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<br /> - 3 'i"tiiS 1-�l Fr1i�711�f:tR[1P.t�m,^-:lctRia 7th d�y r� June� 1J91 , � �r ----_-a._.r �" _
<br /> _ �" ! w�d I�incor��rutcti huo aid 3tu111 hr�cet�tcd t�tu�►rnd mui supplcmcnt tttu Mc�rlgiigo. Lkcd of'ih�st��t ticcurlty 0.•c.d(tt�a �.� , . . _ _- ' ._
<br /> "3ccurliy Instn�meni'y ot'thc hnmc dntu givcn hy Ihc unacrsl�ncd(�hc"UnrrmvrT')ta�ccarc Horrawecy Nato to T h E► - „
<br /> „ Equi.t�blo Build:�n� �nd Ldor� Aseoci�tian, Orand Talnnd, Nabre�ka��hE: "I,anciG�'7 � . � ' �
<br /> ��f thu snma dntu nndc�vcrir�Q th�:l��}xity Jcscrllxd in thc Sccurity Instrumcnl and lor.t+tr.cl ut; „ °
<br /> 107.A Sauth Plum, G:•end Ieland, NobraakA 688Q1 - ',
<br /> �e�m��ny n�ta�Y,y� � : _
<br /> 1•�3 I�A1d1RN COVCNANTS, In ndeiilh�n to thc covcnams iu�d u�recmants m+�d�in thc Securlty Instrum�ml, [lc�tmwcr � ,
<br /> and L.cndcr furthcr covam►ni,a��d i��;n:c ns foll�ws:
<br /> � A. ADAITi(�NAI, l'I1IDI+liRTV SUNJCCTi '1'O 'fHIF: S�CU[817'N 1N9'PIiUM�N7: In nddidnn tn iho 1'rnperty �,��.
<br /> dcscrlQcA in thc Security Inst�umcnt,tho fnll�wing items arr�xlded to Ihc �'rapcny dcscription,und shadl nlhc�amsti�uw d�c �':' .'�'�•'t;� �
<br /> +, :,:t:- ,
<br /> , Pir�poriy cavcrcd by thc S.�urily Inst�umem: huilding mutcrials, ttppliun�cs tuid guods ol'cvcry nt�turu whatt,ocvcr na�v o� � ���::.�!;;,.
<br /> ' horeafte�laci►tcd in,on,ar uwcd,or intended to he u�ed in cannccUun wlth Ihe Pruperty,includlnu,but nal IimitGd to,thu�e f _
<br /> For thu purp�5cs of suppl��in„� nr distrihutln�n c�adng. c�mUng, clectriclty, gns, �vntcr, air iind lil;ht, firc provemiut� and � • .
<br /> . extlnpulshing i►pparatuv, security nnd acc:ess control uppt►rutus, plumbing, b;iUi tuhs, wi►tcr heatars, «•:uoe rlot,cts, oinks, � � . �
<br /> ran�os,st�ves, rcfrlgcrutoss,dISIlWtiti�lCf9, dlspoyidti.wnyhers,dryen,i�wnings. ti�ltf111 W�IIQOWS,sturm d�ntty,sctcc:ns,blinds, �
<br /> shudes,cunains and curtain mds,itttuched mlrr��rs,ciibi�cts,panclling und attuchcd ilrn�r covcrin�s nativ on c�rcnftcr alt��chcd �
<br /> tci thu I1�►pcny,a►li of whi�rh,including rcpinrcmcnts nnd uddiUans thercta,shall bv dcemed ta hc and remuin n pnn of tho � '^
<br /> . Pirpr.rty rnvcred by thc Sccurily Instnimcnt. AU of thc farcgaing tagcthcr with ih�� Nruperty dcsc�lhcd in thu S�:curlty i �:
<br /> Instrument(or thc Icasthc�ld r.stutc if thc 5aurity Insaumcnt is�m n Icas:•hotdl nra rofumd ta in thix 1-4 Fiin�lly Ridcr and , . ,
<br /> �hc Sccurlry Instruencns ies th:"I'ro�crty," ,. � ��`
<br /> •.:;;:�, �•, �.US�OI'P�i(FPIiiZ"E'!':C'4��1PI.lANCF.Wl�re+n.A1ti: Z3orro�vci'tiI1NII Ill)1`CCh,ugrcc ta ar mnkc u chtmgc in thc �,
<br /> �`;`' �' usc of thc Pm��cnt��or its ma���c rlas+ifica�lon,unless Lundor hi►s iigrccd in wridn�;tu Qio cl�nnbu. BoROwcr x1�ti11 romply h
<br /> __-; - --
<br /> L_-----
<br /> � � with,dl la��•s,u��l:nAnces,rc�uti;io�n tmd reqwrement9 c�f uny Favcrnmantnl bcuiy appiicnbia to thv i'mpeny. � - :
<br /> : . �'.SUNORDINATI's I,ITaRS. Except uti permittud by federal law, Borruwer sh��U nc�t idlow uny Ucn intiurior to tho `�
<br /> —__.._.._..
