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<br /> � . ! liic�x�c�in rnnrtgagorl �i�d ��tSS�...���lT� c�f t�►��� t�..�:�-.�,�,.t�`.'t�4'�.. � �_ � .=
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<br /> -- --� -- ���:.�...�.. i �::... _:_.`_ . :--._----:�,..
<br />-°�,: - � .,, biortgat�ax• is indebtecl � M�rtga�gee� in the+ pr�nni�+►� c�u�n nf (:-� _
<br /> =y`'" � — $�9�502.94, ovidenced bY blort�Hgox�'a not�a dated Juno 10� 1991 [ . : — �
<br />-:=;,�.: � (hor�s:in Notp) i�rnvidi�� far rinyn�ciCa u P ��c�na ipc►J. c u n d i n�c�r e H�� w i�h
<br /> -'i ., tho l�xlanc4 af tho ind�btedneds� �P not �aon4r paid� due� c►n�d l�Yab�.o on
<br /> �..-. .Iuno A 1� �992
<br /> 1'_
<br /> �t� 'Y`a aecure �hv �a►y�mant of tltQ Hu�o� with �.ntare:�� an providcd ' �
<br /> the�r�in� Chc� p�nt� of �►11 C�LIlO� t3U111A� s�it.h in�cres� advuncc�d bY �
<br /> Mor'CgugeQ t;o Prat.�ct th� acaurity af thim �lartE��Bn� � tha per�or�n�ncp � .
<br /> � of the aonveruxntc� �d ngre�mente uf the Maxt��or containea1 hc�re�in, _�.+..:�_..
<br /> : M�rtgagor doe� I�ereby mnrtgage and convey to MortKuge.� tho tollowini� ""`'�'�-
<br /> ' property lncated in Efull Camt�r� Nelsran3m: •f'l��t��'
<br /> � �'„k," -
<br /> . . �• ,
<br /> .. . �� -
<br /> . '. � � LoL Twenty-orxE (21)� Gagle Lako �atatoa Subdivieipn� Hall County� ' . , -;:_
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<br /> � . NobrasZta .���.
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<br /> � TagetS�� with all buAldin��, impr�v�n:ants, fisturra� mtreots. . � - '
<br /> --- - --_-_� ♦... dhto nt��V��Ai�h�C AT1[I BUDIlI't@�LG��'•S -- -----. ��'
<br /> -. _. - _'_....�
<br /> _: aliey�� ������. �.a�n.w, r Q..�: r------.--- - -- _
<br /> lncated thereon or :ln nny t�ay pertaini�.�r,p; �hefieto� utui the rentc;, iaaue� i :: � ;�
<br /> and proRits, roversionA and remainders t�caeof., r�l�. of which, including
<br /> � raplaaeman�a and udditiona �hereta� is hereby dec.�arc�ci to bo a part af I ,
<br /> the rPal es��+te secured by the lien of thie Mo*�fiL��e �r►d all af tho 4
<br /> gc�x�Boing hc�ing referred ta herein as t.t�e "Pro�.�rty". i
<br /> � ���'�,�t�`��� - Mortgagor fu�4.�ex convenanta and Agreea caith Mort�agee, ac� f ;;; ��
<br /> � ,
<br /> .: � ' ,., follawa: �
<br /> ` , le Paym�nt. 'ib pay L�e i�i�ht.prin�aca esnd the interest therec.vn �a� �• . • .
<br /> ' ;�,-•. ' provideci in thia rlaar'LSa�e and tho No�n. � `��
<br /> �' ;s�;i: 2. A1�.�rt�agar as the awna�r nf t,he �roporty, has th� mn�� areei �.•''�'� .
<br /> � autharity ¢� mort�e�ge tho ProperGy� :uacl w��•ranta t}�z� tYVe iien are�ted � '!�;,ti
<br />� herab�► ia a Eir�t and prior I1�.']l O1D t.��� k'rrper�s. ' ,..
<br /> ` � . � � � • rNaa111te�Mw , ar-. � ,
<br /> � �� 9. To �aay wh�� due all ��xes, nl�clfll asse �:�������1 I .�;`;
<br /> . .;;;�, charges sgainet th•� �'roperty and, upcn �aritt�n d�►�lHn�'RR�kl��e� � a d ! ;"'.
<br /> �aR� necured hor .,..., b���n�! :.� �
<br /> • to the Payment requae�<�cl unc�er the �
<br /> be auffioient to eny�blo th� �I�r�.ga�ee ta p�a►y such tax��� `.�9g4y`�31R�Y��.9 or
<br /> � .';����, other chr.►rges ae th�3• becomE due. ' �
<br /> � . a. In the e�•er�t the Property, v.r �y part tliereof, shall be taken by • ;
<br /> � eminent domAin, the Morxgagee ia empawered to collect attci receive u].�
<br /> _..---.-.-.-- -. com�n�.�tlan whioh may tx� psiid for eu�.y propertY taken or for d�tnagsa to
<br /> property not talcen, rxnd Mortgagee ahall agply such compensation, at its
<br /> option, either to a reduction af the indobtadneas secureci� !�ereby or to � .
<br /> repair and reatore th� property so datn��ed. .
<br /> 5. Mnrtgagee maY, but shAll havo no obligation, to do any act which
<br /> the Dlortgap�or htxa a�reed but f�ils to do, and MortQc�gee may also do uny act
<br /> it deem� nec�a�►sry to pr•otect �he l i�n hereof. l4orY.���;or a�rees t,o refiay�
<br /> ! upon dernand, �ny sum..n so expended by thc Hlort�A�;ee Por t:h� ubnve �urpasc�s�
<br /> � and any sum� �o expended by the Mort�u�ee shall bc ndded ta the
<br /> � indebtedness secured hereby and become �ub,iect td the lien hereof.
<br /> �iortgagee stwll not lncur any personul liability becuuse of anythi.n�; it m�y
<br /> _ , do or om�t to do herotuider.
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