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<br /> _- i��°' �.Q���'.1��' � � --
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<br /> � i;,"'. nf n.�le�n�tt dhs yid<<�Includink thc puymm�t oS lhc'i1�Uslcr's�ci'y nctuully(ucm�rcd.nut to c�xcccd E.O�u .o of ;,,,, _
<br /> .`.":,; � the p�indpiil untount uY tlie�eote ut Ih��Un�e uP Ihe decl�iriUtun of defuuit�aad reasunnhlc nttnrueyy'fec�+au��rn�lttnd . � {�..`� -
<br />_ �-- '�-' by Inw=ibl tn u0 stint!+secu�•ed by Ihis ticcuc�ty In�l��ument;mid tr)n�►y exceyy tu Ihe prrsan ur persnny li�ally dnNitett `< ,*�
<br /> `",- to 11, , r�'� --
<br /> � � �2. �tecunvevuncr, (Jpun pnyntent �►t'nll�untr• tircutt`�I by thiy S�rurity b�s�rumcnt. I..en;.ler shull u�qt�t�tit'ltu�tcr tt► � {`
<br /> ,- --y cecnn�oy the 1'rc��tiy and shaN surrende�'it�is �ecurtty Instrumrnf �md itll 011105 CVIl�C111'III}! lIl'`1l �CCQlI`lI I1y IItI� �ect�rit}� �': _ �
<br /> . ,� IiistnimCnt tu'1h�stec. �hiscce sl���ii i�i��1�v:.}� the :'�ap:rt}� «•1thaut �ti•:tfT:tt�!y +���+f withnut citurax tu tlic �xrsun nr p+:rs�n�e E ' � �_ .r,.
<br /> _ _ leunllv enUtled tu(1. Surh person ur persun�sh;�U pay nny rc�'ardnliuii ruylti, - ' -
<br /> �.,�.
<br /> ` ''"'� �J. SubslUutc'Ihustcc. Lendcr,,u its uptiun,mny Iru�u timc u�cimc n:n��wa'fl-+i�tce�mci appsi{nt;s,uc4�44ur tnish•i�tr _ _. -.
<br />'`'*� ,h nny'ITusicc appulnted hcrcunJcr by a� Instrumm�t recurdrd in Ihc cuuuty in whirh ihis Sccurity la�uumcnt iti rccardcd. , � ,.
<br />.:..'1.-'. .'.. � ^ . • .
<br /> ,. . 1Vith��ut cunvcynnru uf �hc Pr��perty, thc suci:cs�ar �rus���u sh��ll succccci to +iU thc Ii1lr. p�,�vcr iitid dutics runt'��rc� upun
<br /> - 'Ihis�i�c hcruin+md by►�ppUcuhlc law.
<br /> . .. . 24, Ret�uest Po�Notic�s. A��rcuwcr rcyuctil�that rupir��,f�he nudces uf def'iiuh nnd�nlc Ik xnt in Ilarrowrr`addre�ti .
<br /> ' wldch iti Ihe{'ruperry Addretis.
<br /> Z5, Rlderv to ihlti ticcurity Insirument. if unc ur nwrc ri�tcrs urc excc�utcd hy tiurruw�r :ind recordcd IugelNcr wUh
<br /> thiv�ecu�ity Insirumcnt, th� cuvcu�n�t, ��nd;�t;rccment�. t,f rnch �nrh ridrr xhull hc Inrurp«riucd intu +md shull antcnd und . . - ---
<br />--= � supplement thc cnvcnunts und a�gn:cmrms ui'ihi,5ccurity Instrumcnt;�s iF Ihc ridrr(ti1�vcro a part u1 this Srcuruy instrumcn�. .
<br /> ° - � . ' � (Chc�:k npplfcnhlc haxlcs))
<br />,:�.;
<br /> ��. {}' . �Ad)ustublc Rauc Ridcr �Conduminium Itidrr � 1••3 f�amlly Ridcr . , .
