , r.� �. <br /> 'rY'-io <br /> `f� T AddflWnal Covenanls.In addAlon to tha coveriants and agreemertts mada in the Seeurfty InstrumeM,Bortmrer and lendw lurther covenant ��`��?'�4"`�4�� <br /> �t'r'` ende0reeesfWimva: - v,��it,�z'�-n <br /> il�L�>,�� f� <br /> tF Yns�,' JNfEREST Nn7E AND MONTHLY PAYMEM CN4HOES:fie Note provides for an IniUal interest rate of 8•75 '/�.Th9 NCte DfOVId8810( �l t�l������.r{�-„ <br /> JA�yr_� chanpesiniheinlareatnleandthamonlhypaymenta,asfo�o�79: ����,.r�� y;r� <br /> -�t +x=, ��rs . <br /> <'� The interest rata Oorrov+w will pay may chanpe on the 24 momh annNereary of the Dale of Note and every 6 months thwe- �5�� n.� <br /> �', a;:r.�n+r . <br /> r � after.Eech date on whlch Borrorrets Inleres[rete coulO chanpe Is wiled a'Change Oate." �+���'���7�Y�w : <br /> * ��� <br /> , r�T ; Bapinning vrith the first Chanpe Date end every 6 monlhs thereatter,Borrower's interest rete wN be changed to the InAex Rate plus ;`�'v',�,,,�y'i� <br /> �•. K.Tha`Index Hate"is the h hest dme rate ubilshed in the Mon Rates column of The Wall Slreet Jouma/on the calendar da ` �"`a <br /> _2.Z5_ W 0 P eY Y t j�;y �i <br /> 7 S�= immedlatey preceding the Change Date;or,B the index was not published on Ihat day,that rete on the next precedinp dr/on which it vras � ,'�°Y���+}ks t �: <br /> � }�e F ' ublished. °�tl F '�*� -_ <br /> a (�t:ri P 1�T N��SS <br /> c <br /> >`d '��<:. ALTEBNATE INOEX:If ihe Index Hate Is no longer avallible,Lender veil choose a naw Index Rale v�hich ft believes wlll most closely apprad• �t{vc�°.�T;i s - _ <br /> �N��,j,� mate Na former Index H�te. �t t;i�i}��3��� <br /> -,4 -+.i �t�'15 `(Tf�T Sf � � <br /> ;`�'��� � LIMITS ON HA7E CHANG6S:The interest rale pnnot increase or decrease by more Ihan 2 percenlage poinls on any sinplo Change ;���{e�fF��p#�.h= ___.. <br /> :r, _° uaie.Gurinp ifia iz•monih period 6eqinninp wiih ioe firsi Cnanpe Gaie,and durinp eacfi subsaquent 12-monifi pariod,ihe ioieiest rate ian- s �1' °�'�t, <br /> �� �� not increase or decrease by more than Z percemape poi�nOls trom the rala in ef(ect immediatety pdor io Ihe 6eginning of such 7 t�fi�ri�',��a,�` % <br /> ;,-� 12-month pedad.The Inlerest wte shali never be O��ter than 16 G Ot less than 8�ZS Ne dUdnp ihe Iffe Oflhfs loaa ��fi"�t��1�,',y <br /> 5S >_1, IJ's.G;. �iss\1u: . <br /> ���,� r� - <br /> .4?ti;.,,=: �t f.,.��- <br /> ,�� MONTHLY PAYMENiS:Prindpal and inlerost shall he payable in conseculive monNy insWllmenls.It the rate of Inlereat�hangas,the num• -�,, — � _ <br /> _ ;^; ber of montidy paymenls will not change.The amount of the monlhty paymenls v�l ehanpe to the monlhy amount needed to repay the re- ,;; ;-%t'R`�!p2„"r;=�. <br />__:,,:;:fgK'>., mainNg unpaid D�ncipal balance Dlus interest as chanped In Ihe remaininp numbor of paymenls,auuming that atl payments due atter Ne �c:�-'T•?�,,;::;�-�� <br /> � CatcuWlion is mada are paid as scheduleU.The first changa,if any,in the monlhly paymen[amount will Cewme effectMe on the?�_ ' ��s_ ;C.t�C� <br /> ? � r- monlh ennhrersary date of the first Dayment due date.Subsequent chanqes in Iha monthty payment amount may occur on the payment due 4 � �� ,�r:� ���-- <br /> --?„��'�_'� date evary 6 months thereaftec Each new Oayment amount will remaln in etfect until the etlecllve dale of the next Dayment chanpe. '.y�..:r;�'.,��,rf���f;___ <br /> i re` It t 7j ._ <br /> ''f P,�, pEfAULT:It Bortower feiis ro pay airy payments rihen due.Lentler may exercise any remedies permtited by the Securiry Insttument In the n !jIl,�IK n�}r:..� <br /> 'i�',_ pseafdetault �i/ ; tt R ' <br /> J r,; t� ._}��,;'��r��j, i' r .'. <br /> r i;: By Siqniny Bebw,Borrower�ccepts and agrees to ihe terms and covenams wntained in Ihis AdjusWble Hate Hider. ,, ���; ��, �� <br /> - � � rSFb t/ �.. <br /> t : -�4° �` rt� .. <br /> �i - r'f��t.t�R`7i - <br /> f ' `/ � . i` <br /> iy 7 . � - <br /> t -' � ,�, ' { '�'y <br /> y � � <br /> � ' j� � ($C31) ($C81) � ��i� � { r <br /> :-.i-:r,h� �� •BOnower '8arorrer �-'. :_ :�,:7• . <br /> :('s; � ' <br /> .5`.:7r;�` � � ' � , <br />"�: ':' <br />_ '„ <br /> { <br /> ..c <br /> fqmTfi617•Ai292 <br />. ' ppIGINpL-FlLfWITHNART6AGE COPY-BflANCHiI�E COPY-BOPROYlEIf COPV-BONn0Y1EN � <br /> '.�' <br />__.. ._,[;' <br />�-=, ,.-... -._...z_'" _"".-._":..:_ ._ _. . _.. . . . , _.__._._ . -_ . _. .- . <br /> � . �.- <br /> - ,'r' __- _. - -. <br />, :��...~,'. . i.: - <br /> ;��'.�:..:.._ '. . . .. <br /> � t.'�i{':�>3'. .� . " . <br /> Gi.�c-. �� .. <br /> -�:.N:'�r.�.. ' _ . - _ <br /> ,=r'��J:� - . . _ <br /> •t){�..3''. <br /> - _'`:C,e..i•�i : - � <br /> � <br /> ; . <br /> ya. <br /> t � � t . . ' <br /> L } <br /> 'l ,,:! . . ,. �-'� r . . _ ,._ . � .. . . . . � _ _._Y-.:. _ . . � . .. _ ._. <br />