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. \A ' ;. \ ���� � ��` - _ <br /> . ', . - � 1. . °- <br /> _. , <br /> .. . . _ _... . .... _. � � � -� ._ .. <br /> . . . . . .. .__ '. ' ...._._ ,JL_..._ <br /> . . . . . _1,c_ <br /> .-._._..,....�_.�. � •, _ <br /> 1 t7onovr�r acQ��hc3 Sca ttit�tn ti►a F;operty,tha taenohc+l�t and tho tca tltla eh�tll not me�pfl uNasa Londer•spreoa to the ma�gar In►wlttnp, I <br /> 7. F'rotootian a1 l.eadur'a RlphSs ir� tl�e �ro��F�y. it t3uu�awur taus to pertami tha c�+venanta �nd epreanente 1 ,. <br /> conEa!ne�Ai thla�ecudty Inetruniz�nt,or tli�ro Is a lopel p�occcd'nd that m�y e1pnlRcan;y aNcot 4onder'o riptite In tha 1'�o�M�y(ouch ae � <br /> a�roaead!np tn bunkniptuy,prol�ato,for c�ndomna4lon or fartdturo�t lo entarco I�tivo or re�u6�tione),thon lender may cio +�nd pey tor <br /> �vh�tav�le nr�aaeeary to ptntaat iha va4uo ot tlte Rroperty nnd(.endcr'a dtih4�in 1ho Propesry, l.en�ler'o ectlona msy Inetudo paytnp c+ny ; , <br /> ; eume eecured l�p p Ilpn wh!ah hna pdoiry ova ih►s 9ecwiy Inatn�ment, appaadnp In courl, paylnfl maennabl9 eltamayb tr�� and � . <br /> .. ; ente�i�p on Ihe F�ro�:�ty Ia mat;o r€�sha, fltttAauph l�r1c�►�y take actlat und�r tht�RamgraPh 7. Lm►dc�dc+�s nat h�va to do ea, i.._. _ _. � .- <br /> N�y amounta dieburar.d py l.��idz� �i��.��;i�sf;. �t.�uiaFtl?at,e�fraron�9 �dd�llanal daht nt �ionower ac+curad Ly tt�ta MM�urtc� ; <br /> � In;.tnur.�►t. tta�:ss Be�r4w�r end l.�n�����to uther lerms nt paymont, thesa an�ounto ahall hosr lntoresl hom th� datu of <br /> !s .. <br /> dlsbureHnent at tha Natt+mto encE eltell bo payahlo,wlih Intcra�t, upan notice irom Landor to Eiorrawer raquesttn�pnymont. <br /> 9. RRpPtgGgO (118t1ft�titto. I! l,end:r e�xluGwd mort��0��naursnca no e aondtilon a1 makinp tho Inan aacurad �y thle 8acudry • _ <br /> In�tn�r�senl,k]oiTOwct eh�B �oy tho prr•�Num�n�qutred ta mslnts�4n tho mortpa9a Inaumnco In ettect. 11, tor nny rosaon, tha martpxpo <br /> � hieunu►ce aovarapo rey�trcxi I�y I.vndtr l�peo3 or ceaoaa ta to In oiteot, �onowa vhall pt►y tho promlumo �aqulrod to abt�ln covompo _ <br /> � aubst�nt'ely equNalent Sa tho mori(4�pa Insurflncu provlauary In ailcct,al a cost guUotandalry oqulvnlcml to tho coot ta Borrowar of tho <br /> � �' m�rtp�Q4 lneurance prrntouety In cAt4ct,ham nn altomata moA(yapo Invurar opprovod by l.ende�. 11 au�atsnttaly equlv�tont martpa4o <br /> : �� Invuruioo aovam8o lo not nvaflnbl�v, A�rtnWM 9h9�1 (TPy t�(E.vl[1E/Oar.h month a oum oqual ta onatwctlth o1 tho ycnrly mortQapo <br /> + C� Inourtnc�premium boinp pnid py i�orrowar when the Insurnnoo aovompo Inpuad ur c;,�sal ta ba In otioat. LonAa wlu accup�, �o��n� , <br /> r� rotdn thc�o�saymente ae a toso raservo In Iicu a1 mon�yspo msumnca. I.oao �osavo paymente may no lonpar be roquirod,at tho option ; <br /> � 01 l.ender,II mort�y�po Inaurance covera4o(In tho nmount and tor tho po�iod that Lenda requlros)�ravldod by nn Ineurer npproved by <br /> � 4eneter ag�!n becom:s avafla6lo nnd i& obtulned. HoRawer ehail pay iho pramluma roqutrod to mNntaln mortpaQo inaursnco In �ftacl, or , <br /> e to provide e loss rasrn�, untll tho raquiromtv�t tor mort4�pa Insumnc�ende In accor@aico wllh any wrlttan npraamont baUveun Bnm�var <br /> � and lander ai aspltcabla Eaw. <br /> � fl. Inapaotlun. I_endor or Its aflrnt msy mske ro:�sonablo antdes upon nnd Inspoctlono ai tho Propctry. Londer ehu11 11�0 <br /> Bortawat nottco el tho tims o1 or qdor ta an Ins�+eatlon flpa�i�in0 roanorr.aldo cciuso tor tho ins�poctlon, � <br /> 1A. C�11d8mdAtton. Tha pracoaci9 a1 any a��n�d ar ci.�irn tar ��arn�►pos, diroct ar con�eyuentlN, In conr.e��cn w'th s�nY • •;:. <br /> � condCmn�tipn or other t�tking o1 nny p�.r�09 tho F�rapeRb,or tor Cone�y�'nae tn licu ct:;undemnaUvr..