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<br /> ''•�:..:�' • '1'�)fil"sl'Fllil� WI'1'li nll thc Impruvcmrms ciuw ur i��m��f�c�en�:ted o��Ilic prupc►�y,�u�d nll�•uticmcnlh.apptn�tcnunces� �- � ---
<br /> ° ;��:;._.°. iind flxtures uu�v ur hri�enil�r n pur���f�he pr��perty. All re��lacement�: nud a�1�IlUunr�hnll ni�o tx cuv�rcd hv Ihis tircurily 1,,._..,::•�_�.�--
<br /> '`'�+"` •- �ny�rtn�tcm, All nf ttie ti�sc�;ui�ii;ix r4lerttd t��In thiw tiecurYly Instnnnent i�s Utc"1'r���r�1y." �. r{'� �
<br /> ��r��'.-' � L1URlt(>�Vlitt R't)Vt�NANTS U�ut 8u�ru���c fs I�i�vf►dly +ils�d uf thc csinte hwrchy cunvey�al u�tiei li+iy�tx rit+ht t��p�ri�nt - * ._'-�
<br /> ' T � and��nvey tha Prop�tiy m�d�hyt titc Pi•�►�u���y 1�;t��t��ku�ttbcr«t,cacapt 1'�r cncunthr�inscs uP n��ud. {lurraiv��r wa►r�ant.r•�uul __ ~ � _
<br /> - . � �viil Q�t'�n�t�;�ii�idtty;li�tlti�t�ti ti14{'���ry.'tg;iin.t�ti�talm-and d�mand�;.:;ui+Jr.r!tt+:u�}�ttcU�ttltcNfl�•e��,�'F�•�•��rd. r _ �� -
<br /> .;,;; ; :- TfiIS SECUlit'!'Y lNSTCtUMLN1' rnmbl�i.r.. unifi�rn� cuvenwu, fur uutlon+d ►is�; a���l nuu-unil'urm a�vcn:mts �vilh [ �,`��� _
<br /> • ... Umltc�t v���inUuns NY.itn'i.r•dictian to contiUuuc a unlfrnm sccin ily intitruntcnt cuvcrinti rcul pra►prr�y. .;, � -
<br /> - - UNICt)!tM CUVtiNAN'i'4. Cforruwcr un�J l.cud�r cuvcuant nnd ugrcc i�s li►Il�m�s, -. , ..� ���'--�"�=,
<br />- l, i'nymcnl uP 1'�In�ipnl nnd Intc�•csti Prc�iiyancnt�ind I.,ntc Chm�gev, No17'u�vCl•tihAll�fl•u111��Uy{1:1y Whl`Il�1UC lhC �"��•`� �
<br /> = principal oP uncl intGr�st��n thc dcht evidcnccd by ihu Nutc wtd;my prrpuynunt aud liur rhiu•tics dur undcr thc Nate. " ' , ,_ .
<br /> �-- - - 2. It�r�ds for 71►xc���nd Insurnnrc. Suhjcct to a�p�iUci�blu I���v ar tu u wri�tun widvcr by I.endcr,Norruwcr shnU puy to
<br /> . .. . ':
<br />_ . , •..
<br /> : - Lcndcr un thc dt�y monthly payntcnty nra duc undcr thc Nme,wuil thu Naw is paid h� full, n�um C'I�w�ds"1 fur: (n)y4ariy `.
<br /> - _ .. .. inYec!��td i�����cmrn�v�vhlrh nwv uunin prinrfty ovcr Iltis Sc�w•itv ��tslrunicnt .��u Non un Ihc 1'rupc�iy;Ih)yrurlv leuschaltl
<br /> _ ...----- . . . •
<br />-` Pi►yntcnis ur �;raunil rent� on Ihc I'roprrly, if ��ny; lc) ycarty huziud or pro�x�rty insuranrc prcnuums; l�il Ycarly iluud
<br /> - insur;mcc prcmium�, if uny; lc) ycurly mnngngc in.r•ur;utcc pn:mfuu�s, il' nny; nnd lfl uny sum� p+�yublc hy I3orn��vcr ta .' '
<br /> l.ender, iu nccardnnca�vith�he provisians��f pnrii�;rnph !1,in lieu oP the pi►yment ot'mnnga�ge Insuriincc premuuns. "1'hese
<br />-- items urc culled"kiscrow Iteniti." l.endcr muy,ut any dmc,cuUect und hul�a l���ndti in iin umount nut w cxccc�d thc nmximu►n .
