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Tru�tor ehal) pny c�U tpx�i c��d af�ebsmenle which may ba Invlet)u�on <br /> — '= � �asct,tklary'a tnt4re�1 herein�x upon tnt!D+rrd a!trua�whAout ra�+�d to any law 1hc�1 rt�qy Ga enactacl Imposing pc►y�nent of the whole or any <br /> •-•-.�"-. � ' <br /> � �h��t�}`-�s�A•�,lla�at�i�cetettk�el Ue�stit3+ttY'�L�t�rit�p. T�WfOt{IHtll rt1l�R Qil pQVfllflilt{Of IOfa►85f OII��lfit}tIpOI Ob;l ptiyR16n1s ot utry ��- —`----- _ _ _ . <br /> o�her charQes.�eas�nd o�pansat centrottaA to ha pald to any oxlstinD Iieahotdere or prler beneficio�ies undsr ony piia�d�c�tf a1 t�u;f��:- L <br /> tpapn Aeforo tf�e t�it�they are dolinqut�nt on�d promptly pc►y a�d tllschnrpA any a�d nll othrtr livn�,claima or ch4rQas which moy�aopardire the <br /> sacurity prant�d herefn, 11 Trustor fails ta mako any such p�ymant or fafls to perfurrn any of tha covanonts and agrnnmants tonfained in fhls , <br /> Doed of Trus�,or in nny prlor mortgape or d�tacl 01 trusl, of if nny action or procoedinp is tommenced whtch matoriGlly ofOecis Oen�ficlary'ti in• <br /> furof�in tht�PrOp»�ty, IncluAir�4,bt►t not Ilmitad to,ominent dam�in proceedinfl�,or protvedings involvinp a detondent,or ff Trustor fails�o pny I <br /> � Trvator's deb4s ganerolly na thay 4ccomo duo, than U�neiltiury, ut BAnsficiary's apllon and without notico to ar dmm�nd upon Trustor and <br /> r�ithottt+eleocin�Trustor irnm+uty ahligatlon hereundor, mav mako suth npRearancos.disburso such sums,ond tako such attion as is notossary : , <br /> to protect Da�oficiary s inturos�includinp,but nat limitad ta,disbursomonf of roa9onaC1�attorney's faos, payment,purthaso,contosi or cnm• i <br /> promiso 09 any encumbrnnce�, char4o or lion, anA ontry upan tho Pro�arty to mako ropeirs, In thn ovent that Trustor shall (ail to procuro in- <br /> surunce or ta poY taxos.assossments, or ony othor chorflos ar to moko any payments to�xiStinp prior liFn holders or benoliciarlps, �nnaficiary � <br /> may procuro suth insurance and ma4o such payment.Any amounts disbursed by Benefitiary pur5uant tp t�i�Poragraph�shall bacamo additiqnal <br /> indnbtodnoss af Trustor securad by this Qat�d af Trust.Suth ampunts shnll ha payablo upon notico irom 8�:n�ficiary to Trustor roquostin�pay- <br /> mont theroof. ond shall beor intorost from tho dato nf disbursemont at tho rato payable from tlma to timA on outstandinp principol under tho • . <br /> ' Note unless payment of intorast at such ruto would bo contrpry to applicahle law,in wldth ovent such omounts sl+all bear interost at tho hiqhost <br /> , rote pormissiblo undor applitoblo law. Nothinq containeQ in�his ParaQraph 6 shall roquiro f3eneficiary to intur any erp�nse or toko any action , <br /> haroundor. ` <br /> • � 7, A�stg�nent of R�nte. Benoficipry sholl hav�the right, power and authurity durinp tho tontinuance of this Oeed of Trust to collact the <br /> � rents,issuos and pralits of the Property anti af any person�l property lotatod thoroon with�r withput taki�possession of tha proporty affetted �. , <br /> ; haroby,anA Trustor heroby ab�:l��tely and untonditionally ossigns all such rents,issuos and prafitc to Benoficiory.Deneficiory,howover,horoby <br /> 1 consonts to tho Trustor'S collection ans!reto�tipn of suth rents, issuos and profits as they attrue and betom0 D�Yable so lonp as Trustor is not, <br /> at such timo, in dAfault with resF�cr�o poymenr o}any indebt�dnvss soturod horoby, or in tAe pertormante of ony apruomont heroundor. Upon , <br /> i any such dofauli. Beneficipry may at dny time.eather in person,by apent, or by recoiver to be aDPointed by o court,wifhout nolico and without <br /> I repard to ih�adequ�Cy of any seeurity for �he �ndebtodnoss hvroby satured, lol enter upon and tako possossion of tho Property or any part <br /> � 1 iheroof.and in its own name s��c�ar or otherwise collect such rQnts,issues ond prolit4.includi�iq those past duo and unpa�d,and opply tho same, <br /> � lass costg and oxpvnses of e�ae�a�ion and collectiun, intludiny raasonahl�ottorno�+s fees. e;aon any indebtedness setured hereby, and in such <br /> I �i���oe eeneticiarq map determinc; (b)perlorm suth ads of rope�ir or protectioti as mc�OP necessory or proper to cense�vo tho value o)the <br /> , Properry;Ic)leaso the some or any part thereof lor such rental,torm,ond una�s�ch eond�tions as its judgment may dicioie vr in�mi��itc�r ad- - <br /> � just tho torms and tonditions of any oxisting lease or leases.Unless Trus�er o�3 Beneficiory agree othPrwiso in writing, any application nf rents, <br /> ; issues or profits tp any indobtadness secured heroby shnll not entend or postpone the duF date of the installmen/poymenss as provided in soid <br /> � rromissory note or thpng�thQ amoum ot such instattmenTS. ine onTOring upon ano ioicii�y Nv55ass�:,�z