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. �>:.,..._�n...,....... . _. .. _ <br /> � <br /> � r� ► ir�.�a:�v�;�,w� GqJ Q�`A�y�pq � <br /> x� 3_s:� r.' .. ��'� 1U�UU�f 93° .�'�i'4P.f1�a71M - _ __-.- <br /> � <br /> ,r�,,,r �1° p 1p _ .. <br /> � w r & <br /> �°I,.z��� , •.�Y, RsFewrdOd PbttpOpa ^ �0 V 0 V� . � -.- <br /> C �.1 : � <br /> i i N0. ?YY . . tA6Ttl{ Y ! D • O{ i T �..___��e� <br /> �� `" �� .��� l/i� . � ti s i:.:.._.. <br /> � <br /> -`��` ' ` INSTRyCT10N8RORPREPARATIONOF " :1 ��...__ <br />',s�� MORTOAOE,DSHD OF TRUBT.OR 86CURITY DH6D <br /> � � ;�Jy -i. <br /> +YL�{�Fi' IU�COtNtla�fqo1W110YW�Af101QN) I r5{41r� � �, <br /> 7+xr+�, 7k eurtmt FHA eorporw mong�6e,deed of tnut.or ncudcy deed form�qplleable to Ih�Jutudlcdon In wNth tht a� : '�' �4��: � <br /> t,.n�4 §., -: <br /> ,�� - �, monsage p�emLu u�louud will b�uied In prep�ring eh�S�etlon�01 mortpge de�d o!tru��or ieeud�y dnd, yi'�,I�`F��� �b' : <br /> '�,. �.R`�i�� �:#1"•s;j`�1.,`":�:`j�{F:tit.' <br />,._i_•,:f:iF.i.� <br />-:'-��:; � Aptopdztemodlfletdomwlllb�netdedto�AowthtttA�BeuetsryolHowln;andUrbanDtrdopmentbm�kingnthu t��;-,��,},t-,;�,..�,__._ <br /> y�F,�;�j 5 thm Iniurin the lom md�o ddew JI refe�mea to mortgib�Luumn. A umpb lorm��hown belox md on th�folloning psaa ?�'h}=f ��'y* 3h =. <br /> `;+�}��', �Aoring�he{�ehmaei md o�hen(nou�:peclaUr pu+gwphs 10,19�nd 90)p�rdnmt ro[he�pe�W katu�¢�o!thr 9eedon 203 i� ���`' 4'`� �� -�-:,= <br /> i <br /> � it�� ProBam. 7k�}t;;F,'.:�5, �" -�.-�. <br /> i +4 � r: z�.. <br /> �',��.����' BAMPLE FORM FOLLOWS I t,��`�f��"` <br /> �r,o ��/� �f��r��'.__ <br /> -i i{�`�+' Thle I7ottqege is emended to tBStete the emoxtltetion. �'4y.� �+ J�;,,,�_: <br /> ���w�t"t MORTOAG6 },� — <br /> n j,r, : �r x"'"_:, <br /> THISINDEA'TDRl,madt�hb 2f? deyoJ ncenher _ �19yy�6�tw+m ___ _ <br /> `t^ iij Cruat Plaine Placte Vw�lwv Ap c � T __ F r..�i�� <br /> ri��1 5 - ` .. <br /> ` �pf i <br /> �'}} �, <br /> r�� <br /> y� y��z ' a1can4edand�:4NngundathrHwoJAfn�n .,auah.aAtie �aeo�poroNonondfhe ,,_ i�`"� <br /> -� �,�� Iini��dSm(eioJAmufrnae(lnabyondlhrouEAtheSeutkryoJ ourtndmdUrbanD�oslopmmt,Alon�e, "'� � <br /> q �� x� ::.. <br /> 3 ���t. Febt�ary 7� 1997 � {� _. <br /> f t\ �� ; ,. <br /> a-�?� 3;X� 697NF.SSETIIi 71wiu�hareorthedforgagor4�wtlytn 6�tdtoth�Alortgo6nfnfh�prinelpol�umofOne u��+�..� 91ve r '- - <br />-��-,;�i;!�€,??<< Hundred Forty Nine Thousand/Six Nundred. Dalbn(d ].549_600 Lr�fdenad6ylpnol�oJ ���'r�'- - <br /> � � Tti�i euan datr haemlth,bwrin6 tnuruy/rom date op oure�andfng bolann a �ranrom( n �in A61 pr �w��� <br /> �i�+ "t� mndmtdjity��--'�'49&/andthveeJterot�g�r ntumf %lperannom,ia(dpdnelpal �'` ---w ---------- <br />,�r+�i��i�j�� �ndlmenitbemapoyabtriniruwifmmuarpo�idtoin�a�anoti th�lr,atwitjoJ� - �Atehnak@ __. . <br /> �/ !&nt(fiedarbefnEueuredhere6ybyaeerNJtmmthown. Safd notaondolloffburm�Pnlneo�pomte htnl� ra/ertnea "�' « <br /> +i�S������ end/h"u eonvryaneeihollaeeurtanyandeltafenrtani(hsnof,Aouwereotdanced 7eruery 31, 2037 � �4�t yA .� <br /> .G7�Uu�� fi3rr`�: � ^_. <br /> . .e�'���Y;. ROR;THEItEFORE,thew7d6)on�oi.JortheMtterueudndoJNepoymmtoJlAemtdprNelpnlm olmonryond �.,n�:,�y.�,,,,�a�.- <br /> f�_�A��h j�� interaitand Ihe pnformnne�oJlhe eovenanuandapuemnb hudn contalned,da�6y thue prumqCONYEY AIORTCAC$ .��F`�,t;�-, a�Y�+ •Y_.= <br /> .:-`{`,.