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_ ___ _ _ __ _ <br /> 93. �O��i�e _ _ <br /> 17.1Yaasfei o!the ProauW or o Bcneticlal Interest In Borro�sw.[f ali or anY�art of�he Property or my intuest In it _ <br /> le eold or tmnsferted(or if a 6oncticid Inureu in Borrower ia rold or transfemd end Bortowu ia not a neturol persoN withaut <br /> Lender'e prlar wrlRen conxnt, Lender may, et tu option. rcquIro immedlate payment in PoII of all wme ucured by thle <br /> Secudty InsUUment.However,tAle option ehall not be exerclsed by Lmder If exucitt ia prohibltal hy kdeml law as of the daro __ <br /> ol thie Beadry Inswment. -- <br /> If Lcnder wccrcisca�hle opdon,Lender cM1all give Borrower notla ot aooelere�lon.7ho notfcc shall provide�pedod of nnt — <br /> leas than 30 days troni [he da�e the rrotta le dellvered or malled withln which Anrcower mact pay all cum+KCUred by thia = <br /> &adty insimment.If Bortowcr feiU to pay�hcse cums pdor�o the expiwtlon of ihi�per(cd,Lender may invoke any rcmedles ��i�;� .__ <br /> pertnitted by thie SECVrity Inatrumrnt w(thout Ponher no8ce or demand on Borrower. w'- � <br /> 18. Borrovu4 RIM t tn Retnstete. If Borrower meeu cenein condiNons, Borrower aMll heva the right ro have <br /> entorcemene at tMs SecurTry Inttmmene dicmntinued a[my time pdor ro the eariier oF. U)5 days (or such aher perlad a+ R-.��:�`='�?� <br /> epplleablo 1¢w mey cpecify for relnstetetaen[) bcPoro tele of the Property pursuant to any power of sele antnincd in thia � � -� <br /> 3tcudry Instrument;or(b)entry of s judgment enforcinp this Securiry Gutrument.Those conduions ere ihat Bovower.(a)paya � ��,._ <br /> Lender ell sums which then would b¢due undu�his Sxudry Instrument end the Noie es if no acceleretion lud occurted:@) 'h�tis:,�.;^��� <br /> curca eny defeult of eny other covenenu or egramente: (c)pays all axpenses incurrod in enforcing ihis Securiry Insuument, M,r,,>:�;}y���:';-� <br /> including,but no�1(mited to,rcawneble atomc a' &a; xnd(d)takes such action es Lcnder n�y reasonably rcqwre[o assurc +'ry�.°`��_�- <br /> � f-v.n_,.ryv. .... <br /> that Ihe Ilen of�his Secudty Insuvmene, Lender a riehte in the Pmperty and Borrower s o61igation ro pry the sums:ecured by ,��,;.�r.;,_:;-. <br /> this Saurity Inumment sAall conHnuc unchonged Upon rcinstatemen[ by Borrower, this Security Ins�mmeni end �he �r�%1 �2 ,. <br /> obpgatlons securod hercby shall rcmain Potly etta�ive es if no acaleration had occmred. However, this risht m reinvate shall _,�= -_ <br /> not epply in�he cese of ecaleretlon under parcgreph 17. i�:��i`�ey;;>:�_ <br /> 19. Sale ot Note; Chenge ot Loan 3ervlcer.The Note or a panial intercst in the Noro (togc�her wi�h this Securi�y .i. i--_ � <br /> Inshumenq may be sold onc or morc timea without pdor notia to Horrower.A sele may rcsul[in a change in�k emiq•(known ;��'��L.j=:��- <br /> aa tha'Loan Servicer')that mllcets monthly paymenu Uue under the Note and this Security Trtstrument.Therc ilso may be one -,t� _= <br /> or morc changas of�hc Loan Serviar unrclat�d to e sale of the No[e.If therc is a chenge of the Loan Servimr,Bovower will be ='n•!