: . .—. - -
<br /> . ._ - ,.�.-..�.� ,1 - s \U \t_ ,- - -. . .---_�,w - .�__�_.__._' .;':'_ ,_. . , -_` .�.� - -�-� -
<br /> _...�__�._.__..._.....__. __.....�_..._.__�.... _..�W - - - -- - -
<br /> - - - -------,��- .r ..--,�-•--- - � -- -•- —- - ----� --- -°� --- -- -�. --_ �
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<br /> � �,.�•,•a,.�r„_;-: . .--. ._............... ------ .�:,�r ,�- --
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<br /> �,'"_`=" `'4 ���F+-'='iO �.���V� c�y�,.- - ,. ,.,�
<br /> :�- ± � __
<br /> .���;� Cundenlnt�U011 t�t��thiP It�l�hl�'ut�u��Y��at�i o(lhC 1'ruperiy,��r 1'u�•c«�►�•e}��utcr in(lru�+f r�mil�nmitUan.;�re Imrel�y u�+igned and ��� _ t-
<br /> ;s'�:�:' �hall hr pnid tu L�ndrr. - -
<br /> _ =�r.. In Ilic rvenl ul' u tni:d taik.iuc uf �hr {'r��{x�ly, tha p►occcd� shull hr u��p�ird h►Ih� au�u, .c.wcd by thl� tirrurfly :`� �`
<br /> = - Imtr�mmn6�rhrih�r ur itut tl�cn duc,�vith un)� C.rcc��pitid tu tlurruwer, In II��w•rnl ul'a p;uNat Inkinp ul iNc Prurcrly In � Y � �.�.
<br /> - �ul�1�4 d�c f�ir murkrt vcdur��I'�h�I'ru�x:uy Intmv�liutrly h�t'on•thr U�F.Ing i.cyu�il�a�n•gr.�atcr�I►nn Ilir umau�u�N'thc �►uns � � ,
<br /> y �'- -� ,ccum�i i�v ii�i,S«u,i�y i�„tn�mcnt tmmc:li;ttcdq 1�4'arr►ku a�kiu�.wd�+s tii�rnm��r at�d 1 �•�nlei•�1litrrw•I�akr�4 in ��•rUiug. � . ;, _�
<br /> ` �� _� itie a�mti ,�c�n�:�l by �his tircurUy InsU�uncnt .hall hc rrdi�ccil b the nmount uf the pru.•ecd+ nxdtiplird i� ii�c I:di.��41ng � -=, �
<br /> Y �"`:�a _-j' _
<br /> ;�- " Iru�Uun: (ol tl�e tutni tuiiotn�t ui�iita yUil}i tiCl'li{'.1I ItqtltttlfLtt`ly t+��frn�111��:��Inu.�livi�l�d l�y lN1!he t;ue miu rl v;due��f Ihe �
<br /> . ��.. � Pru ut inumdintclv hetbr�� Ihc iakin�, Any hulunrr +ha►II hr p;ild a► lioiruivrr. lu I hr rvrn t n l n p;n�i;d uikin g ul th�� _� �„-�r?= ;
<br /> _� �ti,..,,. P, �.
<br /> '-:��°�.=°; � 1'�•��per�y in�vhich thr li�b'mia�kct vadur ul'U�� 11�u�krry Intn��dlivaly txfurr th�m{�intt I� lctiti th�u� �hr ;imuunt ol'thr .ums ` . ��; :_, =•�`!:�'
<br /> ' s�cumd unntcdintoly het'ur� Ihr tukfng. unliy� Nurrmv�r :�nd I..cnd�r uthirwiu� a►�:rcr in «•rilinFt ur unl��y, i►ppliciibl� I:nti ,,, .,. .
<br /> � • othcrwi�:r.providcs,lhr prur�4�ls tihull Ik u��pllyd�u thc,uuiti tir�wrd hy d�ir ticr�n�i�y Imuument wbc�hrr ur nut thc sunr�uir . �.
<br /> - �hr�i duc. - .,
<br /> ` , II'�hc t'rupcny is ah,utda�t�d by liurruwer,ur it',nFter nuli�e I�y l,�ndvr�u Hurrn�ccr�hut tN�rundrmnur ulF�i��o muku . .
