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r � . _. _ _ . � iz !-� U -f f -il��t /�S Ll _ ��L1.��3� f - <br /> < . �- . � T S. '� !i <br /> 1 i� - t 1 � . il ;_ - - � ;� -7 -� s� i- ��' � v. ^wl,La _3rt e ' _ <br /> e . � % .."" i-�: - J • � Mrl .� �+iY. <br /> .: � , sa a wr aQ aeN�g�o�' �p�s , 2F�� _ _ <br /> .��� .., ,.,. . C � <br /> ; � sT g �_, ,p TiRY + _ :s � ,� ,,� � � <br /> �HI�AgS10�MFNYORtiEhTBRIq�Rlsro�A ana6xeoutqGth1�;;,,_,��d�yol._..w—...._,:�(���� .,���� , <br /> tpoorportCed�niopndl�h�llQedeemdAto�rRari�e{Idsuppt8inentt�eMdrt�apeprq64dptT�yet,pero4lelrorretertedtd�iTih6 <br /> ' ��seour�ry t��tt�men{�?,of tha eeme Cat9 pNen;py the�underolo(iRd,nalategtS4��eLaO�tq e tha°8crtower"ttl t1nUt� y <br /> • Bo�foWOMp16Qe0tM�nea�,heibl0lltitroferiedtoedlMe"N4Id';t�HOMBFEDERA�BAVIN�B�N�L0ANA88iS�lATiONdp , °. - <br /> _ ORANDI�41SN4�h9tetn�t�lrrotenp04baethe�'Lender',oltnee�msdoteandooVehnpthaDrqOertydaaorlbedlnt�q8�putity <br /> . inat�ument�no iao�tad�t� " . - <br /> �028 NIXiTH SHE�ID�N GNANO ISLANO NEBRRSK� 88803 <br /> - . - Ivrooetlr Aaareaa) . • _ <br /> . WITNE88ETH: , , `_ <br />== WHEREAB,8orrower entl Lendar have eproed t�at any ronte anA proilto attdbutaDle to the O�oPorty ehould oonelitute � .. <br />�� - � aAdltlonRl eaoutlty to the Lender tor t�a-payment of iha NotB; <br /> NOW.THBREFORB,It le egroetl thflt tho Boowlry Inetrumont ehall Ce amendetl hereby and doemod to Inolude lha followi0y <br /> _; Dt0YfE10118: � " - ._. <br />''-'-a 1, AanlqmmnnfotRentsenALandarReMelCOileo�lonRlahte.8ortowerACrebyabaolutelyanAUnaondltlona11Y9ssIDnBell � <br /> �-``� rent0. laeuae and profNe of tha DropeAy ro Beneflolary. Lendar eha�l Aava the dpM, power anA authodty durlap the - <br />�;;tj�a coMinuanCe of the Beourity InaUUment to oolleot the renta�asues nnd profna ot tna proDerry end of any parsonal proparty <br /> -- loa8tatl theroon wilh ot wlthout taRfng poaeosslon o1 the property atteotetl hare0y. lender,however,�eraby oonsent�to <br /> Bonowera colieotlon aod rataNlon ot duoh reMe,lasues anO proii�e ae t�ey aeorue enq Cacome paya0le,so long qa9oROw9� <br />- - = le not,pt auph tlma,in detaut!wlth Toepaot to payment of eny Inda6tedneae seeured-hereby,or In t�e peAormance'df ehy <br />-=" apreament hereunder. __ <br />-=.7 p, 8{,ipointment of- eceNe�.il any avent of Oelault In reapect ta tho SacuAty Instrument s�all heve 000urt6d enA b0 = <br /> -__� oontlnulnp, Lender,ee a metter of rlght antl without notice to Horrower Or eny0ne olalming unde�Bortowai,an0 withoUt _ - <br /> - ' tlOard to tha value of the truat eateta or the Intareot of tha Bwrower t�erein,ehall have the dpht to apD�Y ta eny aoud having <br />.�;..� Judedlotlon to eppolnt e recelver of the property. -- <br /> `°�-! 