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___ <br /> �_ <br /> . ..: <br /> . . <br /> 99= �o�a�� °��. -_----_---- <br /> pedcdi thatl.enEee reQulroa. 71a inwrance curler provlding�ha Ineuranee ihdl be choxn by Oorrowcr wbltcl a LsnA:r3 <br /> apyroval whkh shail not be unrouon�bly wllnheld. If Uorrower Wli to malnta�n covora8e deasdbc0 nbovo,Lender may,e► <br /> . I.enderYoption,obr+fn wveraga to protat 4cnder�rigM1n in Uw Prooeny in acCOrdonce wi�h paragraph 7. - <br /> Ali lneuttnw policic�and rcnewala�Autl bo aaceptabte to I.ender and�ha11 Ireluda a aenderd mortgago cleuu. Lender <br /> ehell heve the d8����P��tea end rcmwele. I/Lender rcqu(r¢s,Bortowcr�hall promptly glve to Cendar eil rorofpn .__ _ —_ <br /> , of paid premtuma end�enewal notice�. In the event ot loss,Do�co�vcr ehdl givo prompt notice to t�o iniurana+cartlu and <br /> Lendee Lender mey meke proof of losa itnot madn prompUy by Horrower. <br /> Unloas I.ender md Borto�ver ceherwise agea In writNg,inwrence �hall be eppUed�o resaretion or ropalr of <br /> tM Pro�rty dameged,it the rcstorttlon or repatr b economically teaa 61e and Lenduti cecudry i� not leasened. It 1he , . . _ <br /> ro��ont on or rcpNr b not economlcnliy feeaibie or Lenderl mcuriry would be IaxneQ�he Irourence praoxd+shail be <br /> applied ro the suma cecurcd 6y tAl�3ecudty Instrument. wAciher or na then dua Wleh any exoua pnid to Borrowee It <br /> Bortower ebandona the Property,or doea not enswer wtthfn 30 dnya a noUa hom I.ender that�Aa insuranoe caniu ha+ <br /> offercd to seule a datm,�M1en Lendu ma�collat�he fnsurena procceda. I.ender may use the proaeds to rcoalr or roswro <br /> the Pro�Ry or to pay wm��xurod by th s Secudty inauument,whmher or not then due. 71w 30�day period wIU begin when <br /> the not a ie&ven. <br /> Unleas Lendu and Bortower otherwise�gtte In wdqna,eny eppllution of proceed�to principel shell not extend or __ _ _ <br /> postpoaa the due daro ot the monthly paymenu rcferted to In paragrepha 1 md 2 or changa�ho amount of�he pa ente. If - -�-- - - <br /> under paregnph 21 tha Propeny la acqutred by Lender.BomnwerY flpht to eny insurence polida end p�resulting <br /> from damage m the Propmy pclor ro the ecquisitlon ehdl pas+to Lender ro the extent of the aum�cecurcd by�hia Sceudty <br /> Instmment ImmeAietely pdor ro the ecquBiqon. <br /> 6. Occupency, Precervatiop, Meintenence and Protectlon o!the Propertyi Dorrower'e Loen AppilceNon= <br /> LeaseholOs. Borrower�hell aeeupy,establbh,end use�ha Propeny ae Borrowerb princlpal reeidena wi�in sixty dayr etter <br /> �he executfon of�hia Sceu�ity Inswment and ihel]eon8nue�o oceupy ehe Propeny m Hortowerb pdncipal residenee for at <br /> leazt one yw atler tha date ot occupaney, unless 4endcr oihernlse agraa in writing, whish wnsent shetl �rot be ---------- <br /> unrcawnaLly withheld,or unlw extenua�fng circumstencea exi:t whleh ero heyond Borrowenc�ontrol. Bo�rower ahall not <br /> destroy,demege or impair IAe Propeny,ellow tlw Pro to dmedorace,or commit waste on the Propeny. Horzower ahall <br /> ba in detault it eny foRefture action or proceeding,w aher civil or cdminel,ia begun that in Lenderh good feith judgmen[ -- <br /> wuld rcsult in todettura of�he Propeny or aherni�e matedelly impair�he lien creatW by thie Secudty Inatmment or <br /> Lenderk security ineercsc Bolrower mey curc:ueh a defeult end rctnsteta u provided in paregraph 1 S,by ausing Ihe ecHon _._ <br /> or proceeding m be dismisud with a�uling�he6 in I.ender§gaad(ellh deiefminetion,precludea fodeiture of�he Bortowerh �?2��:_ <br /> imerest in tlw Propeny or other material imp�irment of the licn croatW by �his Security Inawment or LenderL secudty ��`- <br /> intercct Bortowcr shall also bo in dafeult if Bortower, dudng the loan epplicatlon prcew, gave mercdelly fnlse or _ -=-- ____ _ <br /> inaeeureie Intormatian or s7etemenu ro Lender(or feiled ro provide Lender with eny material infomie�ion)in connatlon wi�h �1w��� <br /> the loon evidenceA by the Note, including, but not Iimlted to, rcprcxmauons mnceming HortowerY occupenry o( �he r3s;�;_----� <br /> Propeny ns a pdncipal reaidence. If thfa Securiry Irtstrument is on a leasehold,Hortower ahail comply with elI�he provislom �'���i��. � <br /> of�hc Iwsc. If 8ortower acquires fce ticle to the Prop�:ny,the leasehold and t6e ke�itle shell not merge unleas I.ender agreea �F:,:`s`' <br /> rothemergerinwriting. - ------ <br /> 7. Protectton of LendeP�Rights !n Ihe Property. If Borrower feils m pedomi the corenenta end e$eemenu Ty�C �- . <br /> conuined In Ihla Saudty insnument, or therc is e legal procceding thtt may slgnlFlcandy nffat Lenderl dghu In ihe t� �i - , <br /> Propcny(sueM1 ea n proceeding in bankmptcy,probate,for coMemnetion or forfeiturc or w enfora lawi or rcgulatlo�u).�hen S'•,.,;;,`,_'.!"'� �-- <br /> �...,.,:. <br /> Lender may do and pay for whetever is nceessary ro protect ihe vetue ot�he Propeny and l.enderl righu in the Propeny. .?.;fii4�e.���--,h;ri� <br /> LenderY uc�iona may include paying any iums cecurcd by e Iien which has pdodty over�his Security Inauument,eppearing �,�;•�:�yl`•:��:;��- <br /> in coun,poying rcasoneble a�wmeya'kea end emedng on the Property io mnke rcpaira.Although Lender mey teke action '>;`4rq'-ti�'.�;!;=;,^:. <br /> under ihie peregrnph 7,Lender dai not hare�o do ro. ii�;,,{�G i J+F' --�_ <br /> Any omounta di:burxed by Lender undcr Ihh purvgraph 7 Rhall 6aomc additional debl of Bofrower xeurcd by�h6 ,��Y;4� ,3,€�r �- <br /> \:-\ :f..,.. ([-y:�:5._.. <br /> Security Inxtmment. Untesa Bortowcr nnd Lendcr agrce to other temu of paymcnt,ihese amounts ahell bear imerest from�he ..,µ��f•_;,+i�;,,.._ <br /> dn�c of dixburacmem at the Nolc�etc end:hnll 6c payeble, w0h imercx4 upon no�icc from Lcnder to Dortowcr rcquesting -,,�,�i �,? �; -- _ <br /> pnymcm. �r�dh�Y�y$�i� :'.;.. <br /> & Mortgege Insurence. If l.ender rcquircd mortgage inaumnce a+u wnditlon of moking�he loan ucurcd by�hls f3;�;,�,_i;,�_;�a�..