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; <br /> _ _. ., <br /> . .. . - -`-" .`_ Sd- 1tI��- - <br /> eDpUeable I�w mny s�ecity tor rcinstatemanq botoro eato ot Ne Fropeny punuam to any yowa qf wle tontyned 1n tNs <br /> ' Sec�ulry[nslNmenu or @)enuy ot a JuEgment entorcing W�8ecpdty InstiumePw 7Uoso wndUlone uo iha{BarNwHi U)' <br /> , piyi Linder e11 eum� wnich Itwn wontd bo due under thb Seeu�ity In=Wment and Na Nae ea If no eacteration �aG - <br /> occurted;@)wrea onY dcfauit oteny othsr covenaou ora�ee�enw;(c)payi all expcnu�IncumA in entbrcing lhia BeWrity <br /> hsmv�tent;inaluding,6ut not llmtted to,ttasonaDlb attWr,ayt fea;end(d)teka eush eetlm u Imnder mey tensor.�bly <br /> repulro to essuro�hat tAo Ilen of thb 8equdry(nswmcn4l.cndcrb rlghte In the Property 8nd BortowerY obOgation topny�he <br /> � �um�eecurcA Dy Ihl� Secutlry tn�nument ►h¢ll condnue unchnnged. Upon rolnatetement by Bortowu, �hiy BeeWfty <br /> Indttument end tho obtlgatlon�eccurcd hcreLy�hatl rcmain Ntly etfattve na It no exelemUon hed oaurrcd. However;lht� <br /> dph(Ate(n qe e 1j� M easc of eocetwatlon undw paregraph 17. m--.. ...,. . .. <br /> l S� �� I.oan Bervtcen 7fia Noro or epanlet Intaat In�ha Note poBc�hu wlth thle Seautty <br /> [ b oro ttma without pdor rAdco to Bortowee A�ate may rcmlt in a chango�n tM cnqty <br /> (�p���„ ' ,pqa , �collecte monthly paymente duo under the Nofe and�hla 9cadty Inswment. Tfiuo alw <br /> may one or moro ohanga of ihe Loan Servicer unrola�W�o a�ele ot tAo Nota If ehero le a changa o!tho Loan Servlar. <br /> Bortower wtll be given wrtnen noda ot Ihe chnngo in aaordanco with h 14 emve and apDliceblo Iew. The nodco <br /> wlll tlete�he namo and addrw of the new Lom Sarviccr end the eddras to w ic paymema should ba made. The notioe will <br /> aiso comaln any othu infomutlon requi[ed by epplluble lew. . <br /> ._ ._. ._--- .. <br /> 20. Hazardoos 8abslmcea. Borrower�haU not ceuse or permtt the presenee,uae,disposet.etorage,or rctease of eny <br /> Hawdou�Substances on or in the Property. Borrower ehell no[do,nor ellow anyone e�as to do,enythtng ellec�ing the <br /> Properly ihat is in v[oladon of eny&ivironmentel Law. The prxWing two centenaa shall not epply�o tha presence,use,or <br /> storaga on ihe Propeny o►small qwntiUef of Hazerdoua SuMtencxs that ere genenlly reco3nized lo be eppropdate to normal <br /> residentid uue ar1d to maintenance of�ha Property. <br /> Bortower ahall prompdy gtve Lendu written notfce of any fnvestigetion,cldm,demand,liwsuft or other acUon by my <br /> govemmenml or regulatory egency or pr[vate party involving the Properq end eny Heurdous Subsunce or Envimnmmtel <br /> Law of which Horrowu has actuai knowiedga If Borcower learn+. m is na[fied by any govemmentel m ragvlatory °�---- <br /> emhoriry,�at any removal or othu remediailon of eny Hazerdoue Substanca etkaing the Roperty i:neceesery.Harower -- <br /> ahell promptly tako ail naesa�ry rcmedial actions in accordnnce with Environmenul law. _ <br /> As uuA in thia parag'aph 20,"Ha�ardoue Suba�ences"ere�hou aubsu�nces defined aa toxic or hmnrdoua cubstaneea by =_-- <br /> Environmental Law and the following aub:teneea: gesoline,kerosene,other ilammnble or�oxic peholeum productx toxic =`.- <br /> pesticidea nnd herbtcidu,wlatile solvenls,ma�erials eomeining es6est�or[amildehyde, end radioaUive mnterlab. Aa --� <br /> used in�his paragraph 20,'Pnvironmentel Lan+'meam fedeml Iews end laws of�he Jurisdietion where the Propeny Is IocatW <br /> tha�relete to health,eefety orenvironmemel protecHon. <br /> NON•UMFORMCOVENANTS. BortowcrsndLenderfunhercovenunln�Magrceesfolluws ��—'°� ����---�� <br /> 3L Acceleratlon�Remedtee. Lender shnll give notice to Borrower prlor to acceleretlon fotlowtng BorrowePa <br /> brweh of eny rnvenant or egreement In thG Securtty[natrument(but aot rlor to eccderation under paregnph 17 = <br /> unles�applicable len provides othernBe). The milce ahall epecitr: (e)Ihe SefeuUt(b)tl�e aMlon requlred to cure the -- <br /> defeultt(e)e date,riot lea�thnn 30 deya hom Ihe dete the notice li given to Uorro�rer,by nhlch Ihe detault mun be = <br />