�ae hereby essigno►i ttn:l s'hAll bp � '., � �;`, _ <br /> p�ld to l.onder. . \;,:' :•,.•':is <br /> In ihe wenl 01 a totsl taki�c�01 1ho�operiy, ii�9 pTOCb`L'ti.9 aha�l bo t�pDl�ed ta thc+ t�ume aocurad Qy t'�is S�curity In9lrument, ���� �.',":.,' <br /> ; , i;•,..' <br /> whElher or no1 then duv, wRh eny R�caosp paid to Borr��vAr. In tha aveM of a part�.�1 tnkinp a9 11ia F�rop�Ky in �vhich tho fair market , ,.,�. <br /> value o1 tho Froperty Immedlatery bcfort�Ihp tskinp in�ual to or greater than iho c�mouni of the sums sc�.urod by thls 8eourity i , <br /> Instniment Immediatey bafora tho takinp,uNosa Borta�vor and lendor othenviso��roo In wdtin(�, tha aums �t�cur�d by ihls 9ocudty <br /> Inslrum°nt afiali da roducad Gy thE+amount a1 tho praccods multipllod by tha tollwvtnp fmcilon: (a)tho total amount tho of oumo aora�rod �•� <br /> Imm„°dint�ty batarE+tho tnwnp, dNtded by(b)tho falr ms�kot valuo 01 iho Proporty ImmFCllatey botora tho taking. My bal�nco ahall ba putd <br /> to Oom+wer. In thv avc�1 oi a Partial taklnp ot tha P�aperty in whlch tho lulr rt�►kot vaiuo 01 tho Property Immodia2ely betora tho takinp 1 <br /> I�losa than thv amounl ot tho aum9 aocurad immedlatdy hofara tha tc�klnd, unlosa k3ortowar and Londot otharwisa uprao in wriUn4 or <br /> unlnso applicrsbl�law othenvioo provldos,tha procoods ahall bo c�pplied to tho sums nacured by Ihis Sacurlry Inetrumr.nt whothor or not <br /> tho sum.9 arp then duu. ' <br /> � ii ina F�v�iy�;i a�:nci�ns3 !rf 8arza^�•ar !!. e!i!a no?!�ey��dar to Borrowor itiat tha uondemnor otbro to mako an award or <br /> sottin a ctslm tor damaflns, Borrowor Inlis to rospand to Landcr wlihln 90 dnya nRor tho dato tho notlae le pNen, Londor Is sutho►I�ad to <br /> colloct ond appty tha procoede, a1 Ita�optlon, etther to ro�toratlon ar ropalr o1 tho Ptopa�ty ar to ihu auma oocured by thla 9ecudry <br /> IneUumenL whather or not thon duo. <br /> UIIIL��O LRlld@►�IItI E;�RQYVM 01hl1WISe t��QS 111 Wfilnlg, any appriwiiion oi pracaadn iv j�'m�vip:� oifwn R^vi «."��'^••L�.^.!r^.^!�^.Qn� !ha _ _ <br /> due date at the monthry p�ymenta rofeRed to In per�prapha 1 and C or chan4a tho nmaunt o1 euoh paymsnte. <br /> 11. Bo►row�r Not Relo�sed: �arber�r�nce By I.ondar Not e Wsiver. Exlenalon ot tho umo tor paymont or <br /> modlllcntion a1 emorttzntion o1 tho auma occurod hy thts Sacudty Instn�ment flrantod by 4endm to eny succosaar In Intorosl 01 BoROwor <br /> ohall not opat�to to roleas�tho Uablltry a1 lhp arlg!nal Bonower or Honawor's nuccosaflro In Intorost. Londar ahall not bo raqulrad ta <br /> � commonco procvodings aflalnut any succc+ssor In Intorast or rotuso ta oxtend timo tar poymonl ar othenviea modlly amortizatlon af tho <br /> auma aecurtxl Dy ihla 8acurity Inst�um�nt 6y«wson ai Any demand rt�do by tho orlflinal Qorrower or Borrowor'o succoouora In intorast. <br /> Any forbsaranco by Lendor in oxerclflinfl any riDht or ramedy ahall nat do a wnNer o1 or proctudo tho axerciaa o1 ony rlght or remody. <br /> 12. 8uaaessora and Naelgno Bound� Jolnt and Sevorel Llabllity; Co-slgnere. Tho covenantfl and agraemeiito <br /> I a1 thlo Sacudty Inatrume�tt ohall bind and benvTit lha oucceasors end�ealgns o1 Londer and Bortowor, aubJect to tha provislons o1 <br /> prtreproph 17. Borrowar'o oovanunts and aflroemento shall bo Joln1 nnd savo►al.Any Hortower who co-slgns thls 8ocurity Inatrumont but <br /> doea�ot exacute tho Noto: (a)�a co•slgrnlnp this 5eou�i�y Inst�ur�tiant ony to morigapn, flrnnt,end convey thut BoROwer's interest In tho <br /> • Propetty under tha tenna ai thls 9ecurlty Instnrmont; (b)Is not personulty