<br /> __ '.._tja,;�� nn uwnnl ui ,eltic a elafnl f��r dtuna�c,. N„rr���v��r Puilr to r�,pund!u l.cndrr«�ithin 3U d;iy�nfl��r Ihc�lule Ih�n��tirc i�givon, ... --_�_-----•---.
<br /> ,t+ �' I.cndcr is liuthurizcd to rnllcc� �u�d upply Uic prurC�ds,uI 'tL;uptiun, cilher ta rr,�urnuun u��rcpair ul'�L� i'i����c�ty �tir :o !hc � ..
<br /> -=_�'-_'�-�
<br /> -== '''� tiumy y«ul'«I hy thix S�clu•ily Instrunlr�ll.�vhciher ur nut Ihcn dur. ,
<br /> � .. Unlcss l.cndcr imd Horrowcr uthcnai,u uprc� in wri�in�;, �►ny upplir:idun ut pruccr.lti tu piincipul .hnll nut cxtcnd or
<br /> ' •� � postpun��h�:duc�li�to uC thr mumhly pi�ymcnts rafcrro�l tu in pui•n►;ruph, I ;uid 1.or chunN�thc aitlu�mt ut'�ucl�puymeniti. ' .( ' •
<br />=.:�.j.;.;, I1. Ifur�•��wer Not Itcleused; Farbcurunce Hv l.epd4'r Not u �Yi►R•er. listcntiiun ul' thc lim� fur puymunt nr . ,
<br /> 'i-::•_. ,..`:;� • muditicu�i�m nf nmuiiizutiun ui'thc rum�tiucurcd hy thi.5ccurlty In,trumrnt�rnnt�d I,y!_cndcr tu illly �Ul'l'l'titi��C If1 II1I�fC'�1 ��-'�ti"`� °`
<br /> _ of 13i,rr��wcr ,hnll not uperutc tu rrlc�i,o thc liuhiliry ut�thc uri�;inul f3un����vcr ur liurrowcrk �urccti.ur. in intcreti�. l.�itder ;��,,.; _'
<br /> , sht�ll nut ha rcyulred tu cumntcnre �uucc�din�!s u�afmt ;uty �ucccssur in inlcrc�t ur rcfu�� Io rxt���d timc t�ur ��i�yn�cnl i�r ,=;�,-�=•R.•
<br /> ,r �,,,-
<br /> � i�thcrwi�c mudify imx,rtizali�ai ut thc tium.,ccur�d hy�hiy Srcuri�y In,�rumrnt hy rrn,un ut'imy dcm:md mtid�by�hc uri�inul ,.+ rr,._._,.;.
<br /> ' ' Norrc�wrr or Burro�vcr��ucressor�in intcrrs�. Any t'urrlkiiriinc� by l.ca�t�r . axcrci,in� any �ight ur r¢meJy .hall n„�hc i► .; .`,.` t '� , i�;-
<br /> .,�,`,�". wuivrr of��r pr��ludc th<<u ccisc uf'any ri4ht ur rcnmdy. ' ','. _
<br />•,�1',"`• • � 12. yuccc�.�QO3 s i�a�z� A!:�iFnv l�uund:,lolnl tmtt Se��criil I.iublUlvi('�rsl}�ncrs. 'I'hr ruven,mt��md u�rcrment.uf thiti �,,;.,;;::' ..,,,�:__-_
<br /> ����:;��� .-��
<br /> �,. ,. � � ' . ;f:r.:;.. _---
<br />-. .. ' Sccurity Inrtrumrnt shall t�in.t�ind bcncfi� th� �uccr.�urr iuid a��i�nr of I..cadrr and I�i�rraa•ur,tiul,jatit tu ILc �ruvi+iom ul' ,;-�
<br />-- < ' p�u•iigruph 17. Harrr�ver; c���•�nuniti►utd �i�rccmcnt� ,hi►II h�juint .md�rrurul. Any l�urruwcr ��h��au-tiigns Ihi, !ic�uri�y �I;.,,- -
<br />`�i,±.:'+;��,, `�.� � In+tnun�nt hut durti nut r�erate ihc Nute: In�is cu-�i�;uin�;�hi.Secu�itv In�n��mien�unly tu nwrtEi�gr.�:r.mt wnl cunvcy Ihat _
<br /> +Y�;��,• , t3��rrowcrl intcr4�t in thr FraEwrty undcr thc trnnti�,i thi+S�curily Inti�rum�i�t: lh1 i�nu�p�r.unally��hli�;utcd tu�vy Ihc+um�
<br /> . .crurrd hy this Sectu•i�y Intiu�umrut:nnd Ir)u�;r��.lh�u l.�ndrr iind iin��c�thrr Rurruu�rr may�ipr��t��cxtcnd,mv�lify, t'unc�ar �. ;�,
<br /> '� �, ur mnkc um• a�rantmudiuian� with rc�:nrd �u thc trrm, uf thi�: Sacuri�y In.u•umm�� ur �h� Notr wi�huu� thut Cuiru�r�r'. ,, .
