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<br /> , n��pNeaUle It►�v tnny rpecil'y ti�r ivhirtnt�uicnU hcfurr s;tlC ut'ihe 1'mperty pursunut �o nny �x��vcr ul�siil�� conti►inrd In ti�iy _ -;_
<br /> � tirruefl�+Intit�ununl;ur ii►1 cnt�y uF a Juil�tit►�nt c�tfur�In�R thi.r• ticcuNiy (urU�untrnl, 'I'ho�r c„ndlUun►�u'�:Iitnt Aurru�vrr: IiU � . : ::'�._
<br /> -.. ,. -4 ���ye l.�i►dr� idl ,unrv wl�h•h Ihrn w�ndd tk du� undcr �hiy ti4curlly lnriruu��nl und �itr Nute nr il' m� mcrlcrntiun hnd ^��`—
<br /> __..._ �,rcutt��{;tb}cureti i�ny�EcfttuU«I';ury u�lsrr cuve�iut�tv ur u�;►tc�ucnl�,�(41 pnyv�dl e�prnsc�;inrun�ed in rnfui�•In�;thiy Sc�:urity •-- - -- .. �
<br /> _ . INylfi�?#4E11t. inrludi�w, hu�a�� linti.��d tu, fty�tN2:14tIt NNf�ftk�Y�'�'4�:i: and tdl t�kcs surb uctivn uy I.s�ixt�•r ro;�} rea►c��nu4:tx =- -_ � —
<br /> — - -_ reyulrc�ta assurr that thc lirn uF Ihis ticrurlty Ins�rumcnl,l.cn�kr��i�;ht`in th�I'mn^rt}�anci H�+trc►wcr�ut►fi�;niiun to pny ihu . - .'-
<br />_ - Sums scrueLd by thi, 5e���iiiy In`m�mcnt str�ll c:e�ulnuc unchas��+.tL I11n�n rcinsimrmcnt hy Hnrra���cr, tUix Scr.urlty �:=^•- - - - --- . --
<br /> Instninicnl iiml tl�c abltgi�Uan.r•�ccund lerrehy xhi�l)��:mnin Pully cffccNvc us if mi nrrrirru�lun hiid�xrurrcd. Ho�v�vcr,�hi:�
<br /> , ri�hl It+rci�stotc shall not apply in ti►c rn����f uccelcrnNun undcr(r,tr�tg�'t�ph l7.
<br /> 19, �nic iip Nate= Chnn�;c uf I.nim ticrvlccr. 'I'hc N��tc��r li pm�tinl intrrcr� in ih�� Nutr Uo�;cthcr �vith �hfs Sc�au•ity �
<br /> . Instr�u�icnU may be sol�1 onc��r a�urc limcs wiihaul prlur noticc tu Nurruwrr. A.r•nic m:�y resull In u rh�u�gc in thu cnti�y
<br /> - (knuwn as thc"Loan S�rvircr"1 Ihut callcr�s manthly paymcnts duc undcr tl►c Nute und�his ticrurity Ins�rumcnt. '1'hure alsn � . .
<br /> m�y hc t�n�or morc rhangcs iiti Ihc Luan Scrvirr�unrclutcd tu u ac►Ic uP Ihc Nutr. IP thrr�:is u chan�;c ul�Ihc Liutn Sen'ivpr,
<br /> - l�itir,�ti�,:, wlll h�:61�•cn u•rittcn nolicc nF thc ch�tn��•in,,,•,•nrdnnrc v+ith parnEtraph 14 ul►avc i►n�l i�ppUcahlc li�w. Thu nnticc �.
<br /> _ _ wiU sl.ite�lie nn�ne and udd�etis nf the new I.�r,m Serviccr iind the uddresx tu which pnymenh tihuuld hc madu. i iie nntice wiil
<br /> ' ulsii c�mni�i uny othcr InfmmuUan rcquired by iippUcublc law. • .