at :ho o:��;»�. �ti��nllnr�inn nf cueh _ . <br /> rents, issuos and proiits, and the applicatian theroof as aiorasaid. shall nat waivo or curo any daiault or notice of c�efau{t herpunder, or in- <br /> validato any nct done pursuant to such notice. Trustor also assigns to 9envficiary,as further socurity fer the otrfc:•monto of the o6ligations <br /> ' secured here6y,all prnpaid rent;and all monies which may hove been or moy herealfer bo depositod with 5aid Trastor Dy pny Ipsseo of the Pro• . <br /> Ip.rty, to securo the payment of any r4nt or damages, and upon default in the periormance of any of thv provisions h�reof, Trustor�4roes to <br /> � deliver suth rents and deposits to 8oneficiory.po�ivery of�vr�^rrn nofico of Benelitiary's exorcise of the rights q�antEC!herein,to any tenant ot- <br /> • ' tupying said promises shall be suffitienl to roquir�said tenpnt to pay said ronl to the 6eneiiciary until further notite. <br /> I8.Conde�tntA9an.If fitle to any part of tho Praperty sholl be taken in ce�d2mnotion procoedings,by ripht ot eminent domoin or similor nction. <br /> � ' or shall be sold under threat of condomnatian,all uwards, damages ond u�oceeds are hereby assigned ond sholl be paid to Beneficiory whu shall <br /> , I apply such awards.damoges and proceeds to�he sum secure�+by�his Oeed of Trust,with thv oxtess, if pny, Truslor, I}Trustor reteives <br /> nny npti�a or other iniormation rugarding such attions or nrotsedinps, Trustor shpll give prompt writtan notite thereof fo beneliCia►y. <br /> • flenefitiary sholl be ontitled,af its Oplion,to commence.appear in and prosecute in its own npme any such action or proc�eedinc�s ond shall be en- <br /> � titlod to moke any compromiso or sottlement in connec��o�w�"h ony such acnon or proceedings. <br /> • ' 9. Resnedla Nat Excludve. Benefitiary sha11 be ent�tled to en+orce poyrnent and performanta of any indebtedness or obligations setured <br /> � heroby and 10 exercise all righl5 and powers under this Deed ef Trust or under any other agrpement executed in tonnection herewilh or any lows <br /> � now or heroaftor in lorce,notwithstanding some or all of she such ind,btedness and obligations securod heroby moy now or heroafter be other- <br /> wiso secured,whether by mortgaye. deod oi trust, pledge. Iien,os5ig�mFnt or otherwise.NU�ther the acceptance of this Qoed of Trust nor its <br /> enfarcement whe�her 6y court oction or pursuant to�he power of sale or othe�powe►s heroin contQined, sholl projudice or in ony manner affect <br /> Benefitiory's right to realize upon or enforca any other secuntv now or h�reofter held by Beneiitiory,it being agroed thot peneficiary shall 6e <br /> enlitled to enforco this Qeed oi Trust and any other secunty now or heroafter held by Benefitiary in suth order pnd manner as it may in its ab- <br /> soluto discretion de�armine.No romedy herain conferred upon cr reserved to Benelicinry is intonded to b�extlusive of ony other romedy herein <br /> or hy law providad or permittnd.but each sholl be cumulati�e ond sholl be in addition to evt��y other remedy given hereund:r or now or hereafter <br /> existing at law or in oquity or by statu�n. Evory power or remedy provided herounder this Doed of Trust�o Beneficiary or to which it may be <br /> othenviso antitled.muy be eMercised toncurrontly or independently from t�me io��me and os of�en as may be deemed expedient Beneticiary <br /> � and it moy pursue inconsistan�remedies.Nothiny hera���ii�o��be ton,trued as proh:bis�ng fl:r.c!�uary 4ror*e seeki�g n cieficiency judgmeM against <br /> ; the Trustor to the axtent suth attion is perm��ted by law. <br /> 10. Tton�fa of ProPe�ty� M�umption. N pll or�ny p�rt of the property or any interest ti�erein�s sold,tran5lerred or conveyed by Trustor <br /> without Benelitiary's prior written consent, oxtluding(al the creat�on of n lien or encumbrnnce subordinate to this Deed o1 Tru51. lb)1he trea• <br /> tion of a purchase mo�ey sacunty interest for household appl�onces. (cl a transfer by devise descent or by oper�tion o1 low upon the death of a <br /> joint tenant or (d1 the grant of any leasehold interost of throe yeors or less not contoinmg an option to purthaso. Benoficiary may, ot <br /> Beneficia�y s option, declaro all�he sums sacured by th�s Deed oi Trust�o he�mmedio�ely due and payable or causa the Trus�ee�o file a notice <br /> of delau��. Denefitiory shall hovo vraived such option to accelerato �1 pr�or to the salo trnnsfe�or conveyanco. Benefitipry and tfie person�o <br /> whom the property is to be sold or transferrod reath ngreemeM in writmg that the crodit of such pe�son is snt�sfctctory fo Oenefitiory and tho� <br /> the interost poyablP on the sums secured by th�s Oeed of Trust�hall be ot such rote as Beneficiary sholl reque5t. <br /> 1 <br /> ' <br /> � _ _ <br />