�_�=:"��- <br /> iven wdtten notico of the chen e in eccordance with wgre h I4 a6ove a�a licable law.'ihe notitt will s��u the name end ''.���'°��`� <br /> r•-:a <br /> B 8 W P PP _��.�+;-r:::• <br /> eddress of thc new Loan Serviar and�he address m which payments should be madc.Thc no�ice will also cantain eny aher =� .: <br /> infortna�lon requircd by applicablc law. +y;�k�t y `"-'— <br /> 211. HezaMom Su6stencea. Borrower ahell no�cause or petmit the prcsence, use. disposal, arofege.a rcleasc of eny Y,t. F�'^•�. <br /> He�atdaus Substanoes on or in Ihe Propeny. Borrower shall not do, nor allow enyone clse to do, enything nRating the :=�i„�tisi,;i:s_i'-;�. <br /> Property�hat is in violu�fon of eny Bnvironmemel Lew. The praWing iwo ttntenoes ahall not epply�o the prcsentt,use. or rt`f�-.;F,-,,__, <br /> �torage on Ihe Propeey of small quenti�les ot Hezartlaus Subs�anms�hat arc generally recagnized to he appropriate m nomrel r�7�i'1.�a:;��;;::. <br /> raidentiel uaes and Io meintenance of the Property. , *s���%�r�i�--�� <br /> liortowcr xAall prom �I rve Lendcr wrinen no�ice of en investi auon,claim,Aemand, lawsuit or other actian by any j�?';f'�> r-::;s:- <br /> govemmentol or rcgulatoryeygency ar privete pany involving the Properry and any Huardous Substentt or Enrironmental Law •-,t•j:ri�:�;y+,� <br /> i�= �.Pf��,.t;n,: <br /> of which Borrower has actud knowledge. If Borrower leems,or is mtified by nny govcmmemal or rcgulutury au�hority. �hat ::�}\�i,�s,.�y���_. <br /> any rcmoval or other remcdiation of eny Hazardoua Subs�nntt eRening the Propeny is neceswry. Bortower xhill promp�ly lake . .-� <br /> alI nxessary rem�diel eoUona in eccordence with Environmemel Lew. '{+? l�k ° <br /> Aa used in�hla paTagreph 20, 'Hazardous Subsuncex" arc thase subs�encea dcfined ac mxic or hazsrdaus sub:tences by ;'v3��'t E•^- <br /> tnvimnmcmal ia�v nnd �he (allowing su'osien�ea: gewiinc. ke�uac�ic. �ihcr 9a��autiv att.-.zia Pii(Oiii:�yTC.a.L'Cl:. lQI�C ��i��i•-",.:_i�. <br /> peaticidea end hefbicides,volaNle solvem:,nmrerials mnluining at6es�os ar formaldehyde, and reJioactive mamrials.As used in •=j•cr,.YJ�.;.:;-.� <br /> thix parogreph 20, 'Envimnmentnl Luw' nuaac fedc�el Inws and lews af the jurisdiaion�nc�rc the Propcny is locatod �hat ����•��:��•��;:,� <br /> relate to hwlih,safe�y or cnvfronmrnt¢I pro[ation. >;;i�a-Y;'�.;;,;._- <br /> NON-UNIFORM COYENAN7'S.Bormwer nnd Lender furtlier mvcnent nnd egn:c as lollows: •-�- _ �� <br /> t,�,u.�._,_._. <br /> 21.Acceleretlonj Remedia.I.ender ahall gfve noqce ro Borro�rer pr�or to acceleratlon Polloiring Bonower's brweh j;1�-'�1;':�_`"--- <br /> of an covenent or a rcement In lhia Secudt Instrument (but not dor to aemlervtlon under paro h 17 unle� � _ <br /> Y R Y P 8�P S`�`�����';•``.:- <br /> eppl[cable la�v provlden othenrlse).The notice shall spectfy: (a)ihe defuulk (b)the netlon required to cure the defeul4 �e ��(;;�f;;?.'; <br /> (c)a date, not le�Ihan 30 daya hnm the duh the nmlce le glren to Dorro�ser, by�vhleh the detauit mua be cured:and -�r �tt C-- <br /> (d) that failure ro curc