<br /> ' 20. HAL11PlI0U9 tiUb91AtICC9, Horruwcr sh►ill nut ciiusu ur prrn�it tl�c presencc,usc,dispusal,tit��rn�;u.ur rcicusc of any
<br /> . Nt►ti�rduus Substanccs on i�r In thc 1'mpiny. Bnnuwcr shall nut �li�, nor nUow �myanr elsu ta �lu, unythin� a►t'fc�:Un�� �hc
<br /> •• Pmpcny ih:�i is in vinlaliun of uny �nvirrnimcntal l.uw. '1'hc preccding two xcntcnccs shall n��t upply tn�hc prenrncc.usc,or ,..
<br /> sturnsc on ihc 1'roperty uf�nudl quwuUics c►t'Hnrardous Su6sta�uc.iha�nrc hcncr.illy rcr���}riitcd to hc cippropricdu t�r nunncd
<br /> residendal uses und tu n�aintcnnncc uf Ihe Property. , .
<br /> ' Hnrrowcr shull promptly bivc l.cndcr�vriucn nuticc uf:my invcstigatii�n.dnim,dcmuncl.I+�a�sui�ur uthcr uc�i�lu by am• � ,
<br /> gavcmmental i�r regulluary i�gency ur privi�tc parly involving ttte Nrup�rty �ind�iny Hnzar�tuiis Subst.utCe or�:+rriruntt�Cat;�l ; . „
<br /> l.u�v of which Hiirruwcr hus neluiil kn�iwledgc. If Burrower tt•arns, or is nodi�cd by any �;uvernmcntul ur rc�t�dcurr� � ;
<br /> '� :iupiarity,thnt imy rcmoval or��thcr romediutian nf imy Hirr.i�rduus Suhsumcc ufl'ccting!hc Ptoprrry is nccc�ctry,Borro���cr
<br /> ' shnll pramptly�akc.�U rtccc�siiry rcmediul acUonti in�a�nrdi�ncc with Envir�mmcnt:d l.nw. , ^`�,"
<br /> As used in Ihlti pc�ragraph 20."Hn•r.cirdouti Subxtanres"cire thusu substitnceti defined:i•r'taxic or h��znrdauti>ubrtanccs t�y � ,
<br /> Envfronmentul Lnw nnd thc folic�win� tiubstimccti: ��s��line. kcrusene, rnhcr ilammablc ��r u�xic pc�rnlcum {�roduct�, tuxic
<br /> pcsdcidcs imd hcrbicldcs, vulutilv �.oiven�s, miucri�t�.+��amlaining .►shestos ��r fotmaldchydc, und rudivacUvu m;itcri:+l.. As � . ;
<br /> used in ihis pu.igri�ph�0,°iinvironment:�l l.aw"mc:ms fcder:d laws und luwr of'the juTisdirtinn whcro ihc f1'opi:rty i.luc.ited �
<br /> ihut rcittic ta hcidih,�uCciy or cnvironmentnl protrctiun. (. " ;
<br /> NON-UNIfORM C'UVENANTS. IinRi�we�arid Lender fu�ther cavenam and a�rce a.r•f��lln�vs: . -
<br /> . , _ 31. :�ecelerutlun; Remecttrs. I.e�der shuil �ive notice to tlorru�ver prlor to ueceleruUon Poltread�rl� [iorru���ec's , :
<br /> ,:.t_,� � hrench aff nny covennnt ur ugreerMecaa an this�ecu�ily Inrtr��neent(hut nu1 prtnr to i►ccelerati�m undc�nar�j�raph l7
<br /> �,' ��` unlcrs i�p�n7o��ble li�w pravicics ulP�er��fi.�e). Thc noUce sbull s�►�3F�: (i�l the dcfuult;(bl lhc iicUun requ�acd to cure I�iY ;` ; '
<br /> Y�}`��� del'uuUi(c)a dnte.not le..�v tAan�n c3nv�frou�the date the nu�aa`r fis given tn Hurru��•er.by whl�h thu de�'ault must br , �
<br /> - -- CUlCdi�nt)(d)thtlt(t1Vlt1A�C IO Cp1'C Ihe deiuu�i un�ir i1?��iPc i�i2 vFi�?�����!a!!se n!3!!ce:nny rt•��!9a 3ro�celec,�tlnn ui' _ - -- .---'_ .. .�
<br /> the sums secured u��tQ�ac���urNy anslrument i�nd sule of Ihc a'ra��rsa�. '!'�h�nc�tice shtill f�riher ImE¢+c�n Horrower uP �,, `
<br /> ihe ri�hl tu r��n�tate u�ter��ccelerutl�►n und the�i�;ht ta bring����imr3�jctiun to ussert Itie numexister�ce��P i�defuuU��r ;a,,,: , ,
<br /> ____ ___-_____ unv other a1�S�.nse uP Horrower tn n��eiert�dun un�9 sale. IP 1hn�9m!'AUIt iv not curcd un ur bePo�'e tho dute specti7ed in � `�
<br /> the n�tice,Lendcr u!Its apttan mt�y requirc Immedtute pav�ne�r,oao iuii ainii sums necu�ed i�v ii�i,�ctts:=:�:z;:ru:::;.:s! �—•-•-• . -•- -
<br /> � � �:.