<br />+� nmoultt a Icndc� for u fcdcrully rcliitc�l mnngugc Inam m�y rcNuirc for kiurn�wcr�esrrow ;iccuunt uuJcr thc fcdcrul Rcal �
<br /> Bsint��Senlemcnt Pruccdures Acl�i'1�17h ns iuncnd��d t�ram timc to timc. I�U.S,C. 0 2G11I ���sey.(°ttESl'A"1,unlcss unuthcr �'�'H-� :
<br />. Inw thiu appUcs to�hu Fundy,uts u Icxscr um�un6 If su,l.c�idcr may,at,iny tintc,c��llcct und hc�ld Fun���In itn amount not tu , _,,;_,_,
<br /> � excced thu lesscr untaunt. Lender muy esti►n:ue �he umuunt nf' Ilmds duc un the U��sis uf currrnt data i�nd rei�snnuble • �'�-�t+�?-�
<br /> , . estim��tes of expendituros ul'1'uture�?scro�v Itenis or uthcrwise in,►ccurdaurc�vith uppllcahle luw. ��,' ,.;"`• -
<br /> ' Thc Funds s1iuU lx: hcld in an insdwtiUn whusc dep�sitr urc insurcd by n fed��a�l ugcnry, ins�rumcntnll�y, ar rnlily �� .
<br /> ' (includinF;Lcndei',if l.cnder is such iin (nstilution)��r in uny Pcdori�l Homc l.unn t3nnk. L.rridcr shall apply Ihc Funds tu paY . _�_
<br /> ' t}�� �scruw Items. L.cnder m+�y not chiu�e H���ru�der for huldin}!tmtl i�pplying thc hvnds, nnnuidly nnnlyrin�; the csc��ow . • - -�.
<br /> . . nccount, or vcrifyln� thc Esciv�v Itcros, unlesti l.cndc� pays I3onowcr intcrest un ihc P�utds nnd c�ppllca�hla lu�v pcmiitti • "•:'�•
<br /> Lcndcr ro mi►ke xuch u ch.►r�;e. Hu�vevcr, l.cndcr may rc�uiro BoiYwver tu puy o��nc-�imu chiu•ge fc�r un in�lependent rci�l � • �.
<br /> estiitc ti�x repartin�scrvicc uticd by I.cndcr in c�mnection w�th Itti�Iotm,unlcss applicnble Inw pruvldcs��Ihcnvise. Unless un _
<br /> ii�r�:ement is mi�de ar cipplicnhle luw r�equires interctit ta h9 puid,l.ender shull no�hc req�dred t��pny Horro�vrr uny interext or _
<br />:;;•;,�. , carnin�s on thc Flmds. Hurrawer utid Lendcr mny i�grcc in�vritin�;,ho��•ever,�hnl intcrest shull he paid�m thc Funds. Lendcr . `;
<br />•;�':"; ' shull givc w Burruwcr, wiUmut churgc,an nnnuul acc��unting of'thc fiuud.,ah�wing credits and dcbitti to thc flmds amd Ihc � - ; �
<br /> "` ' pumusc for which c+�ch dcbit to thc Fu�ds w��s ntadc. 'fhc Funds are plcd�c41 as ad�{iti�ni�l sccurily fur nll tiums xccurcd by �.f.;
<br /> �� _ �his Secu�i�y Inst�unmot. �� �"
<br /> If thc FUnd� hcicl by Lcndcr rxrccd the umuunt� �rmiltcd tu bn c�ld Uy nE�Flirahtc law, Lrndur xhuU uccount to
<br /> � Burru�vcc fi�r thu cxcess tUnds in ucwrd�oce with thc r�quucmrnt.ut'uppUct�blc law. 1R'thc asnou+�t��f Utc Flinds hcld by � � ,;
<br />�_ : ._ _ _ . �
<br /> Lender at any�imo is not sufticient u� ptry fio iscrow itemti wh�n iiur, L�nct�r�ay�u:•�.afy �::rr�:=4e:!::wsltiseg,un�l. 40 ,- -- •'--- -_
<br /> such sasc Barruwcr tihull pay tu l.�ndcr thc +inu�unt necctitinry tu nuikc u� thc dcitciececy. �rn•a�tirr�I�all makc �p thc f-
<br /> � dcficicncy in no nu►rc thnn t�vclvo monthly pi�ymcnts,at l�cncicr's.ulc discrc��on. ;�
<br /> _— -__-_ t l�,nn �.�ymen[in full of nU .run�s secured by thi�Serurlry Instrunu�ni, L.ondcr+hall pram�.�tly refund to Hc�rrawer itny � ' '.' �
<br /> -T -.. _._ _ L.__._ _ . ,
<br /> ` - Funds hold by l.cndce If,u�tdcr�urugraplt ?l,l.ender�hnll�icNui�•c ur.cll thc 1'ra�erty. 4.cnacr.Fnor�o�no ucyui+iiiuu�r� � ;_ _�:
<br /> �. • +nlc of thc Praperry, tihnll apply uny 1-linQs hcld hy I.endcr m �hc timo oi'ucquisiUon or ��Ie as:i rredit ag�in�t thc �wns -
<br /> � ' sccun:d by thir:Sccuriry Intitruntcnt.
