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<br /> ;` ' , _ ..�. - . - - -. .--�._----- . —- ' „ ;.- ���" ,--
<br /> '�.,: �,- . .
<br /> � . . , ,. . .� , . . ._..--:-t�-• - --c-�—:'�,:+T. -�,.+,ip.'q�•--. _- _- -- -.
<br /> �_ ._ .... . ,... . - .. . . .�-.._. .�trr��.3�..:.s.:.__�� - -
<br /> , , nur�r►�r.�, �asa�:� ac�� �z�z'OEiNGY t� -.;, �
<br /> ' ���".'"" �4��r��� -�?`' �' ' .
<br /> r� . ; d. E�uk�y M. Me�vee, c�@ r�ancl Yalnnd, Nc�b�a�ko� mAkQ, �o�o�itu�e and -.. �a -
<br /> A�s�oinC my� huebenc�, t�vin �. Nnvdc�, o� Crand 1r�aAnd, Nad��nk�, my Eruo end :-F=;;-�_,Y=
<br /> � xt�wFu1 aCEognoy i� ���C Ee+�e ma �nd i�n my n�mo, P7,acc� nnd e�toad, an m�+ . �:.���;Y-`-;�,
<br /> ' behc�X @, end ��r r�y use nnd iaonoF iC� - �• �="-
<br /> E�-
<br /> _,_'.nr'+�":a,,,..
<br /> . . . _�,s-r- _
<br /> �� --:� � 1! Ta da�aaiG in my :�an� arod �ox my accaunC wiCP� any bank o� oGher . � .. ` -_ :
<br /> - i Fxu�ttu3eol AiiaLE�,��33r ��b r�art-ya pay�hle o!^ t,••ten�tn�+ t;a� mw, ina�.u�ing � -
<br /> � �he�ka and sll oChe� aAmm�rr{e►1 i�e����cumen�e, and Ca eiqn my name and andpre� � �
<br /> - all clocumente !o� d��aoaiG ar colioetian or sny oth�r Pur�aee. . � - -� --. � •
<br /> � .
<br /> 2. To wlthdraw A11 m��►eyo dnpc�o��ed wiCh any bank or other financiel
<br /> ineCituCions And to� dr�w chectce, �ign wiChdrowal elipa and oxocuCo any o�he� ,
<br /> t�eC�cum�n�e noaegnAry for withdraw�n�] mcney� b�lon�i��a to me. _
<br /> 3. TW a�ll, Cransf;�r, e:;chanqc�. ,nortga�ar enci�ml��ar by a�QUrihy �greAmnr�t; �' .._ � �� �. � `...
<br /> or an other �orm o� ��cumaranco m e0al aeta�e And Poraonal praPorty, en�l � `.� ;',:�'�����,�
<br /> to oKOCUte c+nd dol�var d�ode�, in�l dinc� daeda oF warranCy, oontrac��, bil�a � � � ��>,'�:�°'
<br /> . �;�;.t:;:.,;��:��
<br /> o� va►lo, morE4apa�o �acu�ity �41raAman�� And othor documonte necoesary to a�t �
<br /> in ca�rying oue Ghao� Poware. �. .
<br /> � 4. Tv collect, auo� compromiee or othecwise di�poeo oP. any claim ar dpl�� �� . �,,,:�,,;;;,;: '
<br /> c�,a;,,�
<br /> duo or �AyablA ta me, �nd Co pay, comprom�9a oe ot herw i�qe d f ac harge r�eac� 4 ; ;`; t,.,:.,�,,;;.
<br /> sacur.e raleaoe� Exoc� any obllgatione owod �n mo. t � � �<<��4,���,'�°•�_:
<br /> . .. , �:� j�:t;,� .
<br /> l.;.: � 4c.�� ,� ��
<br /> 5. To hoYd, me�nage� invesC, cellz�ves�� trado, exchange� buy m�d soll ' `� ` ��
<br /> ;���:��' � . ;��.;:�: ,
<br /> � inv�►atmente end inveg�r�anG saauxit.tos. '" '�'
<br /> , ,,;.,,,, , .
<br /> �� �:,::;�
<br /> 6. To loase, rant, maaage, tecmin�to loa��s, contr�ct aa to, and generaliy � `��'� �-
<br /> doal i� end u�a a11 of my real e�+�.ate and intoreate in real oetaCa, upon � ^ . •
<br /> cove�eante� condition�� tArma p�c� Qxavioiona my attorne�/ in fact ohall
<br /> determina� reae�vo t+nd colleat �lll rente and all other �mounte duc� me ae r
<br /> aea�eity Por tha �e��thful �erformanco oE lea�oe and All renbs du� and I •• ':;��;.
<br /> payAbla Eo me� and oMecute a33 necoasary docum�nte and other pa�era (
<br /> porraining to my t��1 estate. �� �
<br /> - - - -- --=
<br /> �!.,,
<br /> 7. To exeeciao oe� porPorm any acC , pawer, d�Cy, right or obliqa�ion !��� � •�
<br /> � whnteoever thaC I now have, o�c may hereaP�e�^ acq��i�� tha logal righC, power, ;, �
<br /> -- - .,_.,. ._ .., �: �a^��3�" :� @�SrL3.°.@ ^L^ ^erp�rm- rv��«�r� tr± an� nc�rae+�. �lA�n:
<br /> - --� C" 7 C'" ► v • c-_,�' • �.
<br /> . . , ._....-.--..
<br /> traneac�ion, Ching, busi�esa proper�y, roal oc ��r�oh�l, �aN�f�E�le ar� r � �
<br /> intangiblo� or ma�to� whatsaevor. •
<br /> Thie Durable E�ower of Attorney ahAll not bo aEFected by my dioabili�y �
<br /> ao principAl. I reaocvo the right to ravcrti�� �hie Uurable Power of ACtorn�y
<br /> in writing.
<br /> � � A ��reat000py of �tn��1 �urablc� Power oE Attornoy has CGzo same force aa�d eEEect , �
<br /> � as 2he oriqinal afg��d and acknowledged by meo , .
<br /> `','i Signod ak Grand Island, Nobraaka� on A�ril 20 t 1988.
<br /> ._ , ,� � �,��
<br /> .,�,� .; ( uby . M vae)
<br /> STATE C?t' N��l4F�SKA. Ct�UNTY OI` HALL:
<br /> The FQ�ogoinq instrum�nt was ackno�r3odgAd before me thit�
<br /> l��acil �� , 19a8, by Ruby M. Mov��.
<br /> .� : .
<br /> � ccsc�u roi�ursu�M rr� -�'?�?�- X� �'' , ,
<br /> KaNa�trar�usoN —'��at��"'u6 c
<br /> ������ .
<br /> 1 _
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<br /> �
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