9. (j(qp�to Poseesalon.ln oase of dafault in the peyment of the aald pdnclpel Note or Intereat,o�eny part thereot,as It '"''- <br /> '� ahall matut9,or In tha oese of fallure to keep o�peAOrm eny ot the covenante or agroemaNS contelned�n the Beoudty Inetru• � ,-_ <br /> ment,then the Lender, Ite suocaasore or aeslgna,ehell be end la hereby authodzed antl empmxeretl to take Imme018te ; � <br /> poseeselon of t�e eeltl premisee theraln deacdbed an0 to coileot tha rante t�orefrom,and to apply the procaeda tho�eof to the �;�,� <br />���"r'�j RBYment of t�e Nota. '�•'-��" <br /> `"'` <br /> -- 4. Aoollaetlon of Rente.Isaues end Pro}Ite.All renle ooll0cted by Lander or iho reaelver shall ba apD���ilret to Dayment !'-`� <br /> - - oithacoateofmanaqementofihapropartyandco(IOOiionoiranie,inoiuding,uutnotll���Nou't3,r-o-ustvar'sf:.2:.C��mlumeon - <br />'';�:a reCetver'8 6onEe entl reasonebl9 ettomeye feee,anO then to the eume aeauratl by the 8acudty Instrument.LenAer and the �,:�-- <br /> _,.� reoelvOr ehall bB Ilable to ecc0unt onry for those rente actually reeeivetl. " <br /> ' 8. Cunatruotlon of Crmlalona.Eflch of ihe provl6lone conlelneC In thle A991gnment of fleMe Rlder end iha 8ecutlty Ina1N• � ��' <br /> m0nl ehell, unleee othanvlae epeciflcelly requlred, bo conatruaC In eocorAenca wNh Nobreeka lew,and In tha evant any Et �� <br /> �'��1 ptovlelon hereln or thereln contalned ahall be determined by e court of compatent Jurisdiollon to be unenlorceable,the aeme F ,- <br /> _rd E�ell be oonatruad as ihoug�evch unenforceabla provielon were not e pert hareof or t�eieoL � ' <br /> -�-r.:Fa 8. Etfeot ot RIAer.Except as aDeclticelly modl(led by or Inconaletant with thle Aeslgnment of Rente RIOar or by eny other �'�=.�- <br />.:r:�i� eDP��cabla ridar,ell of lha terma enA prmislone coMalned in tha Secudty Inntmment a�ell contlnue In full torce end etlect. �'_" <br /> i�i) �'„ <br /> -;� IN WITNE88 WMEREOF,Borrower hae executed lhia Aseignment of Rente HIAer on t�e Cete flrsl noteA above. ;, '.- <br /> vj f - <br /> :1 %m� .�-�• -� <br />-�.�"� MONTE L. SCHOENSTEIN eo«�� ���- <br /> y.i _ � "� f; <br /> �„�,.. �.L <br /> -+� IMURINE S. SCHOENSTEIN eo�rower �t -- <br /> � <br /> � STATE OF NEBRA8KA) E <br /> �`�� (86: � .._ <br /> CAUNTY OF HALL ) � <br />-�_�,�, On thle 21 ST Aay ot mpY 7g 93,before me,the unAersi0ne0•a Notary Pobiit duly commisaloneC and � �� <br />". *•. CuellNatl for eeitl county,peraonaiiy came�TE��_S�HOENSTEIN RND m11URINE 5 SGHO NST tN. <br />-_:_1:5�� HUSBAND AND WIFE ,to De t�e identicel pereoMe)whose namHa)islare subattlDed �'_ <br />- : to ihe fore9oing Inel.ument,en0 helehalihey ecknowietlga ihe ex8tution iher9ol lo be his/�e�helr voluntary act and deed. j�_�, <br /> i <br />_;:=?j Witneas my hand and Nolarial Sea1 at_.— GRAND ISLRND, NEBRIlSKA _ _ % <br /> :� in i pou Ceta-y d. �� � <br /> `::'t � � 'J. � ` <br /> - l• _ �-- , <br /> Nola�r Public <br /> Jr:t] , . <br /> f � <br />���'?h�� My Commiaeion expirea: - <br /> > t <br /> us<oxnna �� . <br />.��-"�� �WMI�M� <br /> V/R+ma Efp��1996 <br />��,•it'�'i� <br /> '�L' <br />:�-� <br />. :'�� <br /> 5��� <br /> -_s �. '1't _ _ . . . __ _. <br />