<br />_ ,. '�
<br /> , ,. c�mscnt. ?`
<br /> ,:;.,��. � 1;. l.��t�n Chi�r�;�.`s. [t Ih� luan s�cur�d by Ihi, Socurity In,U��unrnt i� �uhj�rt tu a lu��� ��hirh �c�, ntuximum lunn , .. ,''1,...`T.
<br /> ,. rhargos,and Ihtit hnv i�fi�ialh inl�rprcled tio Ih;u thc inlrre+I u�•ulhcr loiin chn►'ge��ullcetcd ur lu h�c�tillcrlyd in cunnc�liun ,,:_: -
<br /> �_ _ - ��•i1h lhc luan excccd th�E����tti�letl liniit�.thcn: 1ul any,urh I��an rhar�:c�h;�ll he r4�iutal hy Ihc:intuunt necr,�ary tt�rcducc =
<br /> -.-- -- �hc chargc lu Ihc perntitt�d I�:nU:tmii th�;►ny sum,uin��t�iy�alieciic! i'ntsti l3as•ru+t�r�:lt�cte Lste�����•�I ncrmiuud limitti�vfll ho . : � _ '' i°,,,;;
<br /> ' rcfundcd lu Bar�•uwcr. I.cn�lrr muy�huo.e Ia maku thi+rcfund by rcdurin�;thc��i'inripal�►��•rd un�lc!'thc Nuw or by m;►king u � � •
<br />,.;,..�
<br />.,,
<br /> .,.,
<br />,.,,. �. '
<br /> cr,� .;: dirccl paymrnt to H„�•ru���er. li:►rrl'uud re�luces prinrip�il.thr rvductian will hr Ircatcd u•;i pailir�l prcpa��mrnl wuhuut ainy '�. l ., _
<br /> � ' � nra.nnvnlnnt l•hqlrf�l Ulll�l`C 1�11'y1)IL. ' ' - - --� -
<br /> ___ _
<br /> - -��- -.- ..- r..�..�..._... .. o.. , . . . �.i �..�......�..� :� ;..•I.r ; .. _..-- -
<br /> �� �
<br /> .`f.--� � ��. Naticc!:. 1�Ily 11l)�:L`l` �U H��rruwer pruv�dcd tur in uu, 11:CU1'll)' I(1\lfUlill'ql�hill� ��C k:l'vi'.n �� U�n��n�� .
<br /> ,>-.. . , .. �-. -- _� �.--
<br /> , . inuiling it hy f'irst rlcis.nt:�il unlry�;ippUruhlc I.nv rrquira�utie ui';mulhcr ntrlhu�l."I'hc nutic�,hull he dirrctrd to thc 1'ruprily ��� �, .. ,
<br /> Adtlrctis ur uny uthrr add��erti I�un'uwcr�Iu�iHn+ilc� hy nulicc to Lcn�I�r. �1ny niilirr tu l.�ndrr.hull h� given hy lir+l rlatiti .
<br /> �� nt:iil to Lcndcrti uddn r,�tutcd hri�cin��r:u�J uth�r:iddrrtis l.cnilrr dr,igni�Ir.r hy n��iico w Horru�vcr. Any nulicr pn�vidcd fi�r I. ,.�
<br /> ' . in �hi� Sccurity hi+trumrnt tihiill hc dcrnu�! tu havc hrrn �:ivcn tu Nurruw�r i�r l::ndrr ��hrn �;ivrn u, pruvidcd in thi, � ,;
<br /> puriigraiph. .