<br /> � �,. � �Ura�duatcd P��yn:ent Isidcr �Pliu�ncd llnit Dcv�lopmrnt lLi�irr �I3iwrrkly F'uymcnt Kiticr
<br /> . , � . , �L�allotm Ridcr �Etn�c Impr��vemcnt i:i�irr �Sccrntd Ilt�tnc l:idrr -
<br /> ��. ' ;i;�� � -=-
<br /> ,,: '1�`� a Othcr(s)�specif�.� . •�;,::�� -
<br /> '.�_�+, ,
<br />;+; •• � ,.
<br /> �
<br /> ' � ilY SIUNINC F3k�.0�t;Nonowcr i�ccrpiti nnd iigrcc�to thc termy nnd�•rvciuuns contuincd in�hiti Security Instrumcnt i�',,:';•� _-
<br /> +�' nnd in un��ddcr(til cxecumd by Buira�vcr und recordcd with it. �'':'+'• �
<br /> � � . l i��: "�
<br />_ �• �� �VIU1�9tiCti: (�� t ' � �',''. E
<br /> . ,,.�'Cl.�/tti.1�- � ,�i�-� (Sl':1�) �, �
<br /> ., Gene D. Hanse� •H"n°"" ��! � � .�
<br /> 5a�ial Sccurity Numbcr 50fl�5g-�$AA i - �
<br /> (
<br /> ,,_- _ .
<br /> . --- - - '
<br /> ,
<br /> � �_ .-�._...C� �� ��_(Sc;�l) ;
<br /> t; -- ----- .Rurcuxcr � :
<br /> Jar et K. Hansen t;. ' ,�•�
<br />,,,. �, �
<br /> ``�' � • 507-54-6358 �• _ �
<br /> �.'•' l'.u�iid�oc911'�iv IVUtllhl•1' .._ — ��.-...-__.._.___..
<br /> t'- --_ --_-- __._......__. , ��� r
<br /> S1A'1'�'OFNGIIRASKA, Ha�..l Cow�ry ++:
<br /> On this 12th d�ry of June� 1991 ,txforc mc,thc undcrtiigi►cd,a Notary 1'ublic �
<br /> � d�dy commisrioned imd qtu�lificd lur suid cc+unty,pers�mally camc Gane 0. HenEen and JanE�t K. M�nsen� oach
<br /> � in his and har own ri.ght� and es spouse of each ather .tc�mc known to bc ihc
<br /> ., :;:;.� ; idenlicul pers�ms(s1 whuu n+uuGl+) urc tiubscrihed tn INc f'urcgaing intitrument ;ind ucknawlcd��ed the exeruHun �hercol'tr ..
<br /> - h� Lh91T vuluntury act und dcctl. I ,,; ..:.•
<br /> '.�,.ti"t'; �. Witness my ha�nd an i �nd, Nebrask� in+� d cnunty,lhc 4:, .`
<br /> �:;'`?�'. . , dutc ctftttesi�id. GENEAAI TAAY•S (� � � �.`�
<br /> ', OAVIDPDOHMEN ;v!tL��, �', ,�+����''►'��r`� �S
<br /> • � ���'� My Cammi�sian cxpires; � �ppmin.Fap.Rv�1�-199 ----- �
<br /> . �,��:� N„�:�rvwnu� �
<br /> �.......�..�. ,
<br /> .. ItGQl1CS7'FOK ltECUyVEYANCC � . • �
<br /> • ' 7'0'I'KUSTG�:
<br /> .i'he undersigned iti the hc+lder ui thc nuu ur note�scrured by thi� l)ccd uf"IYust. Sa�id nutc ur nute�, su�e�her wiih t�ll
<br /> c+the�inciebtedness secured hy�his Deed��f'Iruxl,havu heen paid in full. Y��u:uo heroby dirccted to riincel s�»d nnte or naus f
<br /> and this pccd nf'(Yust, which urc dcli��crcd hcrcby,nnd to rccrm•e�•,with��ui warrnmq.��II thr rstatc nrnv hrld hy you uncicr I
<br /> , .`�, . thi.r• Dced nf 71'ust to thc pertion or{�:rsons I��;ully�ntiUrd Ihcretr. �
<br /> '1` llate:
<br /> Fo�m t02N 9�90 �pu���n,�/n pr�4c.ci
<br /> � " .
<br />,__:_---_----- i . . . . . ..
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