the defnuit on or bePorc ihe date specitied In the notiee mny recutt in ecceleratlon of the auma .1'i� yl�f - <br /> securcd 6y thta Secudty Inttrument end sale af the Rnpeny. The notice shall Nrther intorm ilorrowerof the right to ; ;�yk Js��r_;� <br /> rcinstete aRer eccelerntion nnd the right to bring e court action tu assert the nomextstence nf e dePault or eny other :=h;:j,;;,,j;.._ <br /> defenu of Dorro�rer to aaderaqon end mle. It tAe defnut[ ia not cured on or befon the date specifled In t6e notice. _ •�� �£�r-y�--: <br /> '-:i 5��,;;�Y::;_: <br /> I.ender,at Ns aption, moy requlre Immediete payment in NII of all Spp1A SQfUfFd Il)'IIILT SMIIfIIy IRt1NA]CIII\YIIAOiII .�t:�',.5.,:� . <br /> Nrther demend and mey Invoke lhc poirer af sale end any other rcmcdla pcm�itted hy nppIlcnDlr law�.Ixnder shall be ��:ti.�;,�.'�,,y_, , <br /> entftled ro collat ell expensex Incurrcd in pursuing the rcmedics prmlded in this paraFreph 21.�ncluding,6ut not Ilmited :^-:',=-��"-��_-- <br /> `r�.;�:...i;, <br /> ta,reasoneble etromeyx'Poex nnd mx�of tlile evidmce. "!-:��-;'?!;�`-.,�- <br /> If the o«er ot xale Ls invoked, Trusice shull recnrd e no�tce af detault In cacfi muntp in�rAlch my parl nf iht ':t''-:��,�%{`-;�`,� <br /> Property Is Pocaled end ahnll m¢il mpip ot such notlm In ihe manner yrcxcribed by nppllcable Inw to Borro�rer and to ;�:�;'�'.ry'S.!:_:-- <br /> the ather perxoiu precerihed be nppllcable Imr.ARer the time rcyul�rd Ay eppllrnble lao�,Trustee shall gire puhlic notlm ��-°''•'.'�^?c.�. <br /> ot sale ro the persans und In ihe mnnner preccrfM1ed by uppifrnblc la�r.Tru.tcr,nitl�oul dnnund an Borto�ver,shali sell �'�'�'°='�:,;`r:;,-. <br /> the Property at public aucllun to the highest bidder et ihe Ilme nnd plem nnd undrr the lerms desiRneted In the nottm n� �.'i,�jyy 5",5':; <br /> wle In one or morc purcels m�d in nqr order Trvstee detemilnes. Trusfee mx��pnclpmie wle nf all or aqr parcel af ihe - f: SiFi;.��t-'� <br />- Property by publk nnnouncentent nt the time nnd plucc nf nm pre��inusly uhecluled sele. I.ender or Ile desiRnee may r.iv'`t'r�a'`-�:�- <br /> i ?'�':r:u. . <br /> purchese the Property at eny cele. ;.":�ti�"i�a.-,,,_}- <br /> ir�l� <br />' Porm3028 8180 "..��t' ;_`.:-': <br /> PMSM6 �..1F': <br /> 1.' <br /> 9..' . <br /> I' - , . . <br /> +'-. .J - 's1}}Y11 -t .. J c(�.:...- i:"r:^:.�� . :.r�t�n^c—'•;'.., -_z- --?5�_!!.�) 3';�'T- f e.U`i}�'i,i^ .-:L: ' . . - . <br /> i ' <br /> J : t y- <br />._i L _r�,t 14 x - _ . - _ - . . <br /> � �.Y:i }J . . " . . , . .. . '..i:. . - . <br /> s }: . - _� _ . ' �_ _ . _ ' . . . . . - _' . <br /> c 7 � nt . .. . . . � _ . . _•� . . � - <br /> < < . - . . - ' .. . - . <br /> 1. � <br /> ;, if'- :, - �i _ - . - ' . - <br /> ir . � • <br /> i . t -�' . . . . . .. , _ , <br /> s �� . � � � . . - � . <br /> 1 M1 . _� t . ` ' . - t, . <br /> � ! 1. 1 1 � �. . <br /> t / I J ? � � <br /> �Z � _C . ., � . ( a � �` � � Y <br /> 3 j • _ y _ J S[ � S � <br /> .-R i i 1 "'i j` +� <br /> L � Y. � ) ��.F l�� _ �,�)' <br /> .. ii ,.., . r . �. . r.... ....,. . .. . _ ,. . . .. ... . . .. ,.. ..._... .. <br />