�;:,, <br /> Secud�y Inrrument,Bortower chall pay�ht prcmium�reyuircd to maimain �he mortgage insurona in eRect. It, for eny t}`.��t �914'<r =° <br /> re+unn, the mongege insurence mverage requircd by I.ender lepxa or ccaus to be in e(fect, Dorrower shall pay �he >',� �'�s�u"" -� <br /> rcmiums ufrcd �o obtein covera e sub.aentiali e u�vnlent to ihe mort e e insurance reviousl m etkct, et e cost '':�"'�r��"� rs ��� <br /> P rcQ 8 Y 9 � B 8 P Y � `�r. t;a�`cy'�;<: <br /> �?':e;:; ' <br /> eubstenti¢Ily equivulent ro�he cast�o Bortower o(�he monga6e insurance previously in e(fec4 Gom an ultemate mortgege li;�.:�:y.G��'�'"�r;"` <br /> inxurcr� mved b Lender. If substantiall e uivelent mort e insurence covera e is not nvnilob!e,Borrower shell a to ':"-��Er$Y�=�%?.�"t%- <br /> Lender eacli montl�a sum uol ro one-nvelfth of ihe rl mon a e insumntt rcmium bcin aid b Bortower when the ?'�y��`��':°} �s1h=.t���::. <br />� insufence corerege lepsed or ceaud to be in effce�. Lender will ecgcept,use end reiain theu paymcn�ea u loss rcaerve in Iieu Sl ^.�.��F"s'i ,~r"�f.`�;�. <br /> o(mottgase insuranca Lozs rcserve paymems may no lunger be rcquircd,at�he op�ion of Lender, if mongege insuwnce ,r�\E`--a<? {,� °- <br /> co�•emge(in�he xmount end for the period�ha�Lender rcyui�al pmvided by an inmrcr approved by Lcnder again hemmu f lj4'+ ��' t��%`:;:� <br /> nvailablc and is obtained.6ortower shall ibe remiumx r uircd to maintain mon a e insumnce in cftect,or to roride a �`, �� � `;'. <br /> WY P M B 8 P . x..;� � <br /> loss rcscrve,until Ihe requircment(or mongage inmrance endc in accordance wi�h any written xgrcement between Bortower --� .:r��';;>S�?5.'.�;: <br /> ++7c..;-� SF. .. 2'..,,..: <br /> and Lcndcr or npplicahle la�v. - --)�%�-�"��:�!<��.;,. <br /> F":'cI:>P- . 1_ . <br /> 9. InspecHon. Lender ar its agent may make rcasonable emries upon und impections of the Propeny. Lender shall .� �,;;�};=,(��+^F;��. <br /> give 6orrnwer noiim al Ihe time of or priorlo an inspec�ion specifying rcawnable cause for Ihe inspection. :�:-.-==.4°:�;;_;•:����- <br /> 10. Condemnelfon. The pm�reed.uf any u�n,rJ ur cinim k�r or conuyuemial,in conneaion wi�h any ,=':�%�"'�',.'_•;;.u{�i-' <br /> �:::r::'-.i•:�-, - <br /> SingleFamil>-FannielLdF}aydkM�el.l'IFORNIVATRC}fi:AT-l�mfttmCrnrnmN 990 �ryyr?JnNx��� '.sf'.�•. :. [:.L_ <br /> ;:�+ .,._i ..i . <br /> anxWndwerfmala ■ - _ <br /> . naa,rrr�eaos.owa�oruaum-um <br /> n' ��'. <br /> --�J T...f�....._.. 1- . � _ <br /> -!,'� \ +. Ao-✓_'_ r FCFl...^L .. 2 ._.. . •. . _ . — _- e- ..H;vM-,.( . ' t . �„ . .�i .. _ . <br /> " . - . . . - I . _ - . . . <br /> . .- . . <br /> . . r _a ' !. _� _ - . .�� . � . . .. .. . <br /> -- - t'._ :.._. . - _ . _ . . . . . .. _ .. .. � .- . " ." . <br /> \ . : . . . .-. . _ . . '.".. <br /> . - __- ._—:__ . . . ... . - ____ —"_ ___ . 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