<br /> �rfihout furiher demit�d ��nd mi►y Im�oke ihe po�r�cr uP+al� :uid nm uthcr remcdics pc�mitted hy lipplicuble la���. �
<br /> I.ender shall he entUled to rallccl AU expenscy imea�red in pursui�i� thc remcdles provided in thiy paru�;ra�ph Zl. • �
<br /> I��cludln�;.but not Umited la,rensonuble uUorneys'�crs nnd cusis uP lide evidence. i
<br /> 1P th�g���ve�•of�ule is invoked�'irutitee shiill recc►rd u n��t�ce uf dePuult In ench cuunty iu whEeh un�� p:�rt uf the ;
<br /> PropFrly oc�v�c�ted imd shuU a�td)copic.r•oP such nodcc In Ihc ro�anoc�prescrihcd by t�ppli�nte0c li�w to Ri�rri���rr i�nd ti� �
<br /> ihe other person�:p�etic�ibed by i�ppUcuAle lua•. After the litane rcyuired hy a�ppUr.�61e I+e��.'1'rutitce shaEi gi�e rub9�ic j
<br /> ' nndc�e uf�Ic to the 4�ervony nnd in 1hc munncr presc�ibed by:ippUci�hle lu��•. Il�ustcr.�dt�huut demand un Uorr�e�►•cr, t
<br /> chnll sell the 1'ruper�c ni puhUc i+uctlon tu Ihc hi�hesl hidder at the Nme�nc!pli�cr uod under IhE Ic�•ms clesi�nnted 1� �
<br /> the noticc��f sulc io onr�or m�ire pnrrrls und in uny order'11•ust��deterii3ines. 'IYuster mi�y pustposce�.ile��f ull c��nu.•
<br /> �.. purcel af the Prapert����puhUc unnouncement u111�e time:�t�d place oi'un��previuu�ly scheduled y�+le. E.eader or its
<br /> ar,l{;:x�nal���urrt�ntr:!�:Prnperty set ie�y sulc. � . ,
<br /> l�pan rcceipt �f pasmeat uf'the pricc hid,"IYusicc sha10 dcli��er to ihc punht4ticr 'Iru+tee's dced ei�nvcying Ihc f
<br /> P�upera;�. 'fhe recita9c in Ihe'IFusiee's deed shi�ll he primu Pi�cie c�•idence uF the truth��P tt�r rti►ter�ents mude Iherein. I
<br /> "EFuslee,r•�hnU�ppl�•tt�r pn�ceeds oPlhe�ale in ihe P�►Uo�sin�;urder: IsU tu ull co�tti und e�pet��ey oienereising Ihe puwer
<br /> ' .:,:�.;. .
<br /> `,�,: I
<br /> Form!11t;� yV0 ��tiitrc,�fni.r,�� i
<br /> _ _...__ � i
<br /> �
<br /> I
<br /> 1
<br /> i
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