<br /> 15. Go��ernint� La���: �c�•er':1bilU�•. i lii:, Sacurily Inrtrum�nt tihi�ll hr g����crned hy Ibdcral la��• +m�l the law ai'lhc
<br /> , lurisdic�iun in which thc t�►•���rrty is luc�uccl. In thc cvrn� �hni any pru��i�iun ur clau,�uf this Sccurily In��runicnt ur thc Nolr . _
<br /> • cunl'lirts with aprli��a�hlr la��..uch rnntli:t tihall nut ufl'cc��,ther pruvi,iun,ul thiti tircuriiy In,trunwn�ur thc Nuw which c�in
<br /> ; hc givcn ci'fert wiih�uu Ihe runl7ir�in�:�r���•i,ion. 'lii �hi.cnd ihc pruvi+iun, ul' thiti tirrurit� In�trumcm ;ind thc Nutr ar� h.',.,;�
<br /> ' .� declar�d 1�>be.everahlc.
<br /> � Ifi. I::er:t�«•cl''s Copr. �lurr��a•rr•h:dl h��!i�•rn unc ci,nt'urmcd cupy uf�h�N�,tc an�l��I'Ihi�S�cueity Intilrum4nl, ,'; ' .
<br /> • 17. 'll•unsPer oP the Pru�erty or��Henef7rlul lnterest in liorru�scr. II all.,r a�ti�)•part ui�hc Prupcny��► ;m� inwr�st in ;,.� •, . .
<br /> ., ii iz suld�,r triintitbrred lvr it'a hrncliciul inirrc�t in N�,rra��rr i,.utd ur tr,in.i'rind;uul flurruw�r i� nu� a ni�uiral �mr��,n)
<br />. • wilhout l.undcr� prioe uritt�n rununt.Lrndrr mi��,at i��r tiun,rc uirc imnudiiur »i •nt�nl in f�ull ui:ill sumti,uc�n�cd hy ��'..,�.
<br /> ) P N I ) „':�, ,
<br /> thi�Sccurity ln+u•umcnt. Hu��•crrr.Ihiti up�i�m�hull ncu hc c�rni�c�l b� Lcndcr it'c�rrci,e i.pruhibitod hy 1'rdrri�l luw as i�t' ;:: .
<br /> �hu dutc i,f�hi,ticcurity Inr���umcnt. �` ,
<br /> � It'l.endcr cxcrci•rs this�iptiun, l.en�lar,hall �n r l3urm��rr n�+ti:e��1;i�rrlr�;iliun. 'I�hc n��ticc tih:dl pmvidc a��criud af 'y<<±; . .
<br />�`;'`���`:; ' iun Ic��ihnn;U duy+fr��►n thc dal�Ihu nutire i,deli�rre�t�n•ntuilcd��i�hin��•hi�h Hnrru�<<r mu,t��uy;ill�uun�rcurrd t�y thi,
<br />�::.���i;:�' Sccurily bistrun�cut. I1� tiorruwcr 11►i1� tu ���iy ihc�e •tini, priur tu �hr r�piranan ul'�I�i, puriud. I.cndrr nr.n im�ul.r �iny �,,,°
<br /> remcdie,permiltcd hy thi.Security lmtrunu nl���ilhuut turihrr nulier ur demand vn tl„rn���cr. ,
<br /> � IH. H��rr��wcr's Ni};ht tu l2cimt;�tc. li Nurn►�c�r �nrcl� rrrtain runditii�m. Hnrra��rr •hall liavc Ihe righ� tu havc
<br /> cnt'urcem�nt ui thi� Srcurily In�Uwncnt�ii,runlinur�l:a :+��)�tintr��riur I��Ih<<arlirr ul: i.0 �da"lvr�.urN utl�rr rcriud:��
<br /> tiin,del•.mul� •F'unnle�lncl�rcddic�laclXlPflft111V�1'Iil\!F.\E 1'n��nnn('����•��;���t. 41UD ip��er�,�Jr���dei.i
<br /> i.
<br /> _.--__-_-_-.--_ �
<br /> , . �
<br /> �
<br /> I
<br /> I
<br />