<br /> J. AppUct�tlon uP Yny�nentx. Unlcss applic:�hlc law pruvidcti othcrwisc, nll paymcntx rcceived hy Lendcr undcr
<br /> �, parnga�phs 1 und? shull bc appllcd:f'i�sl,u„��y n��raymcnt churgcti duc �mdcr ihc Nutc; �rcond,lo unu�unts payublc undcr
<br /> " pa�ugruph 2;thinl,tc�lntcrc�t duc: fnurlh,tc�principtd duc:and lutit,t���uty lu�c chnrgcs duu undcr thc Notc.
<br /> • 4. Chur�es: l.iens. Horruwcr sl�ttll pay all taxes, a�scssmcnts, cha�gcs, fines :ind impu�it'sonti +►uribuluhlo �o the
<br /> � Pr�perty which mny auain priuriry ovcr thir Securiry Instrumcnt,amd Ic.�seh�dd payments ur gruuitJ m.nls,ii'i►ny. t3i�rrnwcr
<br /> shnll pny these��bli�;tttianx in the munne�pnrvided in pari�briiph�,ur if n��t paid in thnt mamier.H�m•uwer shall piiy them on , ',
<br /> dmo dircctly u�the pers��n a�ved payment. Y,oirowcr.hall E�romptly t�urnitih tu l..cndcr all nutice�of umnunls to Ix:paid under , . :
<br /> . • �his purugruph. If Borrc+�vcr makes thc.r•e pi�ymcnty direc�ly, liarrowcr yhi►II promptl�• fumish ta Lcndcr reccipts cvidcncing
<br /> tha payme:�ts. . . .
<br /> 8orcowcr shidl prantptly di�churgc uny licn which har priori�y��vcr�his Security lnstrumcnt unlcys Horrowcr:(ol ugrccx �
<br /> in writing ta tho payment oi�he obNgmian�ecured by the lirn In�+mimn�r acceptable tn l.ender,(b)amtests in go�x1 fnith the ,
<br /> �� Ifen by,or defcnds again�t cnfarcemcnt of'thc lien in.Ie�id pn►ccedin���vhich in thc Lcndcrk apinian c�periuc to prevcnt ihc
<br /> �• � '"-" � enforeement of'tho Ucn;n�(c)secures from the halder cff Ihc licn un a�;reemen�ti;+ti>t:�cu�ry ta l.endcr suhordinating the lien �
<br /> to this Security Instrumenl. If l.ender detcmiincti �hi�t any pu�1 of the P:operty is �ut+3�rt tu,i lien which muy uttain priority � ,
<br /> ' ovcr Ihis Security I�s�n�ment,l.cndcr mi�y�ivc flottowcr a nuticc identifyinF thc lirn. S��nuwcr�hall�ntitify Ihc licn ar take � , . , �;
<br /> one ar mare af'Ihc acHans set fonh i�bavc a�ithin 10 dayti of the giving of nodcc. I
<br /> S. Ho�urd or Pruperty lnsurunce. Burr��wcr shall kccp thc impmvrments nuw cxistin,,ur l�rreuftc�crected on the
<br /> Property insurrd tiguinst lass by firc,haxards includcd���ithin thc lcrnt "cxtcnded covcr:�g�".md.�ny uthcr hatards,lncludinF
<br /> floc,ds ett flaodlnZ;, far whlcti Lender require� insurance. This in�urance shull hc mainliiined in the am�unt� :uid for tho
<br /> �r•. '
<br /> • ' k�rm302H 9190 ipage:nf�Puce.rl .
<br />� --��_-
<br />