<br /> Secur�w lnctrument to 6c ocrf�r:ed aeuinst�hc Proncrtv wi�h�,ut Lendcrk prlar writtun permisslon. �. , _
<br /> -- � . - - • • ._ ._ .......�
<br /> D.RF.NT 1.OS5 INSURANCF.. Barrowcr�hitll muintuin insurancu u�;ainst rcnt luss in udditinn to thu��thur huturds for j
<br /> whtch insuranco is ra�uired by Utdform Cc�vcn�mt S. ; ' �
<br /> Ls."BORRObVGES'ti R�(o11T'1'O!lEINSTATI:' i3'r:[.S:Tt:I), Uniform Cuvcnnot 18 is dalutcd. �
<br /> F�. HOl�ROWI?Et•9 l)CCUPAN('Y. Unlesti l.cndor ancl Sormwcr c�th4rwisc ugree in writin�, thu Gryt scnt�ncc in ;
<br /> Uniform Covenant(�concemin�;flurrc�werk accupuncy nf the Propurty is dalated. All remc�ining cmenunta und ugn:emuntti ;
<br /> .r•ot fo�th in Unifo��iCavca�unt 6+h�ll rom�dn in cffcct. �
<br /> ti,AfiSIGf1M1�1�1�7'Ol�1LFASIsS, Upan l.cndcr�rcc�uest, Hon'c+wcr shttU as�ign tc� l.endor np lei��e� of thu Propeny � . _:
<br /> :,,,+;.:•' and i�ll sccurity deUosit�m�et�i;�c�mncctia�n with Ieuses ai'the F'roperiy. Upan thu iissig�mc�t,l.ender shuU hi���e thu right ta � •• ,
<br /> �;�,'; : ', moc�ifp, exte�d or iermin�:m ti6c r�e�ing Ic.��es und w r�ecut� new Ie�jses, in l.endor!� +��lo dir�cretiun. Av u�cd in thi� !
<br /> t'��"� yarit,r.riiph G,th;�z•vrd "Ic:��e" :":,^.:f�r:_:�ti "vs�luasd'if thc Sccurity ln,trumcnt is im ii Ic.ischold. � ,
<br /> � EB, ASS�Cpt�`�'��'ii'D' 11sC� (.r+�h:!�'�'S� .aPC�'�1N'1'MFNT ()F RF:CI�;IVFIt; I.F.NDEI! 1N PU45F.�►SI�N. Borcawcr �
<br /> '�:;' ; absalutely and unoonciitirn::tl�•����gm nndin�n�Pcr,lo l.end�r uU th�rcnts and revenucti("Rent�'1 i�f the Propcny,regurdlos.r•
<br /> :'�.�;� c�f to whom the fi��m. ��f il�e i�c�,}xrry iue pa}�able. F3nrru�tier ai�thorires Lcndur ur I.�ndvr�nyuntti to coUuct tho Rents, imd
<br /> ..1;
<br /> t►grees thut eac��enant of tUe Nroperty shall p;�y the Kents W�.ciid:s ur l,endor�:nyunis. Howevcr,Barro�v�i shtlll rcCCive thu
<br /> 11fULTlti'f'A'1'L:1-04 t1\99LY F11QiiH�Funnlo Str.�R�J�;;.�4na Urt:���ra�nYtrumcul 1'orm 3170 4190 pwc:!nf:puxcu
<br /> �TEAt 17o01ota71 Grcal tnka 8u�lnrnn Fwtce,tec.�
<br /> Su IMda I:all:IE00�"IPalD3 L�PM1Y 010191•11:11
<br /> I
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