���) and 0'ARRANTun�otheAlort6aEee,meeiitonorwifpu,thtfollour6�-0uaibadrcaletWtrtftuafqly(na�andbt(ngtntA� r7.t�.' , <br /> 3ee Bxhlblt "A" ntteche<U�ere o M'��+;'i:�}Sr''tu���r - <br /> . -�k.t.3� �l:J4'ei )t�3�(-Et�c.� <br /> ., x ,In tAe Counry oJ �and the Sbl�oJ i}tit:`�;,��.'nt Y�t.-.- <br /> - ro vfl: �P t�;5.s.v;rt�:,fiF:,3,:?'x?: <br /> � t?��r�_.�� �{ ; `1ty�_ <br /> ��,� 7Y/CE771ERmftholfanddnaubr7hetmemenq�hr�edikmtnYandappwi�nmee�lhenwttobtlongfn�andMerenp, � > ? $r ` (�r;_ <br /> Wuw,andprofidrhereoJ;andollappnmtwandfialwuoJrveryklndln,o�lAatme)bep�aeed1M�76uftdfndnoeorlu�e• �ti ' rtqsg -. <br /> aJte��kndtnaon�aldland,onda4oa11�heeimu,rifhhNdt,andtnieiulofN�uldMa�f6oaortnand0otaidp,tm6u;lneludina t\ .�:�i��a:r�Jtb^^ <br /> �.� 6u!nol lindled lo oll ga and ela(rie fisiuret:a[!radiolan.heaten.Jwnact�.heoNnd�qulpmenl,iltomondhoFwatu botlui. . ..?,. , hr ��bri:� <br /> Uoue�nnd�an6u;atlelcmlonondmotou:allMthlubi.flnkt�unitrcloreU�6alm,ppe�,fauesp,andolherplum6lndfulvai , -+,. ' � � �J <br /> aflmanlaGandm6ined:ollre/riEeratingplunfiandrefri�emtorr,nhetAermechanlmlorolhrro6e;olleookin�appom[w:oll �+�_ ) ' <br /> fumflurpihade�,amnfndt,6lindi,andolAerfumLhingr,allo/�ohieh�ppamlm,fisdutt.andrqulpmm4iohtlheraJJiredPofhe � - {f� i� ' <br /> `'.i'� -�. rtullyornot,iMlibecomidnedrtalufateforthrpuipauhueof.andtndud7nga11furnGhinainoaorhntafu�altaeAed�o - :. <br /> � orwrdfnondaboutlhe6utldinSor6uilding�noeerenedorhamJurto6euectrdonehebndrAaefndaedbedehfeAon - <br /> . neearary to 1he comple�e and comJork6le wr and occupaney o/�ueh butldin6 or 6�ifdin�for�he pwpau Jor nhich�hty ; � . <br /> -~r� , �� uere aon fo 6t aated,ond oR renetoo4 w repbetmenp Iharof or o'Nda in�ubitlludon Ihaefor;logslher iol�h o116w1din6 - <br /> ma�erbh and equtpmen!now or hawfla ddirered to uid premGa and inlended lo k inawlled Ihenfn; _ <br /> � - � 7Y11JAYEANO T0llOLD Iht o6oue•ds�crided premuu,uirh the appwluunm and fi:mro,unto�he�aidAlm16o6ee, <br /> - �'j metu�on ond mda+u�Jarcveq Ja lhe pwpmu and wu heidn ttt forM. �� <br /> �i ANDSAIDh10RTCACOReow�unbondodreu: . <br /> � , '- L ilatflntllpor/heA/w16oErNoleatlhetlmtiandfnthemannerproutdedfhatin; <br /> , p, %ha1 il mi1!nol pe�mit ormJJsr�he we of.nny oJ Ihe propntr jorany purpae otfisr�Gon Ihe wr Jm w5ich the <br /> ame um intmdeAai th�Nme tAu Flort�oge iom e:ecuud; __ <br /> 3. ihat the Rt6ulaiay A6rrtmrnh�:etu/ed by Ihe Afor��or and�he Stuawry a/Iloviin6and Ur6on D�velopmin�, � <br /> ..�.:,.6b6.imnmrdedaimulmneo�ilrhaeu�i�h.utnroryowledinandmadeaparloffhUAlor(6oge. Upondefaultundnthe _ <br /> �� Regubrory Agtemenf,Ihe AfonFogee,al hulkcr optiom,may dmlart tht urhole indeblednai�eewed l0 6t due andpara6te; <br /> I, Tha�ell renu,profiu and ineome Jrom the proprrry co�Krcd 6y�hu Afor�e ae here6y a�igned io�he AlatFagee <br /> . . . for Mepurpou of d'uehm6inE the de6t hoe6��recured /4rmu�ion u Aert6yEiren lo Alo�lgo6or io lonE a no defaul!erul� <br /> Antund�g to tollee(mch nnp,pro(tr and income for we in occo�dance Wilh�he poriaione oJ tht R�6ulntarr Apeemmp <br /> S. 7M1 upon defauh hertund<�.7forlEa�[te�h�fl be m(�tled lo IAt appoinlment oJa remrer 6r nnr touq haana <br /> - -i� �', juri�dic6on,ud�houl nnhca�o wkr pononnn andp�meU the yroperty d�icn6rd'nnein and opemle ame and rollat the <br /> :°�_-� rmu,poJ�u and incomr Iharfrom; <br /> .::y' � i 1;�.� . <br /> . ' tW1ot�0uu <br /> , � <br /> � _ _ <br />