obllgalod to pay tho sums oecurod by thls 8ecudry <br /> � Inaln�menL' and (o)aflraos thnt l.ondor and eny olher Bortowor may agrea ta oxtend, modity,torbear or muko any accammodatlone �vith <br /> �ognrd to torms oi this Securtry Instrumant or ihe Not�wrihoui that E3orrower's conaent. <br /> 13. I.oan Cha►goa. 11 the loan sa��urad by this Secu�ity InstntmGnt la subJecl to a law whlCh aot9 maxlmam loan char{�o8,and <br /> thmt law Is flnAlly Interproted au Ihat iho lnterest ar other loan charpas collootad or lo bo calloatad In connoctlon with tha loan oxcoed <br /> the prrmltted Ilmite,then; (a) any such Ioan charfles shall ba raduced by tho amount nocossary to roduce the oha��4o to tho perml8ed <br /> Iimfl; and(b)any eums alr�dy colleated fram 9onower�vhlch oxcoudad portnittad Ilmite will bo rotunded to BoROtiver. Lendor rn�y <br /> choose to makv ihlo rofund by rodueinp ihv principal awed under tho Na10 or by making n diroct pnyment to Dorrower. 11 a rotund <br /> r�siuws ptlndpAl,thv roduatlon wlp bo tronted as n partial propt+ymont wlihaut any prapuymenl ohur4a undcr iho fVute. <br /> 1A. R7M1080. Any nollce to Borra►vcr provlded tor In thlo Secu�ity Instn�mont ehnll bo pNen hy dellverinfl It or by muitlnfl i1 by <br /> flrst class mall unlpss appllcabl9 low roqulrfls usv o1 nnother method• The notico shali bo diroctod to ihn PropoAy Addross or any other � <br /> addrese Borrower doslgnatoo by notico to Lender. My n�tico to Londor ahall bo glven by tirst class mall to Lender's addrasa sYatad <br /> horetn or any other addraso Londer doalflnatos by notice to Borrowor. Any notico provldad for In thls 9ecudty Instrumont shail bo <br /> deemed to havo boen fllvon to 9arrowar or Lender whon gNon as p►ovidod in ihis paraflraph. <br /> � '15. QOY�iiilR� L8t'�'. �9V°�!ls�Ill�. Thie 9ecurity instrumenl shall bo�ovomod by tedaral law and tho!aw ot tha Jurladictlan <br /> in whlah the PropeAy Is IocAtod. In tho ovont ihat sny provlslon or clauso ot this 9ecudty Inatrument or Iha Note conflicte wtth <br /> appUcablo law, auoh con111o1 ehall not nifact other pravislons ot thls 9ocurity Inatrumanl or iha Noto whlah can bo qlvon etfact without <br /> the wntllctlnQ pfoVlslan. To thls ond ihe provlslons o1 lhis 9ecurity Inslrumonl und Iha Noto�are dociarod to du sevurable. <br /> 18. Borrower'a Copy. Borrower ahall bn glven ono contortned copy a1 tho Noto nnd u1 thls 9ecurtty Inatrumont. <br /> 97.Trunalar of the Property or a �enafiolal Intoreat In Borrower. II nll or nny part ot ine Proporty ar any <br /> interost In it Is sald or trnnstorred (or il a benolicial Intorost In Bortowor Is sold or trnnsfottod and Bortowor is not a nAlurul poroon) <br /> with�ul Lender's prlor wrfiten consent, Lender may,at its optlon, requtra Immodlato pnyment In full oi all sums secured by thl� 9aCUrily <br /> Inslnimflnl. HO�vover, thla optlon ohall not be oxorclsad by Lendcr H oxerciso Is prohlbitod hy foderul law ns a1 the dato 01 ihl�Socuriry <br /> Instnimon1. <br /> ' U LendEr o:ccrcl�es this option, Lender shall give Boreowei notico oi Acceler�tion. Tho notica shpll provido a poriad o1 not less ihE�n <br /> 30 day�hom ihfl dala t4�E noUce Is dol'rverecl or mailed within wiilch iho Borrower mu�t pay nll sums secured by this Security Insirurno�t. <br /> !t 6�nowar tails to pay thoso ounis prior ta iha oxpiratlon oi zh�s poriod, Lender mny Invoks any remedlos portnRted Uy ihis Secu�ity <br /> Insirurn�nt without turther notic� ar daminsl an Bortower. <br /> 1fl. eorrower'o Rlght to Relnstate. �i eonower meots conaln condltlone, Bonower shall tiovo the dflht to hflvo <br /> Pnq�3 0l 5 Furm:�028 9/90 <br /> F1029.LM(4/D1) <br /> ; • <br /> � • <br />